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Rise Page 6

by Sarah Bale

  Gritting my teeth, I move around my house and find a total of thirty-six cameras. The only place that doesn’t have a camera is the freaking bathroom. Trace follows me, not making a sound.

  I turn to him in the bedroom. “Remember that thing we did earlier. Can we try it again? This time in the bathroom?”

  “Sure. Only if I get to be on the bottom.”

  Laughing, I lead him to the bathroom closing the door behind us. The water turns on in in the shower, filling the room with steam.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Marble bugged the house. There are cameras everywhere, but here. I’m assuming that means he can hear us, too.”

  “Shit. He doesn’t waste time.”


  He sighs. “Alpha, I’ve got to say – I don’t know what to do here. I know I should report everything that’s happened, but I also think there’s more going on than meets the eye. Like, why are the Uppers so hell bent on getting you to the treatment facility?”

  I put the toilet lid down and sit. “The Upper that looked into my mind didn’t see anything that happened tonight.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “Because I saw everything he saw.” I moisten my lips. “He only looked back a year ago. I’m not sure what he was after. And then I was able to dive into his mind.”

  “I’m assuming that has something to do with the house arrest?”

  “Yes. He said they planted thoughts and ideas into other Heroes minds. I was supposed to say I wanted to go back to the treatment facility for a vacation.” I snort. “Can you believe that?”

  “Alpha, this doesn’t make sense.”

  “He said they never understood me and they wanted answers. I think if I go back to the facility, I’ll end up dead. They won’t stop running tests until they find what they’re looking for.”

  “But you’re an open book. We all are.”

  “I’m not. Not anymore.” I sigh. “Trace, something’s happening inside of me. You’ve seen it for yourself. And if they know this, then it’s over.”

  “Is there anyone who can help?”

  “The ironic thing is Doc would’ve been able to help.”

  He was a surgeon before the Changing. After, he was like a walking hospital, but with superpowers that made him invaluable.

  “Damn. So what are you going to do?”

  “Stay under house arrest until they say I’m free to go.”

  “And after that?”

  I stand. “There’s only one solution – I have to go to the last place Doc was seen and find him.”

  Because I think he might be the only one I can trust to help me without a motive.


  Being under house arrest is kind of nice, for, like, half a day. No annoying alerts in the middle of the night. And, I got to sleep in this morning until ten. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been able to do that. I even found a way to disable most of the cameras in the house. Who knew my laser vision would come in handy? But, by dinner, I feel like I’m going stir crazy. It’d be different if I could go outside, but I can’t.

  I’m debating which food delivery app to use when my doorbell rings. Opening the door, I find Ink.

  “Ink!” I hug him. “Were you sent to babysit me?”

  He looks tired, but nods. “Mind if I come in?”

  “Do you even have to ask?”

  I step aside so he can enter. He drops a bag by the door and goes to the living room. Guess he’s staying the night then.

  “We the only ones here?” At my look he smiles. “I heard Trace’s been spending a good bit of time with you.”

  “Jeez. Are we in high school? Is this the telephone line?”

  He laughs. “Your age is showing, Al. No one calls them telephones.”

  I snort. “I’m only thirty.”

  Well, technically, I guess I’m thirty-three now. But, we stop aging after the Changing. Thank god my body is still rocking. Some of the other Heroes weren’t as lucky, like Menopause Molly. She’s forever stuck in a body going through menopause. I won’t even tell you what her superpower is – you wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  “I know, baby girl, but kids these days know them as cells or phones.”

  “Kids these days? Now whose age is showing?”

  He sits on the couch, stretching his long legs. “I guess mine.”

  Sitting next to him, I ask, “You sure everything is okay?”

  He just seems… down.

  “Like I said, I’m just tired.” He grabs the remote. “But babysitting you should be easy, right?”


  He flips channels, settling on professional wrestling show.

  I laugh. “Didn’t peg you as a wrestling fan.”

  He grins. “Guilty.”

  Leaning back, I watch the program with him.

  At one point I say, “This is basically a soap opera for men.”

  “Not arguing there.”

  I ask, “Which one is your favorite?”

  He spouts off a name and says, “He’s taking some time off, though. He recently got married. His new bride used to be a fan.”

  “Sounds fake.”

  “It’s not. They met at an autograph signing. It’s kind of romantic.”

  I shake my head. “You need another hobby, my friend.”

  “Whatever. Is there any food? I’m hungry.”

  “We’ll have to order. What are you in the mood for?”

  We go back and forth, finally settling on pizza and hot wings.

  “Got any beer?”

  “You know it.”

  After the food is delivered, we veg out on the floor, watching some of my favorite movies, since I’m the one under house arrest. He pouts for a bit, but finally perks up when I say he can pick the next movie.

  “I still don’t get how this is romantic. She’s a hooker. He’s paying her to be at his beck and call. That’s not love.”

  I wag a finger at him. “Because, at the end, he rescues her and she rescues him right back.”

  “Lord Jesus, help me now.”

  I laugh. “Let’s see what gem you pick out.”

  “I have a hankering for some Speed.”

  “I really hope you mean the Keanu Reeves movie. Keanu is my man and that movie is everything.”

  “Glad we can agree on one thing. Speed might be the best film ever made.” He grins, “I’m glad you’re cool with it. I was about to call Marble and tell him I can’t suffer through this torture if you picked another chick flick.”

  “I’m sure he has a list of people waiting to babysit me.”

  Ink turns toward me. “About that – what happened? Marble didn’t give me very much information, other than your butt is supposed to stay here until he says otherwise.”

  “It’s a very long story.”

  He glances at his watch. “We have time.”

  I’ve known Ink for a long time. More importantly, he’s someone I trust. So, I tell him everything, not holding anything back. I tell him the good and the bad.

  “Damn.” He says when I’m finished. “Al, I don’t know what to say. You’re certain you don’t want to tell Marble?”

  “You know how he is.”

  “The guy doesn’t seem to react the best when you’re involved, either.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He grins. “Did you know he told all the other male Heroes you were off limits after the two of you broke up? Trace is the only one brave enough or dumb enough to go against him and ask you out.”

  I’m sure my mouth is hanging open. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “Scout’s honor.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Because he can’t stand the thought of you being with someone else.”

  I sputter, “But he’s dating someone.”

  “Was dating. They broke up.” He takes a sip of beer. “But now he’s single and ready to mingle, it would seem.”

  “Then why in the fuck did he tell the Uppers I needed to go to the treatment facility?”

  “You know how that boy is. He’s going to play by the rules, even if he doesn’t want to. The Uppers should be glad he’s such a stickler for the rules.”


  “Because, without them, he’d be the greatest Villain they’ve ever seen.”

  Marble as a Villain? The thought is laughable.

  Until I really think about it.

  Oh shit.

  Ink nods. “The government knew what they were doing, Al. Nothing is by chance. And, if they want you at the treatment facility, you’ll end up there one way or another.”

  My good mood disappears. He’s right. The government picked Marble to be in charge. The position also puts him within their reach at all times. While he’s tasked with knowing where the other Heroes are, who’s watching him? Hell, he didn’t even have a choice in who ended up on his council – they picked each and every Hero. And now the Uppers - and presumably the government – want me back at the treatment facility at the same time my powers are changing.

  I say to Ink, “I think I’m in trouble.”

  “I’d say so, baby girl.”

  We spend the rest of the night talking about any and everything other than Marble, which is for the best. I need time to process everything, and that’s not going to happen until I’m allowed to go off somewhere high in the sky, without a babysitter.

  “I’ve been dying to ask – are you and Trace dating again?”

  But, apparently I’m not going to get away from my relationship status tonight.

  “I guess our dinner in Paris was technically a date, but it’s nothing serious. Why?”

  “Because we’ve had some good times. Maybe we should give it a try.”

  I smile. “I’d like that.”

  I mean it, too. We have had good times, though we’ve never tried more than fooling around. Maybe dating him is just what I need?

  “I think we should wait until this is all cleared up, though. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us to start something when I’m not sure what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

  “I agree.” He sighs. “Ever think about how it used to be?”

  I play dumb. “No.”

  But I do. All the time.

  “I mostly miss just being able to go somewhere without filling out forms.” He laughs. “I’m surprised they don’t have us fill out forms to take a shit.”

  That makes me smile. “The forms are getting out of hand.”

  “You know why they’re doing it, don’t you?”


  “They think they’re losing control over us. Think if they can track our every move that they can stop us before we break away.”

  It makes sense in a strange way, especially considering everything that’s happened these past few days.

  “They have to see the flaws in their plan.”

  “You know the government doesn’t take responsibility for anything, unless it’s a success.”

  He becomes silent, looking down into his drink.

  “Know what I think about most these days?”

  My senses are already screaming his thoughts at me, but I give him the courtesy of saying it himself.

  “I think about how nice it would be to just go off and forget all of this. To live like a fucking human. Not the way the government thinks we should live.”

  I touch his hand. “Ink-”

  “I should go. I’m not going to be good company, and I don’t want you to catch shit for my bad thoughts.” He stands. “It’s close enough to dawn. I’m sure Marble won’t be too angry if I take off a bit early.”

  When he gets to the door, he stops. There’s a haunted look in his eyes that scares me.

  “Thank you, Alpha.”

  “For what?”

  “For always being there.”

  After he’s gone, I sit in the same spot for hours. He didn’t mean anything he said. He’s just tired. We all are. But I can’t shake the feeling that this time is different. And that I’ve failed him on this night.


  Marble surprises me by knocking on the door around nine in the morning. I let him in, trying not to let my fear show. It’s been several hours since Ink left. I want to ask Marble if he’s heard from him, but I don’t.

  Marble looks around. “Where’s Ink?”

  So, he hasn’t heard from him.

  “You just missed him,” I lie.

  Damn. I’m getting good at this. Too good.

  Marble sits on the couch. “The Uppers said your house arrest ends tomorrow.”

  I freeze. “They do realize what tomorrow is, right?”

  He won’t meet my gaze. “They do.”

  “Whose idea was it?”

  “Does it matter?”

  Yes. It does.

  “I guess not.”

  “Per protocol, you’ll still have to stay in tomorrow night, though. Just in case.”

  Just in case I suddenly get new powers on the Changing Day. Too bad that’s already happening as we speak.

  I reply, “I figured.”

  He looks like he wants to say something else, but gets up.

  “Well, I better get back. We’re having another meeting today about Doc.”

  “Any news?”

  He shakes his head. “We’ll find him, though. Not like he can hide forever.”

  When he’s gone, I call Trace. “Can you come over? I need your help.”

  “Ink left? And you let him?”

  “I know, Trace. I’m a horrible person.”

  The couch moves as Trace stands. “I’ll see if I hear anything at headquarters. It’s been busy around there today. Maybe someone knows something.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “What can I do? I’m under house arrest until tomorrow.”

  He asks, “Is there anyone who is close to Ink?”

  “Not that I can think of. He tends to stay to himself, like most of us.”

  Trace sighs. “I’m starting to see a pattern here. First Doc. And now Ink? Who’s next?”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  He touches my arm. “I’ll be in touch. Try not to worry.”

  But, that’s like telling water not to run downhill. It goes against everything in my nature. So, I deep clean my house. I’m an organized person, but I have one closet that I allow to pile up with odds and ends. When the mood strikes, I declutter it, which takes hours. I love every minute of it. It used to be worse (or better, depending on how you look at it) when I had personal knick-knacks. I’d spend an entire day polishing them and rearranging them.

  My phone rings, so I grab it. Trace’s name flashes across the screen.


  “Hey. I don’t have long. I haven’t heard anything about Ink, but your name’s come up a few times.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “I’m not sure.” His voice lowers. “Some of the Uppers don’t understand why you aren’t at the treatment facility yet.”

  Ugh. That’s not good.

  “Anything else?”

  “No. I’ll let you know, though. Bye.”

  He ends the call before I can reply.

  It’s really starting to bother me that the Uppers want me at the facility so bad. What if I’m not the only one with powers that are changing? What if theirs are changing, too, and they want to test them out on me? The thought really freaks me out. And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

  My good mood gone; I sigh.

  One more day of house arrest. And then I’m going to get answers. One way or another.


  I wake up feeling it deep in my soul.

  Today is November 5th.

  The Changing Day.

  Three years ago, I woke up and knew something was horribly wrong inside of my body. No one believed me, until I shot laser beams from my eyes and heard people�
�s thoughts. And then all hell broke loose. You better believe they believed me then.

  Little story - When I was in college, the movie V is for Vendetta was hugely popular. I didn’t care much for the film, but I do remember Hugo Weaving spouting off the famous quote about Gunpowder Treason Day.

  “Remember, remember the fifth of November

  Gunpowder, treason, and plot

  I see no reason why gunpowder treason

  Should ever be forgot.”

  Now, November 5th is remembered for something entirely different than Guy Fawkes and his attempt to overthrow the King of England.

  My watch buzzes and I groan.

  “Not today,” I moan.

  Greetings Alpha. You’re needed at headquarters no later than 8am.

  I glance at the clock. Thirty minutes. They’re giving me thirty freaking minutes. But I know better than to go against them.

  Grumbling, I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. There’s not enough time to shower, so I spray dry shampoo in my hair and pull it into a ponytail. They’ll say I look sloppy, especially coming off house arrest, but that’s on them.

  I make it to headquarters, with two minutes to spare. Knuckles is there, too, wearing her formal uniform.

  I look down at mine. Shit.

  “Long night?”

  I shake my head. “You don’t even want to know.”

  “Maybe they won’t notice.”

  We grin at each other, going inside. Tick and Tock meet, worried expressions on their faces.

  “What is it?”

  Tock says, “There’s two more missing government officials.”

  “Who is it?”

  He spouts off two names that don’t ring a bell. As he talks, I can’t help but wonder if Doc is behind this, too. And what about Ink? Could he have helped since there were two disappearances?

  Tick tugs my sleeve. “Did you hear what we said?”

  “Sorry. Say it again.”

  Tick sighs loudly. “We said that on top of everything else, Ink is missing, too.”

  Tock nods. “That’s why Marble wants to talk to you.”


  Knuckles asks, “Why am I here?”


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