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Enforcer (Spartans MC)

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by Tiffany Casper

  I walked into the living room and saw my mom and asked her if she could give me a ride to the lawyer’s office and I told her about the phone call. She readily agreed and told me she would wait on me.

  Calling my dad I let him know I would meet him at the dealership a little while later. Over the past three days my parents and I have fought and fought and fought. Finally after subterfuge from my mom I went and got my license yesterday. The subterfuge I am talking about is my mom resorting to letting tears fall from her eyes. Real shitty mom! So here I am an adult, letting my parents by me my first car. Damn.

  I made it to the lawyers office with about ten minutes to spare so I headed inside.

  The office wasn’t overly big. They had brown leather couches in the waiting room and a woman with grey hair sat behind the desk. I gave her my name and she let Mr. Stallings know I was there.

  After three minutes of waiting I was called back.

  Now I thought the man would be old however he wasn’t much older than my dad and he was forty-four. I shook his hand and sat in one of the brown leather couches.

  “First of all thank you for coming on such short notice.”

  I nodded my head.

  “Second of all I know I never met you but judging your character by the way Mr. Hooper talked about you, I would say you’re a good man. Now let’s get to the reason we are here.” He pushed his glasses back on his nose, reached for a manila folder on the side of his desk and cut the top of it and pulled the contents out.

  A cling hit the table. Keys. What the fuck?

  Albert what in the fucking hell have you done now.

  “The contents of this will are as follows per the orders of Mr. Albert Hooper who passed away on the 23rd of June 2018. I wish he says, ‘I wish I could see your face while this is being read. We never had any children and I didn’t feel comfortable leaving this with just anyone. The day you stuck your neck out for me and never expected anything in return was the day that I knew. Take these gifts and make them your own. Find a woman who understands you and live my friend. Live. I leave to you my mechanic shop and all inside. It was locked up tight the day I knew I was going to prison. There is a key for the front door, the back door, the storage shed and the office. I also leave to you Elvira and my home plus my truck if you trade it in or sale it make sure you kick her tires for me. I also leave you the contents of my bank and savings account. You can cuss now young man. If we had ever been blessed with a child I would imagine they would be just like you. Take care of all and all I ask in return is to check in every now and then on my young niece Paisley Andrews. She could use someone like you in her corner. I met her when she came to visit me with my brother’s son. She should be just about to turn eighteen by the time this is read. Okay that’s enough fucking talking. I love you Malcolm’ you shall take ownership of all that imply at the end of this reading and sign your name.”

  “Well fuck!” I exclaimed that fucking man.

  “If you will sign here?” Mr. Stallings handed me a pen and pointed at the dotted line. Feeling like I was having an out of body experience; I maned the fuck up and signed my name.

  I was then handed the keys to the shop, his well my house now. Also keys to a truck, a key to a safety deposit box and the necessary paperwork to access the accounts.

  Getting done finishing signing my life away I walked out and got in my mom’s car and stared at the road.

  “Well, how’d it go?” My mom asked.

  Well… how was I supposed to answer that?

  “Well let me process it all and then I’ll tell you.” I said as I looked at her. She saw the keys in my hand and thankfully didn’t say anything.

  We headed to the dealership after we called my dad to meet us there.

  Like usual he beat us there, my mom tended to drive a little slow these days but I would never tell her that. I want to have kids someday. Dad walked to the car after mom stopped and cut the car off then he opened her door for her. That was another trait I had picked up and one I would forever keep.

  We walked the lot and took in all of the vehicles. I already had a bike at home that we were fixing up, it was a 1978 Power Glide and it was a beast. After twenty minutes of checking them all out we decided on a truck. Finally after we landed on one of them a sales man came out.

  Now it’s a shitty thing to say and a hilarious thing to say all at the same time. When a man walks up stuttering and mixing up his words because he sees a leather kutte and two big mother fuckers like us. Then have him tripping over himself when we say yes sir and no sir.

  She’s a solid white Chevrolet 2500HD four door with step rails, a short bed and a two inch lift. She was beautiful. While my parents were doing the paperwork I was getting a quick course on how the truck worked and the system.

  Coming out they handed me the keys, the sales man put my thirty day tag on and then they handed me the title paperwork. I should get the title in thirty days. Wait, yeah that was right. They put the truck in my name.

  Everything everyone was doing for me here lately was unreal. I wasn’t sure how I could ever make it up to them.

  Seeing the look on my face my mom decided to say in that particular time,

  “You can pay us back by making us grandparents one day. Not now but in the future.” Then she walked to her car, got in pulled out and told me I’d better be at the clubhouse for a barbeque in two hours.

  I jumped in my truck and headed to check out the house, the shop. I drove by both of them. I was expecting the shop to have been ransacked and torn down but thankfully the shop looked sound. An office was to the left with three bays. The exterior was white with a dark blue strip running around the whole shop near the top of the building. It had a decent sized parking lot too. He could defiantly help out the club by providing decent work and offering a discount for all his brothers as well as a discount for first responders. Heading out of town he headed by the house.

  He liked that it wasn’t far from his parents’ house. It was a two story Victorian home and it matched the shop in colors being that it was white and the shutters and door were dark blue. The carport was attached which was nice. Someone had mowed it recently and he knew that the lawyer had someone to keep a watch on it and keep it mowed. The driveway was paved and it sat on six acres of land with a pond taking up two of them.

  Then I went and checked on the girl Paisley. I just did a drive by of her home and saw her on some wooden steps leading to an apartment with what looked to be a book in her hand. Looking at the clock he saw it was time to get to the clubhouse so he put meeting her off to a different day.

  Turning his truck into the right direction he hammered down and got to the clubhouse with a fucking minute to spare. His mom was standing out front tapping her foot as well.

  “It’s about time you got here.” She berated me.

  “Mom, I had a few minutes to spare too. Besides I’ve been locked up mom. I’m enjoying my freedom again.”

  She sighed, “I know and I’m sorry. I’ll try to lighten up. Only a little though.” Well that was a first.

  Entering the clubhouse I see now why she wanted me there when she told me the time. Every member from our other chapters were here. I weaved my way to the back of the building and you couldn’t tip toe through the area. Bike after bike after bike was parked here and there and everywhere in between.

  Turning around I took in the clubhouse and noticed ‘Welcome Home’ banners were strewn throughout the common area. The pool tables were all in use, a DJ was up on the raised platform near the strip pole blaring out rock and country music. Over the past few days thanks to my iPhone I was able to listen to a lot of what was current and decided the music wasn’t too god awful, nothing like the older stuff.

  Playing pool and catching up with a lot of members I received slaps on the back and even a lot of welcome home brothers.

  Sipping from my beer I saw someone I hadn’t seen since high school.

  “Fucking Grizz.” I called out when he was closer.<
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  The fucker turned and smirked at me. It was then I noticed his kutte said the words President. Oh shit really?

  “Welcome back man! Good to see you.” We did the whole arm thing and shoulder hugged which I was informed was the new normal.

  “Glad to be here man. President huh?” I pointed my beer to his patch.

  Looking down at it he said “Yeah, for about three years now. Youngest Prez ever in Spartans MC. I was voted in after some shit went down.”

  “Sorry to hear that man, good for you thought right?”

  Grizz was his nickname, he has had it since birth. He is almost as tall as I am and he is even bigger than me muscle wise. Where I have dark black hair he had light brown pulled back in a man bun with the sides shaved.

  “Mac?” I looked and saw it was my dad calling me and motioning me over.

  “Catch you later?” I asked.

  “Yeah man; welcome to come to our neck of the woods in South Carolina any time.” I topped my beer to him then weaved through the crowd.

  “Yeah dad?”

  “Want to talk about what all went on at that lawyers office?” He asked as we sat down at the bar.

  I told him all that had gone on about the news of the shop and the house and even the bank accounts. I even told him he asked me to watch over a girl.

  “A girl huh? What’s her name?”

  “Paisley Andrews. Ring a bell?” My dad raised his eyebrow as if to say ‘oh really’.

  “Yeah I know of her son. She hasn’t had the best raising up. Her mother is a piece of shit and her dad has tried numerous times to get custody of her but for whatever reason the state still claims she is a fit mother. From broken bones, to being set on fire you name it, its happened to that poor girl. She always wears long sleeves and shorts unless its cold outside. No matter how hot it gets outside she never takes off the long sleeves.”

  That got me thinking that I needed to go and check on the girl like a.s.a.p. My gut told me to get a move on; I always listen to it because nine times out of ten it’s always right.

  Sitting in the hospital four hours later I’m real fucking glad I listened.

  Chapter 3

  Oh the day started out well enough since I got in the shower and had a burst of warm water instead of the cold water I am used to. Also, following that by my hair actually cooperating and not looking like a giant fuzz ball or worse a rats nest. I then headed to the fridge and seeing if there was any yogurt left and there was one cup. Yes! I did a little victory happy dance. The entire morning was even made better because my mom was passed out and asleep on the couch. Happy Birthday to me I didn’t get hit.

  I made it to school on time and even received a one hundred on my exams so I would be likely eligible to graduate high school with honors and hopefully this would pave the way for college. I knew I had the grades but not the income. I had already applied for financial aid. My mom wouldn’t offer to help pay for it, not when she can barely keep food in the house. My father had his other kids with his other wife to worry about as well.

  At lunch I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and was surprised with a cupcake from my best friend in the whole world Harper. We were about the same size and everyone picked on us and called us twins. The only difference was her hair was blonde and mine was brunette, a deep color of brown.

  Then the day was made even better while I was in third period being called to the guidance counselors’ office.

  I sat in one of the red comfy chairs in the office.

  “Ms. Edwards.” She called. Mrs. Smith was an older lady and her hair always resembled a bee hive and it was even blonde in color.

  I followed her inside and was asked to take a seat.

  “Ms. Edwards we have been waiting on your test scores to come out to determine something for you. We have received several college offers for you.” They didn’t go to my house because my mom would throw them away and I would never be able to escape her. “Since receiving your test scores I have called these colleges and I have here your scholarships. You have been offered a full ride scholarship to UNC, NC State, Auburn, Alabama, and Clemson. You have been offered a partial scholarship from Duke, Wingate, NYU. My dear you have done very well for yourself. Now…..” I pretty much zoned her out. I heard I needed to give her answer by end of next week.

  Leaving her office I was still in a daze. All through fourth period I was in the daze as well and even on the bus home.

  I failed to notice the black van that was idling outside my home. I also failed to notice the three men who were looking through the window at me.

  What I hadn’t failed to notice was being back handed when I walked through the front door of the tiny two bedroom apartment and all for eating.

  “What the fuck do you think you were doing this morning? I wake up, I had to take a cold shower, and then I go to the fridge to eat the last cup of yogurt only to find it gone. You good for nothing bitch!” Her venom spewed at me. It didn’t matter that that cup of yogurt and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and that cupcake was all I would eat today.

  Regardless that she would go to her pimp’s house and eat until her heart was content. I went to the fridge and made an ice pack, I grabbed a wash cloth and put some ice in it and held it to my face. Over the years I have learned what worked and what didn’t.

  It wasn’t the first time I had been hit by her and I knew it wouldn’t be the last, sadly. My small five foot one inch frame was nothing on her five foot seven inch frame. I took after my grandmother on my dad’s side. The only thing I took from my mom is my figure which was curvy and my deep rich brown hair.

  It all started when I was three and my dad left my mom. She then began her torment and torture of me. When I was five she purposefully dumped a pot of scalding hot water on my arms because I dropped a full gallon of milk. It was too heavy for my frame even though she asked me to put it back up. She knew.

  Taking me to the hospital when I wouldn’t stop crying and it was keeping her awake she told the doctors I grabbed the pot off of the stove. When I was five she broke my arm because she said no man wanted her because I ruined her figure.

  When I was eight she cut all my hair off because some lady at the store said it looked beautiful.

  When I was twelve she held my head under water in the bathtub, she inly released my head when a knock sounded at the door. She said her lover didn’t want any children.

  When I was fifteen I found out she had taken pictures of me and tried to sell me to the highest bidder. My dad had a hand in getting the website shut down. Over the years he has done everything short of killing my mom to get me away from her. Sadly she has something on him that kept her alive and I still have no idea what that is.

  Going to my room I worked on the last bit of homework for High School I would ever have to do. After I finished all of that I grabbed the book I had borrowed from the library and began to read.

  Waking up the next morning I took my shower and was shocked again to have warm water. I got dressed in my usual of a long short sleeve shirt covered by a red and black flannel over black leggings. This outfit was comfortable at school and I could wear it at the library were I worked part time filing books that had been returned as well as come new releases.

  I turned in the last of my homework and seeing that it was Friday meant we got out at noon if our grades were good enough and we were to graduate. Seeing Harper I called her name.

  “Harper?” She stopped turned around and saw me waving to her.

  “Hey bestie! Wanna ride? Milkshake from cookout, my treat?” I loved this girl.

  “Absolutely!” I climbed into her little red Volkswagen beetle.

  A new country song came on that we fell in love with and we were singing along at the top of our lungs.

  Ordering a blueberry milkshake for her and a peanut butter and banana milkshake for me we headed to the library where she dropped me off for my part time job.

  Again I had failed to notice the same black van follow
ing us around the entire time.

  Working at the library was a great way to escape from my home life. When it was slow I got to read whenever I chose to. The work was usually a steady constant and it was the same for tonight. Seeing the clock was now almost to nine pm it was quitting time. I had hurried to finish the cart I had started and then clocked out. Every night after my shift one of the older ladies always gave me a ride. They have been doing it for two years now and I loved them dearly for doing it.

  Grabbing the book from the library I had started on about a knight rescuing a princess from an evil warlord had me thinking it would be nice to have someone like this knight. Little did I know he was about to show up.

  Halfway through the book I had fallen asleep. Had I known what was about to wake me up I would have fought to stay awake.

  I was woken by the front door being slammed open. Looking at my clock I saw it was two in the morning. I rose quickly and alert, my bedroom door was open and in came my mom, bloody. A swollen left eye, a busted lip, bruises even on her neck. She came stumbling into my room throwing her body behind me. I couldn’t understand why she was doing that until I saw the men.

  Four men were walking through the front door and not even bothering to close it. I threw my mom’s hands off of me and ran and closed my door and locked it. I ran to my window and unlocked it and opened it. Looking back at my door I saw that I didn’t have a lot of time, I jumped up kicking at my mom who was trying to pull me back in so she could get out of the window first. For the first time ever I hit her back. I reared my fist back and punched her in the face as hard as I could. It didn’t do much but at least it got her hands off of me. The splitting of the skin over my knuckles didn’t faze me.

  Luckily since I was tiny I fit through the opening and jumped down feeling my ankle give way when I landed. That was going to hurt later so I took off running to the police station. My mom must have yelled something at them and I thought I heard ‘She’s a virgin, take her!’ but I wasn’t sticking around to find out.


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