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The Soul of Archer

Page 2

by Michelle Kee

  "I don't want to put you out sir..."

  Krista gave a slight snort, "You kidding? My mom would love it. Since I left home she's always complaining about how quiet the house is without me and my brothers. Trust me hon, there's plenty of space. In fact, I could take you there myself if you want."

  "Well, I guess for a day or so. Just until I'm not jumping at my own shadow anymore." Alora said with a soft smile.

  "Alright then. Kris, why don't you take her on to Mama Deb. Me and the guys will head over to Alora’s house in a bit and get to work." Ethan instructed.


  Alora studied the charming two-story brick home. Rose bushes lined the wraparound porch, a set of wicker porch furniture sat to the far left and a hanging porch swing off to the right. All in all, it was a beautiful home.

  "Well, what do you think?" Krista grinned, moving up beside her.

  "It's beautiful. Bet you and your brothers loved growing up here." Alora smiled.

  "Wait till you see the backyard." Krista said.

  Krista looped her arm with Alora's and led her toward the house. They had just reached the porch when the front door opened, and a woman came rushing out with her arms wide. Alora watched with slight sadness at the mother-daughter embrace. She missed those.

  "Oh, there's my baby."

  "Jeez mom, you act like you haven't seen me in years. Me and Ethan were just here Sunday." Krista laughed.

  Debbie Jameson swatted Krista playfully on the butt before turning her attention to Alora. "Ah, you must be Alora. I'm Debbie. Nicky called me and filled me in."

  "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Jameson." Alora replied, shaking the woman's hand.

  "Oh, none of that. I'm either Debbie or Mama Debbie." Debbie corrected. "Now, let's get you inside and you can tell me about yourself hon."

  "Alora, you go on in with mom. I'll run by your place and pick you up some clothes." Krista offered.

  "Thank you." Alora smiled.


  "Now, Nicky didn't tell me much other than you're a witness against that Malconi brat, Samuel." Debbie stated, placing a mug of coffee in front of Alora.

  "Yes ma...I mean Deb. I saw him kill a man on Friday night then hightailed it to stay with friends in Houston. My friend's husband Ryan was the one who called Blackout."

  "Smart move. Tell me about you dear. Are you from Austin?"

  Alora took a sip of coffee and felt ease wash over her as the caffeine hit her system. "No, Houston originally. I went to the Culinary Institute in New York then went home. I moved to Austin to open my own bakery three years ago. Two years ago, I bought my store front, Sassy Explosions."

  "I know that place. My hairdresser bought her daughter's wedding cake there last year. It was a beautiful masterpiece."

  "Thank you." Alora beamed.

  "What about your parents? They must be worried about what's happening."

  "Um, well, my parents are dead. They died in a car accident my sophomore year of college."

  Debbie moved to the chair beside Alora and pulled her into a motherly embrace. "Oh honey, I'm sorry."

  Alora absorbed the hug, having missed her own mother's hugs. "It was hard at first, but us St. James's are fighters. I know they were together, and they would want me to live my life. So, I'm doing just that. In fact, it was my parents who named my bakery. The summer before they died, I was home and telling her and daddy that I wanted my own bakery one day.

  "Mom said whatever I called it, to make it "Sassy". The "Explosions" part came from daddy. That night I tried out a new cake recipe for them and he said it was like an "explosion" of flavor. After they died, they said in their will for me to use the insurance money to buy my bakery. That's what I did. Right behind the register I have their wedding picture and in the decorating room is the last family picture we did the Christmas of my freshman year."

  "That's so sweet. I bet they are proud as hell of you Alora." Debbie smiled tearfully.

  "I like to think they are." Alora agreed.


  Lance was sweeping Alora's home office. After Krista and Alora left, Nick told them that Annabelle said that in the past Sam had spied on his girlfriends. Hidden cameras, bugging their phones, even having them followed. This had pissed Lance off big time.

  "Found another one!" Tony yelled out.

  Lance turned off the sweeper and walked out of the room. He and the others walked into Alora's bedroom where Tony was. They found Tony pulling off the grate for the air vent. There it was, a camera.

  "How many does that make now?" Gage asked, his brows furrowed.

  "Hidden cameras? This one makes five. As for listening devices, I've found six." Tony stated, his voice taking on an edge.

  "I found three in her office." Lance added, his own voice hardening. "This bastard has been watching her for a while now and she never knew it."

  "What makes you think that Hawk?" Ethan inquired.

  "Seriously?" Lance gaped, "You're telling me a woman like Ms. St. James would AGREE to having cameras in the bedroom, bathroom, her office, not to mention having her phone tapped?"

  "Okay, okay I get it Hawk." Ethan surrendered. "Tony, Grant, you guys have disabled the remote DVR for them, right?"

  "That was the first thing I did after I found the first camera." Tony nodded. "I've got a trace running to see where the feed was going, but I'm not expecting much."

  "Do we tell Ms. St. James about the cameras and bugs?" Grant questioned.

  Lance ran a hand along the back of his neck. "I think we should. If she's going to feel safe and cooperate with us, we need to be upfront with her to a point. This is one of those things we should tell her."

  Ethan studied Lance. Something was different about him ever since he barged into the interview room. "You sure buddy?"

  Lance faced Ethan. "Yes Ethan. I'm sure."

  Ethan gave a curt nod. "Alright then. Tony, Gage, Grant, you three finish the sweep and get our system installed and running. Lance, you come with me. We'll go to Mama Debbie's and tell her now."

  Chapter 3

  "He did what?" Alora demanded.

  "He had five hidden cameras and at least six hidden listening devices around your house." Ethan answered.

  Alora was floored. Sure, she had seen things like that in movies and read about them in books but to actually have it happen to her was unbelievable. She turned her gaze from Ethan over to Lance who stood like a statue against the wall. The grim expression he wore was all the validation she needed. She surged to her feet and began pacing the Jameson's living room.

  "That sorry son-of-a-bitch. How dare he invade my privacy like that! Ohhh… if I get my hands on him I'm gonna rip his balls off and shove them down his throat!" She raged.

  "Easy there, tigress." Lance chuckled as he pushed off the wall and walked toward her.

  "Excuse me?" Alora demanded.

  "We've disabled the cameras and when Ethan and I came here the others were getting ready to install our security system. He can't watch or listen to you anymore."

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked up at him, "But you guys can huh? So, I trade one cyber voyeur for a group of them now?"

  "We aren't like that Ms. St. James." Lance challenged, his voice dropping and taking on a threatening tone.

  Alora wasn't having it. She was tired of being scared. "Yeah? Can you swear to me that no one at Blackout would violate my privacy that way?"

  "I swear to you, no one will violate your privacy." Lance promised.

  Ethan cleared his throat, drawing her attention. "Actually, our system doesn't work like that. The cameras only activate when the alarm is set. For example, when you leave for work and set the alarm, the cameras switch on and stay on till you deactivate it. Same goes for at night. I can tell you there will be no cameras in private areas like your bedroom and bathroom. As for your home office, they will be in the corners of the room but will not be angled at your computer."

  Alora relaxed then. Her shoulders slumped as she ra
n her fingers through her unbound hair. "I'm sorry I snapped. Being scared like I've been this past weekend is a new concept for me and I don't like it one damned bit. Until this last year with Sam I've never been afraid of anything."

  Lance laid a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him. "It's understandable. This situation isn't something the average civilian deals with and it can throw you for a loop. I will say that you've handled all this remarkably well. Better than most people we deal with."

  For some reason hearing his praise made her feel both turned on and proud. "T... Thank you."


  Lance walked into his house, dropped his work bag and made a beeline for the kitchen. His body felt tense and he had no idea why. Grabbing a beer from the fridge he walked back to the living room. Sinking into his lazy-boy, he reached for the remote when his phone rang. Groaning, he picked up the receiver.


  "Hello baby."

  Lance couldn't stop the smile, "Hi mama. How are things in Jacksonville?"

  "Good. My garden is exploding in flowers, guess that fertilizin' Alex did over the winter did the trick."

  "You'll have to send me pictures. So, where's dad?"

  "He's pulling a double. One of the guys at the station caught a case of food poising. How are things in Austin?"

  "We just caught a case this morning and it's kind of a big deal. Geez mom, the woman we're helping...she was terrified when she came to the office this morning. Earlier when Ethan and I went by Jameson's house to talk to her, she was spittin' mad." Lance explained.

  Carmen Archer chuckled, "Sounds like an interesting woman."

  Lance knew that tone. "Mom, don't even think about it. She's a client..."

  "And so was Krista as I recall,"

  "That was different. Ethan and Krista had a past that was never really resolved when he joined up. I don't cross that line and you know it." Lance argued.

  "Hmm-hmmm." Carmen hummed.

  Lance groaned and knew it was a lost cause. "Anyway, how's your shop doing?"

  And just like that, Carmen Archer forgot about matchmaking and was instantly talking about her book shop. Though he didn't look like it, Lance was an avid reader, as was his mother. As a kid, books had been his constant companion other than his mother.

  "Oh baby, I can't wait till you come home again so I can show you all the changes. Alex bought the empty lot next door and we're going to be building a coffee shop and bakery. Course with Jessi about to graduate she's already volunteered to be the head baker." Carmen said proudly.

  "Wow, my baby sister is a soon to be college graduate. Hard to believe that." Lance said on a whistle. "Then that means Jake is what...a sophomore?"

  "Yep. You kids grew up so fast. Well, I don't think you were ever really a kid." Carmen replied.

  "No, I don't think I was." Lance stated, his voice going flat.

  "Oh Lance, I'm sorry to bring that up." Carmen apologized.

  "No mama don't apologize. Most times it doesn't bother me. Guess the fact that our new client was slapped around by her ex has those memories creepin' in a little is all." Lance sighed.

  "Just don't let that dark stuff back in again baby. Okay. You know you're better than that and me and your dad are here for you. Anytime. Day or night."

  "I know that mama. I promise, I won't go back there again." Lance vowed.

  "Good. Well, I better get going. I have an early day tomorrow and you should probably relax a bit before turning in yourself." Carmen instructed.

  Lance laughed, "Yes ma'am."

  Still chuckling, he hung up the phone and picked up his beer. His mom was a wise woman and she knew her son well. There had been a time in his past when he was in a bit of a dark place. Fighting at school, okay more like finishing the fights. He wasn't the bully, but he was the kid who defended the kids being bullied.

  He had always hated bullies, especially those that beat up women and kids. The kind his biological father had been. Then his step-dad Alex had come into his life and things got better. They got even better when his sister Jessica and his brother Jake were born. He had been and still was the proudest big brother.

  Shaking his head to clear it, he polished off his beer and rose to his feet. Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed another beer and stepped outside onto his back deck. Moving to the railing, he leaned against it watching as lightning bugs flashed around the yard.

  'Maybe one day I'll have what mom and dad have.' He thought wistfully.


  Alora stretched as she sat up in the soft bed. Surprisingly, she had slept like a baby in the guest room at the Jameson's home. She had half expected the nightmares like she had that first night at Ryan and Jacquie's. Thankfully they had stayed away.

  She pulled out a change of clothes that Krista had brought her and entered the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, she exited and headed downstairs. Ever the early riser, Alora decided as a show of thanks for the hospitality she would make Debbie and Nick breakfast. After beginning the coffee, she set about with the rest. Eggs, bacon, and toast.

  She had just placed the bacon in the pan when Debbie walked in. "My, something sure smells good."

  "Good morning Debbie. I just thought I'd make breakfast. As a small way of saying thanks for letting me stay here." Alora smiled, pouring a cup of hot coffee for Debbie.

  "Oh, that's sweet of you honey, but you are our guest." Debbie protested.

  "It's not trouble. I love to cook, hence the reason I went into the culinary arts." Alora waved her off, turning back to the bacon.

  The two women began chatting as Alora worked on the food. She had just sat the platter of eggs on the table when Nick walked in on a hum of appreciation. Giggling, Alora carried the plates over and sat down.

  "This smells divine Alora, thank you." Nick stated.

  "No problem." Alora nodded, scooping some eggs onto her own plate.

  After several minutes of silence, Nick spoke up again, "Well dear, I am curious what your plans are today?"

  Alora wiped her mouth, "I planned on going to my bakery. It's getting on the wedding season and I have several orders I need to get started on. I also need to inform my employees what's going on. Well, not everything, but that if they see Sam anywhere near the shop or if he calls to tell me. If he physically comes by, who do they need to, who should they or me call if he does that?"

  "Call PD, then Blackout. I spoke to a friend of mine, Detective Wilson, yesterday after I spoke to Agents Harker and Fortner with the F.B.I. Ask for him should Malconi show up." Nick answered.

  "Alright. Well, I guess I better get moving. The bakery opens at nine and I have things I need to do beforehand. Do you know when the team from Blackout will be by to check out my security?" She inquired, carrying her dishes to the sink.

  "Ethan said he would send Tony and Lance by about nine or so." Nick replied.

  "Sounds like a plan then. You two have a good day and I'll see you later. Again, thank you both for letting me stay here. At least for a few days." She smiled.

  "It's our pleasure dear. You have a good day at work." Debbie beamed. With a wave Alora exited the kitchen. Debbie faced Nick, "She's such a delightful woman. You will protect her won't you Nicky?"

  Nick sat down his mug, "I'm going to try my damnedest Deb. When it comes to the Malconi's, it's hard to guess what they'll do. But with Blackout on the case I think Alora will be just fine. Not to mention from her display of anger last night at finding out about those cameras in her home, I think she's a force to be reckon with on her own."

  "Yes, I believe you're right Nicky." Debbie agreed with a smile.

  She kissed his cheek, gathered their plates and moved to the sink. Already she was feeling protective of her young houseguest. And anyone who threatened someone Debbie Jameson was protective of had hell to pay.

  Chapter 4

  Lance and Tony pulled into the back lot of Sassy Explosions. Lance climbed out and moved to the bed of his truck when something wafted
on the breeze. "Hot damn, what is that?"

  "Smells awesome whatever it is." Tony sighed, grabbing his bag from the bed.

  Lance nodded, hefting his own bag over his shoulder as he and Tony moved to the back door. Alora had called Ethan that morning and told him to have Tony and Lance go to the back door when they showed up. As Tony knocked, Lance quickly surveyed the back lot.

  It looked to be employee parking. There were buildings on either side and an alley that led to the street. He also spotted flood lights on the back of the building. Good. They could rig their system with those and the lights would also provide cover to hide the cameras should Malconi try anything here.

  "You the guys from Blackout?" A man in his mid-fifties asked, holding the door open.

  "Yes sir, Tony Pace and Lance Archer." Tony nodded.

  "Come on in. Boss Lady said for me to show you where the security stuff is. She's tied up with a cake at the moment. I'm Frank Sullivan, assistant baker. Been with Alora since she opened two years ago." Frank said.

  Lance had never been in the back of a bakery before. The place was a buzz of activity. He counted about fifteen people mixing, rolling, filling and decorating cakes, cookies, pies and breads. He spotted Alora piping away at a six-tiered wedding cake. He had seen his sister do the same thing and knew how exacting the work was.

  Frank led them out of the bake room and into a hallway. He pushed open a door on their right. "Well, here she is. We just upgraded to this system last year after some druggie tried to break in, course wouldn't have done him any good."

  "How so?" Lance asked sitting his bag down while Tony sat at the mainframe.

  "We don't keep the day's profits here. Either me or Alora drops it off at the bank. What money we do keep is locked up in a safe that only she and I know the combination and where it is." Frank shrugged.


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