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Lucky in Love

Page 17

by Bishop, K. M.

  Every time she crashes against me and the slapping sound echoes through the room, I feel her walls contract a tiny bit more. She’s using my body, driving herself over the edge, and I fucking love it. Every time she does, she drags me under the waters of pleasure with her, and I want us to drown together.

  Her face contorts in a wonderful bliss, she looks more beautiful than I have ever seen her before. This is the face that I have missed most of all, when all the stresses of life fall away, and she just feels everything. She raw and vulnerable, yet strong and in control. I want a picture of this face so I can have it with me forever.

  Mind you, after all that I have just been through, I want a picture of every part of my life so I can never be away from it. The image of John got me through, but now I want it all.

  “Tony, oh, Tony!” She calls out my name over and over again as she drives herself closer and closer. Her body stiffens, the pleasure bolting up her spine, holding her in place, close to me. I move my mouth to hers to kiss her, to swallow up her crying as she pushes herself closer and closer to the edge…

  Then she falls, her body collapsing in a heap on top of me. Her screams vibrate all the way through me, shooting to the base of my cock. It’s like every inch of her is coaxing the orgasm from me, sending me wild. I can’t resist, she’s my drug and I’m an addict, so every shudder from her pushes me harder until I’m a volcano, exploding wildly. I spasm harder than ever before, probably because it’s been a really long time and to be honest it feels even longer, so I don’t seem to stop exploding for a very long time. It’s phenomenal, heart stopping, exciting, wonderful, and makes me fall even deeper in love with the woman that I was never supposed to be pulled apart from. I won’t ever let anything get in our way again.

  “Oh wow…” We collapse on the bed together, panting and gasping desperately. I’m weary, spent, it’s been a long journey to get me here, but I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. “Natasha, that was…”

  “Shh.” She presses her delicate finger against my lips. “Don’t say anything. Let’s just lie together.”

  I wonder if she thinks that this is still a dream, if she’s still worn out or unable to accept that I really am back. I guess it might take her a while to know that I’m never going again. As she hugs against me and breathes deeply, eventually falling back asleep, I lie wide awake, embracing everything about this wonderful moment.

  I’m back, at last. Back where I was always meant to me. With Natasha, with John, with everyone. This is the place I was always meant to be and now it feels so damn right to be back. Everything is going to be great now.

  * * *

  “You know that you don’t have to get up every time John cries,” Mom laughs as she sees me again. “You’ve had a long night. A long few days actually. You should take the time to rest. That’s why I’m here after all.”

  “But I’ve missed so much with John, Mom,” I whisper back… not that I’m about to disturb Natasha right now. She’s out cold. “I missed a lot of the pregnancy, the birth, the first few weeks… now I want to make up for that.”

  “I’m just worried about you, Tony, that’s all. I don’t want you to burn yourself out.”

  I pick John up and give him his milk, smiling at him with all the love in the world as I do. Natasha was right in her letter. This love really is boundless, like nothing I have ever felt before.

  “I can’t sleep anyway. I just want to be with him all the time.”

  “He is a little love, isn’t he? I know exactly how you feel.”

  There is a new peace to my mother now. She looks like a completely different person. I guess me coming along was too soon for her, she wasn’t ready yet, still in turmoil, but John has come at the right time and she’s happy. That makes me just as happy as everything else.

  “So, you are really okay now?” Mom asks me cautiously. “Everything is all sorted?”

  “It isn’t good, Mom. One of the guys lost his life over this. I feel terrible. Much as I’m glad to be back…”

  “You can’t torture yourself forever over that. It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t create any of this.”

  I know that she’s right, but I do wonder if I will ever be able to fully recover and get over this. It’s a lot.

  “I’m going to have to sell Dad’s business, Mom, you know that, right? I want to make sure that everyone gets the pension money that was stolen from them and I can’t see any other way. I won’t make much of a profit from the sale, but it will help them out and I can continue starting something small here.”

  She nods and smiles at me. “Of course. Even though it isn’t your responsibility, I know that your father wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” She rubs my arm. “You’re a good son, Tony, and a good role model to your child as well. Both John’s are lucky to have you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Oh my god, I never want to wake up,” I moan as I stretch my body out. I wouldn’t bother waking myself up at all, but I just know that it must be feeding time for John sometime soon. Plus, I’m sure that Tara wants to go on her hot date… or Ann might be here, I’m not too sure. It’s all a bit of a blur…

  “Morning, beautiful.” I rub my eyes. I must still be dreaming. There is no way in hell that I’m seeing Tony holding our baby looking like a freaking dream. In the day light as well, as if I have slept all night long. That just doesn’t happen. I know that I had some graphic dreams about him last night but that wasn’t real. “How are you?”

  “Tony, I wish you were really here. I would give nothing more…”

  The dream that I had last night fills me up and makes me smile. Those strong hands of his, that incredible mouth, his fingers, his lips, his chest, his cock… every bit of him was phenomenal, but that was in my dream. He shouldn’t still be here right now looking at me like he wants to eat me all over again.

  “You still think that I’m a dream, huh?” He leans forward and kisses me. “Well, I’m real. I’m here.”

  “You can’t be though. I want you to be, but you haven’t had your trial yet.”

  Urgh, my brain aches. My urge to have him here is so incredible I’m not losing my mind. I’m going to go crazy, I’ll end up locked away in a mental institution before Tony gets back here. That will be brilliant, won’t it? Poor John, both parents locked up in different ways. What a great childhood for him.

  “Yeah, Mom said that you hadn’t asked much about what was going on, so I guess you have no idea.”

  “No, she didn’t tell me, and I was far too scared to ask. I didn’t know what I would find out.” I run my eyes up and down him, trying to see if he really is there or now. He’s becoming more real than a mirage every moment. And actually, the more that I think about it, the more last night does seem to be real… “What happened?”

  “Well, the guys basically confessed, so I wasn’t needed for trial after all.”

  “Seriously? There isn’t going to be a trial? Well, for you anyway. I guess there will be for the others.”

  “Erm, one of them.” His eyes dart downwards. He’s avoiding something. I can see it in his closed off expression and that worries me. Lack of communication has always been an issue for us. I don’t want it to start again now. We need to be more open and honest with one another. Starting right now.

  “Why not the other one? What are you hiding from me, Tony?” I demand. “You’re freaking me out.”

  “One of them died.” My blood runs ice cold, I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that. “Look, I will fill you in with everything later, but for now I just want to have breakfast with you. Enjoy being back.”

  “Enjoy being here.” I smile widely, trying to push all of my worries about this death to one side. I can find out more about this later on when he’s ready. “Yes, I can do this.”

  “Good, that sounds great.”

  I leap up from the bed at that moment and wrap my arms around him and John. My family are together at last.
This is the way that it should have been from the beginning but thank goodness we made it now. As I hold them, my heart races at the speed of light, there’s such a giant smile spread across my lips.

  “Come on then, breakfast it is. What do you fancy? I’ll make you anything in the world.”

  “Actually, because I want today to be special, I have already made something for you.”

  “You have? Are you serious?” I hug him tightly. “You really are amazing, you know that?”

  As I run my eyes over him once more, I decide that if this is a dream then I never want to wake up. This feeling is the best thing in the world, and I want to stay with it for as long as I can.

  * * *

  “So, Tara was here when you came in?” I ask shocked much later on in the day when I finally come to terms with the fact that he is actually here. It’s taken a whole day of being locked up in doors for it to happen, but I’m here now. He really has left England a free man and come back to me. “And she didn’t wake me up?”

  “She wasn’t quiet, so you must have been so shattered. Mind you, I can see why with this little man.”

  “He doesn’t much like his sleep, does he?” I laugh. “Luckily, he’s very cute.”

  “Me and Mom were looking after him last night and it felt like every five minutes.”

  I love that scene in my mind, Tony spending some much needed time with his mother while looking after John. Of course it means that I missed the first time his eyes connected with his son, but it doesn’t really matter. He looks at John with such love in his eyes it’s like the first time every single time.

  “So, you decided against a middle name in the end?” I ask curiously.

  “I like John just like that, the same way that Dad had it.” He grins at me. “Thank you so much for choosing it. I couldn’t believe it when I read your letter in jail.” He obviously cringes. “Sorry, I just hate the way that sounds. I was in jail. I really don’t want John to find out about that.”

  “But it isn’t something for you to be ashamed about. It wasn’t your fault. It was those other people…”

  I trail off as I see Tony’s face fall. Earlier on he told me about the suicide, and I know that it has affected him deeply. Sadly, I think that this might be something he blames himself for. That’s a shame, especially when he couldn’t be less to blame if he tried. They were the ones who dragged Tony in to this mess with their lies and forged signatures. I know that it’s sad though, I get why he’s so upset.

  “I also have something else that I want to talk to you about,” he tells me quietly. His serious tone freaks me out a bit. He seems to have a lot on his mind at the moment. “Now that John is asleep for the moment, I think this might be the perfect time… if it’s okay with you, of course?”

  I sit up straighter and eye him curiously. “Okay sure. You can say anything to me, you know that.”

  His eyes remain on the floor for a few moments, like he can’t stand to look at me. I can hear every second that passes with this ticking clock which puts me more on edge by the moment. But I don’t push Tony, I can’t. Whatever he needs to tell me, he must do it in his own time. If only that time would come sooner rather than later before my imagination can really get the better of me. Right now, it’s going wild.

  “I want to pay back all the pension money that people lost,” he finally says, shocking me. That wasn’t where I expected this to go at all. “I know that it wasn’t my fault, but the people who worked for my father loved him. I don’t want the memory of him to be tarnished by this. So…” He sighs loudly. “I have made the decision to sell my father’s company to pay for it. But that might affect us a little bit as well.”

  I narrow my eyes, very confused. “Okay… so why don’t you tell me how?”

  “It’s the money.” As he nods, I wonder if that’s what he’s so worried about, because money has never been a concern of mine. I have lived with nothing. As long as I don’t ever end up with nothing again, I will be fine. “I obviously won’t have as much, and we might have to sell the house.”

  “We?” I ask, completely stunned. “This house is all yours really.”

  “No, it belongs to my family and I’m sad that I have to take it from you.”

  “We don’t mind where we live as long as we’re all together,” I reassure him honestly. “This place is massive anyway. Much too big for us. We could easily move somewhere smaller and still be comfortable.”

  “Are you sure?” This is the first time that he meets my eyes since this subject came up.

  “Of course! Come on, Tony. You know that money isn’t the driving factor for me.”

  “I know, I know, I just feel a bit weird about it, that’s all. This isn’t the best time to do it.”

  I hold his hand and stare at him seriously. “Tony, it’s fine. I completely understand why you want to pay that money back. It’s for your father. His memory. He was a good man and you want him to be remembered that way. I appreciate that. I agree with you. I am happy to move somewhere smaller. That might also help you with your own business… if that is what you still want to do?” I cock an eyebrow curiously at him.

  “It won’t be easy. Especially now because sometimes mud sticks and people will assume that there is something to it even though there isn’t. But that is still what I want to do, yes.”

  “I will support you whatever you want to do. I hope you know that already.” I grin at him but the smile he gives me back is a little unsure. “Actually, I like the idea of moving, you know?”

  “You do?” He can’t keep the disbelief from his tone.

  “I do. This is your place, but if we move somewhere else and we chose it together, then it will be ‘ours’. Not that you haven’t made me feel welcome here, but it will be nice, won’t it?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right actually. It will be nice. Something just for us. But it will mean redecorating again and doing up the nursey. It’s going to be a big hassle.”

  I cup his cheek in my hand and laugh. “Don’t see the negatives. It will be an adventure.”

  “You think? You aren’t regretting being with me now?”

  “Oh, my goodness, I have fought my whole life to be with you. Of course I don’t regret it! I never will. There have been times where I could have thought badly about me and you. I could had assumed that fate was trying to push us apart, but we’re still here no matter what. Still together, still going very strong.”

  He pulls me to him for a kiss and I melt against his body. God, he feels so good. It’s so easy to get used to him being here again and to take it for granted. To forget that we have been apart forever, but I won’t forget. I can’t.

  “So, we really are in it together forever then?” I ask with a blissful tone.

  “We really are. Like I said before, I have you back now. I am never letting you go.”

  “I love the sound of that. Because I don’t ever want to let you go either.”

  We lean together, barely watching whatever is going on in the television program that is flashing on the screen, but more of me is focused on him. The feel of my man, back together again. Now, we’re really at the start of our happy ever after and I can’t wait to see how it pans out…

  Chapter Thirty


  Two Months Later…

  “I can’t believe that we managed to fit everything in!” I laugh loudly as I look around the living room of our brand new house. I love that, our house. Natasha was right, it definitely feels much better that we picked this place together. I wouldn’t change everything that has happened in the last couple of months for anything in the world. “It looks much better how you have arranged it. You have a good eye for this stuff, you know…”

  “Don’t even think about it,” she declares. “I know you are just trying to poach me to be on the design team of your marketing company, but it isn’t going to happen. I can’t be Mommy and a marketing exec. That’s your forte.” She shoots me a wink, fully knowing that I would lov
e her to work for me. “I’m too busy.”

  “Fine, fair enough.” I sigh in an over the top, dramatic fashion. “I will do it all alone then.”

  She isn’t going to fall for that though, she just giggles and shakes her head. I will crack her eventually though, I will bring her in. I will get her working with me sooner rather than later. I’m sure of it. Once she sees how successful I’m going to be. Maybe I won’t be the man that my father was, I won’t have the billions and all the world at my feet, but that doesn’t matter. I will make him proud in my own way.

  “So, what time is Mom coming back with John?” I ask. “Do we have a bit of alone time?”

  “She isn’t coming quite yet… we can get all these boxes sorted out if we want to.”

  I stride closer to her, closing the gap between us. “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

  Her eyes open wide with excitement as she finally clocks on to what I’m talking about. Her hands hook around my neck and I press my lips against her smiling mouth, my heart skipping a beat as it does. Even now, after all this time, I still feel that little special something as we kiss. I think that all the trauma we have faced, all the times that we have been pulled apart, only makes me appreciate her more.

  My hands slide up her hips and cup her breasts as the kiss deepens, crashing us into some of the boxes. Even as I hear stuff spilling out, I don’t care. We have to clear it all up at some point anyway so what does it matter? Right now, all I want is to hold her close, to feel her everywhere, to have this blissful moment alone.

  She raises her hands up, allowing me to tug her top off, and as I catch a glimpse of her sexy curves, I nearly lose my mind. How does she manage to get better every single time I see her? I can’t get used to her, not when she’s so damn stunning all the time. Once moving is over I need to make sure that we get many more moment s like this. Just me and her by ourselves, exploring one another’s bodies…


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