The Secret History of Food
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A&W, 182
Accum, Fredrick, 40, 187
acid, 7, 171
acne, 169
acorns, 21
Acyclovir, 80
Adam and Eve, 134, 136
adhesives, 66
adolescents, 173, 175
advertising, 38, 48
Africa, 64n, 69
agave, 86, 170n, 173
Agent Orange, 105
agriculture, 67, 140, 179
development of, 7, 57–60
honeybees and, 85–86
predators and, 166–67
winter feasts and, 124
akutuq, 171
Alaska, 171
Albala, Ken, 124
Albius, Edmond, 95
alcohol, 4, 39, 170
agriculture and, 59
health reformers and, 45
Prohibition and, 101–2, 122
tolerance for, 8
winter feasts and, 123–24
aldehyde receptors, 6
ale, 6, 24
alfalfa, 85–86
almonds, 7, 85–86
smoked, 175
sugared, 135
American College of Cardiology, 183
American colonies, 20–34, 63, 78n, 178
American Egg Board, 183
American Heart Association, 183
American Revolution, 16, 31–32, 174
American South, 69, 71
amino acids, 68–69
amniotic fluid, 4
anchovies, 51
androstenone, 6
Anheuser-Busch, 101
anhydrous ammonia, 63
animal breeding, 57
animal feed, 64, 66–67, 140, 181n
animal repellents, 166–68
domestication of, 13
migrations of, 59
slaughter, 123, 127, 140
stuffed with animals, 132
Antarctica, 169, 182
antibiotics, 88, 170–71
ant juice, 51
ants, 21, 173
aphrodisiacs, 51, 85n
Appert, Nicolas, 105
apple cider, 26–27, 78n, 174
apple juice, steamed, 147
apple pie, 18–20, 26–27, 30–33, 193
mock, 102
apples, 20, 25–33, 65, 85, 151n
presliced, 140
applesauce, 20
apple trees, 25
apricots, 86
apulmose, 20
arbutus, 31
Arctic regions, 171
Aristotle, 79
arsenic, 192
Art de conserver, L’ (Appert), 105
artichokes, 51
Asia, 13, 60
aspartame, 152
aspirin, 66
Assyria, ancient, 106
astronauts, 174
Athens, ancient, 51, 106
Atlantic, 32n, 141
Audubon, John James, 23
Australia, 6, 173
Austria, 180
avocadoes, 85, 94n
AXE body spray, 173
Aztecs, 68, 169–70, 172–73
baby food, 64. See also infants
Babylon, ancient, 74, 82
Bacchanalia, 125
Bacchus, 125
back-of-the-box activities, 37
bacon, 103, 121, 135
meatless, 150
Bacon, Francis, 99
bacon grease, 103–4
bacteria, 9, 80–81, 166, 170
bakeries, 149
bakers, 39–40
baking mixes, 64–65
baking powder, 65
bald eagle, 32–33
baldness, 178
Bambi (film), 176
bamboo shoots, 51
bananas, 77
banana splits, 28
barbel, 51
barley, 24, 59
barley-cake, 53
basil, 51
bass, 22
bats, 21, 81n
batteries, 66
Battle Creek Sanitarium, 44–49, 178
bawn (lemon balm), 24n
BBC, 182
beans, 28, 62–63, 68
bear meat, 23–24
bear oil and fat, 24, 27, 33, 164
Beauchamp, Gary K., 166
Beecher, Henry Ward, 33
corn and, 65, 66, 68
fecal bacteria and, 96
salted, 128
beehives, 79, 86
as weapon, 83, 84n, 103, 105
beekeeping, 84–87, 89
bee pollen, 80
beer, 65, 77, 89, 81, 101, 135, 137, 174
craft, 148
doctored, 40
beermaking, 59
bees, 85–86, 94
bee stings, 82–83, 165
beeswax, 85
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 98
beets, 10
Belgium, 106–7
benign masochism, 175
berries, 21
Bible, 41, 79, 84
biofuels, 66–67
bird nests, 178
birds, 21–24, 123
seed dispersal and, 164–65
stuffed, 122
urban, 61n
birdseed, chili-flavored, 167
biscuits, canned, 174
bitter foods, 6–7, 170
black pepper, 130–31, 164
blood, 18, 28, 46n, 70–71, 77, 81n, 123, 125, 132, 178, 181, 190, 191
Bloom, Paul, 149, 175
Blount, Thomas, 75
Blubberland (Farrelly), 161
blueberries, 86
blueberry muffins, 28n
blue cheese, 4
boar’s head, 129, 133
body fat, 6
body weight, 5–6
Boke of Chyldren, 5
bombs, 83, 103
bonfires, 124
Booth, Sally Smith, 20–21
Boston, 39
Boston Brown Flakes, 48
Boston Tea Party, 16–17, 24, 33
botulinum toxin, 115
botulism, 81–82
Bourdain, Anthony, 171, 188
Braddon, Russell, 119
brain size, cooking and, 11–13
Brazilian Amazon, 173
bread, 41, 133
carb-free, 150
corn-based sweeteners and, 64
medieval, 128–29
sex toys and, 51–52
breakfast, 28–29, 36–38, 52–53, 140. See also cereals
Bream, 130
“breastaurants,” 145
breastfeeding, 7–8
breast milk, 4–5, 119, 151n
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 2–4, 52, 166n, 179n
Britain (England, United Kingdom), 6, 14, 18, 27, 181, 190. See also Britain
American diet vs., 23, 24
apples and, 26
beehives as weapons in, 83
breakfast and, 28
forks and, 18n
honey and, 82
pie and, 20, 28, 30
tart and, 31
war and, 103
WW I and, 107
WW II and, 113
broccoli, 7
Bronx Zoo, 114
Bronze Age, 82
brothels, 136
Brown, Chip, 173
brussels sprouts, 6
Bryant, Vaughn, 87, 88
Bubwith, Nicholas, bishop of Bath and Wells, 130
Buddha, 84
bullet ants, 173
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 17
Burger King, 143–46, 151
burgoo, 24n
Burnham, Terry, 172, 176
burns, 80
Burt, Harry, 111
butchers, 39, 41, 149
butter, 24, 135
fried on a stick, 151
Butter, Cheese & Egg Journal, 108
butterscotch, 147
cabbage, 51, 86, 92
cabernet, 141
Cadle, Scott, 183
caffeine, 39
ake, 135
calcium, 190, 191
California, 63, 85–86, 89
calves’ brains, 51
calves’ foot pie, 19
calves’ head pie, 19
camel bone, 51
Campbell’s, 152
cancer, 45, 84, 187
candlemaking, 85
candy, 64
canned food, 105, 190
cannibalism, 14, 70
canola oil, 187
caper berries, 51
Cap’n Crunch, 50
Berrytastic Pancake Mix, 50
Cotton Candy Crunch, 50
Ocean Blue Artificially Maple Flavored Syrup, 50
Oops! All Berries, 50
capon, 51, 129, 130
cappuccino, 148, 175
capsaicin, 164–72
capsaicinoids, 164n
caramel, 65, 147
caraway, 51
carbohydrates, 3, 37–38
carbonic acid, 170
cardiovascular disease, 17
Carlton, Robert (Baynard Rush Hall), 73
Carnival, 133–34, 137
Carolina colonies, 22–23
Carolina Reaper, 169
carrot juice, 4
carrots, 4, 10, 11n, 86, 113
car wiring, 167
Casal, Gaspar, 70
Casal’s necklace, 70
cashews, jalapeño, 175
cassava, 9
castoreum, 96
Castrol, Fidel, 114–15
catfish, 185
cats, 21
cattle, 151n
cat womb, 81n
caviar, 51
celery, 86
cellulose, 65
Celtic tradition, 126
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 158, 186
Central America, 170
Central Asia, 18
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 87, 115, 167n
cereal, 36–53, 64
fortified, 157, 191–92
Cerealine, 48
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 73
chalk, 66
chameleon, milk of, 51
champagne, 170
Chandler, Adam, 141
Chapman, John “Appleseed,” 25
charcoal briquettes, 66
chardonnay, 141
Chateaubriand steaks, 117
cheerleader effect, 37n
cheese, 3, 8, 24, 65, 101n, 115, 128
cheeseburger, 65–66
chemical weapons, 106
cherries, 85, 135, 140
chewing, 9–10, 12–13, 171n, 176
chewing gum, 64, 110
sewn onto pig, 132–33, 164
and donut sandwiches, 151
chicken breasts, 140, 190
chicken nuggets, 150
Child, Julia, 167n
Child, Paul, 167n
childbirth, 172
child labor, 32
children. See also infants
Aztecs and, 170
cereal and, 36n, 38, 192
movies for, 176
potatoes and, 180
weaning, 12
Chilean sea bass (Patagonian toothfish), 181
chili peppers, 14, 103, 164–76
chimpanzees, 10
China, ancient, 74, 98
Chinese food, 65
Chinese honey, 87–88
Chipotle, 146
chloramphenicol, 88
chocolate, 25, 39, 45, 110, 118
bars, unmeltable, 174
dark, 7, 147, 170
Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla (Funderburg), 99
chocolate cookie crumble, 147
chocolate-flavored honey, 86
chocolate ice cream, 109
Chocolate Peanut Butter Corn Pops, 49
“Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti Sauce” (Gladwell), 152
choice, paradox of, 155
cholesterol, 36–37, 183–84, 186
chopsticks, 13
Christians, 52
feasts and, 122–28, 133
honey and, 74, 84–85
Christmas, 122, 126–27, 133–34
Christmas in Ritual and Tradition Christian and Pagan (Miles), 127
cigarettes, 4
cignes revestuz (redressed swans), 132
cilantro (coriander), 6
cinnamon, 39n, 130–31, 135, 173, 178
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 50
circumcision, 46
citric acid, 65–66
Civil War, 106
climate change, 61n
Clinton, Bill, 185
cloud powder, 147
cloves, 135
Cobbett, William, 121
Coca-Cola, 67–68, 160
cock, 132
Cockaigne, Land of, 134–36, 140, 144, 147, 161
cockles, 23
cocks-combs, 18
cocktail sauce, 174
Cocoa Krispies, 49
Cocoa Puffs, 50
coconut shells, 103
cod, 181
Atlantic, 61n
blue (oilfish), 182
codling, 130
coffee, 6, 7, 25, 27, 40, 157, 165, 170
instant, 174
coffee-cake, 31
coffeehouses, 27
cokagrys, 132
cold climates, 171
cold foam, 147
colitis, 43
Collier’s, 48n
Colombia, 32
colon size, 11
Colorado, 63
comfort foods, 122–23, 125
coming-of-age rituals, 173
Commission for Relief in Belgium, 107
communion wafers, 125
Concord, Battle of, 17
condiments, 39, 64
Coney Island, 111–12
Confederate soldiers, 106
conspicuous consumption, 149
Consumer Reports, 190
Cookie Crisp, 50
cooking, 8–13
Coppelia ice cream parlor, 114–15
copper, 180
coqz heaumex (helmeted cocks), 132
coriander, 86–87
cork, 66
corn, 7, 9, 21, 25, 55–57, 60–72, 86, 151n, 164, 181n
baby, 60n
corn-based products, 64–66
Cornell University, 141, 170
corn flakes, 47–50, 53, 56
corn flour, 64–65, 65, 181n
cornmeal, 71
Corn Pops, 49
cornstarch, 64–66, 181n
corn syrup, 65, 68, 86, 88, 97, 181n
high-fructose, 64
Coryat, Thomas, 18
cosmetics, 66
Cotoni-Coast Dairies National Monument, 115
Count Chocula, 50
cow dung, 96
cows, grass-fed, 66
crabapple jelly, 51
crabapples, 26
crabs, 21–22, 130
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, Venus with Cupid the Honey thief, 82–83
cranberries, 86
cranberry muffins, 28n
crane, 129
crayons, 66
creamer, nondairy, 150
crocodile tail, 51
Cuba, 114–15
cucumbers, 86
cumin, 4
Cupid, 82–83, 89
curlew, 129
curry, 4
custard, 135
cutlery, disposable, 140
cyanide poisoning, 9
cygnet, 129
dairy products, 64, 115, 184, 185
dandelion, 132
Dannon yogurt, 191
Darwin, Charles, 10, 12
date honey, 84
dates, preserved, 51
deadly nightshade, 179
deer, 21
deer entrails, 130
deer sperm, 51
defructum, 78
Devil, 19n, 50, 127, 180
dextrin, 65
dextrose, 65–66
diabetes, 6, 17n
s syrup, 77
balanced, 68–69
bland, 52–53
cautions on, 38–39
cooking and, 8–11
hunting and gathering vs. agriculture and, 55–59
Dietary Guidelines, 183–85
Diet Pepsi, 152
dill, 51
dimethylpolysiloxane, 143
Dionysia, 125
Dionysus, 125
directed deterrence, 164–65
disease, 5, 57, 186
disinfectants, 66
Disney, Walt, 103
dog repellant, 168
dogs, 21
domestication of, 61
dog vulva, 81
Doritos Locos Taco, 151
Double Down, 151
doughnuts (donuts), 135, 140
doves’ brains, 51
Draeger’s Grocery, 155
dragon fruit, 147
Drexel University, 76
Dreyer, William, 102
drive-through fast food, 140–42
Dr. Price’s Corn Flakes, 48
ducks, 20
Durdle, Annalisa, 77
Dutch, 92, 134
dyschefull of snowe, 131
eagle, 129
Easterbrook, Gregg, 140–41
Easter egg, 132
E. coli, 183
Ecuador, 32
eczema, 172
Eden, 134
Edward I, King of England, 190
Edy, Joseph, 102
eel pie, 18–19
eels, 21, 130
eel soup, 51
Egan, Sophie, 151
egg allergies, 65
eggnog latte, 148
eggs, 36–37, 64, 131–33, 135, 168, 183–85
egg sandwiches, 185
egg whites, 131
egg yolks, 51, 132
egret, 129
Egypt, ancient, 76, 80–82, 147
Eighteenth Amendment, 101
elephants, 167
Ellis Island, 112–13
Elvehjem, Conrad, 71
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 29, 33
Energy Independence and Security Act (2007), 66–67
England. See Britain
English Medieval Feast, The (Mead), 131
English muffins, 28n
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 148n
Environmental Working Group, 191–92
Epicurus, 52–53, 57–58, 122, 154
epigenetic inheritance, 5
Epperson, Frank W., 111
Equal, 147
erectile dysfunction, 84
ergot, 78n, 84n
erythritol, 77
escolar, 188
Eskimo ice cream, 171
Eskimo Pie, 111
ethanol, 66–67
eucalyptus leaves, 8
apples and, 26
corn and, 69
potatoes and, 25, 180
wheat and, 60
fad diets, 38
Fahrenthold, David A., 182
Famous Corn Flakes, 48
Farrelly, Elizabeth, 147, 154, 161
fast-casual restaurants, 146
fast food, 141–46, 151
fasting, 169
fatback, 71
fats, 103–4
Fat Salvage Committee, 103
fatty foods, 171, 183
feasts, 122–37, 145