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The Soul of Archer

Page 15

by Michelle Kee

  “Lance, oh come Lance. I want it.” She demanded.

  “Yes, take my cock. Take it all! Oh Alora!” He groaned as he thrust fully into her one last time.

  When she felt him empty into her it tipped her over the edge once more. Her legs were like a vice around his waist as he poured all of himself into her depths. Sweat poured off them both and mixed with smell of the ocean and raw sex. Slowly they came back down to earth. Gently, Lance eased out of her, both hissing. Alora groaned at the loss of him. Lance reached up and untied her right wrist first. Softly massaging it, bringing back the circulation. He repeated the motions with her left before slipping from the bed. Languidly, Alora stretched as he eyes opened. She watched as Lance knelt on the bed and gently clean her with a soft warm washcloth. Once satisfied, he cleaned himself, returned the cloth to the bathroom before joining her in bed and pulling the sheets over them.

  “Thank you.” She sighed, laying a kiss over his heart.

  “Did you enjoy it?” He asked, tucking her tightly against him.

  “Lance, I loved it. It was better than I ever imagined.” She assured him.

  “Good. I don’t want there to be any pain between us.”

  Lifting up and crossing her arms over his chest, Alora met his stare, “Lance, I would never, COULD never hurt you that way. If I want something I will tell you. I love you Lance and I never want to hurt you. Ever.”

  Lance cupped her cheek, “And I never want to hurt you Alora. Course we both know that with our tempers words are bound to be said, but we’re human.”

  “Yes, we are, and we have those flaws, but I will never purposefully hurt you.”

  “Me either baby. Me either.”

  Lance kissed her lovingly before she laid her head against his chest and she drifted off to sleep. Yet Lance remained awake, turning over her words. He wanted to believe her and mostly he did, but there was that small nagging corner that was still so damaged from Teagan that he couldn’t stop the doubt that crept in for a second before he shoved it aside.

  Chapter 20

  Lance studied Alora as she looked out the window of the jet. He could usually read her, but in this moment, he couldn’t get a glimpse of what she was thinking. After they spent the night on his boat, they returned to Jacksonville and she had met his sister Jessi. Instantly, Jessi and Alora had connected. It made Lance happy knowing that his family loved Alora as he did and that she in turn loved them. Course she had yet to meet Jack, but that would come with time. When they had said good bye to his parents an hour ago, Alora and Carmen had exchanged tearful hugs. Lance promised himself then and there that once the threat to Alora was finished and things got back to normal for her, he would either bring her back or bring his family out to Austin.

  “What are you thinking Alora?”

  “I’m actually thinking about a recipe.”

  Lifting a brow, he moved to her side, “A recipe? Really?”

  “Yes,” she laughed. “Your mom gave me the recipe for her hot chocolate and I’m trying to figure out the best way to incorporate it into either a cake or cupcake.”

  Lance wrapped her in his arms, “Do you know what you would call it?”

  “I had an idea on the name from the night you made me some. Mama Archer’s Chocolate Cure.”

  Lance couldn’t help it and burst into laughter which caused Alora to join him. He could just imagine what his mom would say about that. Hell, she’d probably start laughing too. “Did you tell her?”

  “Yeah and she said she loved the name and I needed to get to work on it as soon as we got back and let her know how it works.” Alora giggled.

  Lance just shook his head. Like his mom, Alora didn’t let life bring her down. Oh, he knew she was worked up about what would be waiting for them in Austin, but she was going to move forward with her life and not let the Malconi’s scare her. Much like his own mom when his birth father had turned into a drunken, abusive asshole. Carmen Archer had pulled her life back together and now was all the happier for it.


  Lance and Alora walked into the conference room of Blackout and just froze. Sitting in one of the chairs looking like a scolded child was Danny with Krista standing over him. "Dammit Danny, what were you thinking! You're lucky that bullet was a through and through!"

  "Kris, I just reacted okay. I was only thinking of protecting Ethan." Danny argued.

  "Reacted? Ethan is a big boy and can take care of himself." Krista stated, her hands on her hips glaring at her baby brother.

  Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair as he stood from the chair. "I know he can. Look, what I did I would have done for any member of my team. It's how I've always been. You know this. I can't just shut off my protective nature when it comes to my teammates."

  Alora giggled as she watched Krista move to Danny and hug him. It had always fascinated her when she watched siblings. When Krista released Danny, she spotted Alora and Lance. "Hey you two. How was North Carolina?"

  "It was great." Alora replied, hugging Krista.

  "Well, now that everyone's here let's all sit down and get down to business." Ethan began clearing the grin from his face. Once everyone sat, he cleared his throat and began his report, "So, the Houston raid was both a success and a FUBAR. While we got the shipment and the men, the Malconi's themselves escaped. Danny, what have your men found?"

  Danny now stood, "Since we got back, I've had men keeping an eye out for Sam and Ian Malconi and men tailing Monica Malconi. Monica was seen leaving the house Friday night with two large suitcases. Her car took her to the airport, where she changed her ticket from Miami to Costa Rica. My bosses have talked to the authorities down there and it's confirmed that she did arrive and checked into The Springs in San Carlos.

  "As for Sam and Ian, we have found no sign of them in Austin. Yet considering how they slipped by us in Houston I'm not ruling out that they are here. We were able to get some information out of their men and some of the Lobos. What they told us was that the money, narcotics and guns were to be delivered to Günther in Miami like we figured. There is chatter that we’re still trying to confirm, that Günther is heading to Costa Rica as well. As soon as we confirm that I’ll let you guys know."

  "So Günther’s in the wind at the moment??" Gage asked.

  "Yes. However, if the chatter is right and he’s in Costa Rica too, that means he was told about the raid in Houston either ahead of time or once Monica began heading for the airport." Danny answered.

  "What about me?" Alora spoke up. "I mean, what do I need to do?"

  Ethan took this, "For now Alora, you need to be hyper aware of your surroundings. Try to go about business as usual. Until they are spotted, try to make contact or caught, just try and relax."

  Alora nodded, leaning into Lance. This wasn't good enough for Lance. "Dammit. Ethan, there's got to be something more we can do. We don't know where these fuckers are. What they're planning next..."

  "Lance, calm down." Alora said, laying her hand gently on his forearm.

  Before Lance or anyone else could speak, there was a knock on the door and the receptionist walked in with a box. "I'm sorry Mr. Blackstone, but this just arrived for Mr. Archer and the delivery man said it was urgent."

  Lance stood and walked to her. He nodded thanks and took the box. She gave him a smile and hurried back out. Lance took a slow breath in, held it for a three count, released it, and sat the box on the table. Carefully, he removed the wrapping and opened it. His blood started boiling as he investigated the box. There was a note laying atop nearly a dozen pictures. Pictures of him and Alora in Austin and North Carolina. He heard Alora gasp when she stepped up beside him and looked inside. She started to reach down and pick up a picture of her and Lance on his boat right before they had set sail for Norfolk, but Lance grabbed her wrist to stop her.

  "Brother, what is it?" Ethan demanded.

  Lance couldn't speak around the rage lumped in his throat. Alora answered instead. "Pictures. Pictures of me and Lance he
re and in North Carolina. There's also a note."

  Ethan was at Lance's other side in a blink and grabbed the note before Lance could stop him. "Fuck. Danny, call Jimmy, Cain and Wilson."

  "What does it say Ethan?" Alora demanded.

  Sighing Ethan reluctantly handed it to her. Alora's hands tightened around the paper as she read it: ENJOY YOUR WHORE. SHE WILL SOON PAY AS WILL YOU.


  Lance barged into the house with Alora trailing behind him. She wanted to say something but had no idea where to even begin. She watched as he headed upstairs and jumped a little when a door slammed shut. Hugging herself, she made her way toward the kitchen. Needing to stay busy, she set about making some coffee. Her mind was replaying what happened after Lance received the box. Jimmy, Cain and Wilson had come right away and went through the box. Alora felt violated as she spotted a few pictures of her and Lance when they had been in the gardens at Tyron Palace and a few the night before he had taken her to Raleigh when they made love in his parent’s back yard. But what shook her the most was the pictures of her, Lance and Carter at the hotel in Raleigh obviously taken with a telephoto lens from across the street. None of them had thought to close the curtains completely since they had been on the top floor. Then there was that damned note. It was obvious the Malconi's had no idea what kind of man Lance was, otherwise they wouldn't have taunted him this way.

  She turned just as Lance walked in, his hair still wet from a shower talking on his phone. “Yes mom, I’m sure. I want you and dad to be extra careful. If I thought for one second, I could get you to, I’d say go stay with Aunt Shelby, but you won’t.” He was quiet as his mom talked. Alora handed him a cup of coffee. “Yes. Yes, ma’am you’re probably right and whoever was there isn’t since Alora and I are back in Austin. Okay. Yes ma’am. I will. I love you too mama, good night.”

  “They okay?” she asked sitting at the island.

  "Yes." Lance bit out.

  "Lance, it's going to be okay. I know it will."

  "He threatened you, violated our privacy and you're talking so calm like we were discussing the fucking weather." He growled.

  "What good is going to do to lose our cool? Am I mad, hell yeah. Do I feel embarrassed? Yes, but..." She began

  "Embarrassed? So, what we do embarrasses you?"

  "What? Lance, no that's not..."

  "Forget it. I knew I should never...ah fuck it."

  Lance walked toward the living room, but Alora wasn't letting him walk away, "You should have never what Lance? You started this fight, so you better finish it."

  "I knew I should never have risked falling for a woman again." Lance spat.

  Alora's eyes narrowed. "I see. Goddammit Lance, I'm not Teagan!"

  Lance turned slowly toward her. His eyes glacial. "What?"

  Alora sighed and licked her lips before answering. "Look, you’re worried about this and so am I. But you can’t let your anger get in the way. Especially now. This is what they want. When I said I was embarrassed, it was because some of those pictures were taken during private moment between us..."

  "Us? Oh, you mean you don’t want the world knowing that you were with me and Carter at the same time? Huh? Afraid it would ruin your good girl image? No, I got it, you’re just worried that you haven’t found a way to rob me blind too." Lance challenged, stepping closer to her.

  Alora’s hand shot out and connected with the side of his face, the slap echoing in the silence of her living room. "You fucking bastard. You don't know a fucking thing about me. Well, let me enlighten you. I’m not that blood sucking fucking bitch okay. I don’t want your fucking money and I don’t need it. I have my own. As for my image I could give a rat’s ass what people think about me, but I do value my privacy and I thought you of all people would understand that."

  Lance stood in shock as Alora spun on her heel, grabbed her keys and headed for the door. When the front door slammed closed, it was like a cannon blast echoing in his ears. By the time he came out of his stupor and bolted for the door, she was gone. He whipped out his phone and activated the tracker for her cell then hissed when he heard her phone dinging. It was in her purse which was laying on the entryway table.


  Alora stood on the porch trying valiantly to keep her tears at bay. She had no idea why she came here, but she couldn't think of anywhere else to go. She was about to turn away, when the door opened.

  "Alora? What's..." Ethan stopped, took in her face and sighed. "Lance."

  Alora nodded, "I... I’m sorry for...just showing up but I didn't know where else to go."

  Ethan opened his arms and she rushed to him. Gently he pulled her inside, closed the door and called for Krista. He had feared something would happen once Lance and Alora had left. In fact, he had told Danny and the others to be ready in case he called.

  "Ethan, what's...Alora? Oh honey." Krista said once she entered the living room.

  Alora let go of Ethan and flung herself at Krista, the tears she had been trying to keep in now burst free. Krista hugged her and cast a glance at Ethan. He walked over and kissed her forehead. "Baby, call your girls. I'm going to Lance."

  "Okay. Just don't kick his ass too hard." Krista smirked.

  Ethan chuckled, patted Alora's shoulder and walked away. Krista eased Alora onto the sofa. "It's going to be alright honey. You stay right there, I'm going to make a call."

  "W…who are you…”" Alora sniffed.

  "I'm calling my girls. You need lots of wine and several shoulders right now. Just hang tight." Krista grinned. “Ethan and the guys will handle Lance.”

  “Actually, let’s make it a Jack night.” Alora suggested. “I’m more pissed than hurt. I go to wine when I hurt and Jack when I’m pissed.”

  “A woman after our own heart. I’ll tell them.” Krista giggled, texting her girls


  Lance was sitting on Alora’s back deck with a beer when Ethan and the others showed up about half an hour after Alora left. “Is she safe?”

  “Alora is at my place and Krista was calling her girls. I’d say right about now those ladies are halfway through the first bottle of wine.” Ethan replied with a smirk.

  Lance released a deep sigh of relief. Ever since she left he had worried that something would happen to her. The Malconi’s would find her and he would never know until they found her lifeless body in some ditch or creek. “Thank god.”

  “Hawk, you mind telling us what happened?” Grant asked sitting in the chair next to Lance.

  Lance tossed back the last of his beer and sat the empty bottle on the ground. “I fucked up, that’s what happened. When we got home I was so pissed I couldn’t see straight. I haven’t been that mad since, well since Teagan. I grabbed a shower then called mom to tell her to be careful just in case. I got to the kitchen and Alora’s so calm and talking about that fucking box like it didn’t matter…then…”

  Lance felt like he had a lead ball in his throat when he recalled what happened next. He started to stand to go get another beer, but Danny pulled up a cooler, opened it and pulled a cold one out. Yes, his boys knew him. True Danny was new to the group, but in the near year that they had met, Danny had fit in as if he had always been with them. Lance popped the top off the bottle and took a long deep swallow.


  “Okay, so you said you were embarrassed, and he cut you off.” Jenny reminded Alora.

  Alora grabbed the bottle of Jack and refilled her tumbler. “Right. So, he starts saying that I’m embarrassed about what we did. Which for the record, I’m not. He says that he should never have fallen for a woman again. Now, by this time we’re standing in the middle of my living room. I tell him that’s not what I meant and that I value my privacy and figured he would get that. He says that I’m afraid someone would find out about me being with Lance and his friend Carter and it would ruin my rep…”

  “Wait! Back the hell up!” Crystal interrupted. “You’re telling us that you had a threesome with Lance AND a friend of h

  Alora couldn’t help it but snicker. “Well, yes and no. Look, right before we left Sam had chased us. We lost him and were waiting for Gage at Q-Ball. When we left I was behind Gage and in front of Lance. Let’s face it, the men of Blackout are hot as fuck and my horny ass mind started having a field day. I told Lance and he said he wouldn’t share me with another man. In Raleigh he arranged for a friend of his to sort of give me that fantasy. I only had sex with Lance but before that Lance and Carter both teased the hell out of me. All Carter did was touch me and a few kisses on my neck but it was enough mixed with Lance doing more than touching.”

  There was silence in the Blackstone living room for about ten seconds before all the girls began fanning themselves and giving Alora catcalls and telling her what a lucky bitch she was. “Damn, I’m never going to look at Lance the same way now.” Krista sighed.

  Alora shook her head before tossing back the rest of her Jack. Refilling her glass, she continued, “Anyway. I told Lance I don’t give a damn about my rep or what people think about me. That’s their problem not mine. He also said if I wasn’t upset about people knowing I was with him and Carter then it was because I hadn’t figured out how to rob him blind. His ex did that. She’s also the reason why he said he would never share a woman, but that story isn’t for me to tell so I won’t say anything more. I was fucking pissed, and I slapped him. I then told him I wasn’t her and I didn’t want his money, that I had my own and about not caring what people thought of me. I turned, grabbed my keys and came straight here.”


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