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Test Drive: Road Tripping Series

Page 10

by Samantha Chase

  “Actually, I tried to talk Gammy out of this,” she explained, interrupting his thoughts. “She thought she was doing me a favor by not having a problem with us sleeping together. I told her it wasn’t necessary, but…well…you can probably tell already how she can be.”

  Okay, she was not interested in sleeping with me…

  Kind of a hit to the ego, but…whatever.

  “Anyway, if it bothers you, we can trade-off–I’ll sleep on the floor one night, you sleep on the floor another. Unless you have a better idea.”

  Yes, for us to both be in the bed and naked.

  “I think we can handle sharing the bed,” he said, hoping he sounded casual. Taking a step closer to her, he put the bags down and kept moving until he was directly behind her. Slowly he reached out and put his hands on her hips and whispered in her ear. “We almost shared a bed last night.”

  Tilting her head, she hummed softly. “But someone turned me down. I took that to mean you weren’t interested.”

  Turning her, Levi saw just a hint of hurt and uncertainty there and knew he needed to reiterate all the things they talked about last night. “Willow, me turning you down last night had absolutely nothing to do with you and everything about feeling weird about being in my sister’s house.” His hands rested on her hips again, gently kneading them. “I want you; you have to know that. But I’m not going to take advantage of our situation. And trust me, with your grandmother essentially across the hall from us…”

  “Her room is on the other side of the house,” she explained and then grinned. “And she’s a little hard of hearing, so…”


  “Okay, I know what you’re saying, and as much as I hate to admit it, I agree. It’s weird. This isn’t the time or the place for anything to happen between us.” She nibbled on her bottom lip–something he loved seeing. “But that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.”

  “Believe me, I feel the same way.”


  “I do,” he said, reaching up to caress her cheek. “But just in case you need a little more convincing, let me show you.” Leaning forward, Levi captured her lips with his and poured everything he had into kissing her. It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, considering her grandmother wouldn’t be gone long, but it was important for him to show her how desirable she was and how much he wanted her.

  In the back of his mind, Levi knew the next few nights were going to be torture–to lie in bed with Willow and not make love to her, but…they could possibly change their plans for the trip home. Originally, they figured they’d stick to the same accommodations they used on the way down to Florida and stay with his sisters. But now? Now he was going to book them at a couple of hotels along the way and see about dragging out their road trip a little longer.

  Whoa…getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you?

  Levi really wished his inner voice would shut the hell up.

  “Yoo-hoo! I’m back!” Gammy called out. “Turns out, Shirley went to the post office earlier with Dorothy! So I’ll just go tomorrow while we’re out!”

  Reluctantly, Levi lifted his head and saw Willow shaking hers. “She’s going to be a handful. I just know it.”

  “Oh, there you two are! Oops! Am I interrupting?”

  Willow took a step back and Levi’s hands dropped to his side. “No, you’re fine, Gammy,” she said.

  “Well, just so you know, there are condoms in the linen closet.”


  “What? I told you weeks ago, Willow bell, I’m not a prude. I always keep them in the house.” Then she winked at Levi. “You never know when they’re going to come in handy.”

  “Shoot me now,” Willow murmured, hiding her face in her hands.

  “Oh, stop. You’re a big girl now and talking about sex shouldn’t embarrass you.” Shaking her head, Gammy continued to explain things that no one wanted her to. “Sweetie, you might not believe this, but I keep them in the house for me too.”

  All Willow did was groan.

  “Not that there’s any chance of me getting pregnant.” She laughed heartily. “Heaven forbid! But did you know, Levi, that retirement communities have some of the highest STD rates in the country?”

  He choked a little as he shook his head. “Uh…no. I wasn’t aware of that.”

  “True story! I’m telling you, there are a lot of swinging singles here, and they all thought since the threat of pregnancy was gone that they were safe. No one gave a thought to how often or how many different partners they were going to have or that we aren’t too old to get syphilis or chlamydia!” She shuddered dramatically. “I had a very dear friend who…”

  “Gammy, please,” Willow plead. “I don’t think Levi needs to hear about the sex lives of your friends. And honestly, neither do I.”

  “Oh, poo. You’re no fun.” She turned to walk out of the room but turned around at the threshold. “Just remember, condoms in the closet. Tootles!” Closing the door behind her, they could both hear Gammy’s laugh.

  “So like I said…she can be a handful,” Willow said wearily, sitting down on the bed.

  Moving beside her, Levi laughed. “That was a definite first for me. Neither of my grandmothers ever openly talked about sex in front of anyone–not just me. I always considered them to be asexual. But your grandmother really just…I mean…I never…”

  Patting his leg, Willow rested her head on his shoulder. “You’ll be traumatized a few more times before we leave. Trust me.”


  “You two have a good night! There are clean sheets on the bed, but…don’t worry about dirtying them up! Nighty-night!”

  Willow quickly closed the door–and locked it–before leaning against it with a weary sigh. “I am so sorry.”

  Levi was taking all the decorative pillows off the bed while laughing quietly. “She’s a pistol, that’s for sure.”

  “I didn’t think she was ever going to let us go to bed!” Pushing away from the door, she helped him with the rest of the pillows and then with pulling the comforter down. “I know we didn’t discuss this but, which side of the bed do you prefer?”


  “Yeah, when you’re home and in your own bed, which side do you sleep on?”

  “I sleep in the middle.”

  “Okay, no preference then.” She walked around to the opposite side where he was standing and climbed onto the bed. “I sleep on the right side. I hope that’s okay.”

  His smile was slow and sweet. “It’s totally fine.”

  They had each taken turns showering and getting ready for bed almost two hours ago, so there was nothing else to do but…get in the bed. Willow felt mildly self-conscious, but considering Levi had seen her in her pajamas for the last two nights, she was okay with that. It was the fact that he was going to be sharing a bed and blankets with her that was mildly freaking her out.

  Do I snore?

  Talk in my sleep?

  Thrash around and throat punch?

  Oh, God! Why would I even put that thought out there?

  Levi was wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt like he had the previous nights, but when he walked around to the other side of the bed, his hands went to the hem of his shirt.

  “Um…what are you doing?” she demanded.

  “Just…taking my shirt off. It’s a little warm in here.”

  Relaxing slightly, she replied, “Yeah, Gammy doesn’t believe in using the air conditioning to its full potential. I can go adjust the thermostat.” Jumping from the bed, Willow left the room and did just that. No doubt she’d hear about it in the morning how the house was freezing, but…she’d live.

  Back in the room, a shirtless Levi greeted her from the bed, and she swore her ovaries sighed.

  Down, girls…

  Closing the door and locking it again, she walked around to her side of the bed and carefully slid under the blankets–all the while praying she wasn’t drooling at the sight of Levi
in her bed.

  Because a shirtless Levi was…well…it was pretty damn fantastic.

  They sat side by side, shoulder to shoulder in silence for a solid minute before Levi exhaled loudly .

  “This shouldn’t be awkward, right? I mean, we’ve known each other for months, and we’ve been getting…you know…closer…in the last few days. And we slept next to each other–sort of–at Nat’s house.” He turned his head and looked at her. “This is going to be okay.”

  Wordlessly, she nodded.

  Smiling, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips and that made her instantly relax. Within minutes they were shifting until they were completely lying down, and it felt so good to be half-naked with him. Levi was warm and hard all over.

  All. Over.

  Last night when they had fooled around on the bed was nothing compared to right now.

  Maybe it was because they were both barely dressed. Or maybe it was because it was still a bit forbidden for them to be doing this.

  But Willow strongly believed their reaction to each other was full-throttled lust.

  It was the longest foreplay possibly in the history of foreplay, and if they ever got the chance to be in a bed that wasn’t owned by one of their family members, she seriously suspected that they would be out and out explosive together.

  And I really hope I get to test that theory out soon!

  One large hand reached up and cupped her breast, and, luckily, he was kissing her and that muffled her moan of pleasure. While she knew Gammy wouldn’t be able to hear them from her room, she wouldn’t put it past her to be nosy either.

  Stop thinking of your grandmother, you dork! You have this incredibly sexy man in bed with you! Focus on that!

  And as Levi slowly moved down her body–with both his hands and lips–all of Willow’s attention went with him.

  “I must say, Willow. Well done.”

  It was really hard to relax in the massaging chair while getting the world's greatest foot rub when all your grandmother wanted to do was talk about sex.

  The car ride over had been hell.

  The only silver lining was that her mother had opted out of getting pedicures–she thought the salons were too unsanitary.

  I wish I had thought of that…

  “Gammy, please…”

  “All I’m saying is I…” She paused and seemed to consider her words. Reaching over, she held one of Willow’s hands. “Now, don’t be upset with me, but…”


  “But I was beginning to think you made him up.”

  Eyes wide, Willow had no idea what to say. Her mouth seemed like it was moving, but no words came out.

  “You were always so vague on the phone whenever we talked about Levi, and at first, I thought you were just being shy. Then I thought you didn’t want to share because the relationship was new and you didn’t want to jinx it.” She sighed. “But after a while, I thought he was a figment of your imagination, and honestly, I didn’t want to embarrass you by calling you out on it.”

  Maybe I can go for a bikini wax and get away from this.

  “When the two of you pulled into my driveway though, hoo-wee! I got a glimpse of Levi and thought, what a lucky girl you are!”

  Seriously, hot wax all over my crotch would be less painful…

  “And his hands! Oh, my…he has the kind of large hands that you know can make you tingle in all the right places!” She shook Willow’s hand excitedly. “Is he a good kisser?”

  “Gams, I’m really not comfortable talking about this with you. Or anyone, really. What Levi and I have is…private.”

  “Sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with sharing just a little bit. It’s all harmless fun. I mean, I’m 75 years old. It’s not like I haven’t been where you are. I mean, your grandfather–God rest his soul–was a wonderful husband and a fantastic lover…”

  “OH MY GOD!” her hands flew over her ears.

  “Sex is a healthy part of life! I’m not asking for specifics, just a general idea. Although, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish for you to have a fantastic sex life too. You’re young and pretty and have such a curvy little body! Honestly, I wish my boobs were still…”

  “Lalalalala!” Willow cried out as she stuck her fingers in her ears.

  Gammy swatted at her arm. “I never would have pegged you for a prude, Willow. I have to say, I’m a little disappointed.” And with a dramatic sigh, she turned her attention to the nail attendant who was massaging her feet. “That feels wonderful. Thank you.”

  They sat in silence for several minutes until Willow couldn’t take it anymore. “Okay, Gam, here’s the thing,” she began carefully. “I’m just not used to…you know…talking sex with anyone other than my friends. My mother never talks about it…”

  “Your mother’s too uptight.”

  No argument there…

  “You know what I’m saying. We never did this before and…”

  “You never brought a sexy boyfriend here before.”

  “We never did this before,” she repeated for emphasis. “And I’m not comfortable this.”

  “Would it help if I told you a little about my sex life?”

  Oh, dear God…

  “Remember the night I beat you at Words With Friends and I mentioned I was going out with Donald?”

  “If I say no, can we change the subject?”


  “What if I say yes? Then can we change the subject?”

  “I’m ignoring you and telling my story,” Gammy said stubbornly. “Now, I wouldn’t say that Donald is my steady beau, but we do out together once a week, and he has been known to spend the night.”

  Groaning, Willow turned her head and rested it on her hand.


  “Viagra is a game-changer, let me tell you.”

  “I really wish you wouldn’t.”

  “But I really miss the spontaneity, you know? Sometimes it would be nice to just be able to…you know…do it whenever we wanted rather than waiting those pesky thirty minutes.”

  Another groan.

  “One time, Donald took two pills instead of one!” She laughed joyously. “Now that was a memorable night!”

  “Levi’s an amazing kisser! And his hands are a little rough and scratchy, and I love the way they feel against my skin! And the sex is the stuff of fantasies!” Willow blurted out loudly and then noticed the entire nail salon had gone quiet.


  Gammy gave her a knowing grin. “I knew I’d wear you down.”

  “Gammy…” she whined.

  “The stuff of fantasies, huh? Bravo!”

  “Yup. Fantasies.”

  Mainly because that’s the only point of reference I have where sex with Levi is concerned…

  “I’ll say it again, Willow. Well done. I think he is absolutely perfect for you.”

  Okay, maybe now they could have a serious, sex-free conversation.

  “How do you think he’ll do around mom and dad?”

  “You know I love your father like a son…”

  “Gammy, he is your son.”

  “I know, so then I can say this without anyone judging,” she said primly. “My son is far too rigid and snooty. I think he’s going to look down on Levi because of his profession.” When Willow went to comment, she held up her hand to stop her. “If your father would sit and talk to Levi first before asking about his job, you might stand a chance. But you know how he can be. He’ll grill the poor boy first.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “Although I must say, bartending does pay well. Johnny, one of the Romeos, used to be a bartender at one of the big hotels in Vegas. His place here in Florida is one of three homes he owns. There’s big money in it.”

  “Maybe in Vegas. I’m not so sure about Long Island.”

  “Willow, Levi’s car is brand spanking new and goes for a pretty penny. And when I talked with him last night while you were in the shower, he seems like he’
s doing more than okay. Did you know he’s looking to buy a house?”


  “You know what that means, don’t you?”


  “It means there could be wedding bells in your future! Oh, how exciting!”


  “I’ll have to grill the boys later at my birthday party and see if Levi happened to mention to any of them if he’s planning on proposing,” Gammy said seriously. “And I promise not to tell you even if I know. Something as important as that should be a surprise.”

  “I guess…”

  Beside her, Willow knew her grandmother was still talking, but all she could think about was why Levi hadn’t shared with her that he was looking to buy a house. That was a pretty big thing. In all of their pre-trip times together when they were really playing the getting to know you game, they had talked about where they lived. She had told him about her tiny apartment and how much she wished she had more space and more privacy, and all he had mentioned was how he had lived in his condo for the last five years and it was essentially one big man cave.

  “Willow, you’re frowning, dear. Don’t do that. It will give you wrinkles. And we don’t want that for our party later!”

  No. I guess we don’t.

  “You want to make some real money, Levi, you need to leave the island and head out to Vegas! I made a very good living tending bar in the casinos. Lots of big tippers!”

  Levi nodded at Johnny and had to remember not to mention how he owned the pub. It would be wrong to admit that to anyone before he finally admitted it to Willow.

  He was out to lunch with five…Romeos. They were eating at the kosher deli Willow had mentioned, and he had to admit, the food was good and the company wasn’t so bad either. The old guys welcomed him like he was one of their grandsons, and he was actually having a good time. Willow had been worried all morning about it and tried to come up with excuses so he wouldn’t have to go, but now that he was here, he was glad he hadn’t backed out.


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