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Rise Page 5

by Sarah Bale

  Trace replies, “There’s something else. While the man was talking to Alpha, I was frozen in place and couldn’t hear anything.”

  Marble stares at me until I feel like squirming.

  I sigh. “And, he talked to me by jumping into my thoughts.”

  “That’s it.” He pulls out a phone, hitting a button. “This is Marble. I’m sending two Heroes to you to be fully evaluated.”

  My breath hitches in my throat. “Marble, please, don’t!” Anything but going back there!

  He won’t even meet my gaze as he says, “I have to, Alpha. You may have been compromised.”

  We follow him outside, because there’s no other option for us. We have to go or we’ll be locked away. I’m not sure which option is worse.

  Helicopter blades whoosh through the air, getting closer. That’s one thing about the Uppers and the treatment facility – they don’t waste time collecting us. Of course, they’re sadists and get off on torturing us, so it makes sense that they’re always ready to bring more of us in. Trace takes my hand into his, giving it a squeeze.

  A shield of calm settles over my body as the helicopter lowers. I learned this trick a long time ago. It won’t stop me from feeling pain, but it’ll help. At least the fuckers won’t know they’re getting to me.

  When Shock jumps out of the helicopter, my knees almost give in. But I won’t give her the satisfaction.

  “Alpha,” she purrs. “Long time, no see.”

  “Yeah, that’s kind of on purpose.”

  She lifts her hand and electric current licks at my skin.

  I say, “Improper use of power? I’m shocked, Shock.”

  “I’ve been given clearance to bring you in, no matter what. I think they’ll understand if you get zapped a time or two.”

  Marble says, “Shock, there’s no need to threaten them. They’ll both go willingly, won’t you?”

  There’s another jolt on my skin and the corners of her lips lift.


  I say, “Of course there won’t be any problems.”

  I push past her as I go toward the helicopter, but she stops me.

  “Oh no, Alpha. They want you in cuffs, so you can’t try anything. You know, until we know you’re not one of the bad guys.”

  Marble asks, “Is that really necessary?”

  She nods. “Just following orders.”

  She holds up her watch, so he can read it, and he frowns. Guess she’s not lying.

  Gritting my teeth, I hold out my wrists. She slaps on the metal cuffs, making sure they’re tight. The metal bites into my skin, but it doesn’t hurt as much as the jolts of electricity she keeps shooting at me.

  This bitch better watch herself.

  Trace asks, “What about me?”

  “The orders were just for Alpha.”

  Marble opens his mouth to speak, but I glare at him, shooting a thought his way.

  Don’t act like you care what happens to me, Marble. You’re the one who called them. Remember?

  I don’t give him a chance to reply, and go to the helicopter. Shock doesn’t attempt to help me in, not that I expected her to, but Trace does. The helicopter lifts into the air before I’m buckled.

  Shock sits across from me, smirking, as we fly across the sky.


  “Just enjoying this moment. I’ve waited a long time for this day.”

  Shock’s never liked me. It ironically started at the treatment facility when I learned to use my powers first. She couldn’t stand all the praise that I got. When I was promoted, she was pissed. And then to find out that her posting was at the facility, well, that sealed her hatred for me, as if it was even my fault.

  I roll my eyes. “Sounds like you need a life, Shock.”

  She jabs me with a burst of electricity and air hisses from my lips. I want to double over in pain, but I’ll be damned if I’ll give her the satisfaction.

  “Careful, Shock. Or, I’ll file a complaint against you.”

  “As if they’d believe you.” She leans forward. “Want to know a secret? They were thrilled when Marble called you in.”

  She knows something.

  “Oh yeah?”

  I shove into her mind. She flinches, but continues talking. She doesn’t even know what’s happened. That the problem with Heroes who only have one power – they don’t stop and think before opening their fucking mouths. Because I’m full of surprises.

  Why were they thrilled that I was called in?

  They’ve been watching you for a while.


  I’m not sure.

  Think harder.

  I push deeper into her mind, where thoughts of her past dance around. I shove through them all, until I get to her time at the facility. Wow. This bitch loves abusing her powers. Her last appointment was with a child Hero. I push past that thought, to when she’s walking down a hallway and the Uppers call her over.

  What did they say to you here?

  They told me to bring you in. In cuffs.

  Why in cuffs?

  They think your powers are changing. That they won’t be able to control you.

  What makes them think this?

  I’m not sure. It has something to do with Doc.

  Do they think I have something to do with Doc’s disappearance?

  Yes. No. I don’t know.

  I imagine my hands wrapping around her tiny brain, squeezing. She lets out an audible moan.

  Tell me what you do know.

  They’re going to keep you locked up until they get answers.

  Icy fear runs through my veins. I know she’s not lying, either. If I go back to the facility, they’ll keep me locked up until they’re sure I don’t know anything about Doc, which I don’t. They’ll also discover my powers are changing. And then they’ll want to know why. Hell, I don’t even know why! But they won’t stop until they get answers, even if it means I die.

  You’re going to uncuff me, say this was a mistake, and let me and Trace go.

  I can’t do that. They’ll punish me if-

  I wrap my fingers around her thoughts until I feel her body quivering.

  I said, you’re going to uncuff me. And. Let. Us. Go. This was all just a mistake.

  Yes, that’s what I’m going to do.

  I pull out of her mind. She’s leaning forward, her head almost on my lap. I, on the other hand, am full of energy and an overwhelming sense of power courses through my veins.

  “Did you say something, Shock?”

  She looks up, eyes watery with unshed tears. “This is a mistake. I’m so sorry.” Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out a key and unlocks the cuffs. “You can go.”

  Trace asks, “Uh, are you sure?”

  “Yes. As I said, this was a mistake.”

  I smile. “Thank you, Shock. No need to take us back to my house. I can get us there.”

  Reaching out, I grab Trace’s arm before she changes her mind. As I jump from the helicopter, I send one final thought.

  You should jump, Shock. Jump right now and see if you can fly.

  Okay. I think I will.

  I fly away, with no destination in mind. Shock’s screams fill the air as we leave, but I don’t even look back. The further I get from the helicopter, the more I realize I’ve made a terrible mistake. And that sense of power I felt moments ago has turned into icy fear.

  I land in the middle of nowhere, in a field, inhaling deeply.

  Trace grabs me by the shoulders, shaking. “What in the fuck did you do, Alpha?”

  “I – I don’t know.”

  “You were talking to her and then all of a sudden she started jerking around. Neither of you listened when I asked what was wrong.”

  I pull from his grasp, rubbing my aching head. The high I felt moments ago is totally gone. Now, fear creeps into my veins.

  “Alpha, this is bad. She fucking jumped out of the helicopter after we did. No one is going to believe that’s a coincidence!” He runs his fingers through
his hair. “We need to call Marble.”


  “Give me one good reason!”

  “Shock said they were going to keep me at the facility, Trace! That this was just a ploy to get me there.”

  “How would she know that?”

  “I saw it in her fucking mind!”

  He freezes. “You’re not supposed to be able to do that.”

  “I know I’m not.”

  “Prove it.” He puts his hands on his hips, which is comical since all I can see is his coat, and prepares himself for whatever is about to happen.


  My hands shake. What if I hurt him like I hurt Shock? My fingertips tingle, and I shake the feeling aside. I won’t hurt Trace. He’s my friend.

  I say, “You won’t feel a thing.”

  “We’ll see about that. I mean I’m-”

  While he rattles on, I jump into his thoughts. He’s not going to believe me unless I find something that only he knows. Each person’s mind is different. Some have jumbled thoughts, but others, like Trace, have their thoughts tucked away into nice little boxes. It’s like flipping pages in a book. The only difference is where Trace’s body should be in his thoughts is replaced by a dark shadow, like he can’t even see himself.

  I go back to when we were dating and watch his thoughts when he broke up with me. Dang. He only broke up with me because he thought that’s what I wanted. I’ll have to tell him that he was wrong. But, that’s not concrete proof. I find his memories from the Changing. Again, nothing I don’t already know.

  Trace has never talked about his childhood, and, right away, I see why. His mother was physically abusive, hurting him until he finally went to live with his aunt.

  Pulling back, I say, “I’m so sorry your mother did that to you. But I’m glad your aunt took you in.”

  “How did you know about my mother?”

  “Trace, you already know. I saw it in your mind.”

  “No. That’s not possible.”

  “And yet it is.”

  He takes a step away from me this time, and I try not to be offended.

  I go on, “I also saw why you broke up with me. Why did you think that’s what I wanted?”

  “Because you talk in your sleep.” At my look, he goes on, “You called out Marble’s name one night. I knew I’d always be second in your eyes.”

  Well, now I feel like the world’s biggest asshole.


  I stop talking as the watch on my wrist begins buzzing. And then Trace’s watch buzzes.

  He says, “It’s Marble. He wants us in DC. Now.”

  “I can’t go back.”

  “You have to. Where else are you going to go?”

  He’s right – As much as I wish it wasn’t the case, I don’t have any other options.

  “Fine. Let’s go.”


  My stomach churns as I fly back to DC. I try not to think about what’s going to happen when I get there. Hell, I think I know what’s going to happen, I just don’t want to admit it to myself. The Washington Monument comes into sight as I get closer. I’ve always liked this monument, but tonight it just reminds me of how truly fucked I am.

  I land and let go of Trace.

  “You should stay away from me. They might have cattle prods.”

  One of the most trusted methods at the treatment facility.

  “Screw that. We’re in this together, Alpha.”

  Ahead, I see Marble and several Uppers. They don’t make any moves to come to us, so we keep walking. I’m not naïve – they have eyes on us. And probably weapons, too. Maybe even other Heroes.

  When we reach them, Marble asks, “What in the hell happened up there?”

  “Shock said there’d been a mistake,” Trace replies. “Said we could leave, so we did.” Just go with it, he says to me.

  I nod. “That’s what happened.”

  “And neither of you know why Shock jumped out of the helicopter?”

  “No.” I pause. “She acted strange after we took off. Kept shocking me without reason.”

  The Uppers exchange glances, having their own silent conversation. I’ve never tried to look into their minds. Maybe I should. I keep talking about Shock while I try to dive into their thoughts. They’re too strong, though, or have some kind of shield in place, because I get nothing and it feels like I’ve run headfirst into a brick wall when I pull back.

  One of the Uppers turns to me. “Did you notice anything else that was odd?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  Another Upper comes forward and says, “Take my hand.”

  I remember him from the treatment facility. His gift was reading people’s minds by touching them. No one could hide their thoughts from him, no matter how hard they tried. He was always nice, though, more so than some of the others.

  Back then we were on level playing fields. Now, I don’t trust him further than I can throw him. My fingertips tingle and the warmth spreads around my body, faster than it ever has before. Is he going to feel the heat when I touch him?

  “Hero Alpha, we don’t have all day.”

  Reaching out, I put my palms on top of his. His eyes close and I literally feel him come inside of my mind. He doesn’t ask questions, instead he searches on his own. When my eyes close, I see everything that he does. He’s kind and doesn’t go to a time before the Changing, but focuses on the last year. As he looks, I realize he’s not seeing some very important bits of information. Like my ever-changing powers.

  Something deep inside of me urges me to act. Pushing past my own thoughts, I search for his. Maybe it’s because he’s in my mind and that leaves him weak, or maybe it’s something else.

  Why is the Council so interested in me?

  Because you were the first. There are things about you that we’ve never understood.

  Like what?

  You have more powers than other Heroes. You’re also not affected by the same methods they are.

  What methods?

  Mind control. We can place a thought into a Hero’s mind, making him or her think or do something. They never even know it’s happening.

  Well, that sounds familiar – it’s like what I did to Shock tonight.

  Are you trying to put a thought into my mind right now?

  Yes. We want you to agree to come to Headquarters for an extended stay. Say you need a break. Make it sound like it’s your own idea so Marble doesn’t worry.

  That’s not going to happen.

  It will, one way or another.

  My skin tingles again and I decide to take a risk. Hell, what’s to lose at this point?

  Your original idea is bad. You now think I should stay at my house, under house arrest. I’ll still act like it’s my idea. You’ll have me do this for a few days and then say I’m not a threat. You’ll also make the others think this was their idea, too.

  He starts to pull away, so I push this new thought harder. But, I’m losing my grasp on him, so I pull out of his mind at the same time he leaves mine. Gasping, I open my eyes.

  Everyone stares at us, and I realize how close we’ve gotten. It’s like we’re like two breaths away from kissing. I’m the first to step back, but he’s the one with flushed cheeks. Marble meets my gaze, his jaw ticking. Oh my god, he’s jealous. Again!

  The Upper turns to the other Uppers, nodding. “She’s telling the truth about Hero Shock.”

  They look at me, waiting. Oh, shit. This is a test. They want to see if he was able to plant a thought into my mind.

  I say, “I’ve been thinking. Maybe I need a break.”

  One of them actually smiles. Creepy fucker.

  “I was thinking – maybe I can have a few days off? Spend some time at home and just recoup.”

  All of the Uppers freeze, except for the one who was in my mind.

  He nods. “We can arrange this, with a few exceptions.”

  “Oh? Such as?”

  “We would want to monitor you whil
e you’re off work. Make sure nothing happens.”

  I act offended. “You’re putting me under house arrest?”


  I sigh. “Fine. I accept those terms.”

  “You are to stay in your house at all times. Marble will assign Heroes to check in on you daily. Hold out your arm.”

  I do, and he touches my watch until it beeps three times.

  “We will know if you leave, Hero Alpha.”

  “I promise I won’t.”

  He says to the others, “Let us return to our homes.”

  They’re whispering to each other as they leave. When they’re gone, I turn to Marble.

  “I’d like to go home now.”

  He shuts down, right in front of me, and nods. “Okay. Trace, can you take her? I need to make a call.”

  “Uh, sure, boss.”

  I lead the way from the building, trying not to shake. I’m feeling drained and full of energy at the same time. How is any of this possible? How was I able to stop him from seeing my thoughts and, at the same time, push thoughts into his mind? Will he be able to make the other Uppers think this was their idea? So many questions!

  Trace touches my arm and says in a low tone, “Keep it together until we get home.”

  I nod and take ahold of his arm. When I fly, I go faster than I’ve ever gone before. We reach my house two minutes later. Two literal minutes.

  After we land, Trace pulls from my grasp and retches in the bushes.

  “Are you okay?”

  He turns, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his coat. “No, I’m not okay! Alpha, what in the hell is going on with you?”

  “I’m not sure, Trace.”

  “I can’t even wrap my mind around everything that’s happened today. The Villains. Shock. You.”

  It is a lot to take in.

  Sighing, I go to my door and unlock it. When I step inside, I can tell right away that someone’s tampered with my stuff. The electric currents from the software buzzes in the air, giving their location away. I glance casually around, spotting at least four hidden cameras. Marble did this. His scent is everywhere. It soothes and torments me at the same time.


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