A Tale of Two Cities

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A Tale of Two Cities Page 5

by Alexandra Warren

  Cozy honestly didn’t seem like a strong enough word for what I felt when I was around Savannah. It was like we fit together perfectly at all times; were on the same wavelength at all times. I mean, even when we weren’t in direct contact with each other, we still somehow felt connected which explained all the long glances we shared throughout the afternoon across the pool. And when we were in direct contact with each other...

  “Damn. We can’t enjoy the trip without y’all thinking it’s something?” I defended, finishing off my glass under suspicious eyes.

  Derek waited for me to set it to the side before he answered, “Nah, we just know it is something. I mean, you were all up on her at the pool, going on secret breakfast dates and shit this morning. I’m just tryna see what’s really good.”

  Since I wasn’t sure I could give an explanation for what was happening between Savannah and I without rambling myself into admitting I was damn near infatuated with her adorable ass, I gave him the simplest answer possible. “We’re… vibing. That’s it.”

  While Rod remained suspicious, Derek accepted my response for what it was and replied, “All I know is, you better not fuck that up. Savannah and Jennifer are really good friends. So if you end up in a bad spot with Vanny, that means you’re in a bad spot with Jen which means you’re also in a bad spot with me by default.”

  Holding my hands up, I defended, “Relax, D. We’re good. I got this.”

  He gave me the, “Aight, nigga” nod as we finally headed out, Rod and I walking down the strip behind Fake Jay-Z like some bootleg bodyguards and breaking a little sweat in the desert heat.

  By the time we made it to the MGM Grand, the liquor had really hit me, a goofy smile on my lips when I noticed Savannah was missing and asked, “Uhh… aren’t y’all short a background dancer?”

  With a little toss of her hand, Jennifer replied, “She couldn’t pick up the routine fast enough, so she got sent home. We’ll send her luggage later.”

  I swear I sobered up a little in response until she added, “Kidding. Something happened with Lani, so she caught the first flight home.”

  “Definitely sober now,” I thought, wanting to say fuck this little party and take my ass back to our hotel when she teased, “Kidding, again. She’s right over there at the craps table talkin’ to some baller nigga.”

  What the…

  My fists tightened as I immediately started looked around for the nigga she was talking about and Jennifer started cracking up laughing. “Oh, shit. You got it just as bad as her. That was only a test, Lincoln. Relax.”

  “Damn, you really do got it bad,” I realized, trying to shake it off as Derek wrapped his fiancée in a hug and asked, “Baby Beyoncé, will you quit playin’ before you give my fam a heart attack?”

  “Fine, fine,” she agreed, tossing a hand towards the nearby gift shop when she shared, “She went to grab a bottle of water, but here she comes now.”

  This time, my search was simple since she really was headed our way looking fine as hell in her yellow long-sleeved bodysuit and shiny white boots while simultaneously giving an apology. “Sorry, y’all. This is the only way I’m gonna survive tonight.” Then she gave me smile as she pinched at the front of my hoodie and said, “These are so cute.”

  “You are so cute,” I countered, leaning in to brush a kiss against her cheek that made her giggle as she pressed her free hand into my chest to keep me at a distance.

  “And you are… still drunk from earlier. I warned you about that.”

  Shrugging, I explained, “Nah, this is a new drunk. I slept that old one off.”

  She giggled again as we started heading towards where the party was located, Savannah taking a long swig of her water before she said, “A nap would’ve been smart. But I guess I was too busy doing hair anyway.”

  I tossed an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer - or maybe because I needed the extra support as we continued the walk - when I reminded her, “Shorty, you’re supposed to be on vacation. You shouldn’t have even brought your equipment with you.”

  Turning under my arm to find my eyes, she quickly countered, “And have Ariel out here lookin’ like Buckwheat from the Little Rascals because of Rod’s childish ass? Nah, I had to come to the rescue on that one.”

  I had to respect that, nodding along as I complimented, “Well you’re wearing the hell out of this costume. If I ain’t know any better, I’d think you were about to break it down on me right here in the casino.”

  “I might,” she replied with a wink that went straight to my junk, making me pull her closer to plant a juicy kiss against her temple before we found our place in line.

  It was going to be a good night.

  “As long as they speed up this line,” I thought, my mouth starting to water for whatever reason as I swallowed hard while Jasmine threatened, “Rod, I will literally strangle you with the strings of your hoodie if you don’t back the hell up.”

  While we all started laughing at that, Rod only moved closer to her in the line, getting all up on her to insist, “Shit, we matching like a couple. Might as well act like one too. I promise I won’t tell your husband if you promise not to tell my baby mama.”

  She tensed up in her stance, closing her eyes to groan, “Ugh. I can’t wait to have Rich whoop your ass after the wedding in a few weeks.”

  The mention made him back up immediately, his hands in the air when he said, “Aww hell nah. That nigga looks like he’s been in the gym heavy lately. I’m good.”

  Again, we all laughed. At least, I thought we all laughed, except… did I laugh too? Or was that only in my head? And why the fuck is my mouth still watering like this?

  My internal confusion must’ve been more external than I realized since Savannah turned my way with a look of concern on her face and asked, “Lincoln, are you okay?”

  I swallowed down the steady flow of saliva before I piped out, “I’m... great. Never been better.”

  She wasn’t completely buying it. “Are you sure? Cause you look like you’re gonna be sick.”

  “I told you, I’m…”

  My words got cut off with a big ass burp that was a combination of pool snacks from earlier and my most recent dark liquor of choice.

  I just know my grown ass isn’t about to throw up...

  As if she had read my thoughts, Savannah panicked. “Oh, God. A few more of those burps and your guts will be all over the casino carpet. Let’s go.”

  She was already pulling me out of line by my arm as I chuckled and insisted, “Shorty, I’m good. Come on. We can’t miss the main event.”

  While I felt pretty sure of myself, everyone else around us seemed anything but convinced, Jennifer skipping right over me to give her friend instructions. “Vanny, go ahead and take him upstairs to our suite. He’s not gonna make it.”

  In my head, I felt like I could’ve made it. But my legs must not have agreed since they were already moving in the direction that Savannah was dragging me, the dinging of the elevator once we climbed on making my head throb as I told her, “I’m sorry. I feel like I’m ruining your night.”

  She quickly brushed me off with a smile. “Honestly, I’m still exhausted from earlier anyway. So you’re good.”

  When we made it to their floor, I suggested, “You can just drop me off in the room and go back downstairs to the party. I’ma drink some water, get a little rest, and I’ll rejoin y’all in a few.”

  Instead of taking my idea, she only laughed, using her keycard to unlock the door and guiding us inside. “Lincoln, you’re crazy if you think I’m leaving you up here by yourself. You could throw up in your sleep, or choke on your tongue, or…”

  This time, it was her words being cut off as I pulled her against me from behind and started kissing on her neck. Through her usual little giggles, she asked, “What are you doing, Lincoln?”

  “We finally got some time to ourselves, Savannah,” I replied as if I wasn’t stating the obvious. But even if my words weren’t making my inte
ntions clear, I used my actions to do the talking as I slowly ran a hand against her abdomen towards the bottom of her little bodysuit.

  Again, she giggled before she also stated the obvious. “And you’re faded as hell.”

  “Trust me, baby. I know exactly what I’m doing,” I assured her, running my hand back up towards her breast and palming it in a way that made her moan. She tilted her head back to give me better access to her neck, covering my hand with her own as she made me squeeze harder while I continued to kiss every inch of skin I had access to - not enough thanks to these silly ass costumes.

  Still, that was all Savannah needed to believe I was well enough to make it happen since she turned around to face me with heated passion in her eyes and demanded, “Show me.”

  Those two words were something like a starter’s gun for how quickly I could get Savannah out of her costume, suddenly thankful for Jennifer’s silly pick since all it took was a long zipper and a few pulls to have shorty in her bra and panties. And I wasn’t the only one on an urgent mission, Savannah making easy work of my hoodie and the t-shirt I had on underneath it, then moving onto the button of my jeans before coming to a screeching halt.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked, her change in demeanor lowkey helping to sober me up.

  With a sigh, she groaned, “I knew I forgot to pack something,” my look of confusion prompting her to continue, “Condoms.”

  Waving my hand, I finished what she had started with my jeans and told her, “Don’t even trip. I got that on lock.”

  “Oh, thank God,” she sighed, relieved as that heated passion returned to her pupils the second my jeans dropped to the floor. And once we were both in next to nothing, it was game on, Savannah palming my face and delivering the kiss I’d been waiting on since I first laid eyes on her.

  So sweet yet so sensual.

  So pure and still fuckin’ intoxicating.

  Sexy ass Savannah.

  Grabbing handfuls of her ass, I pulled her closer, lapping my tongue with hers in a perfectly-paced kiss as I found new focus to slowly guide us backwards to a nearby couch. And I could only hope no one else planned on ditching the party early to come up here since I already had Savannah’s panties off in one quick pull before pushing her down onto the couch, the provocative look she was giving me as she waited for me to make my next move sending a rush of blood straight to my dick and making my mouth water for new reasons.

  “Can I taste it, baby?” I asked, Savannah stretching her long, runner’s legs to new lengths to answer my question and giving me the best damn pussy invitation I had ever received.

  Shits pretty as hell too.

  Without wasting any more time, I pressed into her thighs to open her even wider before dropping down in front and delivering a long swipe with the base of my tongue that had her arching away from the couch.

  Oh, this is gonna be good.

  Her eyes were already closed and her mouth was parted open as I continued my determined pursuit of making her go crazy, her hands buried in the short curls on the top of my head only encouraging me to lick with expert precision as she hummed my name. And I’d be damned if that shit plus the alcohol in my system didn’t turn me into a full-fledged animal, my hands locking onto her thighs to keep her still as I took great pride in making a mess of her release and then cleaning it up - only to do it all over again.

  I wasn’t sure how much time had actually passed, but I felt like I was just getting started when I finally wiped my face with the back of my hand on my way to grab the condom from my jeans that had gotten left behind. And by the time I returned, Savannah had gotten rid of her bra and changed her position, her knees firmly planted on the edge of the couch cushions and her hands pressed into the back of it as she once again gave me an incredible invitation; this time with a seductive look over her shoulder and those three little words I was giddy to hear.

  “Come fuck me.”

  It was in that moment that I realized I was completely enamored with everything Savannah. Her sweet, gentle, caring spirit, her boss mom vibes, and especially the energy she was putting out now as she waited for me to accept her arousing ass request as if I could be any more turned on.

  Still, she had me hooked. And to show her just how much, I did exactly what she had asked, sliding the condom on and plunging into her from behind with a shared inhale.

  “Oh yeah. I’m definitely hooked,” I thought the second the warmth and wetness of her pussy surrounded me and she moaned, “Dear God.”

  The slapping of our skin immediately began to clash with the creaking of the couch underneath us as I continued to drive into her. And that only got louder when I increased the pace of my strokes, one hand at her waist and the other at her neck as I brought her close enough to whisper straight into her ear, “You like that shit?”


  Her enthusiastic response only made me go harder, my fingers digging deeper into her gorgeous skin as I demanded, “Tell me how good it is, baby.”

  “It’s sooo good,” she sang, literally screaming when I started going even harder. But I couldn’t stop. I was on another level. We were on another planet. And if nothing else, regardless of what would happen between us after tonight, I was guaranteeing she’d never be able to forget this moment, forget this trip, forget… me.

  I was in such a zone that it caught me by surprise when my dick gave me the tingly warning that shit was about to be over with. And thank God Savannah was on the same wave with her own orgasm, her throbbing pussy practically pulling my nut out of me as I growled through the sensation and then shuddered at our shared aftershocks.

  “Damn, Savannah,” were the only words I could use to describe how I was feeling, every nerve ending in my body on high alert as I finally pulled out of her and collapsed onto the couch with my dick still on semi-hard.

  Her giggles were back when she replied, “Damn, yourself. I mean, I was just sure you were gonna come up here and pass out. Now I feel like I’m the one who needs to take a nap.”

  With a smirk, I reminded her, “I told you I knew what I was doing. Shit, I honestly feel a lot better now. We can probably get dressed and head back to the party.”

  Maybe it was just the afterglow of my nut, but I swear I felt rejuvenated as hell until Savannah climbed on my lap with her lip pulled between her teeth and suggested, “Or we could… not get dressed and not head back to the party.”

  The party was officially a no-go, my heart content with whatever she was thinking as I placed my hands at her waist and asked, “Oh yeah? Well what you got in mind?”

  Her hands were at my shoulders and her titties were right in my face, tempting me to pull one of her nipples between my teeth when she answered, “First, we need to get some water and BC Powder in your system so tomorrow’s plane ride home isn’t awful for you.”

  “Okay, Mom. And then what?” I challenged, the sexy little smirk on her face making me say fuck it and treat myself to a mouthful of her breast.

  The way she immediately moaned in response told me it was just as much of a treat for her, my hand moving to palm the other one as she struggled to answer, “And then, I’m gonna show you how well I know what to do too. In the bedroom.”

  Pulling my mouth away, I teased, “Good thing you also know how to do hair, cause I’m really about to fuck your shit up now.” I even gave it a little tug from the back to emphasize my point, the curls she had put in it to go under her beret from earlier already on the verge of looking like one of those bad wigs from a Madea stage play.

  She’s still fine, though.

  Honestly, I wasn’t sure how I expected her to react to that since it would be just my luck to fuck shit up by joking around too much. But in true perfect-for-me form, Savannah only smiled when she replied, “See. I knew I brought my equipment with me for a reason.”


  I never made it back downstairs to the party.

  In fact, I never even made it back out of the bedroom until the next morning
when I found Rod asleep on the floor, Jasmine and Ariel sprawled out on the couch, and Derek and Jennifer cuddled in a chair; all of them still wearing their costumes from the night before.

  Clearly Lincoln and I weren’t the only ones who had had a good time.

  With a pleased smile, I made my way back into the bedroom to find Lincoln stirring awake. Something about the morning sun peeking through the window and landing on his skin made him look especially handsome, particularly when he served me that dimpled-smile of his and asked, “Am I gonna have to do a walk of shame past your homegirls or what?”

  While I didn’t believe there was anything for him to be ashamed of, I couldn’t help but grin even harder when I answered, “My homegirls, your cousin, and his friend. They’re all out there knocked out.”

  He sat up a little straighter with a look of amusement. “No shit? That Halloween party must’ve been live as hell.”

  “Guess we’ll never know,” I replied with a smirk that wouldn’t go away if I tried after last night.

  Not that I wanted it to go away.

  I mean, it truly felt amazing to just bask in the afterglow; especially since I wouldn’t have that much longer to do so according to the clock. And it was almost as if Lincoln had read my mind, tossing his legs from under the comforter to the edge of the bed as he instructed, “Come here, shorty.”

  In my head, it felt like I was floating instead of just walking over to him, finding a spot to stand between his legs as he brought his hands to the back of my thighs and rested his chin in my chest. I could’ve stayed like this for the rest of my time in Vegas, with Lincoln wrapped all around me so I could absorb as much of him as possible. But the longer he stared at me, the quicker I felt pressed to ask, “What is it?”

  “Just… thank you, Savannah Marie.”

  For whatever reason, that made me chuckle. “What are you thanking me for, Lincoln No-Middle-Name?”

  Gripping my thighs a little tighter, he grinned when he answered, “For being dope. And making this trip one I’ll never, ever forget for all the right reasons.”


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