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November Twenty-Seventh

Page 16

by Kate Speck

  Darcy was delighted to enjoy his wife’s voluptuous body and after gently loving her, he blissfully fell asleep next to his wife.

  Chapter 22

  The Bennets and Bingleys arrived in mid-September and Mrs. Bennet promptly fainted after seeing the grand estate. Mr. Bennet was enchanted by the beauty of Pemberley’s mansion and the library, and the two younger girls spoke ceaselessly to catch up with Georgiana. Mary had become a great friend to Anne de Bourgh and with Darcy and Elizabeth’s agreement, Anne had joined the party and was pleased to show what little of Pemberley she knew.

  Jane Bingley was incredibly awed by Pemberley but more than the sheer size of the property, she saw her sister’s subtle touch to the mansion and how happy she appeared. Bingley beamed next to her and the couple tenderly held each other’s hands as they explored the beautiful grounds together. They suspected Jane was with child at about two months along and she was thrilled to have Lizzy near to be able to ask questions about her pregnancy. Elizabeth would be delivering in the middle of December and Jane would deliver late April.

  Darcy smiled gently seeing the Bennet daughters reunited and his sister Georgiana joyously laughing. She and Elizabeth had developed a sisterhood that actually frightened him at times, as his timid little sister had become a mother hen to protect Ellie from any unfounded criticisms from neighbours and even himself if he should be in disagreement with his wife. His sister always took Ellie’s side and Darcy could not be happier to see his sister coming out of her shell.

  “You truly look happy, Lizzy!” Jane whispered, while their husbands were speaking with their father. “Papa is always happiest when he receives your letters. He still regrets that day, November the twenty-seventh, as the day that he had made such a big mistake.” She gently rubbed her sister’s hand. “With your child due in three months, mama was insistent that she stay the whole duration and for several months afterwards as well, but papa was firm that she was needed to be mistress of Longbourn and that if you wished it, you would invite her but certainly not for so long.”

  Elizabeth laughed, “I do wish you could be here but I will be fine. I have enjoyed my privacy with William tremendously and having Georgiana has been wonderful. Our small little family has been such a blessing but the peace and quiet will not last long. Lady Matlock is insistent on attending my confinement and I know she will be immensely helpful to Pemberley. No, Jane, although mama has improved, I think she is needed at Longbourn.” She winked. “Mrs. Reynolds will not forgive me if mama were to stay for the next three or four months!” The girls giggled and hid their amusement from their mother, who was too busy inspecting the expensive furnishings and decorations in the grand drawing room.

  “I hope you will attend me for my confinement, Lizzy. You are so much braver than I and I am quite nervous for what is to come. You will be an experienced mother by April.” Jane smiled. “Your husband is smitten with you still, I can see. He does not take his eyes off of you whenever you are in the same room. For those who do not know him, they would think he is looking to criticise.”

  “And now I know it is his way of hiding his passion. He is very good to me, even when I behave like a child. I suppose we are both child-like at times with our temper tantrums,” Elizabeth giggled. “He thinks I will disappear and still panics if I am not in bed with him when he awakens. I do not mind, though. I like having him there when I wake up as well. We argue often but we are understanding each other better. He knows how wilful I am and I know how protective he is. I cannot imagine a better husband.”

  Jane gripped her hand. “He loves you very much and he is anxious to sit with you again, Lizzy. He looks serene but I can tell by the twitching of his left hand and the way he looks at you. And you cannot keep your eyes off of him, either!” Jane hid her laugh. “Go, Lizzy. Go and save your husband for a while. I will need to rest a little. My appetite is awful and yet I am craving the strangest of foods.”

  Elizabeth stood, “I will have some tea delivered to you and will have Cook make you anything you wish, Jane.” She spoke to her family. “I will have Mrs. Reynolds and your own maids show you to your rooms. Papa, Charles, if I can borrow my husband for several minutes, I would like to ensure all of the activities are set. Tomorrow morning, a riding party is planned and then a picnic, and the rest of the week will have a few optional events of your choosing. Instead of scheduling a packed itinerary, we decided to offer you several choices to spend your day. I know papa will wish to spend most of the day in the library but other than meals and the grand ball before your departure in a month, you will all relax and enjoy your time here without pressure to attend any of the entertainments available to you.”

  With cheering and clapping, the family members smiled and nodded their agreements. Mrs. Reynolds lined up the maids and introduced them to each of the ladies present and she personally escorted the Bingleys and Mr. and Mrs. Bennet to their rooms in the family wing.

  Darcy embraced his wife as soon as the drawing room was empty. “What a wonderful hostess you are, Mrs. Darcy. I am glad you sent them off to the rooms. I missed holding you so much.”

  Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly. “Jane noted that you were anxious to be with me. She may be quiet but she notices everything around her and she has been very determined to ensure you are good to me. She knows how much you love me and she approves.”

  He rubbed her back, “I do love you so much, Ellie. I am so proud of you and our time with the family will be restful but remarkable. Pemberley’s beauty is not about how much one does here but the tranquillity it offers. We have the best staff here and you have trained the maids well. Mrs. Reynolds will manage everything else and your duty, my love, is only to please me, remember?” He smiled. “And to care for our babe.”

  “I remember, William. And I will do everything to care for you and our child. We still have to discuss our son or daughter’s name, dear husband.” Elizabeth raised her eyebrow, “I honestly cannot approve of Humphrey Darcy, William! Humpy Darcy? And Godiva Darcy? What were you thinking?!”

  Darcy frowned, “But Ellie, Humpy and Godi. Come, now! They are wonderful names!”

  “No, I will not let this child out of my body until we can agree to a name that will fit our family.” Elizabeth argued while crossing her arms. She then saw that her husband was holding back his laughter. “Ooh! I should have known you were jesting with me! Those names are awful!”

  Darcy burst out in laugher. “It might be good for some but not for a Darcy. We will discuss names after you take your nap, my love. I will see you to our rooms and will escort your father to the library.”

  He led her to their rooms after passing their family members excitedly settling into their apartments. After a long kiss and embrace, Darcy left his sleepy wife to join his father-in-law at the library to read for an hour until teatime.


  “Have you ever met so many pleasant girls in your life, Darcy? Your Harvest Ball is certainly the grandest party I have attended yet.” Bingley cheerfully commented. “I had forgotten how beautiful the ladies of Derbyshire were.”

  Darcy scoffed, “You say the same everywhere you go, Bingley. Are you tired of your wife of three months? Shall I prepare my duelling pistols, brother?”

  Bingley chuckled, “I dearly love my wife, Darcy. No need to threaten me since I would never break my dear Jane’s heart. I was more curious for your sake since you have such temptations before you. Although I am certain Lizzy can manage the vultures well, these ladies still look upon you as if you were still a bachelor. Whenever you step away from your wife, they descend on you to see if you will ask them to a dance or smile at them.”

  “I danced the first with my wife and I have done my duty with all my sisters. Ellie is sitting out the rest tonight due to the babe and if I cannot dance another with my wife, I will not ask anyone else. My wife has done an excellent job putting together this ball and some only criticise about her appearances.” Darcy threw an irritatin
g glance at two particular women who was mocking his beloved for her size.

  Bingley laughed again, “Between Lady Matlock and Lizzy, those ladies will not know what hit them.” He tapped his friend’s shoulder, “Relax, Darcy. Lizzy is perfectly capable of protecting herself.”

  Darcy finally smiled a little. “Yes, she is. It has been wonderful to have you and the Bennets here for a month and I am eager for our babe to arrive. I cannot imagine my life without her and only regret that I did not scoop her up as soon as I arrived in Hertfordshire.”

  “Well, everything turned out for the best and I am also anxious for my babe to arrive as well.” Bingley responded. “I received word from Louisa that she is finally with child and that Caroline has returned to London to her husband after her second banishment to York. She is almost six months along and was absolutely miserable with our aunt.”

  Darcy huffed, “At least Dalcy is managing her at last. He is quite pleased with Miss Darling as his mistress and she has been good to him. She fills the void where your sister lacks and he will have his heir as well. As long as your sister accepts her position as a tradesman’s wife, she just might find her own happiness if she does as Dalcy demands. Now, let us return to our wives. My aunt appears ready to unleash her wrath on those two harpies and I do not want to miss it.”

  The gentlemen arrived just in time to hear Lady Matlock state, “And how old are you now, Miss Jones and Miss Smith? I recall you have been out at least four seasons and still no takers? Not surprising at all, I must say. Mrs. Darcy carries the Darcy heir and I assured her that anyone who might censure her for sponsoring the Harvest Fall is a fool. She is still petite and this is truly a Pemberley affair, to which several neighbours were graciously invited.”

  “So true, aunt,” Darcy added. “My dearest wife has put on the best celebration in years and those unworthy will not be invited next time. I cannot be prouder of Mrs. Darcy and anyone who offends her insults me directly. I will not take kindly to anyone who cannot respect the Darcy family and I will be certain to talk to your fathers, ladies.”

  The two young ladies paled immediately. Their fathers’ properties were only a fraction of Pemberley’s size and it had been a great honour to be on the exclusive guest list.

  “Oh, husband, aunt, there is no need to speak one word further of this,” Elizabeth soothed, “I am sure they were concerned for my well-being since I have been sitting so much tonight. I will not take offence and as long as the lovely ladies look to the unmarried gentlemen in attendance, I will forget all about whatever gossips might have begun about my overindulgence.” She giggled. “Although I would not mind some more of the delicious cakes.”

  The two ladies immediately apologised and curtseyed before leaving. Lady Matlock smirked and Elizabeth smiled.

  “I must speak to their fathers. I will not tolerate any disrespect.” Darcy grunted. “They will never step foot here again.”

  Elizabeth slowly stood up with Darcy’s assistance. “Come, husband, let us go and get a small slice of cake. You can share it with me so I do not appear to be indulging alone.”

  Darcy nodded to his aunt and walked to the table of desserts.

  “I love you, William. You do not have to guard me constantly. They are ignorant, jealous women who could not win you and I am rather proud myself that you are so congenial today.” Elizabeth rubbed his arm. “You have danced with all of my sisters and Georgie and even my mother and your aunt. I have never seen you dance more and I am the fortunate woman who belongs to you. See, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith are talking to their daughters to find out why you appeared upset and they will be disciplined. Here they come now. I am not injured and once again, all of our neighbours will know how much you treasure me.”

  “I know I am irrational when it comes to you, my love,” Darcy kissed her cheek in full view of all their guests, “but I love you and no one will disrespect you. I care not who offends me but you, my dearest heart and the mother of my child, I will never cease protecting your honour.”

  Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith approached them and profusely apologised. “We have heard what has been said and that our daughters were responsible. I am so sorry,” Mr. Jones began. “There is no excuse but assure you that they will be reprimanded properly and will not cause you trouble again. No one should be disrespecting Mrs. Darcy and we are mortified that our daughters spoke such nonsense.”

  Darcy took a deep breath. “I will not hold you gentlemen accountable but your daughters will not return here again. I hope you get them married off soon. If they do anything to offend my wife again, I shall hold you personally responsible, gentlemen.” He shook the men’s hands in concession and continued to walk with Elizabeth to the dessert table.

  “Thank you, my love,” Elizabeth smiled. “You are so good to me that I forget that in essentials, you are very much as you ever were: A proud and fiercely protective husband who loves me dearly. Now, the lemon cake? I want the bigger piece!” She whispered with a grin and a wink.

  Darcy chuckled loudly, “Yes, my dear Ellie. You shall have your heart’s content at your disposal.”

  “I only need you, William.” Elizabeth leaned and squeezed his arm. “You are my heart.”

  After the ball ended successfully, Darcy retired to his rooms with his beloved wife and were not seen until very late the next day.


  The Bennets and the Bingleys departed for Hertfordshire with many wonderful memories. Their month at Pemberley was heavenly and with plans to see each other again in March, the family separated with many hugs and kisses.

  Anne de Bourgh also departed after her uncle and Darcy explained the workings of Rosings Park and ensuring that the steward there was perfectly capable of managing the estate. With her newfound independence and several lessons with Elizabeth and Jane on how to be mistress of the mansion, Anne asked Mary to reside with her for several months as her particular friend to help with her estate.

  Mary was honoured at the request and gladly accepted, having never been very close to her sisters as the middle child. She saw a kindred spirit within Anne and she had wished to do all within her power to help her dear friend.


  “I received a letter from Charlotte, William,” Elizabeth shared. “She has managed Mr. Collins to the point of his no longer being such a sycophant and Anne is most appreciative that he has ceased kissing her feet.” They laughed at the scenario. “Mary has been very supportive to Charlotte and the parish is finally receiving the care from their parson as they should.”

  Darcy also added, “The steward has been keeping me updated as well, Ellie. The past month has already seen a big improvement in the estate with a kinder mistress at the helm and the tenants are hopeful that they will see more profits if they work harder compared to the constant pressure and condescension that Lady Catherine placed on them.”

  “And how is her ladyship, husband? You have not said anything about her in some time and Charlotte does not mention her.” Elizabeth asked.

  Darcy grinned broadly, “She is miserable and all of her friends have abandoned her. Her closest and only friend left, Lady Metcalfe, has severed their friendship after Lady Catherine offended Lady Metcalfe’s son’s choice in courtship. You will hear soon from Mary, I am sure, but the steward tells me that Sir John Metcalfe asked Mary for courtship and is likely to propose as soon as his father’s mourning period is formally over. Your sister will be wife to a baronet!”

  Elizabeth sat in shock for a few moments. “I can hardly believe it! Mama always thought so little of her because she was the drab middle child who was always neglected but she will exceed all of us. I am most eager to read my mother’s letter when she explains to me what she had heard.”

  Darcy chuckled, “The daughter she thought most wilful married first and the one she neglected will be Lady Metcalfe. You have certainly done your duty in throwing your sisters in the paths of rich men, and that includes Jane, whether or not your mother is aware.”

“Yes, I only have two more to worry about and I must do my duty for your sister as well. With her coming out next spring, we will have to safeguard her from blackguards.” Elizabeth rubbed her large abdomen. “One more month to go, my love. I feel as large as a boat and I am eager to meet our child. I hope we have many children and that you will not be disappointed if we should have a girl.”

  Darcy kissed her hair as he embraced her. “I wish for a daughter, Ellie, in the spitting image of her mother. I want a little girl to dote on more than a son, my love.” He reached under the couch in his study to pull up a wrapped box with a ribbon on it. “I have a gift for you, my love.”

  Elizabeth sat up with surprise in her eyes. “A gift? It is not my birthday or our anniversary. What is this for, William?”

  “Open it, Ellie. I saw it and I thought it perfect for you.” Darcy smiled.

  Elizabeth unwrapped the box to find a beautiful music box inside it. “This is the most gorgeous box I have seen. And it plays such wonderful music!” She exclaimed.

  “It is from Sainte-Croix in Switzerland. Uncle Edward and Dalcy helped me obtain it when I placed the order months ago and it had arrived only last week. I was saving it to give it to you today specifically.” Darcy caressed her cheek.

  “Today? Why today?” Elizabeth kissed his palm and looked adoringly at the music box.

  “Today is November twenty-seventh. The day you stepped into my life and agreed to be mine. The day you knocked me off my pedestal and made me realise how deeply and irrevocably I was in love with you.” Darcy kissed her tenderly. “To you, it may be a day where you were proposed by the buffoon and left your home, but to me, it was the day my life changed forever. And in four days, I have a celebration planned as well and will you will receive another gift as well.” He kissed her deeply and stroked her arm. “That was the day you became mine in body. We will have so many anniversaries to remember our love and I will be constantly showering you with everything I can. I love you so much and I am ever grateful that you showed up at Darcy House that fateful day.”


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