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The Countdown Begins

Page 3

by Patrick Higgins

  “As we prepare for the arrival of children in a few weeks, women who are pregnant in those countries will be given the first opportunity to relocate. Once your loyalty has been proven to the global community, you will be granted immediate asylum in the country of your choice, no questions asked, and placed in the very best medical care.

  “To help make for a smooth transition, everyone relocating will receive free housing and food vouchers for up to one year, as part of a relocation benefits package. In fact, I wish to extend this offer to any citizen on the planet wishing to flee insurgent countries.

  “For the next twenty-one days, those of you living in such countries—including the United States of America—will be granted immediate amnesty. But only after your loyalty to the global community has first been proven.

  “Part of proving your loyalty will be your pledging allegiance to a one-world government in every way, including a one-world religion. This international decree will transcend the laws and sovereignty of all countries.

  “If any country denies passage for any reason, other than incarceration, global officials will step in and see that you are ultimately granted passage to the country of your choice!”

  Salvador Romanero gripped the lectern. “My dear citizens, there’s no way to sugarcoat it: the only way we can have a one-world religion is by ridding the Earth of all who harbor deeply flawed, mean-spirited religious convictions which differ from ours!

  “With children soon to be among us again, we mustn’t let their virgin minds and souls be exposed to and corrupted by those who cling to such outdated beliefs. Which is why I ordered the mass detainment of millions of dissident Muslims and Christians.

  “Unpleasant as it sounds, in order to rid the world of the scores of religious dissidents, the world population must and will be decreased by one-fourth in the coming months, only to be reduced by another one-third soon after that. Once they are removed from the planet, long term peace will finally be within our reach!”

  Israel’s Prime Minister glanced over at the Pope with this, “I thought we were here to sign a peace treaty?” look on his face. With all this talk of war and reducing the world populace, it was as if world peace meant nothing to Romanero. At the very least, it wasn’t the number one topic of discussion.

  The Pope nodded calmly.

  Noticing, Romanero said, “Let me close by saying, as we celebrate peace in Israel, I strongly encourage those of you who lost your unborn babies to procreate again. I will see that nothing like this ever happens again. May you all be blessed in my name! Now let’s get back to why we have all gathered here...”

  After the document for peace was read publicly for all to hear, Romanero smiled at Israel’s leader as only he could, “Mister Prime Minister, it is with a humble heart that the world pledges peace in your streets. Not only will your great nation be free from enemy attack for the next seven years, I hereby declare that the three Muslim holy sites will never be rebuilt on this location.

  “This means you can begin at once sacrificing to your God according to your laws and traditions. Once all debris has been removed, construction of your Temple can begin immediately.”

  Israel’s Prime Minister nodded gratefully. He took comfort knowing that millions of fanatical Muslims were in prison and couldn’t touch him. If they were among the gathering now, they would do all they could to tear him to pieces with their bare hands.

  Salvador Romanero ended by saying, “Mister Prime Minister, may every word of the peace agreement you now hold in your hands come to pass precisely as it was written. Shalom!”

  “Shalom!” came the enthusiastic reply.

  The peace treaty was signed with the expected pomp and circumstance. As the white doves were released into the air, Israel’s Prime Minister beamed as though he’d just been given a priceless treasure. He raised the document high above his head among the enthusiastic cheering.

  The smile on his face momentarily vanished when he looked in the direction of the Two Men watching and listening in the distance. The Prime Minister gulped hard. Even in complete silence, he felt the full weight of their stares. It made his insides quake all the more.

  But it was nothing compared to what he would face when he stood before the Ancient of Days on Judgment Day, and was forced to give an account as to why he defiled Israel by coming into agreement with the Son of Perdition.

  The limelight Israel’s Prime Minister now shared with the Antichrist of the Bible—fleeting as it was—would ultimately turn inward and feast on his insides on that Great and terrible Day, as every sin he ever committed was brought to light, especially this one...

  Meanwhile, before the ink even dried on the paper, many Jews, their spiritual eyes fully opened, screamed to high Heaven, “Our God would never sanction this! It was Yahweh who protected us the other day when He performed a glorious Passover miracle for His chosen people, not Salvador Romanero! The peace this Gentile promises is a false peace! Only Yahweh can protect us from the constant fear of annihilation!”

  Hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world, including the many crammed in prison cells like sardines burned with anger. Who was this infidel to proclaim to their most hated enemy that their three blessed holy sites would never be rebuilt? How dare he!

  They cried out to Allah vowing revenge.

  The time bomb everyone heard ticking all this time had just exploded, and no one would be able to escape the aftermath.

  This was only the beginning...



  CLAYTON HOLMES STRETCHED HIS hands above his head, “It’s official, y’all. With the stroke of a pen, just like that we’re Tribulation Saints!” Looking around the room, he said, “Can’t help but wonder who among us, if anyone, will still be alive when Christ returns?”

  The room grew still as everyone considered the question. Surely there would be casualties among them; many, in fact. Now that the final hourglass of time was turned upside down, it was sobering knowing that every prophecy written about these days would no longer be held back from the planet they still occupied.

  With numerous questions swirling in their minds about the surprise attack on Israel, Clayton Holmes and Travis Hartings—co-founders of the End Times Salvation Movement—canceled their trip to Atlanta the day after the supposed peace treaty signing.

  Both thought it was best to remain at the cabin and pray and study the Word of God, hoping the Most High would shed some light on why everything unfolded the way it had.

  The twelve ETSM members they were supposed to meet in Georgia, to inspect the seven properties they hoped to have in their possession in the coming weeks—in northwest Georgia, eastern Alabama, southwestern South Carolina and southeast Tennessee—were invited to the cabin in Tennessee instead.

  Also invited to this emergency meeting were ETSM chief IT man, Dr. Lee Kim from South Korea, former college professor, Xiang Tse Chiang from China, former Muslim Amos Nyarwarta from Algeria, and billionaire Nigel Jones from Australia. Chiang managed to leave China just before bombs started falling on Beijing.

  Two other men were also invited to the cabin. Donald Johnson was flown in from Salt Lake City, Utah, and Manuel Jiminez was flown in from Los Angeles, California.

  Johnson, who had been a devout Mormon since childhood, was in charge of training missionaries in the Philippines the past 13 years. It took the Rapture for the 47-year-old man to look beyond the book of Mormon as his source of Truth. After reading the Word of God from cover to cover, his eyes were opened.

  Johnson sincerely repented of his sins and trusted in Jesus and only Jesus, then worked hard to evangelize those he’d preached a false gospel to in the Philippines, who were also left behind.

  He returned to the U.S. after the new year to share the gospel with family members and friends in Utah, with little success. He planned on going back to the Philippines in the coming weeks to help lead the way with other ETSM members over there.

bsp; Manuel Jiminez was born in Mexico but had lived in Los Angeles since he was a teenager. After coming to faith in Christ, he felt called back to Mexico to win souls for Christ Jesus in his homeland. He planned on relocating there in the coming weeks, but first wanted to spend as much time with those at the top of the organization as they would give him.

  ETSM top security man, Braxton Rice drove to Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, in a fifteen-passenger van, to fetch the six travelers. Before heading back to the cabin in Tennessee, Rice picked up Charles Calloway at his late parents’ house in Atlanta, where he now resided.

  The moment they arrived, Braxton Rice placed the cabin on complete lock down. He and his three top security men took turns guarding the outside of the cabin, in shifts, making sure no one was eavesdropping on them. Since the United States stood opposed to a one world government, it was now considered a combatant country.

  The tension kept mounting...

  Having 25 people staying at the three-bedroom cabin Clayton Holmes and Travis Hartings purchased after the Rapture—including Braxton Rice’s three top security associates and Clayton Holmes’ 72-year-old aunt, Miss Evelyn—made for tight living quarters. But no one complained. Everyone was grateful just being there.

  “Shall I extend the crimson line on the website to Revelation six, verse two?” Dr. Lee Kim asked Travis Hartings, regarding the website he managed for the ETSM, which stood for Last Shot At Redemption.

  Hartings nodded yes. In his cultured Southern drawl, he said, “And I believe you’ll be extending it again soon. Oh, and while you’re at it, change the lighter shade of red covering Revelation chapters four and five to scarlet red.

  “I feel fairly certain they’ve since come to pass. Also, with the Two Witnesses now among us, the first four verses of Revelation eleven should also be covered in crimson red.”

  “You got it, Travis,” the MIT graduate from Korea said evenly.

  Travis Hartings shook his head in bewilderment. “It’s frightening how Romanero’s using the Word of God to his advantage...”

  “In what way?” Donald Johnson asked.

  “Remember what he said about decreasing the population by one-fourth in the coming months, then reducing it again by another one-third soon after that?”

  “Yeah?” Then it dawned on Johnson. “He took it from Revelation chapter six, right?”

  “The first one-fourth, yes,” Clayton Holmes interjected. “The other one-third is found in chapter nine. The only power the devil has in predicting the future comes from the Word of God. Satan knows God’s Word cannot fail. He also knows this doesn’t bode well for him.

  “With his time running short, he’s out to destroy as many lives and relationships as he possibly can. As Satan’s main man, Romanero must know what’s going on. Though I seriously doubt he knows of his eventual doom. His many followers sure don’t...”

  Nigel Jones weighed in, “His pro-life stance sickens me. What a joke! Isaiah chapter five, verse twenty is coming to life before our very eyes: ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!’”

  Travis Hartings sighed. “Only reason he’s interested in protecting life in the womb is because they’ll be his future worshipers for the next seven years. Isn’t it obvious?”

  “To us it is, but not to his many supporters.” Xiang Tse Chiang said. “Like Clayton said, they’re too blinded spiritually to know all Romanero is doing is sharing the Holy Bible with them. His followers have no idea what the future holds. Only what he tells them. No doubt Antichrist will keep using the Word of God to deceive all who are spiritually blinded and doomed to destruction.”

  Holmes scratched his head. “Personally, I expected a severe backlash from feminists everywhere for Romanero’s stern abortion comments. It’s like they’ve flip-flopped on a woman’s right to choose and suddenly embrace life in the womb. They now count it an honor and great privilege to help repopulate the planet.”

  “Never thought I’d see the day,” Manuel Jiminez said.

  Charles Calloway said, “I heard that! And what about all those pacifists out there suddenly backing a man who just detained millions of Christians and Muslims against their will, and promises to kill millions in the coming months with his pro-war agenda? They’re so blind...”

  “Speaking of war, what do you think will cause all those cities to fall? Nuclear war?” Manuel Jiminez asked.

  Holmes sighed, “Not sure, actually. All we can do is speculate at this point. But whatever it is, it will happen. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see...”

  “Time for breakfast, gentlemen,” Miss Evelyn yelled from the kitchen, pulling two pans of bacon and sausage from the oven.

  Cooking for 25 people three times a day was a challenge for the 72-year-old woman, but Miss Evelyn didn’t mind. It was part of her service to her Maker. Which is why she insisted on doing all the cooking herself.

  “Great. I’m starving,” Travis Hartings said.

  Braxton Rice turned on his walkie-talkie to inform his men outside that it was time to eat, but in shifts. Once everyone was seated Clayton Holmes blessed the food.

  Charles Calloway stabbed at the meat on his plate with a fork then placed it in his mouth. It tasted even better than it looked. “Thanks as always, Miss Evelyn, for the scrumptious feast!”

  “My duty, my pleasure,” came the weary reply. It wasn’t the cooking that fatigued the elderly woman so much, but the cleaning up after each meal. After two days, it was taking a toll on her.

  There was a pause as everyone ate their meals in silence.

  After a while, Travis Hartings said, “Doctor Kim, when do you think we’ll be able to use the many drones we have in our possession?”

  “The programming’s almost completed on the first five-thousand, so I don’t see why we can’t use them once we take possession of the seven properties,” the MIT graduate opined, matter-of-factly. “Once we work all the kinks out, so to speak, we can distribute the drones to all other safe houses.”

  Manuel Jiminez weighed in, “Including Mexico?”

  “Yes, Manuel. The Philippines, too,” Dr. Kim said, directing his comment to Donald Johnson. “Drones will prove quite invaluable when delivering intel from one ETSM location to another. With so many governments in turmoil, including the United States, if our systems are ever compromised and we can’t communicate electronically, drones will be our best way to maintain contact until our systems are restored.”

  Dr. Kim grew more serious. “Even so, drones can never be considered a ‘Be All End All’ solution. Once the Mark of the Beast is implemented, we can kiss drones goodbye.”

  Braxton Rice interjected, “Why do you say that?”

  “Among the vast construction taking place in the world, monitors and scanners are being placed on virtually every street corner in all major cities and suburbs. These monitors will have the ability to scan all pedestrians within their range, including those riding in vehicles.”

  Dr. Kim sighed. “Once the Mark of the Beast is implemented and the scanners are fully functional, any person not recognized will be labeled a rebel and will be incarcerated or killed by universal authorities. These scanners will also detect low flying aircraft, including drones. All aircraft not properly recognized by these scanners will be shot down without warning.”

  “When will this occur?”

  Clayton Holmes said, “At around the halfway point of the Tribulation, give or take.” After what had just happened, he didn’t want to give an exact timeline just yet.

  “So, basically what you’re saying is we have three-and-a-half-years?”

  “Yes, Braxton.”

  Dr. Kim took a sip of his coffee, “Even before then, we must find a way to cause any and all intel being transported from one ETSM location to the next to self-destruct if one of our drones ever crashes to the ground or is intercepted by the enemy. This is why the programm
ing’s not quite completed yet.”

  Charles Calloway rubbed his chin, “Not to change the topic but can anyone shed light on the significance of the Third Temple?”

  All eyes shifted to Clayton Holmes.

  “To be honest,” Holmes said, “until today, this was a subject I always struggled with. Partly because the Bible never revealed exactly when the Third Temple would be rebuilt. Only that it would be in existence when the prince who is to come reveals himself by entering inside the temple and stopping all sacrifices at the midway point of the Tribulation period.

  “Daniel wrote about this in chapter nine of his book, in verse twenty-seven. The Apostle Paul also mentioned it in Second Thessalonians two, verses three and four, declaring that the ‘man of lawlessness’ will profane the temple by entering it and declaring himself to be God. With the clock now ticking, it doesn’t leave the Jews much time. They have three and a half years to finish it.”

  Holmes paused to take a bite of his food. “Anyway, when I studied the building of the Third Temple, or Ezekiel’s Temple, before the Rapture, I always saw three major obstacles which would delay its construction.”

  “What were they?”

  “First and foremost was the location. In order for the Third Temple to be built, the Dome of the Rock, al-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic Museum first had to be removed.

  “The second obstacle was the attitude of the Jewish people and their leaders. For many decades, ultra-Orthodox Jews had a strong passion to build the Temple, but never had the support of the masses. Before the Rapture, the average Israeli was extremely secular.” Eyeballing Amos Nyarwarta, Holmes went on, “Their biggest fear was that any attempt to build it would result in a holy war with the Muslims.”

  Nyarwarta nodded agreement. Even before coming to America, the lifelong Muslim from Algeria sensed in his spirit the religion of his childhood was on its last legs and might not survive.

  What took place the past three days further confirmed it. Something deep inside told him the book he was writing for the ETSM, comparing Christian eschatology to what Muslims believed would happen in the last days, might not need to be finished after all. For now, Nyarwarta would wait and see.


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