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Nojan (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Liza Probz

  What is he waiting for? And why is he looking at me like that?

  Mayra saw the hesitation enter his brown eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. After convincing herself to allow him access to his body, she had expected things to move along quickly. After all, they only had about an hour.

  Why isn’t he ravishing me?

  The decision had come suddenly, after he’d revealed that they were being pursued by someone trained to track his prey and take it down. Nojan had pulled her into his lap and she’d come up with her plan.

  Let him take you, she’d thought, and hopefully, he will unlock the power within you. Then you’ll be able to see the future and can avoid your pursuers. And once you have your powers, you’ll no longer have to stick by his side. You can free yourself in truth, belonging to no one but yourself.

  It wouldn’t be a hardship to surrender herself to the handsome Vartik male. So long as he was able to work past her unattractiveness to do the deed himself, all she had to do was hold still and let it happen.

  In fact, it will probably be me who has problems detaching. He can get any girl he wants, and once he’s broken me in as the oracle, his interest is likely to dry up. After all, he had to know what kicked in her powers. It seemed at times as if he knew her better than she did herself.

  His large hand lifted itself from her chest to cup her cheek. “No need to be shy, angel. I only want to bring you pleasure.”

  Bring me pleasure or bring my powers out?

  It was hard to relax when she couldn’t trust his motives. Was he really into her, or did he just want to use her? The longer he held her and the more she surrendered to him, the more terrible it would be if it all turned out to be an act.

  The Vartik stared deeply into her eyes, and once again, she was struck by the feeling of being naked in front of him. Not her body, but her soul. It was almost as if he could see her thoughts.

  Suddenly, she was being lifted into the air. Nojan had stood, carrying her in his arms like she weighed no more than a child would. “What are you doing?”

  “Something is obviously bothering you, angel. And since you won’t tell me what it is, I’ll have to guess. I’m thinking maybe you need a shower to warm you up a little. We can get you out of these soiled clothes and under the hot water.”

  Mayra frowned. Apparently, her plan of holding still for long enough to lose her virginity wasn’t working for her captor. He carried her with ease into the bathroom off the small sleeping chamber and didn’t set her down until they were in front of the white-tiled shower.

  He looked at her, his gaze steady, and began peeling off his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice shaky.

  “Getting ready to shower,” he replied. “Or did you expect me to shower with my clothes on?”

  “I thought you said I was showering,” she mumbled, slapping away his hand when he began to tug at her dress.

  Nojan laughed, then unbuttoned his pants. Mayra couldn’t help but watch as he opened them, revealing a line of dark hair that circled his navel and went lower. More was revealed as he started to tug his pants down, and she closed her eyes tightly, despite wanting badly to see what was hidden.

  You’ve got to keep it together, girl, she told herself, breathing deeply. It’s just a shower. You’ll have to do this and much more if you want to become the oracle.

  Cracking an eye open to sneak a peek, she was disappointed to see that he’d turned around. Still, his back was smooth and handsome, rippling with muscles that would put any of the biggest field slaves to shame back on Vanfia. Her disappointment disappeared when she caught sight of his gently rounded bottom. It looked good enough to bite.

  Her thoughts made her blush, and when Nojan turned again, she spun around herself.

  “Come on, angel,” he murmured, hands on her shoulders. “You’ve got to get out of these ruined clothes if we’re going to get you clean.”

  Mayra’s hands were shaking when they moved down to clutch the hem of her dress. Slowly, she pulled it up until it was over her head. Nojan took it from her hands and flung it into a corner. She could feel his eyes travel over her body, seeming to ignite a trail of fire as they went.

  “Now the panties,” he whispered, his hands sliding slowly down her torso.

  Mayra shivered, feeling exposed. Only her white cotton panties remained to uphold her dignity. With a deep breath, she pushed them down and stepped out of them.

  “Good,” he said, his voice deep and soothing. Then he was leaning past her to turn on the shower. Once the water was hot, he stepped inside and grabbed her hand to pull her in with him.

  The water felt good, relaxing some of the tension the situation was generating. Eyes closed, she turned her face up to the shower and tried to make the stiffness in her melt away.

  “Mayra.” His voice was little more than a whisper, but it caused more heat to flood her body than the shower ever could have. Then his hands were on her, moving over her body in a way that was causing sparks to ignite inside her.

  “What… what are you doing to me?”

  “Cleaning you,” he said, bending to speak into her ear. “Let me soap your perfect body.”

  Perfect body. How she wished those words were true. And to have them spoken by the most beautiful man she’d ever seen was heady. All this seduction could really go to a girl’s head.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured. “From the first moment I saw you, you’ve taken my breath away.”

  He sounded so sincere, she couldn’t help but want to believe. But could she?

  His hands rubbed her back rhythmically with circular strokes. Then over her shoulders and down until they hovered over her breasts. His eyes were kind, his mouth turned up at the corners. She realized then that he was waiting for her permission.

  Mayra gave a tiny nod, and that was all it took. His soapy hands were on her breasts, his motions gentle but invigorating. Her head fell back, her legs feeling weak. What was this power he had over her body? And would it last? She prayed to the gods that it would.

  “I have never seen breasts like these,” he said, his tone reverent. “If I were sculpting a woman of my very own, I would want her to have breasts like these. They’re exquisite.”

  His words were flattering. Mayra couldn’t deny that fact. After a lifetime of being told how hideous she was, his words were like an oasis in the desert. She soaked his compliments up like a flower after a drought.

  “And these hips,” he murmured, his hands moving lower to cup them. “So pleasingly rounded. I bet your ass is to die for.”

  Mayra giggled suddenly, then clapped a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide with surprise, and Nojan cocked an eyebrow at her in curiosity. How did she tell the man that she’d never before giggled? That there had never been anything to giggle about?

  Best to just shake her head and hope he ignored the outburst. In fact, better still to reward him with a look at the part of her he could envision a man dying over.

  “Holy fuck,” he breathed when she turned around and arched her back, displaying her bottom to its greatest advantage. Then his hands were on her, rubbing soap across her cheeks while managing to grip them in a way that made her wet, and not from the shower.

  “As much as I could linger here all day, I better clean the rest of you.” His hands worked their way down her legs, carefully covering every inch, even bracing her so that he could lift her feet, one by one, to clean between the toes.

  “You’re doing a very thorough job,” she said, on the verge of giggling again. She told herself it was because she must be ticklish between her toes. In reality, it was the situation. Nojan was being so sweet, so attentive, that he was quickly wearing down her hesitation.

  “Of course,” he replied. “I’m known for my attention to detail. Still, there’s one place I have yet to wash.”

  She followed his gaze downward and then blushed, realizing which part of her body he was referring to.

p; “I’ll bet you’re as perfect there as everywhere else,” he said, dropping a kiss on her shoulder. “Perhaps even more so.”

  “Nojan, I—” Her words faded away at the first touch of his hand against her feminine core. Her knees buckled, and if he hadn’t caught her, she would have collapsed.

  “Oh, precious,” he said, hugging her tight for a moment. “You’ll have to lean on me. Hold on tight.” He wrapped her arms around his neck. Then his fingers were back on her, exploring the center of her femininity.

  “Oh gods,” she whispered frantically. She’d never been touched there, and her own hands didn’t linger when cleaning herself. And the way he was touching her was nothing like the way she touched herself.

  His strokes were soft, sliding over the outer lips over and over again in a way designed to drive her mad. One finger slid between her folds and found the sensitive nub of her sex, and her knees gave out again. If she hadn’t been holding on tightly, she wouldn’t have been able to remain standing.

  His finger teased the nub, making her shake, and all the while, he whispered in her ear. “My angel, you’re immaculate. I’ve never seen a woman as perfect for me as you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, from your creamy skin to your delicate features. Your curves, your hair, and here, the most perfect place of all.”

  His words coupled with the gentle rubbing were bringing about a feeling she’d never experienced. It was as if he controlled her body now, as if that single finger was the center of her world. “Nojan,” she whimpered, her grip tightening.

  “Yes, just feel me,” he whispered, then bit at her earlobe. A swipe of his tongue followed the bite, and then his mouth was on her neck, licking and sucking and making her legs shake.

  “Please,” she cried, not knowing exactly what she was asking for but knowing that she needed it.

  “That’s it,” he mouthed into her neck. “Surrender to me, angel. Let me see your climax come over you. I bet you’re even more beautiful when you come.”

  His motions picked up their pace as his mouth climbed up her neck to find her lips. His mouth was demanding, his tongue burrowing in to wrestle with hers.

  The sensations were too overwhelming. She could feel something building, something powerful. It was almost scary, the power of the feeling boiling up inside her.

  “Come for me,” he whispered against her lips, and suddenly, she was and her entire universe ignited in an explosion to rival the Big Bang.

  Mayra let out a ragged cry then collapsed against him. His strong arms were there to hold her, his gentle kisses and the shower water against her skin like a warm rain.

  Chapter 16

  Nojan loved the feel of her in his arms. She was so slight, her weight next to nothing. He worked hard to make sure he wasn’t crushing her with his strength. Pressing gentle kisses to her eyelids, he waited patiently for those gorgeous baby blues to open.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, unable to help the grin that spread across his face.

  Her cheeks were flushed, either with the effort of her climax or with an embarrassed blush. Either would be equally cute.

  Before the shower, when he’d been holding her tight in his lap, he’d probed her thoughts and been concerned with what he’d found there. She’d resigned herself to letting him take her virginity, but she thought he only sought to unlock her powers. His seduction was solely to bring her into oraclehood, or so she thought.

  How wrong she was, he thought, wanting nothing more than to push her against the wall and drive his throbbing cock into her wetness. He’d barely touched her there, and he knew she would be the most exquisite sheath his shaft could ever find.

  Nojan hadn’t wanted to take her like that, with her thinking that his interest was feigned. He had to show her how much he wanted her. And since they only had a short period of time before arriving at their destination, he figured a slow seduction in the shower was the way to go.

  So far, his plan was working better than he could have hoped. She’d responded at last, the distance he’d felt earlier melting away. Still, he had to fight himself to not push things further, to not move to the floor and pull her with him, settle her on his cock and bring her to peak after peak of pleasure.

  “Nojan,” she said softly, pulling his attention back. “May I wash you?”

  His eyes widened. His little angel was eager to try new things. Who was he to deny her?

  “I’d be honored,” he said, moving to fill her hands with the soap. “Help yourself.”

  A small smile lit her features. She was tentative, shy, and it only served to make the sensations more torturous. Nojan couldn’t help but tap into her thoughts, to find out what she thought of her first male body.

  He’s so big, she thought as she reached up to rub soap over his broad shoulders. And so muscular. So strong.

  Her thoughts made him want to preen. Being seen from her eyes was a boost to his ego. Coupled with her soft motions, it was enough to cause a shiver to run through his body.

  It was amazing the effect this little female had on him. Already, his cock was throbbing, on the edge of spilling his seed, and she hadn’t even gotten close to touching him there yet. Her tiny hands were rubbing over his chest. When she grazed a nipple, his legs started to shake.

  Damn, what does she do to me? It’s amazing. He wondered what he’d do when he had to let her go.

  Maybe she’s right, he thought, his smile fading. She thinks I’m using her, and in a way, I am because I know that nothing can come from our mutual lust. I’ll still have to breed the next generation of Vartik royalty, something I can’t accomplish with her, as much as I’d enjoy that.

  Nojan had to banish such maudlin thoughts from his brain for his own sanity. He didn’t want to think of the inevitable time when he’d have to leave her. He wanted to be present in the moment, to be feeling the effect she had on him.

  Her hands were moving lower, were skirting over his navel and the trail of dark hair that started there. She was only a few inches from his aching cock. He tuned back into her thoughts to find out what she thought of his endowment.

  Her cheeks were pinker than before, her eyes bright. Oh gods, she whispered in her mind. I guess he’s big everywhere. How in the galaxy does he fit that inside his partner without splitting her in half?

  He sensed fear inside her and it caused tenderness to flood him. “It’s okay,” he murmured, taking her hand in his and settling it on his cock. “It won’t hurt you. I swear.”

  She began running her hand over his engorged dick, causing Nojan to bite his lip in agony and ecstasy. Her movements were tentative, innocent, but just being in close proximity to the lovely creature had him on edge. It would only take a few more strokes to bring him to his climax.

  “Wait,” he said, his voice hoarse. “If you keep doing that, my angel, you’ll have me spilling my seed.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” she asked, her voice breathy. “Don’t you want that?”

  Nojan looked into her eyes, once again diving into her thoughts. I made myself vulnerable for you, she thought. Opened myself up to you, allowed myself to experience something wonderful in your arms. Don’t you want the same thing from me?

  He sensed that if he refused her this, he’d lose the hard-won trust he’d just struggled to earn. Nojan couldn’t move backward with her now. He couldn’t afford to, not for the mission and not for himself. He wanted more from his beautiful angel, and if she wanted to make him come, who was he to deny her?

  “Okay,” he said gruffly. “Do your worst, seductive vixen.”

  Her grin widened, showing even, white teeth. Nojan felt her speed increase, felt her grasp his shaft more firmly. He let out a groan as she dragged her fist over the head, then moved to hold her breasts as she pleasured him.

  Feeling this gorgeous woman’s desire to make him climax, not to mention her sexy body in his arms, drove Nojan hard toward his peak. He leaned his head back against the shower and closed his
eyes as the world began to blur in pleasure.

  “Yes, little one,” he groaned. “Just like that. Don’t stop.”

  She didn’t stop. She kept stroking, her delicate fingers bringing him to the edge. When he heard her whisper “oh gods” as his cock throbbed in her hands, it was too much for him. With a hoarse shout, he flew off the cliff of his climax, his hot seed flying from his cock in a passionate spurt.

  “I can’t believe how good that felt,” he said when he was able to speak again. His breathing was ragged, his legs shaking with enough force that he was afraid he’d need to sit down or fall down.

  “I’m glad I could return the favor,” she said.

  Nojan beamed at her words, bending down to give her a kiss filled with sweetness. Then he held her under the water as it washed away the evidence of their lovemaking. The water was beginning to cool, and their time was winding down. With a sigh, he turned off the shower and helped her to dry off.

  “We’re going to have to find you something new to wear,” he said, picking up her dress off the floor. “This thing is a disgrace. We can’t have you traipsing around the lunar colonies looking like a candidate for sexual assault.”

  Mayra blushed, buried deep in a plush towel. She put her hands over her face and shook her head. “That’s a problem I’ll never have,” she mumbled, causing a thin thread of anger to flare up inside him.

  Nojan’s face darkened, a scowl moving in like a quick-rising stormfront. He opened his mouth with a smart retort, then closed it again, his good sense getting the better of him. It wasn’t Mayra’s fault that she considered herself hideous. It couldn’t be. Somehow, she must have been convinced of the lie, and now it had become so ingrained that she couldn’t believe otherwise.

  Those Vanfian fucks. He’d known the cats were cruel, but to reduce this beautiful creature to a bundle of self-esteem issues was a step too far in his book. Nojan swore to himself then that he would spend all the time they were given convincing her of her worth. And her loveliness.

  “Well, what should I wear then, a bed sheet and a bag over my head?” she asked, picking up on his surly mood.


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