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The Soul of Archer

Page 8

by Michelle Kee

  “Thank you.”

  “For what Alora?”

  “For telling me about your past. I feel like I understand you, that I’m closer to you.”

  Lance dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Other than my parents and my team, no one knows that. And even my team only knows a little. With what happened with Tegan they all know, as for my biological father, only Ethan knows the whole story. The others have an idea I think, but they don’t know it all.”

  “Then your past is safe with me, Lance. I promise.” Alora said, lifting her head so he could see her eyes.

  “I know it is.” He replied. He reached up and cupped her cheek. “Before I blew up, you mentioned something about me and Gage?”

  Alora let out a sigh, “It was nothing…”

  “No, I want you to tell me baby. Look let’s make a promise. We both be honest with each other. Okay?”

  “Okay. Well, the thing is, when we were leaving the bar I was between you and Gage. You and the others must know that you guys are sexy as hell. So, my mind started painting this image.”

  “What image?”

  Alora could feel a blush settling in. “Um, well…” she paused, took a breath then continued. “You were behind me. Gage was under me…”

  “He was in your pussy and me in your ass?”

  “No. You both were in…”

  Lance caught on. He shifted so she was now under him and he was raised over her. “We both were inside you. At the same time.”

  “Yes.” She breathed.

  Lance felt himself growing hard at the image she described. Except what he was imagining, there was no other guy. It was him and a dildo inside Alora. After what Tegan did, he would never consider sharing a woman of his and Alora was his. “Well, I will tell you now. I won’t share you. I would never share or even participate in that kind of sharing. However, I think I may have a way to fulfilling your little fantasy.”


  Lance kissed her. When she was writhing beneath him, he pulled back. “Give me a few days and you’ll see.” With glazed over eyes, Alora nodded. Chuckling, Lance rolled back onto his back and pulled her to him again. He pulled the sheets up over them once more. “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow we’re going over to Ethan’s for that cook out.”

  On a yawn, she nodded. Snuggling closer to him, Alora’s breathing leveled and she was soon asleep. Lance however was still awake. His mind already plotting how to give his Tigress her fantasy. He knew he might need some help but who? Then it hit him. He knew just the person to ask and only hoped he wouldn’t stumble over his own tongue when he brought it up. Taking a few relaxing breaths, he followed Alora into sleep.


  “You’re thinking pretty hard over there?”

  Ian turned as Monica slid up to his side. “This St. James woman is a thorn. Sam is splitting his focus and he’s not ready to do that.”

  Monica pursed her lips. “Then she will need to be dealt with. Tell Sam to forget about this little baker and focus on the deal with Los Diablos. I will take care of Ms. St. James.”

  “We can’t afford to mess up this deal. A deal like this will pave the way for bigger and better deals. Sam needs to prove his value to me and to the family. If he can’t…”

  “Don’t worry about your legacy my sweet. Your legacy is not in danger. I have made sure of that. Trust me.” Monica smiled.

  Ian returned her smile. He caught the wicked glint in her black eyes a moment before she had him pinned against the window behind him. When she moved in, Ian reversed their positions and it was Monica who found herself pinned. He shackled her wrists with one hand above her head, while his other ripped open her blouse. “Seems my pet wants to play.”

  “I do.”

  Ian picked her up and with a sweeping arm, cleared the papers off his desk before slamming Monica onto the desk.


  Alora sat with Krista and her girlfriends. The ten women were so different yet so alike. It was obvious to anyone watching them that not only was there history, there was love, loyalty and a sense of family. “Kris tells us you own Sassy Explosions over on Lavaca.” Tina asked.

  “Yep. When I first moved here from Houston three years ago, I was working out of my home. By the next year I had found the perfect spot and had enough saved that I bought the store front.” Alora replied.

  “I bought a cake there for my boss when he retired back in November. I was shocked that you guys could fill the order that quickly so close to Thanksgiving.” Tiffany spoke up. “And your prices are so reasonable. I went to four other bakeries before yours and they all either couldn’t do it in time or charged out the ass to have it on time.”

  Alora swallowed her sip of wine. “I did my homework on my competition. I saw what they charged, asked around, and even placed a few orders so I knew what I was dealing with. Then when I opened I made sure that while I was competing with the other bakeries, I didn’t slack on customer service and kept my prices reasonable. Now, for some things, my prices are on par with others. But those are things like specialty wedding cakes and such. I gather your order wasn’t a specialty.?”

  “Nope, just a plain marble sheet cake with “Happy Retirement Jack” and a plastic fisherman.” Tiffany laughed.

  Alora and the others laughed. She felt eyes on her and turned her head to see Lance watching her. She smiled and sent him a wink. When she faced the ladies, they were all staring at her. “What?”

  “Is Lance Archer as hot in bed as he looks?” Jennifer grinned.

  “Excuse me?” Alora laughed.

  “Forgive my girls. Ever since me and Ethan got back together and married, these ladies keep asking me about the rest of the guys. Despite them being married.” Krista explained.

  “Hey, we’re married not dead.” Jenny Messina threw out.

  Alora lost it. These ladies cracked her up. Tiffany, Shauna, Jennifer Hill, Jenny, Messina, Crystal, Mindy, Connie, Jenna and Krista. She overheard Danny calling them the hyenas and Ethan telling him to watch out about saying that. “Honestly, you guys really what to know about Lance?”

  “Spill!” came nine replies while Krista simply smiled and drank her beer.

  “That man is a machine.” Alora admitted.


  “Hey Lance, you got a sec?” Danny asked.


  Lance followed Danny inside. When they got to Ethan and Krista’s office, Danny closed the door. “Ethan told me about Alora’s plan. I think it’s a good one. Gage also brought up extra men. I have three guys that can watch the house. These three men I trust almost as much as I trust Ethan. When I came here to run the office, they came with me. We went through the academy together.”

  “Danny, if you trust them I’ll take your word on it. We would only need them there in the morning and evening.” Lance said.

  “Alright, I can have them ready and in position by tomorrow morning. What time?”

  “Alora said she’d leave my house about six. She leaves for the shop about eight or shortly after. She’s usually home by five-thirty, seven at the latest if they’re really busy.”

  Danny wrote down the information. “Got it. I’ll put Harrison on the first watch. He’ll be in a black Jeep about two houses down. I’ll call either you or Alora with who will be there that evening around lunchtime.”

  Lance felt a weight lift off. He laid a hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Thanks Danny. I mean it. Alora…”

  Danny smiled, “Hey buddy I get it. I’ve seen how you two look at each other. It’s like Ethan and Kris. If I had a girl like that I’d do all I could to keep her safe too.”

  Lance nodded. He walked out of the office while Danny pulled out his cell to make the calls. Lance stepped back out into the yard and made a beeline for Alora. Knowing that his boys would razz the hell out of him, like he had done to Ethan the previous fall, he didn’t stop till he reached Alora. He tugged her to her feet and before she could say a word he kissed her. He, Lance Archer, had kis
sed a woman in front of god and everyone. A first for him.

  “Well, um, wow.” Alora giggled.

  “Just felt like it.” He shrugged.

  “Fell free to do that anytime you want Mr. Archer.” She said, with a bit of sass in her voice.

  Lance growled low. He loved her sauciness. He leaned in close so only she could hear. “Keep it up and I may just drag your ass back home early.”

  Alora giggled as her lips tugged at his earlobe. “You do that, who’s to say I let you wait till we get home.”

  Lance groaned and quickly spun away. Behind him he heard the ladies and Alora giggling. When he reached his boys, they all wore knowing smirks. “Okay, you four can just kiss my ass.”

  “Hey, come on Hawk, you know we’re happy for you.” Tony said.

  “Tony’s right. You’re happy and Alora’s the reason. She’s a good woman.” Grant added.

  Lance nodded taking a swig of his beer. “Yeah, she’s one hell of a woman.”

  Chapter 13

  Lance sat at his desk going over the reports on Malconi from the weekend. There had been a lot of activity from the Malconi camp. Which made sense, considering the deal Alora had spoken of was set to go down in less than two weeks in Houston. Danny said the Feds and D.E.A. had already reached out to their colleagues in Houston and had the ball rolling. Once they knew the exact location they could fine tune things for the bust. It still worried him though. Anything could go wrong and if the Malconi’s got away they would still be a threat to Alora. Laying the report on his desk, Lance stood up and moved to his window looking out over Austin. A knock interrupted his thoughts.


  A second later, Ethan walked in. “Hey.”

  “Hey. So, Tony was able to get the footage from the light cam where you and Alora saw Malconi. Tony also was able to track him from the surrounding cameras. After he lost you guys when you pulled into the garage, he drove around the area. He missed you two going into Q-Ball by like fifteen seconds. After that, Tony lost him when he left downtown. Danny’s guys watching his house said he pulled in about eight.”

  Lance ran a hand through his cropped hair. “He was pissed. He drove around looking for us, then probably ran crying to daddy. Fuck. Ethan, this whole mess is a clusterfuck.”

  “I hear you Hawk. Which is why, when we go to Houston for the bust you won’t be there.”

  Lance spun and faced his friend and boss. “What?”

  “You heard me. Look, I want you and Alora out of here. Take her to Jacksonville for the weekend, hell the week if you can get her to agree. I’ve sent Kris to tell her the same thing I’m telling you right now. If anything goes wrong and the Malconi’s get away, I don’t want her or you to be here.” Ethan stated.

  Lance started to argue but then he caught the look on Ethan’s face. It was the same look he had the previous fall when Krista was being stalked by Ingram. It was worry. Letting out a deep breath Lance nodded. “Alright boss, we’ll go.”

  Ethan walked over and laid a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Lance, I know you hate not being in the action, but who would you trust to be with Alora while you’re with us? Huh? I’m guessing not a damned person but yourself. I felt the same with Krista when we were discussing her New York trip. So, take her and go to see your folks. Me, Danny and the rest of the team will handle Houston.”


  Alora sat across from Krista at Kirby Lane. Krista had called her about half an hour ago asking if she could meet her for lunch. From the woman’s face, Alora knew this wasn’t just a friendly girl’s lunch. “Okay Krista, what is it?”

  “What do you mean?” Krista asked looking over her menu.

  “Look, I can see it in your eyes. What’s up?”

  Krista sighed and sat down the menu. “Alright. Ethan asked me to talk to you. What I’m going tell you, he’s telling Lance right now. When the guys go to Houston, he doesn’t want Lance there. In fact, Ethan wants you and Lance away from here.”

  This floored Alora. She leaned back in her seat and just stared at Krista a moment. “You mean Ethan wants me and Lance to hide?”

  “Yes and no. What Ethan is considering is, that Sam and Ian could slip away during the raid. He doesn’t want to run the risk that they will come back here and go after you, Lance or both. By now, Blackout is assuming that Sam has told his dad that he saw you and Lance together Saturday night. If so, that paints a target on both of you and Ethan won’t risk either one of you.” Krista explained.

  It made sense to Alora and she agreed with Ethan’s reasoning. “So, he wants me and Lance to leave for the weekend?”

  “Well, if you could, he’d like you guys gone the week of the raid. He knows you’re busy and understands that may not be possible…”

  “I think I can swing next week. I finished the last of the specialty cakes just before I came here. I can leave Frank in charge until the Monday after the raid. Besides, my people have been telling me to take a vacation. I haven’t taken one in over a year.” Alora smiled.


  When Lance picked Alora up that evening at the park, she could tell something was his mind and she could guess. “Did Ethan come talk to you today?”

  Lance sighed, “Yeah. I guess Krista filled you in?”

  “Yeah, she said Ethan wants us gone next week. As of today, my vacation starts at the end of the day on Friday. When I told Frank and my people, they practically cheered.” Alora giggled. When Lance threw her a questioning look, she laughed. “You see, I haven’t taken any time off in over a year and they all think I’m overdue. Maybe I am, but the shop is in good hands under Frank. My next specialty cake, a wedding cake, isn’t due till after the raid. So, we take off and when we get back, Malconi family or not, I go back to work and start on it.”

  Lance reached over and took her hand. He lifted it to his lips and brushed the back of her knuckles with his lips. “You are one hell of a woman Alora.”

  “And you’re one hell of a man Lance.” She smiled, reaching out to run her hand against the base of his neck. “So, where will we be going?”


  Alora froze as he pulled into his driveway. He put the truck in park then shifted so he was facing her. “Did you say Jacksonville?”

  “I did. I’m taking you to meet my folks. I want you to meet them. Is that okay?” he answered.

  Alora scooted over and was in his lap, her arms around his neck. “I’m honored you want me to meet your parents Lance. I would love to go. Will you take me on your boat?”

  Lance laughed and held her closer. “Yes Tigress, I will. In fact, you would be the first woman outside of my family to be on it.”

  Alora smiled at that. She leaned in and kissed him. This kiss was slow, sweet, but still held the heat that was always simmering just under the surface with them. She pulled back and cupped his cheek. “I guess we better get inside. While I’m cooking dinner, you can call your mom and tell her. Unless you want to surprise her?”

  “I think I’ll surprise her. But I will grab a shower while you’re cooking.” He grinned.


  Danny sat at his desk reading the report from his undercover guy in Malconi’s crew. According to the agent, the location would be decided in the next two days and once he knew he’d pass it on. Sighing, Danny rubbed the back of his neck and leaned back in his chair. For the last decade now, he had been with the D.E.A. and he never regretted his decision to join. Yet despite loving the job, he was growing tired. He recalled something his mentor, Agent Greg Wallis told him after his first undercover assignment. “When the edges of the bigger picture start blurring Danny, that’s when you need to walk away.” And Danny was beginning to see those blurs. His eyes opened at the knock. He looked at his open door and saw Ethan.

  “Hey bro.”

  “Hey Ethan. What are you doing here?”

  Ethan walked in and dropped into one of the visitor’s chairs in front of the desk. “Came by to see if you wanted to grab a burger an
d beer? Krista is over at Connie’s helping her with some Pinterest project or something and I don’t feel like cooking.”

  “Burger and a beer sounds great right about now.” Danny nodded.

  The two men stood and left. Danny climbed on his bike and followed his brother-in-law. About ten minutes later they pulled into Gabriel’s Cafe. They were quickly seated and had ordered their beers. After giving their orders to the waitress, it was Ethan who spoke first. “You looked like you were in serious thought back at your office Danny. What’s going on?”

  Danny let out a slow breath, “I’m getting tired E.”


  “Yeah. I’ve been in the Agency for a decade, hell a little more than that now. My mentor once told me when I see the edges of the bigger picture blurring it’s time to walk.”

  “And you’re seeing that?”

  “Yep. After this case with the Malconi’s I’m done. I’ve already turned in my papers.”

  Before Ethan could speak, their beers arrived. “So, what will you do?”

  Danny took a swallow before he answered. “I don’t know, hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “I might have an idea.” Ethan said, “You could join Blackout.”

  Danny was floored. He could practically feel his eyes widen in surprise. “Come work for you?”

  Ethan shrugged as he took a drink. The waitress showed up with their food and once she walked away, Ethan spoke. “Why not? You’ve got skills that would be useful, especially to Alpha team. Look, when you came home last year, Krista mentioned that you looked tired. I agreed and said if you ever wanted out, you had a place with Blackout.”

  “And what do your guys say?” Danny asked.


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