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Page 13

by Sarah Bale

  “You sure that’s a good idea?”

  “Girl, you can fly and I can rip a building in half. We’ll be fine.” She points. “I’ll check over there. You go that way.”

  She takes off before I can reply. She’s right, though. We’re unstoppable – but so was Blot.

  Crossing the street, I realize that I’m headed to the same spot where I found the crater. I pick up my pace, but when I get there I don’t find shit.

  My watch buzzes at the same moment.

  Marble asks, “Alpha, where’s Knuckles?”

  “She’s across the street looking around.”

  “We just lost her signal.”

  Horror blooms through my body like a spiderweb and I take off running.

  “Knuckles! Where are you?”

  The wind blows by, as if answering me, but there’s no signs of her. I can’t even pick up on her scent.

  “Marble, where was her last known location?”

  “Next to you, five hundred feet away.”

  “No, that can’t be right. We were there and then she said we should split up.”

  Marble closes his eyes and then says. “You need to get back here. Now.”

  For the first time in longer than I can remember, I’m scared.

  I nod. “I’ll be there in five.”

  I want to look around for my friend, but it’s no use. If they lost her signal, then she’s gone. But what does that mean for me?

  The other Heroes clear a path for me when I arrive back at headquarters. I search the crowd for Trace, but don’t see him. Marble meets me and takes me to his office.

  “How bad is it?”

  “It’s bad.” He pauses. “It’s been suggested that you harmed Knuckles.”

  “What? You know that’s not true!”

  “I’m not sure what to think. You are connected to Doc and Ink. And now one of your best friends is missing. You are the only common link. Surely you see how bad this looks for you.”

  “It might look bad, but I didn’t have anything to do with it, Marble!”

  “It’s out of my hands. I just got the call. The President wants you in a treatment facility tonight.”


  “I can’t stop this from happening, Alpha. They want you there.”

  “What have I done that makes me a suspect in this, other than knowing the missing people?”

  His jaw clenches.

  “You can’t tell me because I haven’t done a god damn thing. They want me there because they want to squish me under their thumb just like they’ve done to you.” I exhale loudly. “I really thought that you might be able to understand how fucked up this is. How wrong we’re being treated. But all you can see are the rules and how to follow them.”


  “No.” I take a step back from him. “Just remember that I tried to stop this from happening. This isn’t on me. It’s on you.”

  “Alpha, I can’t let you leave.”

  “Then you’re going to have to stop me.”

  I know what he’s going to do before he stands. So, I do the only thing I can.

  I get the fuck out of there before he can stop me.


  My watch buzzes and burns my skin as I fly far away from DC, warning me to turn around before it’s too late. I make a rash decision and head to Chicago, to Blot’s old house. There’s no telling how many people are looking for me right now, but I’m not going to go quietly. My watch buzzes again, searing my flesh. The doorman gives me a strange look as I rush up to the door, but he lets me in.

  “Mr. Blot said you’d be here today,” he says as I pass. “He said the package you needed was on the table by the door. He was a good man. I’m sure going to miss him.”

  “Me, too,” I manage to stutter out. “And thank you.”

  I step onto the waiting elevator and rocket into the sky. The pain from my wrist is making it hard to think. What did the doorman mean? How did Blot know I would be here today? And what package? The doors open and I stumble from the elevator, going to Blot’s apartment.

  When I enter, I halfway expect to see Blot standing there. Someone has come through and cleaned up the mess that was here days ago, making it look like nothing ever happen. That maybe Blot isn’t dead. And, sure enough, by the front door is a package with my name on it. I tear it open and see a note with Blot’s sloppy handwriting on it.


  Always getting into trouble, aren’t you? This code will make the watch die.


  The blue pill will deactivate the tracking device in your neck. If you’ve come this far, then there’s no turning back. I’m proud of you, as always.

  Love, B

  PS- Stop standing there. You have three minutes before they show up. And this is not how your story ends.

  His words snap me into action. I enter the code into my watch and it beeps once before unlocking. For the first time in over three years, my wrist is bare. The skin beneath is blistering, but I’ll deal with it later. I grab the blue pill and swallow it. I have no way of knowing if it’s worked, but I know my time is almost up.

  There’s one last thing in the box, so I tuck it into my suit before going to the window. Sirens light up the ground beneath me and a helicopter flies toward the building. But the mother fuckers are too late.

  I leap from the window, letting myself free-fall before I take off. I think I hear Marble yelling my name on the wind, but it might just be my imagination. Blot is right – there’s no turning back. So I head to the source of all of my problems.

  There’s no one waiting to grab me when I land in Silver City, Oklahoma. They probably don’t know where to look for me, especially since they can’t track me. I look around, making sure no one is outside. And then I go to the last house on the street.

  The door is unlocked, so I slip inside. It’s pitch black, but I make my way down the hallway. I try to ignore my erratic pulse as I reach a door. Slowly, I turn the knob and make my way down the stairway. When I reach the bottom, I stop. Ink stands near the missing men, and is in the process of putting silver tape over one of the men’s mouth.

  He turns when he sees me, smiling. “Baby girl. What took you so long?”

  A wide smile spreads across my face. “Had to tie up some loose ends. Blot left me a package at his place.”

  Ink shakes his head. “Still can’t believe he’s gone.”

  Knuckles moves into sight. “He knew what would happen. Said he was willing to die for the cause.” She comes over, hugging me. “He won’t be the only one we lose, either.”

  I hug her back. “We’ve got this.”

  Moving into the room, I let the fear lingering in the air fuel me on. It hangs thick in the air, so much that I can almost taste it.

  “Are you ready?” Ink asks.

  “Readier than I’ve ever been.”

  “We go live in five.”

  I cross the room and grab the sack with my outfit. I change behind the screen and step out, doing a little twirl.

  “How do I look?”

  Knuckles grins. “Like the Villain.”

  We both laugh. One of the Senators makes a sound in the back of his throat, getting my attention. I go to him, pulling the gag from his mouth.


  “Why are you doing this?”

  That makes me snort. “Do you really have to ask?”

  “I have money. I can pay-”

  I lean in, so close that our lips brush. He lets out a sigh as he becomes affected by me. I don’t even have to let the pink fog out.

  “I don’t want your money, Senator. I want you to pay in a different way.”

  I shove the gag back in his mouth, going to Ink’s side. His eyes are dark with lust as he looks down at me.


  “You better be careful letting too much of that shit into the air. Might not be able to contain myself.”

  I reach down, cupping his cock. “Ma
ybe that’s what I want.”

  He lets out a growl, pulling me against his body.

  Doc says from across the room, “We don’t have time for this.”

  “Party pooper,” I reply.

  Doc’s the one who discovered what the pink fog could do, but I’m the only one able to harness the power.

  Ink replies, “Come on, Doc, there’s always time to fuck our girl.”

  I say, “He’s right, Ink. We don’t have time now, but you can rock my world later. And so can he.”

  His lips brush against mine. “Deal.”

  Trace snorts across the room. “I assume I’m in that schedule somewhere, too?”

  “Of course you are, Trace.”

  He grins. “We’re live in three, Alpha.”

  I make a circle around the congressmen and senators. They’ve each earned their chairs here in one way or another. Tonight, they pay for their sins. I stop in front of the one who killed Blot.

  He glares up at me, daring me to remove his gag. So, I do.

  He spits right in my face. “Fucking alien.”

  I lean, brushing my lips against his. He wants to resist but can’t. It thrills me knowing this – that I’m the one with power, not him. He lets out a deep moan as I finally kiss him.

  “You’re going to be the last to die,” I say against his lips. “And I’m going to kill you the same way you killed Blot.”

  He actually whimpers and I smile, shoving his gag back in.

  Trace calls out, “One minute.”

  I look around the room filled with my loved ones. Doc. Ink. Trace. Knuckles. There are only two missing and they’ll be here as soon as they can.

  I put the mask on. Tonight is the last night that I’m going to hide behind a disguise. After this, the world will know that I’m the one behind this. And then things will change. Because I’m going to make sure that they do.

  Trace says, “We’re live in three, two, go…”

  I turn to the camera and deliver my last speech. Tomorrow, our plan will be in full effect and Basics will have no choice but to listen to what we have to say.

  Hey now – don’t be surprised by these turns of events. I literally told you what was going on, way back in chapter one. Go ahead and look. I’ll wait. We’re not all good. You just didn’t know I was talking about myself.

  Before you go, I want you to know something. I’m not bad either. But, I’m going to make sure that everyone who hurt me pays. Starting with the man who hurt me most of all. They’ve seen me rise. And now they’re about to see my fury.

  Coming Soon: Fury




  Bad guy.


  I told you from the beginning – We’re not all good. You just didn’t know I was talking about myself. I’m not bad either. But, now I’m on a mission to make those who hurt me pay. Starting with the man who hurt me most of all.



  All fighting for answers.

  All fighting each other.

  My name is Alpha. You’ve seen me rise. Now, you’ll feel my fury.

  ***This is a Reverse Harem Romance with adult themes.***

  Let’s Connect!

  Join my Facebook Reader’s Group to stay in touch!

  Sarah Bale’s Lost Souls Group

  Also by Sarah Bale:

  Daisy and the Dead (Book #1)

  Elijah and the Living (Book #2)

  Daisy and the Lost Souls (Book #3)

  Elijah and the New World (Book #4)

  Daisy and the Beginning (Book #5)

  Elijah and the End (Book #6)

  Daisy and the Dead: The Complete Series

  Nikki’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

  Nikki’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse 2

  First Paige of the Apocalypse

  The Debutante and the Dead **Coming Soon***

  Rise: Saving Silver City Episode 1

  Fury: Saving Silver City Episode 2 **Coming Soon***

  Her Saviors: Devil’s Regents MC Book 1 ***Coming Soon***

  Ruled by Pain (Goddess Unveiled Book #1)

  Ruled by Power (Goddess Unveiled Book #2)

  Ruled by Pleasure (Goddess Unveiled Book #3)

  Moonshine Baby- a reverse harem romance

  Virgin Wars

  Wedding Wars

  The Contender (Wrestling Diaries #1)

  The Rematch (Wrestling Diaries #2)

  The Main Event (Wrestling Diaries #3)

  Hard for the Money (A Bangers Book #1)

  Hard Lessons (A Bangers Book #2)

  Hard to Handle (A Bangers Books #3)

  Sexting St. Nick- A Happy Ending Holiday Novella 1

  Seducing Jack Frost - A Happy Ending Holiday Novella 2

  Tasting Sugar Plum - A Happy Ending Holiday Novella 3

  Anthologies featuring stories by Sarah:

  Lone Star Zombie-Con – An anthology of Horror and Hope

  About the Author

  Sarah Bale's family always knew she was destined to write romances when they saw the elaborate stories she created for her Barbie dolls. At fifteen she penned her first book, which will never see the light of day if she has any say. She is the author of over 31 books, with more on the way.

  When Sarah isn't writing she enjoys spending time with her family and friends and also planning what she’d do in a zombie apocalypse. She resides in Oklahoma and doesn't plan on leaving any time soon.

  You can find her at:




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