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Test Drive: Road Tripping Series

Page 18

by Samantha Chase

  Her hand smoothed down to his stomach and he couldn’t help the low moan that escaped his lips. “Willow…”

  Placing a finger over his lips, she shook her head. “We have one more night, Levi,” she said quietly. “We agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend for this trip and…the trip isn’t over yet.”

  Um…say what now?

  Looking down, he saw her swallow hard. “I’ll get another room if that’s what you want or I’ll sleep in the other bed and never bring this up again, but…I really want–need–to be with you tonight.” She paused when their eyes met. “Please don’t turn me away.”

  Was she kidding him?

  “Willow.” His voice was low and rough, practically a growl. Slowly his hand came up and anchored into her damp hair. He saw the vulnerability in her eyes, the slight tremble of her lips. “I’d never turn you away.”

  “Levi, I…”

  He didn’t let her finish. It had already felt like an eternity since he’d tasted her. Touched her. Kissed her. Together, they slowly maneuvered themselves across the room until they fell onto the bed Willow had been sitting on earlier.

  Not that it mattered. He had a feeling before the night was through, they’d use both beds and possibly other assorted spots and surfaces. Sleep be damned because if she was giving him one more night–one last night–he wasn’t going to waste it sleeping.

  Tongues dueled, hands grabbed and grasped and stroked, and it was a kind of glorious madness. They didn’t have to be quiet because they were in somebody else’s home or someone else’s bed. This entire space was theirs to be as wild and as loud as they wanted to be.

  And Levi was desperate to know just how wild and loud he could make Willow.

  He broke the kiss long enough to whip her shirt up over her head and loved the sound of her soft gasp. Her breasts were perfect, and her skin was pale and as smooth as silk. He could touch her for hours on end and never get enough.

  “Please tell me there’s more of that,” she whispered, breaking into his thoughts.

  “Sweetheart, there is so much more of that coming, I promise you. I just don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “Are you wearing anything under your jeans?”

  His grin was slow and a little devious. “You tell me.”

  The instant she realized what he was saying, he felt her hand smooth down his back and then under his jeans to grip his bare ass.

  And squeezed.

  “Wow,” she said breathlessly. “I had no idea you were commando under there.”

  “It wasn’t planned, but…now I’m really glad I am.”

  “You know what would make me really glad?”

  He shook his head.

  “If you took those off and then got back on the bed with me. Please.”

  It was hard not to chuckle when she was being so polite. Leaning down, he kissed her hard before jumping to his feet.

  He quickly shucked off his jeans and stood before her completely naked. “Whatever it is you want tonight, Willow, is yours. Anything.”

  Pushing up on her elbows, she blatantly ogled him. “There’s no risk of anyone interrupting us, right?”

  “Depends on how loud we get.”

  Then he watched in stunned silence as she shimmied out of her shorts and panties before lying back provocatively on the bed. “Then let’s see what we might have been missing the last few nights.” She held out a hand to him, and he gladly took it. “I’m going to want everything, Levi. Everything you have to give.” He crawled up over her and saw the mischievous gleam in her eyes. “And I’m going to be very vocal about asking for them.”

  “I’m a very good listener,” he promised, letting his body slowly cover hers. The skin on skin contact making them both sigh. His erection was almost painful by this point, but he knew he was more than up for the challenge. And when he claimed her lips in a kiss that almost brutal, he knew he’d listen to whatever else she wanted to say.



  They crossed into Suffolk County and Willow knew they were only thirty minutes from home. She yawned broadly and fought to keep her eyes open.

  “You going to make it?” Levi asked with a hint of amusement. They had driven all day–almost twelve hours–and except for gas and bathroom breaks and going through the drive-thru’s for meals, they hadn’t stopped.

  Another yawn.

  “I don’t know why I’m so tired, you’re the one who drove all day.” But…she knew why she was tired. They had only slept a handful of hours last night and she didn’t regret that decision for one minute.

  If she had thought the sex with Levi was incredible while they had been in Florida, it was nothing like it was last night.

  Holy. Crap.

  Without the limitations of having to be quiet for fear of waking anyone, Willow found herself to be extremely vocal in bed.

  Something she never really had been in the past.

  And she never even had to ask for anything–Levi just seemed to know exactly what she wanted and how to give it to her.

  Hard and repeatedly.


  Her vocalness came more from her responding to what he was doing to her rather than asking for it, and those responses seemed to really spur Levi on. What she really wanted was to test that theory again but…unfortunately, she had made such a big deal about last night being their last night, that she didn’t think there was any way to bring up the subject.

  All day there hadn’t been any hand-holding or outward signs of affection and she knew it was the right thing to do. They were playing a part for a short period of time and no matter how much she enjoyed it, she needed to remember that Levi had been doing her a favor. Well…she didn’t think the sex was part of the favor, more like a perk, but still…it wasn’t real.

  Friends with benefits.


  While pretending to be something they weren’t.

  But what if they extended their benefits just because? No reason. No favors. Just because they were enjoying themselves? Levi didn’t seem interested in being in a real relationship and he worked all the time, so maybe offering him this sex with no strings option would appeal to him.

  It couldn’t hurt to ask, right?

  Or it could totally hurt, and you’ll be humiliated because he’ll turn you down. Is that what you want?

  She sighed.

  Then yawned.

  And heard Levi’s soft laugh.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to just blurt it out and ask him right now, but with them still having some time left in the car, she didn’t want it to be awkward. However, she decided as soon as they got to her place and got out of the car, she was asking him and to hell with the consequences. If he turned her down, she could go into her apartment, close the door, walk into her bedroom, and scream into a pillow. No big deal.

  And if he said yes, she could lead him into her apartment, close the door, take him to her bedroom, and scream into a pillow.

  But for completely different–and sexy–reasons.

  It’s good to have a plan.

  “So, um…do you have to work tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Definitely. I’ve been calling and checking on everything, but I really need to get back.”

  “Wow, your boss is lucky to have you. You’re so dedicated to your job!”

  All he did was shrug.

  “I told Mrs. Moore–Josh’s mom–that I’d call her when I got back. Her mother’s been helping her out while I was gone, but she’s older and it’s hard on her to keep up with him so I’m sure she’ll be relieved that I’m home.”

  “And the dogs?”

  “Same.” Then she laughed. “Not that Mrs. Moore’s mother has been walking them, but I told everyone I’d call them when I got home.”

  “Why not just tell them the date you were getting back?”

  “Honestly? I had no idea how this trip was g
oing to go. Maybe I was going to come back earlier than planned, or maybe I was going to have so much fun that I didn’t want to leave?” She shrugged. “Everyone was cool with being flexible so…”

  “Have you given any more thought to maybe going back to school to get your degree in early childhood education?”


  Looking at her, he nodded. “You know, so you can work at either the daycare center you told me about or just go into the field wherever you want.”

  “Levi, I…I wasn’t really serious about that. I mean, how crazy would that be to just go back to school again after all the years I already went? And believe me, I didn’t enjoy it at all the first time. Why would I want to go back?”

  “Because now you’d actually be studying something that interested you and not something you were being forced to study. I bet that would make a huge difference. It’s something to consider.”

  She groaned.

  “I’m not trying to pressure you like your parents, trust me. I’m just offering a suggestion. I bet if you ran it by Donna and Jen, they’d agree.”

  “Don’t play dirty, Levi.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means don’t you dare bring it up to them the next time we go to McGee’s.” Sighing, she turned her head and looked out the window, suddenly not feeling very chatty anymore. Levi must have taken the hint because he grew quiet as well.

  By the time they pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, Willow was ready to go crazy. She couldn’t wait to get out of the car, stretch her legs, and…speak. Yeah, that was a biggie right now.

  Once the car was parked, they worked together to gather all of her things and Levi carried the bulk of them to her door. Willow unlocked it but didn’t open it right away. Instead, she turned and faced him.

  “I never should have said you’d play dirty.”

  He nodded.

  “And I want to thank you for everything you did this past week.”

  “You’re welcome.” His words were spoken so softly that she barely heard them.

  Good thing I’m focusing on his mouth…

  “I know everything didn’t go the way we planned, and…there were times when they were awkward…” She swallowed hard and forced herself to meet his gaze. “And some things were completely unexpected.”



  “Open the door.”


  He motioned to the door.

  “Oh, right. Sorry.” No doubt all the things he was carrying were getting heavy. Opening the door, she stepped inside and moved out of his way. With a weary sigh, she went on, “Anyway, I just want you to know…”

  Before she knew what was happening, the door was closed, she was pressed up against it, and Levi was kissing her senseless.

  And it was glorious.

  Willow wrapped herself around him, wanting to climb him like a tree–which she pretty much did. With her legs around his waist, she pulled back and broke the kiss and breathlessly asked, “Um, Levi?”

  “Trip’s not over,” he said before diving in to kiss her again.

  If the theory worked last night, he didn’t see why he couldn’t be the one to use it today.

  It was late, and he was exhausted, but leaving Willow simply wasn’t an option. Granted, he knew he was going to have to eventually, but…just not now. Not tonight.

  I should be checking on the pub! It’s still open and I’ve been gone for over a week!

  But he knew he didn’t really need to. His manager was amazing and had been keeping him updated throughout the trip about everything that had been going on. It had been an uneventful week, and he was thankful for it. There would be plenty of time tomorrow for him to go in and sit in his office and deal with all the things he would have to deal with–paying bills, payroll, and ordering supplies. They had a first-rate computer system that handled most of that for him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t check, double-check, and triple-check on everything.


  Right now, the only things he wanted to check, double-check, and triple-check were ways to make Willow come.

  Because good Lord, was that an amazing thing to see, feel, and hear.

  Yeah, one more night and he should be able to walk away and let them go back to the friend zone.

  Just the thought of it nearly killed him, but luckily, Willow was sucking on his tongue and rubbing up against him so he was pretty much able to push those thoughts aside and focus on her.

  They clumsily made their way to her bedroom, and he saw it was very feminine–some stuffed animals in a chair in the corner, lots of soft, pastel colors, and a ton of pillows on the bed. So many pillows that he wasn’t sure where he was supposed to lay her down. He broke the kiss and stared down at the bed. She turned her head to follow his gaze.

  “Floor,” she said, climbing out of his arms and he wasn’t sure if she meant her or the pillows. But once she was on her feet, she quickly swept all the pillows off the bed and onto the floor before whipping her shirt up and over her head.

  “Fantastic idea,” he murmured, stripping off his own shirt.

  Maybe he should be questioning why she was so readily on board with what they were doing. Levi knew his reasons, but he was curious why he didn’t need to explain himself more. All day yesterday and last night, Willow had been all about reiterating how they were friends–and seemingly, just friends–and yet here they were frantically stripping down together again.

  In the blink of an eye, she was down to her panties and pressed up against him, kissing her way down his chest, grabbing the waistband of his jeans as she went.

  “Pants, Levi,” she whispered between kisses. “This will work a lot better without the pants.”

  She seemed to say that a lot.

  Maybe he should…

  His eyes rolled back into his head as she pulled his jeans and boxers down enough to start kissing below the belt.

  One hand gently gripped the back of her head as all the breath whooshed from his lungs. Reaching around behind him, he did his best to balance against the bed without falling over.

  But it didn’t quite work out that way.

  The comforter material was a little too slippery, and the hand that was on her head pushed her away as Levi lost his balance and slid.

  He hit the bed; Willow hit the floor.

  And they both burst out laughing.

  It was the least sexy moment ever and yet…he loved it.

  Forcing himself to straighten, Levi kicked off the rest of his clothes before he held out a hand to her and helped her to her feet. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, still laughing. “But I’m really glad it’s kind of dark in here. That was not a position I’d want anyone to see me in.”

  Banding his arm around her waist, he kissed her softly. “You, naked on the floor? I’ll always want to see that.”


  Tucking a finger under her chin, he leaned in and kissed her again, this time making sure she knew they were done talking for now. He was about to guide them both onto the bed when she went on the move again.

  He kind of loved it when she did that.

  This time nothing was stopping her from kissing every inch of him.

  Every. Inch.

  “Willow,” he panted. “I think…I need…oh shit, that’s good…maybe…”

  She gave him a playful shove, and he fell back on the bed. He scooted up toward the headboard and got comfortable before Willow joined him. Straddling him, he realized she had gotten rid of her panties too. Before he could comment on it, she was kissing her way down from his chest again. Just when she was about to pick up where she’d left off, she raised her head and gave him the sexiest smile he’d ever seen.

  “Just FYI, these walls have great insulation. We can be as loud as we want for as long as we want.”

  Which was perfect news because it didn’t take long for her lips to
wrap around him and cause him to roar with his release.

  The room was pitch black and Willow was curled up next to him sound asleep.

  Levi wished he was doing the same.

  He was exhausted; that was a given. But he just wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be doing right now.

  You mean other than sleeping?

  Sure, that was one option, but…should he leave now and make things a little less weird in the morning or did he stay and…deal with the weirdness?

  Yawning, he knew the smart thing to do was deal with the weirdness. He had no right being out on the road driving when he was this tired. No need to be a danger to himself and anyone else on the road.

  Decision made, he closed his eyes and started counting backward from one hundred.

  Ninety-nine, ninety-eight…

  And he was asleep.

  The next time he opened his eyes, the room was bright, and he was alone. Sitting up slowly, he looked around and listened for where Willow might be. He smelled coffee and figured she was in the kitchen.

  His limbs felt like they were made of lead as he climbed from the bed and slid his jeans and boxers back on. Shirtless, he made his way out of the room and toward wherever the kitchen was.

  Last night, he had only seen the entryway and had a vague memory of stumbling across the apartment. In the light of day, it was much smaller than he thought it would be. There was one open living area with a small kitchen and…that was it. Other than the bedroom and bathroom, there wasn’t much else. It was decorated in a style that totally screamed Willow, though, much like her bedroom. She was obviously a girly-girl, and he wanted to walk around and look at all her framed pictures, but…she was sitting at her little kitchen table watching him.

  “Good morning.”

  She blushed and lowered her gaze. “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well?” It was inane conversation at best, but…he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say, nor was he awake enough to give it much thought.

  “I did. It was nice to sleep in my own bed again.” She smiled at him before motioning to the counter behind her. “There’s coffee if you’d like some. They’re the pods, and there are different flavors on the rack for you to choose from.”


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