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Love's Choices

Page 2

by Flynn Eire

  “So basically—and I say this with no offense to your customs—you want us to promote Zibon as if he was up for sale?” Mark checked, glancing between Zibon and Gaius. “I list all his attributes that shows he would deserve like a better dowry if I were his parent?”

  Wow, was I glad Zibon had named Mark as his second for that because I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

  Gaius let out a frustrated sigh. “There weren’t cities and cars or phones like you all grew up with when this was a tradition.”

  “So it’s like listing what one coven or family could give an intended mate from the outside as to why they’d want to join that coven and form an alliance between the two?” I asked, trying to wrap my head around it.

  “Yes, exactly,” he agreed, giving me a grateful smile. “Most covens were families. When my sister was of age to mate, many had heard of her beauty and strength. There were many offers for her mating. There wasn’t a chance to date like you have all had or could have had. The nearest village was a day’s journey on horseback. We had to live that way to not be noticed as different.”

  “Feeding must have been a bitch,” Lance muttered.

  “It was, which was why there were many accidental deaths,” Gaius confessed, shrugging when we gave him shocked looks. “I’ve killed many humans. We all have. Some we killed because they were horrible people and took the blood. That’s different than going dark side and joining zakasacs.”

  “But you want this, right?” I asked Zibon gently.

  “You want him, yeah?” Lance added, knowing what I meant.

  “Yeah,” Zibon chuckled after a moment. “I really do. I get it’s fast, but he saved me, twice now and well, I’m his.” He looked at Gaius with worry. “How do I do this to make myself worthy of him? I mean, what do I do to prove to him I’m in?”

  He gave my friend a kind smile and told us all what to do.

  It was quite a pill to stomach, but okay, it wasn’t the first crazy tradition vampires had according to today’s standards, and if it made Zibon happy, we were in it with him.

  I checked on my pre-trans after the meeting, glad they’d gotten right back to work without me harping on them. I did wince when one asked for gloves, all of them showing me beat up and scratched-to-shit hands. I found what I could, swinging by ops to ask someone to find more gloves or if we could get them on the supply list.

  “I know where we keep extra work gloves for when we have to check cameras and stuff,” Gilroy offered, going to get some.

  “It’s empty in here,” I muttered, glancing around.

  “There’s a massive supply run going on,” Rune explained, not looking up from his screen. “Ashton’s construction crew started with his new house now that they got all the permits and everything needed so, yeah, there’s lots going on and fast before it’s too cold to do shit.”

  Yeah, it was getting cold fast. October in Wyoming could have massive snowfall before the rest of the country had to even think about it.

  I thanked Gilroy for the gloves and again when he said he’d call the supply run and see if they could pick up more since we had tons of workers now. Then I hurried back to my pre-trans, mad at myself for not having thought of it sooner. Just as we were finishing for the day, trucks pulling into the safety of the camp for the night, I saw one truck with a cow.

  “Moo,” I greeted the cow when the truck stopped. I hadn’t been so close to a cow since I was a little kid on my grandparents’ farm. But after they’d died, having grown up in the city and my parents, well, a petting zoo wasn’t a place they’d ever go to. He felt weird. I guess I expected more leather, but yeah, wasn’t hide. “Why are you here?”

  “If he answers you, let me know,” a deep voice chuckled behind me. I smiled at Nero. “He’s for the ceremony tonight. Alastair will slaughter her—”

  My hand was off the cow in a flash, turning away from it. “Shit, shit. Are we eating that cow tonight?”

  “No, but another night, I’m sure,” he answered, looking like he was trying not to laugh at me.

  “I’m a city boy, okay?” I defended before he could even say anything. “It’s my first time by a cow in a few decades, and you’re talking animal sacrifice. Forgive me for being freaked out.”

  He opened his mouth, his eyes full of something not good, but then swallowed it down. “It’s not an animal sacrifice like you’re thinking. The coven an intended came into would slaughter their largest animal in thanks for the ones who made the journey. It would be like a parting gift for the family to take home and share with their coven, showing the generosity of the coven they now had an alliance with.”

  “That’s sort of cool,” I admitted. “Still don’t want to spend time with dinner.”

  “I felt the same once. Your mind changes when you have to hunt humans for blood. Your mind changes when you face starvation because the crops got sick one season.” He shrugged when I shot him a horrified look. “You grew up in an easier age, young Verge.”

  “Fair enough. I have to go get ready.” I started to turn away but then spun right back around. “Thank you for my gift. That helped us all out today, and we needed it.”

  “You are very welcome,” he murmured, moving closer. “I didn’t want all your energy used up on something I could help with when there is something you do for me that I enjoyed very, very much.”

  “Oh yeah? What was that?” I panted, staring up into his light green eyes, getting sucked into them.

  He leaned in and pressed his lips to my ear. “May I see you again tonight and show you? I want to feel you under me again, sugar elf.”

  “Yeah, that sounds fun. Gaius promised cake this time and presents. The trees were good presents.” He shot me a confused look, and I shrugged. “Zibon got spoiled, and I wanted that too. I did take care of two of you.”

  “Yes, yes you did and so, so well. Good, you are worth demanding spoiling as well. I did the trees selfishly. I have other presents for you from the supply run.”

  “Alastair and Zibon had the right idea about all this spoiling of each other.”

  “They did,” he agreed, lowering his head to mine. He gave me a gentle, heated kiss that I felt to my toes. “Sit with me at the celebration?”

  “I have to be in Zibon’s group for the negotiation part. Can we mingle after?”

  “Oh yes, it is encouraged to strengthen the alliance between sides,” he chuckled deeply. “If you are willing, I will find you when the time comes.”

  “I’m willing,” I assured him, hard and wanting whatever he was talking about because it sounded good.

  Then I rushed off to get ready, joining my friends in the gym and ignoring that the cow was gone from the truck when I headed back. The cow surely had gone to a nice farm far, far away to eat all the hay it wanted.

  “I don’t think I can eat any beef tonight,” Norris complained.

  “Don’t tell me,” I blurted. “That cow went to a nice farm forever.”

  “Oh good, it’s not just me who was freaking,” Gary grumbled. “I went to pet it, and Alastair came towards it with his sword. I put the pieces together and ran.”

  “I didn’t run in time,” Norris confessed, looking a bit green.

  I would have too.

  Alastair might have slaughtered the cow, but he didn’t seem to think the whole ceremony would be carried out because he argued Zibon didn’t understand. But he did. We’d all had it explained to us.

  Though hearing and experiencing were two different things.

  “You’re not interested in Zibon,” Lance hissed at me when I put my hand up to Mark’s intro.

  “I know, but I’m not leaving him hanging that he’s not wanted,” I said under my breath. It seemed like a good idea to me. I glanced around and saw a few others had it too. Good. We weren’t a full coven joined by another coven for this but, well, Zibon was my friend and a catch.

  All of us winced when Morggyan announced Alastair had kids… Which clearly Zibon hadn’t known. Wow.

/>   The negotiations stalled out a few times, and there was some fun proving what they would do for each other, but then finally, the agreement was reached. I was pretty sure everyone on Zibon’s side let out a relieved breath since we really had no idea what we’d been doing.

  And then I got a good seat for their consummation of their mating, my eyes going wide at how Alastair moved, Zibon screaming his head off. Damn, that looked fun.

  “Hello, sugar elf,” Gaius purred in my ear. “Isn’t it a powerful statement? Such devotion and declaration for all to see?”

  “Yeah, it’s more than saying ‘I do’ and giving a kiss like human weddings,” I agreed, swallowing a moan.

  “I came to find you too,” Nero let me know as he nibbled on the other side of my neck. “Is there anything you’re in the mood for, love? Anything you want before the feasts start?”

  “Here? Now?” I asked, my friends sitting all around us.

  “Yes,” they said together.

  I turned to look at them and nodded, wanting that level of crazy for fun. I swung around and unzipped their flies, licking Gaius as I pumped Nero’s cock.

  “Don’t turn around,” Norris whispered behind me. Sure enough, everyone did and gasped, seeing what I was doing too.

  I ignored them and switched to sucking Nero, loving how much they both wanted my attentions. I was also impressed that Gaius made sure not to come on my face as others were around. I liked the consideration. I swallowed down what they both had to give me, moaning at the taste.

  “You rest, and we will get you sustenance,” Nero whispered against my lips. I pulled him down for another kiss. “Gaius, get him what he needs alone. I would take the edge off him.”

  “Yes please,” I whimpered, straddling his lap.

  “Will you be naked here in front of everyone for us?” he asked as he moved his hands over my ass.

  “Could we move off to the side more?” I countered after a moment.

  “Deal,” he growled. He stood with me, easily carrying my weight, and brought me to the corner of the gym away from the tables. He stripped me naked and moved me to face the wall, putting my hands against it. “Scream for me, love.”

  Oh I did. He dropped to his knees and ate out my ass as I fought to keep standing.

  “I want to taste too,” Gaius growled, sounding competitive… So I got another round. I collapsed in their arms, smiling at the plates full of food and drinks waiting for me. Nero came back with a few of the pillows from the piles for Zibon and Alastair, moving me to sit on one.

  “I want you comfortable,” he explained. I leaned in and kissed him. “You’re welcome.”

  I kissed Gaius next.

  “What was that for?”

  “You brought all the food and drinks,” I answered, popping a cheese cube into my mouth.

  “Love, you are too much,” Nero praised as he sat behind me, running his hands all over me as they fed me more and more. After a plate of nummies, he couldn’t seem to hold out and stuffed me. Gaius watched, his eyes full of heat as Nero banged me good.

  “Come here,” Gaius ordered when we were done. I sort of did, my lower half a bit like jelly. He moved me onto his lap and sat me on his dick, not moving me yet, just leaving me there… While he fed me some more and had me drink some of the wine. It went right to my head, and I started moving my hips. “I didn’t say yet.”

  “Then shove me away because I want to,” I drawled, wrapping my arms around his neck for leverage.

  “I love your sass,” he moaned, helping me move faster.

  It was an interesting, interesting night with way too much sex for too many and hormones filling the gym to orgy proportions. I barely paid attention to the rest, too engrossed in my own fun. And they screwed me into passing out again.



  The next morning, I woke with someone wrapped around me from behind. Gentle lips kissed my neck as the light in the room killed me. “You drank lots of wine.”

  “It was good and I was having fun,” I muttered, turning into Nero and away from the light. “Was I stupid or something?”

  “No, not at all,” he chuckled, hugging me tightly. “You were wondrous. I merely wanted to explain why your head probably hurts and how you ended up in my bed.”

  “I slept amazingly, so thank you.” I kissed under his chin and wanted to sleep longer but knew I couldn’t with the sun already being up.

  “Would you shower with me, love?” he whispered in my ear. I nodded, much to his delight.

  Nero and Gaius were like night and day. It was so weird and thrilling all at once. He was tender in the shower, washing every inch of me and touching me as if I was the most priceless thing in the world. I was the one who initiated more, and he really liked that, giving me way more orgasms than the one he got.

  “That is the best way to start off a day,” I panted when we were done. He shot me a funny look, and I realized I’d sort of slammed Gaius since I’d spent the other night with him. I let it go. I liked Nero’s way better.

  Gaius did other things better too.

  “May I see you again tonight?” Nero asked after we were both dressed and heading to the cafeteria.

  “I have to ask Dimitri and Matteo what’s what first,” I admitted, giving him a wink. “But sure, if you can catch me.” I took off, knowing full well he could and would catch me, but the joke was for after work.

  “Verge, you good with having two different teams of pre-trans this time and handling things here?” Dimitri called over as I reached the food. I gave him a thumbs up.

  “Verge has a gift waiting at the site for him,” Gaius announced to everyone.

  “He can go and get the first load, and then I’ll switch with him,” Lance offered, and that appeased Gaius.

  I sidled up to him, though, at the omelet bar we had for breakfast, which was totally cool. I ordered what I wanted, thanking the guy, and smiled at Gaius. “A present, huh?”

  “Yes, as I immensely enjoyed last night,” he purred, leaning down and giving me a quick kiss. “I’m a bit addicted to your adventurous nature. Nero and I have discussed some other entertainment if you’re up for it.”

  “I could be,” I assured him. He walked away laughing, winking at me as he popped some fruit into his mouth. God, I was having fun.

  When had I ever had this much fun? Never.

  I sat down by Zibon, his mate—which was too weird to say—talking with the other ancients. “How are you doing? You good?”

  “Yes,” he admitted, looking completely sated.

  “Dork, I meant about the rest,” I chuckled, bumping him with my shoulder. “Your parents—all of it.”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I knew they were assholes. I’m glad we got to save Mina from her shit family. I love Alastair, so yeah, I’m good. Really good.” He shot me a smirk. “And you?”

  “Having fun,” I chuckled, cutting into my food. “The ultimate fantasy of Verge sandwiches and so much hot, hot pleasure—I love the ancients came. It’s like this place is totally different and awesome again.”

  “Yeah, but with better food,” he agreed.

  After breakfast, we headed out, and I drove this time, Wally showing up a bit later than us because he’d had way too much of his own fun with his mate. I was glad. He’d been through hell when Roarke had been in that coma and freaked out ever since.

  Life was hard.

  Being a warrior at the front of the shit was harder.

  I almost crashed the truck, though, when I saw my “present.” I figured there would be some more trees. Those dozen piles were insane, so yeah, I figured more of that.

  Oh no, there were dozens this time.

  “There are fifty piles!” Mark called over when I hopped out of the truck. “What the fuck did you do to those two ancients, man?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll do it again,” I chuckled, glancing from the last pile we hadn’t gotten to the day before and then my new ones. “Shit, the pre-trans should all be giv
ing them blow jobs, not just me.” A few said something in agreement, and I growled. No way. I knew they weren’t mine, but I was going to have as much fun as I could for as long as I could.

  We hurried with the chipper, loading my truck first because there were huge amounts of leftover branches from the day before. Plus, it was better to ramp up into the harder work.

  I smiled the whole drive back, feeling totally spoiled and adored. I got why Zibon was so happy. It was addictive. I wanted more and more fun and just… Yeah.

  Gaius and Nero were both waiting where I was going to drop off the woodchips, and I didn’t think that was a coincidence. I dumped the load and sent the pre-trans on their way before jumping Gaius.

  “Glad you like your present,” he chuckled, wrapping me around him as I kissed along his neck. “Are you in need of fun, sugar elf?”

  “Always,” I admitted.

  “Good, we have lots planned for tonight.” He gave my ass a good squeeze, and I groaned.

  “We never got to give you your other presents yesterday,” Nero said as Gaius lowered me to my feet. He leaned in and snagged a kiss. “I wanted to chase you, very much so, but I was called to handle something.”

  “I meant catch me tonight.”

  “Oh, I will,” he promised with an evil look in his eyes. Yummy.

  I let them lead me over to the other side of the barn, thinking we were going to have a preview of fun, but instead there were two huge boxes with bows on them… On pallets. I lifted the lid of the first one and burst out laughing. “Who thought of this?”

  “I did,” Nero confessed, smiling at me. He was good. Inside the box was every type of sweet junk food imaginable. It was like he’d cleaned out the candy and snack cakes aisle of a grocery store.

  And then he told me that was exactly what he’d done. Awesome.

  “I wish to sample them with you and see what you like best,” he told me as he surrounded me from behind. “And then eat them off of you.”

  “Yeah, we should so do that,” I panted, loving how adorable and affectionate he was.

  I was stolen away from him with a growl and moved over to the other box. “This was my idea,” Gaius said firmly, letting me lift the lid. I burst out laughing again. “You like it?”


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