Cutting Ties (Age-Gap Mafia Romance)

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Cutting Ties (Age-Gap Mafia Romance) Page 6

by Terry Towers

  “Except freedom.”

  She pulled away from me slightly and rolled over to her back, lacing her hands behind her head and staring up at the ceiling for a minute. “Are any of us truly free?”

  “I don’t get what you mean?”

  “I mean, if you’re poor and can’t even afford food to eat or to pay for a hospital when you’re sick are you truly free? I say no. You’re limited to what your finance will allow.”

  I mulled over her words a moment. I could see her point. As much as people would like to claim the United States was the land of opportunity, there were certainly barriers due to class division. I’d been blessed with having well-to-do parents. My mother was a housewife, but my father was also a doctor; he’d just retired a year ago. My parents were currently living their golden years in Miami.

  “You may be right,” I admitted.

  “Pretty and smart,” she teased.

  “And so much more.”

  She cocked a brow at me. “Is that so?”

  “It is.” As I shifted my weight the diamond still nestled in the coin pocket of my jeans reminded me of its presence. Our gazes locked and the feeling of how right this moment was overwhelmed me.

  Sliding from the mattress, I stood before her at the foot of the bed.

  Looking down at her, a smile broke on my lips. We were both disgusting and bloody, yet she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen – inside and out. She deserved a chance to enjoy freedom in all senses of the word, and to love without strings attached or expected obedience.

  Above and beyond all that, I loved her.

  “Stand up for a moment.” Taking her hand, I pulled her to her feet despite her whine-like groan of protest.

  “Anthony. I’m tired. We should go to bed.” Giving me a saucy little grin, she added. “And sleep. I need to clean up before that though.”

  My grin widened. “We will – in a minute.”

  Looking down at her bloodied dress, she frowned. “Anthony, what could be more important than a shower and sleep right now?”

  Pulling the ring from the jeans pocket, I slowly sank to one knee, holding the ring out to her. Her dark eyes widened, and mouth fell open, yet no words came out. “This may not be the best way or the best time, but considering everything that we’ve experienced I think there couldn’t be a better time. I came here with the ring, ninety percent sure I was going to propose but after everything that has happened, I know I want you with me for the rest of our lives. I love you Valentina, I’ve loved you even before I came here. Will you marry me?”

  She continued to look at me. Was she in shock? I couldn’t tell, but her refusal to say anything was making me very, very uneasy.

  Had I just made a grave mistake and ruined everything with shit-assed timing on my part?


  Chapter 10


  I couldn’t say or do anything. I just stared. The craziness of the past twenty-four hours was overwhelming me.

  I’d suspected that he’d been mulling over the idea of proposing. We’d discussed the possibility of me moving to Los Angeles if things went well before he came here. His timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

  So I was left in shock, staring at the beautiful ring, held by the gorgeous, brilliant man with the largest heart of anyone I’d ever come across in my lifetime.

  When the state of shock wore off, I cringed. I’d been staring at him without an answer for so long that I could see the worry and hurt on his face.

  “Oh God!” With my hands coming up to cover my face I groaned. “I’m so sorry.”

  “So you won’t?” The hurt look increased as he tilted his head down and started to put the ring back away into his jeans pocket.

  “No. No. No.” Panic overwhelmed me. “I mean… Oh shit.”

  This was the most important day in my life thus far and I was royally fucking it up. “I mean…” I fell to my knees before him, and tears began to roll down my cheeks as I grabbed at the hand holding the ring. “Yes! Yes! I love you too! Of course I’ll marry you! There is no answer I could give you other than yes!”

  Our gazes locked as he took my left hand in his and slowly slipped the finger onto my ring finger. I’d never seen something so beautiful. My mother had gigantic stones worth unmentionable amounts of money, but this one was special. This beautiful, clear solitaire symbolized a promise to spend the rest of our love and lives together, making it the most valuable stone in the world to me and the bearer the most valuable person.

  Placing a palm against his cheek, I leaned into him, my lips grazing his. “I love you,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Love you too, baby.” Slowly, he raised to his feet, taking my hand and bringing me to my feet with him. Quickly bending, he slipped a hand under my legs and the other under my back and hoisted me into his arms. “And now, Valentina or should I say the future Mrs. Williams, we should remove our clothing and get this blood off us.”

  Due to all the excitement I’d completely forgotten about the previous evening’s incident. But I couldn’t let it discourage or get me down. Not on this day. Not now. Not when there was so much good happening in my life.

  Carrying me into the bathroom, he sat me on the sink, then turned from me to start the bath, keeping his hand under the stream of water until he was satisfied with the temperature. “Hmmm.” He thumbed through the bottles of lotion and soaps. “No bubble bath, but there’s some body wash. It’ll do, considering the tub has jets.” Flipping open the bottle he poured a small amount into the water stream and placed it on the corner of the tub.

  Turning back to me, his eyes locked onto mine as his fingers began to undo the buttons at the front of my torn-up sundress. My heart rate began to accelerate as his fingers undid the final button and pushed the fabric away and off my shoulders, exposing my breasts contained in red lace. With a flick of his hand he undid the front clasp of my bra, setting my breasts free.

  Leaning forward, I captured his lips with mine as my legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him into me. Sliding my hands between us, my fingers undid the belt on his jeans followed by the front button and zip. Hooking my thumbs into the waistband of his jeans, I gave them a tug, pulling them down over his hips and letting them drop to the floor.

  The scent of lavender began to fill the bathroom as a thin layer of steam slowly worked its way up the mirror behind me.

  Taking a step back from me, Anthony kicked his jeans to the side and gripped the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it up and over his head, tossing it to the floor with the jeans.

  Taking my lower lip between my teeth, I eyed the sexy specimen of a man before me – my fiancé. Wow. It felt so surreal.

  Giving me a sexy grin, he sauntered back over to me. “What’s that look for?”

  “I was just thinking that I’ve gotten myself the hottest doctor in the world as my future husband.”

  “You think so?”

  Running a finger along the contours of muscle that defined his shoulders and pecs, I nodded. “I know so.”

  Grabbing my waist, he pulled me from the sink and swung me around so my back was to the tub, which was nearly full with fragrant bubbles. He pushed the dress the rest of the way down, and it puddled at my feet on the floor. The already undone bra was pushed from my shoulders and joined the dress, leaving me the red lace panties that matched the bra.

  Falling to his knees, he placed a kiss on my stomach as I slipped my fingers into his hair. Just the feel of his lips so close to my mound sparked the desire within me, despite the exhaustion I was feeling.

  Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of my panties, he pulled them down, exposing me to his lips as they inched lower. Just when I thought he was going to devour me, he pulled away with a devilish look on his face.

  Once we were both stripped, he stepped into the tub and held his hand out to me, beckoning me to join him. Stepping over to the side, I sank into the tub. It was large, but not meant for two people. Regardles
s he made it work as he sank down across from me.

  “Come over here.” Reaching his hand to me, he repositioned me so that I was reclining back against him, the water just barely covering my breasts. As I settled against him, the feel of his dick jerked against my back.

  I moaned softly, closing my eyes and snuggling my face against his neck. “This is so nice.”

  “It is,” he agreed as he grabbed a washcloth and squirted soap onto it.

  I didn’t even try to protest; it felt too good as his hands began to work their way over my body, the washcloth caressing every inch of me. As aroused as I was, the combination of warm water and gentle feel of the cloth over my body was too relaxing.

  Before I knew what was happening, darkness overtook me into a sweet, blissful sleep.


  “Are you nervous?” I asked with a smile on my face as our car, along with two others escorting us, made its way back to the compound. As expected, when we awoke the next morning there had been eight guards in the hotel. Two posted at our hotel room door, two at the hotel entrance, and four more patrolling the hotel and grounds. The Santiago cartel had had a chance to take me out and they had blown it. It wouldn’t happen again.

  “Well, I proposed to the woman I love, who just happens to be the daughter of one of the most feared men in the world, without even meeting her father. So yeah, a little bit.”

  He flashed me a smile, but I didn’t quite believe it.

  I didn’t want to tell him that I was feeling the uneasiness myself. My mother had texted me that morning, letting me know that my father was on the way home and that I was forbidden to leave for America until he got home and met Anthony. I couldn’t imagine him having an issue with me being with Anthony. Anthony had saved my and one of his men’s lives – his most trusted man. But with Papa, you never knew.

  As the compound came into sight the uneasiness increased. I was twenty-eight; my parents shouldn’t have the control over me that they did, but I wasn’t just some girl from Colombia. The rules were different for me.

  “Hey.” Sliding an arm around my shoulders, Anthony brushed his lips against my temple. “Don’t you dare get nervous, because that’s just going to get me nervous.”

  Looking back up at him, my grin widened.

  Cocking a brow up at me, he continued, “It’s not every day I take a woman back with me to the United States.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I’m going willingly.”

  The lead car pulled up to the guard house, and after a quick chat with the guards the gate pulled open and we proceeded forward, all three cars pulling up in front of the house. The cars came to a halt and the driver opened the door for us while another gathered our luggage, taking it inside.

  Stepping out of the vehicle, I took Anthony’s hand and we proceeded into the house, more for my comfort than his. My mother’s assistant Camilla was waiting for us in the foyer. “I heard the news; I hope you’re both okay?” She looked at me and Anthony with genuine concern. I’d always loved Camilla. While I’d considered Emiliano a second father, she was like a second mother. I’d miss having her around.

  “We’re fine, Camilla.” Releasing Anthony’s hand, I gave her a brief hug. “Just a little shaken up.” Looking up at Anthony, I gave him a wink. “A little more action than I think Anthony expected on his vacation, unfortunately.”

  Waving my comment off, he scoffed. “I live in Los Angeles. I’ve seen worse.”

  Camilla and I exchanged looks. We’d both seen worse as well. “Your parents and brother are in the grand room waiting on you both.” She beckoned for us to follow as she moved deeper into the house.

  Leaning down, Anthony whispered. “Wait. Parents? Plural. And fucking Asher too?”

  “I hoped we’d be on a plane for the States before he got home. He must have rushed back. Hope that’s not a problem?”

  He chuckled. “I’ve been looking forward to it.”


  Draping an arm over my shoulders he kissed the top of my head. “I’d never do such a thing.”

  “Now you’re lying about lying.”

  His chuckle became a full-out laughter as we entered the grand room. Lo and behold my mother, father, and Asher were all seated in the room. My mother and father were lounging on the black velvet sofa, both with a glass of their favorite alcoholic beverage in hand, and Asher on the matching chair, with one ankle crossed over the other, his full interest focused on whatever he was typing in his phone.

  Upon hearing us arrive all three heads perked up and looked toward us.

  Without hesitation, I motioned to Anthony. “Papa. This is Anthony.” Catching Anthony’s gaze, I then nodded to my father. “Anthony this is my father, Costello Rossi.”

  My father stood, followed by my mother and Asher.

  “And I have news.” Cuddling tighter to Anthony, I held my hand up in front of me. “Anthony has asked me to move to the United States and marry him and I have accepted. We’re engaged.” It sounded so good to my ears. I could barely contain my happiness.

  My father looked from me and then to Anthony, his expression unreadable. “Anthony, come with me to my study so we can chat.”

  “I’d love to.” Pulling himself away from me, Anthony gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he strode toward my father.

  Asher started to follow behind them, but my father stopped him in his tracks. “Asher. Stay with the women. I want to talk to my daughter’s…” he gave Anthony a look up and down as if trying to size him up “…fiancé.”

  Chapter 11


  The way he said fiancé as he gave me the critical up-and-down didn’t bode well with me. When she announced our engagement there was no congratulations from her family – just stares. At least from my father and Asher. Her mother seemed pleased. That wasn’t the reaction either of us was hoping for, though considering the current situation with her family, perhaps it was simply not the proper time to announce it. We’d suspected it wouldn’t go over well so it wasn’t a big surprise.

  Either way it didn’t matter. She was going with me. I didn’t give a damn who the man before me was. She wasn’t a child and I wasn’t one of his employees.

  He led me down a hallway, and we came to a large mahogany door. Opening it, he stepped aside and motioned me to enter before him. “Please, take a seat on the sofa,” he said, motioning to the black leather sofa with dark claw feet at one end of the large room whose walls were lined with leather-bound books.

  “Sure. Thank you.” Sitting down, I watched my fiancée’s father, who was roughly my height and lean in build, walk across the room to the small bar and pour himself a shot of whiskey. His hair was cut short, neatly shaved and completely silver. While he looked much younger than his fifty-two years of age, his eyes told a different tale.

  He downed the shot of whiskey and poured himself another shot, then turned to me. “Would you like one?”

  “No. Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself. A lot has happened in my absence.”

  “I wouldn’t know much of that.”

  “My daughter was nearly killed and now she’d engaged. A lot.” With the undrunk shot of whiskey in hand he came to me, sitting in one of the two armchairs adjacent to where I was sitting.

  “I imagine it is,” I agreed, reclining back on the sofa. Taking a deep breath in, I slowly released it. “Listen, Mr. Rossi. I understand that your daughter is one of the most valuable things in your life.”

  “The most important,” he corrected me.

  I hesitated, forcing myself to remain unperturbed by his interruption. “I also understand that the current situation in Colombia is tumultuous at best. Yesterday’s incident demonstrated how vulnerable your daughter can be while here.”

  Drinking the shot down, he placed the glass on the wooden coffee table between us. “What you did for my daughter and Emiliano… I thank you. He’s been my most valued and trusted employee – and friend – for a
very long time…” He leaned back in the chair and eyed me. “He would have been impossible to replace.”

  “There’s no need for thanks. I’m a doctor, it’s what I do.”

  “Either way. I thank you.” He motioned to the room. “Do you know what I do to afford all of this?”

  “I do.”

  “Then you know I don’t trust many people, but at the same time many, many people depend on me for their livelihood and their lives.”

  “I understand that.”

  “The problem is that I don’t know you. Yet you expect to take my daughter away from me and the safety of her home?” His eyes narrowed at me. “You do expect to take her to the United States, do you not?”

  Clucking my tongue off the roof of my mouth, I sighed. “As soon as possible. I love your daughter and would protect her with my life.”

  “You’ve only just met her.”

  “But I know her. I’ve talked to her every day for six months. She’s touched my heart and my soul. I genuinely love your daughter.” Leaning forward, I braced my elbows on my knees and met his stare. “And I truly feel she’ll be safer with me in the United States.”

  He was silent for so long it became nearly unbearable. “How old are you? You look closer to my age than my daughter’s.”

  “I’m forty-three.”

  “And you plan on giving my daughter a family. You’ll be an old man before they are grown.”

  “I do want to start a family, sooner rather than later. Valentina and I have discussed it and she wants the same thing. I can provide to her everything she’s always wanted.”

  “And you plan to take her to marry her in America?”

  “Yes, I have connections. I’d like for us to be married sooner rather than later.”

  “What provisions do you have in place to ensure my daughter’s safety while there? Not so long ago an associate of mine was shot and nearly killed in New York by the Santiago cartel. How can you assure me that they won’t find her with you?”

  “I live in Malibu. My home has a state-of-the-art security system and I will hire private security to ensure her safety until the situation here is resolved.”


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