Cutting Ties (Age-Gap Mafia Romance)

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Cutting Ties (Age-Gap Mafia Romance) Page 7

by Terry Towers

  “That’s a start.” His gaze locked onto mine once more and he stared at me for what felt like an eternity, so long that I found myself shifting uncomfortably on the sofa. “If I do allow this to happen, I want you to be clear on something. Very clear.”

  “Yes. Okay.” My jaw clenched. “What is your stipulation?”

  “If anything happens to my daughter, I’ll kill every single person in your family and then once everyone you’ve ever loved is dead, I’ll finally kill you in the most painful way possible. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? No matter where you run or try to hide. I will find you.”

  It wasn’t a vague point that he was making. “Very clear. I guarantee, she will be cared for in every way.”

  “I will be sending my own security with you and my daughter and they will be reporting back to me. This is acceptable?” It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact.

  “Of course.”

  “Good. Now have a drink with me. I’d like to give you a brief explanation of how things work here so you’ll understand that your future father-in-law isn’t as much of a monster as people have led Americans to believe.”

  “I would love that.” And I was genuine when I said that. I’d love to have my mind changed on her father and brother, though that was easier said than done.

  Holy fuck. That was intense. I sighed as he began to talk, explaining to me how his organization had improved the lives of the people in his area. It wasn’t every day that your life and the lives of everyone you know is threatened by a man who would have no qualms in following through with that threat.


  Watching my husband-to-be exiting the room with my father left me anxious. I could only hope that my father would realize that I was no longer a child, and that going with Anthony was in my best interests. I had always questioned my father’s love for me, or any of us for that matter, but one thing I never questioned was his diligence to protecting his family. He’d stop at nothing to ensure that everyone was safe and secure. If he felt Anthony couldn’t do a good job at protecting me, he wouldn’t let either of us off the compound.

  “Asher, will you excuse us for a few minutes. I’d like to speak with Valentina alone.”

  Asher glanced from my mother to me, looked as though he was going to protest, and then nodded. “Fine. But if you were to ask me, I’m not thrilled over this sudden turn of events.”

  “Well then it’s a good thing that we didn’t ask you dear,” my mother stated.

  With the annoyance evident in his expression, he stood and exited the room without another word.

  My mother remained silent until we could no longer hear his retreating footsteps. Slowly a smile spread across her lips as she patted the empty seat next to her on the sofa. “Come and sit down. Let me see that ring of yours to begin with.”

  I tentatively extended my arm and brought my hand to eye level.

  Taking my hand, she examined the ring. “Your future marido has exquisite taste. Marquise cut, platinum setting. Stunning. You’re a lucky young woman.”

  Laughing, I pulled my hand back. “Hardly a young woman at my age.”

  As she leaned back on the cushions, her smile faltered. “I suppose not. Time flies. Before you know it your children are grown and having children of their own…”

  “What do you think father is talking to Anthony about?”

  “Hard to say. Your father just got home. Quite literally moments before you did.”

  “I thought Asher was going back to the island.”

  She shrugged. “Change in plans, I guess. You know as well as I do that they don’t share their plans with me.”

  I eyed my mother carefully and then finally asked the question I’d been dying to ask for as long as I could remember. “Why do you stay here, Mama?”

  She sighed. “It’s complicated. I married your father for love. I thought he loved me; maybe in his own way he does. He’s not good with those types of emotions. But he provides and gives me everything I could ever ask for.”

  “Except love.”

  “He gives me security.” She continued, “He’s faithful. Your father may not be the most conscientious of men, but his loyalty and dedication to this family is indisputable. Considering the life he saved me from, that is more than enough for me. Besides,” leaning forward she ran the back of her hand along my cheek, “He gave me two beautiful children. What more could I ask for?”

  Love… I wanted to insist but refrained. Didn’t everyone deserve someone who loved them?

  “Not everyone is lucky enough to get it all.”

  “Everyone deserves it all.”

  “You’re still so optimistic; please don’t even let that change.” Her mood brightened again. “I have a feeling that you’ve been fortunate enough to be one of those lucky few.”

  Warmth spread across my cheeks as I looked down at the ring that he had placed on my finger less than twenty-four hours ago. “I think so too.”

  “Then you need to do whatever it takes for it to work, which means leaving here and never looking back.”

  A frown creased my brow at her words. It was the last thing I expected to hear from her lips. “You want me to leave?”

  “I’m your mother, I’d love nothing more to have you with me always. But being your mother my first priority is you, your happiness and well-being. I don’t have to have long drawn-out conversations with Anthony to know he’s a good man and that he loves you dearly; you can see it in his eyes when he looks at you.”

  I nodded. “I do see it.”

  “You can follow your dreams whether it be to be a mother or some high-powered career woman in the United States. The sky is the limit. You can’t do that here, not when your name is connected with the Rossi family. Being the daughter of Costello Rossi has nearly unlimited perks, but freedom isn’t one of them. Here you’ll always be Costello Rossi’s daughter, as I am his wife. With Anthony you can be whomever it was that you were meant to be.”

  Joy rushed through me. “We have your blessings then?”

  “Of course you do.”

  Before I could respond, voices could be heard from down the hallway, coming closer by the second. My father and Anthony eventually appeared in the entranceway.

  Anthony was still in one piece, so that was a good sign.

  While my father’s expression was as unreadable as it always was, I could read Anthony’s like a book. We’d spent so many hours on Skype that I knew each of his expressions without thinking about it. In this instance he looked at ease, which immediately settled the nervousness that was swirling within me.

  “I am under the understanding that there is going to be a wedding sooner rather than later,” Papa stated, entering the room and taking a seat in the armchair Asher had vacated, while Anthony came to sit next to me on the sofa, taking my hand in his.

  “Yes, Papa. We plan to marry as soon as possible.”

  “Good. I was going to speak with you privately, but my conversation with Anthony has satisfied me. I have discussed some of my requirements with your future husband, which he has agreed to. However, I will state them to you now as well so we’re all clear. This is how it’ll be. The wedding will take place on Helka Island. It’s not safe for you to be married here and the United States isn’t open to me going there. So that is non-negotiable.”

  A breath hitched in my throat as excitement began to fill me.

  Helka Island was a stunning place in the Caribbean. While it was partially owned by my father and brother, along with several other crime families, on the surface you’d never guess it to be anything more than one of the most incredibly beautiful vacation spots in the world. I couldn’t have asked for a more stunning place to be married. It could be a wedding right out of the pages of a fairy tale.

  Looking over at Anthony I could see him smiling. He’d obviously already discussed this with my father and was happy with this development.

  “Also, I will be sending a several of our men with you w
hen you fly to Los Angeles. Anthony has already agreed to additional security for the house as well. Finally, if anything happens while you are there, or if I get word Santiago has sent men to California to find you, you will be coming back here until the war blows over and we can get back to relatively normal lives.”


  He cut me off, “When married you will be taking Anthony’s surname. It will help keep you off their radar.”

  I nodded, finally able to exhale. “Thank you, Papa.”

  “There is one final thing.”

  “Okay.” Shit, there was always a final thing. “Asher will be making periodic visits on the both of you to ensure my security conditions are upheld.”

  Fuck. I looked toward the entrance of the grand room to see that Asher had returned and was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest with a hint of a grin on his face. This one was a little harder to swallow, but I managed to grunt out an acceptance to that condition as well.

  “Valentina, my dear. Have we got a deal?”

  Pushing my dismay over the news about Asher to the back of my mind, the joy I was feeling practically burst from my chest. “Of course, Papa.”


  I was becoming increasingly excited as I watched the little plane on the seat-back TV ahead of me as it inched closer toward Los Angeles. We were nearly there, about ready to make the descent into the LAX.

  “You okay?” Anthony asked, giving my hand on the armrest a squeeze and gaining my attention.

  Pulling my eyes from the screen, I smiled. “I’m doing great. This is so exciting. I don’t even have words to describe how I’m feeling right now.” And I didn’t. There was a mix of happiness, sadness, anticipation. This was the beginning of a new life with the man I loved. It felt so overwhelming.

  “Good feelings though, right?” Genuine concerned filled his eyes.

  “Of course.” I shrugged. “I will miss my home. I won’t lie and say I won’t. But this is a whole new start for me in life. It’s a lot to process.”

  “Colombia is just a few hours’ flight away.”

  “I know. It’s not like we can’t afford to fly back and forth. Once the conflict at home ends we’ll be able to use Papa’s jet so yes, it’ll be fast and easy.” She gave me a sheepish grin. “Would you hold it against me if I told you this is the first time I’ve been on a regular passenger plane? It’s kinda cool. I can feel the excitement of the people around us.”

  Anthony chuckled and then leaned into me and whispered, “The life problems of a cartel princess.”

  Wagging a finger at him, I laughed. “If anyone else were to say that to me I’d kick their ass. But for you I’ll let that pass.”

  Leaning in another inch, Anthony placed a tender kiss on my lips. “You know I’m teasing.” He turned and looked down the aisle of the plane toward the economy section. “I wonder how your fan group is doing back there?”

  “I think they’d prefer that we’d taken the jet as well, but this is safer in case the Santiago cartel had people watching our plane. You never know. Asher is a dick, but when it comes to security, he knows his stuff. I will give him that much.”

  “Wow! Giving your brother a compliment. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “It’s not a compliment, just a statement of fact. Just like he’ll find out who shot Emiliano and he’ll deal with him.”

  “You mean…” Anthony’s voice trailed off.

  “Yeah.” I sighed and gave him a smile. “But that’s not going to be part of our life. None of that will.”

  Lifting my hand he placed a kiss on the back of it and smiled, affection shining in his eyes reflecting what I was feeling in my heart. “So where do we go from here, future Mrs. Williams?”

  “Marriage. Babies. Maybe I’ll become a writer. I studied literature in college, you know?”

  “I did know that,” he confirmed. “So what would you write?”

  I shrugged. “Not sure, as long as it has a happily ever after.”

  The End

  To read more about this couple and dive into the dark romance featuring Asher look for the novel “Asher” coming at the end of Nov/Early December.

  Excerpt from

  Godfather’s Temptation


  Terry Towers

  Available Now

  Chapter 1


  I was just about to call Romano’s Italiana to book dinner reservations for my boss, Royce, when the door to my office burst open and framed in the doorway stood Elijah Caine, his son. Tall, impeccably dressed in a dark gray suit that matched his eyes, and fucking pissed. I didn’t even have to ask how he was; the look of anger distorting his otherwise handsome features told the tale well enough. Elijah and my boss, the Godfather of New York City, had a love-hate relationship – mostly hate if I were to be completely honest. I didn’t know the details behind the rift that had formed between them as it predated me. Working directly with Royce, all I could do was speculate, but the signs were there.

  Forcing a smile to my lips, I attempted to pretend I didn’t notice his anger. “Elijah, it’s so good to see you again. How’s life on the island treating you?”

  Elijah and I had never been friends, but I’ll admit that at one time I’d had a crush on him. But that was many years ago; the only person I had eyes for now was his father – unfortunately his father was nearly twice my age of twenty-six and didn’t see me as anything more than the girl who ran his day-to-day life and fetched his lunch. My father was close to Royce, but I don’t think he even knew I existed until I started working for him.

  Ignoring my question, Elijah entered my office, striding across the room toward his father’s office, not bothering to close the door behind him from the main area where a dozen or so realtors were working. “Is my father in his office?”

  Craning my neck, I confirmed that all the realtors were looking, while pretending not to look, inside my office. I couldn’t blame them; I’d be staring too. The realty company was one of the many fronts my boss had. The workers outside were all 100% legit, and quite successful without the help of my boss and his connections.

  Elijah didn’t wait for me to reply. Grabbing the doorknob to my boss’s office he turned it and shoved the door open, disappearing inside and slamming the door behind him with such force that the pictures on the wall rattled. Moments later I could hear the men shouting at each other, though what was being said wasn’t decipherable.

  Getting up from my desk, attempting to look unfazed by what had just happened, I crossed the room, closing the door to the main sales floor, saying, “Go back to work everyone, nothing to see here.”

  Shit. Running a hand through my waist-length raven colored hair, I sighed. Elijah showing up always meant something bad had either gone down or was going down. The two men getting together was never a good thing; they mixed like oil and water. If it bothered my boss though he never showed it. I’d been employed by Royce for five years now and had learned how to read my boss’s mood. I’d guess I would be one of the only people in the world close enough to him to be able to see through his facade. I’d wager that when Elijah left, Royce would ask me to cancel his dinner at Romano’s and then spend the evening drinking one of his bottles of prized bourbon.

  I longed for them to get along – for both their sakes. Royce would never admit it, but I knew he wished that himself. There was just too much history and bad blood between father and son. I doubted either one even knew where to start to work toward a resolution.

  It’s none of your business; he’s your boss and nothing more, I told myself as I tried to focus on the invoices in front of me. But it was an exercise in futility for me to keep my nose out of it, because I’d fallen for Royce quite some time ago, despite knowing that my affections would never be reciprocated.

  I’d barely gotten through a dozen invoices before the door swung open and Elijah appeared at the door just marginally less angry than when he’d arrived. “Have a good
day, Tasha,” Elijah growled as he stormed past me and out the door, leaving both doors wide open in his wake.

  Well… At least he remembered my name this time.

  Getting up from my desk, I made my way to the door to the sales floor and closed it again. I sighed, spinning around to see my boss in his office doorway across the room from me. He was a replica of his son, tall, well-built, and as handsome as sin with slate gray eyes that made my heart skip a beat. There were subtle differences though; there were streaks of gray at his temples where the blond had once been and he had a goatee where his son was clean-shaven. There were also crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes that had just begun to appear the past couple of years.

  While his son was good looking and had a definite alpha appeal, his father had a sex appeal that transcended just looks. He was the kind of man that other men feared even if they didn’t know who he was, while women’s panties would moisten just from a smile. If only he’d consider me as more than just the girl who scheduled his appointments and balanced his books.

  “Did you book my reservation at Romano’s?”

  I nodded, “Yes, sir. They said they’d have your table ready for you for seven pm.”

  “Good.” He nodded, stroking his perfectly groomed goatee as he stared deep into my eyes, making my insides turn to jelly. He made a half-turn away from me and then stopped himself to face me again. “Are you free tonight?”

  Dammit! I sighed. I knew what that meant, he’d have something for me to do that had to be done immediately. Usually when Elijah made an appearance it meant a cranky boss and a pile of work to be done that magically appeared with his son. Fucking Elijah!

  I did have plans for the night. I had a date with some guy I met on an online dating app. Calvin. He was a thirty-something construction worker from Long Island. If his profile was to be believed he was a romantic at heart, who loved to spend a fun day at Coney Island and had two cats. If his pictures were to be believed, he was handsome, and fit enough that he’d be able to satisfy the need that I’d been feeling over the past few months. Masturbation just wasn’t cutting it anymore.


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