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Sinners MC: A Motorcycle Club Anthology

Page 10

by Evan Grace

  This time, his confession took away my breath as I stood still in shock. If he said those words before all this chaos happened, my heart would have melted, but instead those words infuriate me.

  “Get out!” I pushed him toward the door with all my might. Luckily, Monica barged in the room and helped me.

  “You heard her, get out,” she warned him.

  Aiden kept his eyes on me as I stood at the doorway with my hand grasping on the knob tightly.

  “I can’t take the pain and sorrow back, Lisa. I love you, and I loved you for a long time. I know you won’t believe me now, but I felt it the day I saw you. I’ve ruined everything, but I promise that I will fix this. I swear on our love that I will make this right.”

  “That day will never come,” I whispered, shutting the door in his face.


  I thought Aiden would let this matter go, but I was wrong.

  For the next several days, he showed up everywhere I went. Worst thing was that he knew I wouldn’t make a scene in public or anywhere else, so he talked to me and treated me like I was his girlfriend.

  Girls still approached him whenever he was with me, but he didn’t even bother looking at them for a second. His whole focus was trained on me only.

  At first, it annoyed me because every time I looked at him, I was reminded of his betrayal. But I couldn’t miss the guilt painted on his face every single time I brushed him off, showing my ignorance.

  It was like now he realized what I’d been through, and it made the guilt weigh heavier on his shoulders.

  Day after day, I told myself not to fall for his words, but it seemed like my heart wasn’t going to cooperate with my thoughts.

  I kept waiting for the day Aiden would finally give up. I uttered every harsh word possible to push him away, and I saw the hurt in his eyes, but that didn’t budge him.

  Day after day, he showed his affection and love for me with some of my favorite gifts. Every evening when I returned to my dorm, I would find my favorite orchids at the doorstep with a sorry note on it. At first, I would throw them away, but eventually those flowers got to be inside my favorite vase, and the notes were all hidden inside my drawers. It’d been a month now, and I still hadn’t responded to any of Aiden’s acts.

  But thinking of them made me see he was really trying to earn my forgiveness, even though I was crushing his heart intentionally.

  After the class ended, I felt a slight discomfort in my chest, but I ignored it, making my way outside with Monica, expecting Aiden to be outside sitting on his motorbike. But he wasn’t there. I felt the slight ache in my heart that he wasn’t there, but I didn’t show it off. I crossed the driveway and suddenly froze. A sharp pain shot through my chest. My legs turned to Jell-O as I knelt on the ground, grasping the left side of my chest. Monica let out a shocked cry.

  “Lisa? What’s happening? Talk to me.”

  “My heart…” I whispered.

  Sudden realization dawned at me when I became aware that I might be having a heart attack.

  “Oh my God. We need to get you to the hospital now,” she muttered, taking out her phone to call 911. My vision swam as I felt the pain reaching my nerves. At that time, Aiden came into my thoughts.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about not forgiving him because of my stubbornness. If I died, he would resent himself for the rest of his life.

  I heard Monica talking on the phone as a small crowd gathered around me. Soon my sight became blurry as I felt my consciousness slipping away. The voices around me echoed away before I was swallowed by darkness. The last thing I remembered was being in someone’s arms.

  But who?

  The beeping sound and the smell of antiseptic made my eyes open slowly. As my vision returned, I found myself in a hospital room with several needles attached to me.

  “Hey,” a masculine voice whispered as I found my dad beside me.

  “Dad?” I asked, turning my head on the pillow.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. You are at the hospital. It was just a minor chest pain, but now it’s under control.”

  I let out a sigh of relief as I closed my eyes.

  “Thankfully, Aiden got you here in time.”

  I frowned in confusion. “Aiden?”

  “Yeah, sweetie. He got you on his motorbike and took you to the ER as soon as he could. He’s waiting outside. Should I get him?”

  I nodded instantly.

  My dad left the room and right away Aiden came in and immediately engulfed me in a hug.

  “Thank God. You’re okay. You are safe,” he whispered against my forehead.

  “You saved me.”

  “I will always be here to save you. I will never let anything happen to you.” His voice was hoarse and shaky as if he were on the verge of crying.

  I cupped his face and gently kissed him. I was afraid that I would never get to tell him my feelings, but I didn’t care anymore. All I knew, my heart would always lead me back to him.

  “I forgive you,” I whispered against his lips.

  He smiled gently as he returned my kiss with his gentle touch. His palms cupped my cheeks with his soft, plump lips on mine.

  “I missed you so much,” he whispered, his forehead resting against mine. “I love you so much, Lisa.”

  I smiled shyly. “I love you, too, Aiden.”

  This was our ending and beginning. A love filled with ecstasy.

  About the Author

  I’m an Indie Amazon and Goodreads author, and even a Wattpad writer. I first started writing on Wattpad. Then with the love and support of my readers, I self-published my first Amazon Kindle book series, Destroyed (Dark Love Duet #1) and Freed (Dark Love Duet #2). Meanwhile, when I’m not writing, I spend my free time reading books or improving my art skills as I’m also an art student. Recently, I’ve started to work on graphic designing for other authors and book bloggers. I live in Bangladesh with my family and am completing my BA in English Language and Humanities.





  Mayhem MC

  By Vanessa Siena



  Five years ago

  “There’s no other option, Kip. This is the only place we can stay for free until I get enough money to get our own apartment. Get used to it,” Duke said, looking around the bedroom we were given at the Mayhem’s MC clubhouse. Duke had just been given the prospects’ patch, and this club was our only way to keep a roof over our heads.

  He was only eighteen, but he saw the club as our only way to a somewhat normal life. I was sixteen, still in high school and dealing with my own problems. Now, I also had to deal with big biker guys who looked like they could eat me. Either that or they didn’t want me around.

  There were two beds in the room, one for me and one for Duke. Our suitcases stood by the door, and I had already claimed the bigger dresser for my clothes in my head. Duke wouldn’t care anyway. As long as he had his bike, everything was okay.

  “Stop frowning at everything, Kiplyn. Be thankful for this. They could’ve easily kept you out there and not let you in. They’re doing this for me. Try to be obedient and listen to what I say, all right?” Duke had always been this way. He wanted me to listen to him, to be careful and respectful. He taught me all those things because Mom and Dad never did. Mom couldn’t, since she spent most of my life in the hospital, battling cancer. And Dad? Well, he left when he realized that he couldn’t support his sick wife and two kids. What a man.

  “The sheets seem dirty,” I told him, crossing my arms, and looking at him with a raised brow.

  “Clean them.” He shrugged, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and checking the time. “I gotta be downstair
s in five. Stop being mad at the world, Kip. Be thankful for this.”

  I watched him leave the room. There was no way I would ever feel comfortable in here. The whole house smelled of whiskey and cigarettes. But then, I had no other expectations when Duke told me that we’d be living here for an unknown amount of time.

  Sighing, I sat down on one of the beds. Summer break just started, and I had no idea how I was going to spend these months. I wanted to get a job, but Duke wouldn’t let me. Not sure why. But I wasn’t going to stay here in this room, waiting for each day to pass me by until I could go back to school. Most of my friends left the city, so I had no one to talk to personally. Only through my phone.

  The room was starting to get hot, but opening a window wasn’t an option, and the AC, of course, was broken. How on earth will I survive here?

  I decided to head downstairs to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. We did have an en-suite, but I wasn’t drinking straight out of the sink.

  I left the bedroom, looking left and right to check if there was something around. It was quiet, and the only thing I heard was the old floorboards cracking under my feet. I made it to the stairs, looking down before taking one step at a time. Finally, I made it to the bottom, where I stopped next to the entrance to the club. They had a bar, some pool tables, and restrooms. And to my right, there was a small hallway leading to what they called church. Not sure they ever prayed in there.

  I knew some of the biker slang, thanks to Duke using it on the phone. But most of the time I had no idea what was happening. It wasn’t my business, anyway.

  There was no one at the bar, and there was no one standing in my way to get to the kitchen. As I reached it, I searched the cabinets for a glass.

  “Are you lost?” A deep voice startled me as I reached for a glass on the upper cabinet. I didn’t move at first then, slowly, got back down from my tiptoes and turned to look at the man standing behind me. I didn’t hear him come in, nor did I know how long he had been standing there, watching me struggle.

  He was leaning against the doorframe, his head cocked to one side, and his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes narrowed, and I could tell he was amused by what he was seeing. He had dark jeans on, a black hoodie, and the Mayhem’s vest on top of it.

  He must be hot with all those clothes on, I thought.

  He had a buzzcut, which was a good idea to keep his head from sweating too much. I had a full head of hair that reached my lower back, and even with it pulled back into a ponytail, I was sweating like a pig.

  There were some scars visible on his head, and one even reached his left eyebrow. As if someone ran the tip of a knife from his brow up to the side of his head. I wasn’t going to question it.

  “I, um…” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I need some water,” I explained, and he kept eyeing me intensely.

  “Go ahead,” he said, nodding to the glasses behind me. He seemed amused.

  I turned back around slowly, reaching back up to the glass I so desperately needed. Finally, with another stretch of my arm, I was able to grab the glass. He was still standing there, watching.

  It seemed odd, but I wasn’t going to question his actions.

  I walked over to the fridge and opened it, grabbing the bottle of water and pouring some of it into my glass. He was still not moving, and I was starting to get nervous.

  I put the bottle back then lifted the glass to my lips and took a few sips, all with his eyes glued on mine.

  “Taste good?” he asked, and I was starting to think that he was mocking me somehow.

  I nodded slowly, unsure where this was heading.

  I finished the glass and put it down on the kitchen counter. I was done here, and I was starting to miss the bedroom upstairs.

  The guy had other intentions, though. He took the few steps between us, and I looked down to avoid his gray eyes. My eyes fell to his patch, which I should’ve looked at sooner. V. President, it said. Great.

  His hand came up, and his finger ran along my jawline. “Next time you need help,” he said in a low, husky voice, “use that pretty mouth of yours to ask.”

  Four years ago


  It didn’t take her long to have me wrapped around her little finger. I thought I would never commit to anything unless it had to do something with the club. But Kiplyn? I had to make her mine.

  I didn’t like the thought of Duke moving into our club with his little sister, but the second I saw her standing there in the kitchen, trying to reach for that glass, I knew she was special. She was shy. Scared, even.

  The way she looked at me as I got closer, it seemed as if she wanted to run and hide from me. That wasn’t really my intention, but I didn’t approach women in any other way.

  Sweet butts were easy. They wanted to be treated like someone special but took every bit of shit we gave them with pride. They didn’t care if we’d sleep with them and five minutes later have another girl sucking us dry. They loved being around the club. They had a choice.

  Kiplyn didn’t. She had no other place to go, even if Duke would let her. So, the first year she spent at the club I made sure that I was the only guy ever getting close to her. Her long, fiery red hair stood out in a crowd of millions, and those baby blues of hers fascinated me from the moment I got a glimpse of them. She didn’t need makeup, and if she did use it, I told her to take it off again. I wanted to be able to see every single freckle on her skin.

  I was twenty-one when I first met her, and I knew she was off-limits. But this club didn’t play by the rules when it came to women. Of course, I wasn’t going to take Kip to bed, when all she ever experienced with a guy was a simple kiss. That’s what she told me when I asked her about it. I wanted to know what she was comfortable with, so our first kiss had yet to happen.

  Sure, I had to somehow get off occasionally and used some sweet butt to do so, but as soon as Kiplyn was ready, I promised myself that she would be the only girl I’d touch.

  Kiplyn didn’t know where our relationship was headed. She saw me as a guy who was protective of her, just like her brother. But I saw the way she looked at me. Her eyes told me things she never said.

  I was holding her in my arms, the way I did most nights. I made her move into a separate room at the club, so Duke could have his own fun. I spent most nights in her new room, cuddling her and keeping her close.

  It was early in the morning, and the sun wasn’t out yet. I was lying on my back, with Kiplyn’s arm and leg over my body and her face hiding in the crook of my neck. My left hand moved over her back, and with my right, I scratched her head softly.

  For this whole year, I thought this was all I needed from her. But I wasn’t the only one wanting more.

  Kip’s hand moved from my chest down to my stomach, where she could feel all my muscles. Her leg moved over my already hardening cock, and I reached down with my hand to stop her from doing it again. She’d done this before, teasing me.

  “Kip, stop,” I growled, knowing she wasn’t doing it on purpose. I was five years older, and I didn’t want to cause any shit with her brother for being romantically involved with his sister.

  “No,” she mumbled against my skin, moving her leg once more, causing my dick to twitch in my shorts.

  “Kiplyn,” I warned, now cupping her jaw and turning her head to make her look at me. “I told you before. I’m not going to fuck you, no matter how much you tease and beg.”

  Her brows furrowed. She wasn’t happy with that, so she moved her hand to my waistband, gripping it tightly. “I’m not going to wait until I’m eighteen, Wilder. You want it, too.”

  Fuck, yeah, I did. But she’s a virgin, no experience whatsoever. I wanted it to be special for her. Not just a quick fuck to get it over with.

  I pulled her hand away from my waistband then looked into her eyes. “I love you, Kip. But we gotta wait.”

  She sighed. “I’ll turn eighteen in five months. If you love me, how have you never wanted to strip me and touch
me? Or kiss me…” she whispered, looking at my lips.

  I have kissed her neck before to make her fall asleep. When she was upset, that was one way to calm her down. But I never dared to do more than that. And had I known what would’ve happened just hours later, I might have taken her up on her offer and slept with her, to show her just how much I loved her.

  Chapter One


  It’s been four years since they took him to jail. He went without a fight, letting two officers handcuff him in the middle of the club, in front of everyone. He was being charged for arson, although he wasn’t the one who set a neighbor’s house on fire. Luckily, no one was inside when it happened.

  To this day, we had no idea who the mastermind behind that whole shit show was, making it look like Wilder was the one doing it. He could’ve fought against it. He could’ve pleaded not guilty because the little evidence the judge had was not enough to decide to put him to jail for four years.

  I had no idea why he just took it upon himself. At the trials, he only spoke when it was necessary. That was the last time I saw him. He was charged, taken away, and I never got to see him again all those years.

  Well, I did have a chance to see him. I just didn’t take those chances. I was mad at him for leaving. For not fighting for his right because I knew he didn’t set that fire. I was mad at him for not telling me why he was letting them take him to jail. Not even Texas, his brother, and National President of the Mayhem’s MC wanted to let me in on their little secret.

  I had to live with not knowing why he left me and the club. One whole year he promised not to leave me. To always protect me and have my back. I promised the same to him. But how was I supposed to stick to his side when he was locked up?

  Months after he left, Crow took over his spot as the VP for as long as Wilder was gone. Crow was an asshole. A bastard. The biggest piece of shit on earth. But everyone seemed to trust him. Even Texas. And even me.


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