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Wynter Reign

Page 2

by Emmy R Bennett

  “Ah, my little one, have patience. You will get your opportunity, rest assured.”

  “I forget you can hear my thoughts.”

  “Yes, it will take you time to focus on managing the intrusions from others’ abilities to penetrate the mind. I, on the other hand, can push through those walls no matter how high one builds them.”

  Knowing the power Dragonscale has, frightens me, but gives me comfort at the same time.

  “Do all the dragons carry the Deagon name?” I ask.

  “No. Deagon is the name from the royal court. You will find many with different surnames. Once you have finished your trials, you will be crowned Wyndreana, Queen of the Dragons, and ruler of Ladorielle.”

  “I really don’t like that name. Is there a way to eliminate it entirely and just call me Wynter?”

  “We might be able to compromise on something, but remember, your name has meaning.”

  I nod, indicating the other continent and the magnificent kingdom of Storm Castle. I can’t view the fortress itself, but I can see the outline of its lands. “And the Storms?”

  “They will still have their land. Your father, Lord Jeoffrey Storm, will take the helm when the realm is ready. He will take the place of Queen Sara and allow her to finally rest in peace.”

  “Why not give my father the title of king? Surely he’s more fit to rule than me.”

  “Your great grandmother, Queen Sara, is a direct descendent of the first King of Ladorielle. Sara is your grandmother Eleena’s mother. Eleena had two daughters: your aunt Fran and your mother Isalora, thus, the line follows to you. Queen Sara is your father’s great aunt.”

  “I see.” So much to absorb, so much more to learn.

  Chapter 3

  Rory Fernshadow

  The Past:

  Storm Castle Grounds

  Events after the meeting in The Hall of Secrets.

  “Rory, what’s wrong with you? What are you not telling me?” Cory, my cousin, once removed, rushes over and nearly gets shot by one of my arrows. No matter, it wouldn’t have killed him anyway, with him being a vampire and all. What business is it of his, anyhow? It’s not like he cares. Same thing, different day, he’s on another mission to help the one and only Wynter Storm of House of Storm.

  “I don’t have a problem,” I say, as I ready another arrow.

  Cory crosses his arms and stands directly in my path. “Is that so?”

  “You’re in my line of sight. Mind moving out of the way, please?” I bring the arrow to the curve of my cheek, lining up my target board in the distance behind him.

  “You’re jealous. Is that what this is about?”

  “Cory, I’m warning you…step aside.” Jealous, is that what he thinks? The fact he assumes that angers me more. I shoot, letting the bowstring slip through the tips of my fingers, with the fur feathering the side of my cheek. It gives a slight sting, but I ignore it.

  Cory jumps out of the way just in time. Hitting my target, I say, “Bullseye.”

  “Seriously? You almost hit me!” Cory exclaims.

  “But I didn’t”—I point to the board—“as you can see, I clearly killed my mark dead on.”

  Ignoring Cory’s dramatics, I walk towards the target board to retrieve the arrows on the panel, placing them in my quiver set, saying, “Now, if you will excuse me Cory I have training to do. You heard Queen Sara. We must prepare. Distracting me isn’t going to change anything.” I move beyond my panel board to recover the other arrows that missed and toss those, too, into my set. I can’t be missing in real battle.

  “Oh admit it, Rory. You’re mad because Wynter and I are together.”

  “Is that what you think, huh?” I bring the arrow set up around my back once again and walk to my line. “I could care less about you two. My main concern is getting Redmae back.”

  “Um, hello? Isn’t that what Queen Sara said we were to do? Why are you so bent out of shape?”

  I prepare for another practice round. “Yeah, well,” I say, pausing, as I take an arrow from my quiver set, “we all know she wants the Storms under one world, now don’t we?”

  “Wouldn’t you want your family all under one world, too?”

  “Precisely my point, Cory. Redmae is going to come in dead last on the priority list.” I take aim concentrating on the bullseye ahead. No wind at the moment. Should be a straight shot this time. I release just in time for a breeze to pass by. Too late to adjust, my arrow gets stuck in the trunk of a tree adjacent to the board. “Cory, will you just please leave? I missed that shot, no thanks to you.”

  “No, you missed because the winds are kicking up.”

  “Right, because you’re such an expert on the weather and archery,” I mumble. I ready another arrow and allocate for the wind this time, hitting my target dead center.

  “Have you thought of what would happen if she mauls you to the bone?” Cory asks.

  “She?” Distracted, I focus on him. It takes me a moment to realize whom he’s talking about. “You mean my sister. She wouldn’t.” I ease back into my stance, taking aim at the red mark.

  “You saw the changes in Wynter the other day she ate your mother alive.”

  “She wasn’t my mother, Cory, you know that. Wynter devoured a Trek.” I huff in irritation. “Though why should I be surprised? She’s a vamp, like you.”

  “You don’t know that for sure, Rory. Have you seen her turn? Drink blood? Kill innocent victims? No, she ate like any other predator.”

  “Yeah, with her monster-changing mouth.”

  He ignores my bite. “What makes you so sure Redmae will recognize you, anyway?”

  I peer at Cory then blink back to my target, trying hard not to move my head and keeping my stance firm. He has a point. “I don’t know for sure.” I release the string, and the arrow goes flying right over my intended object. “I have this feeling, that she will know who I am. I can’t explain it.” He is right. I don’t know for sure. I also don’t know how we will get past the field and into the manor. Unless the team already has a plan to get inside. “Now, let me work. I missed again, and I’m no use to anyone if I can’t shoot properly.”

  I prepare for another shot. This time, Cory stands to the side, adding, “I know you don’t want to hear this…”

  “But...” I let go of the string, hitting the red dot again.

  “But we must wait on Wynter to complete her training,” Cory finishes. “Sarmira is hot on all our tails, and we need Wyn to wrap up the trials, if we are ever to defeat the malevolent witch.”

  “I know, Cory. I don’t have to like it, but…I know. The Queen has tasked me, along with a team, to bring Redmae and the others home. I get it.”

  “We will get Red out. I promise.”

  His words disrupt my next shot, and I lower my bow. “Promises? Wynter doesn’t like people to say that word and neither do I. Don’t make promises you can't keep, Cory Storm. Besides, how do you have control of the outcome, anyway?”

  “Because I’m coming with you.” He gives a side grin like he won a prize or something.

  “Right, because you have my back, and you’re an all-powerful being like Dragonscale?”

  His grin fades. “Rory, I’ve always had your back. What is with your animosity towards me? Is it about Redmae, the day we were all taken? You know I didn’t have any control over that. They were much stronger than me, and I didn’t have my powers yet. Honestly, I think you’re looking for someone to blame.”

  “I know who you are, Cory.”

  “Really, so who am I exactly?”

  “I can’t tell you. Just know that you still have a memory stamp of your own placed upon you, and I can see it. Whatever that Waxlily did to me, it has given me sight I’ve never had before.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I—I’ve said too much.” I decide against another shot and proceed to retrieve the other arrows, including the one stuck in the tree trunk. Cory follows me.

  “What do you mean you, ‘see,’ Rory?

  “Cory, not now. I can’t. I won’t.” I grab the arrows from my target board and pace forward to the tree trunk, snatching the one jammed in the grass along the way.

  “You don’t think I can handle the truth in what you see, is that it?” he asks.

  I stare directly into his eyes. “Sometimes, the truth doesn’t set you free. It sets you back. I won’t tell you because you and I both know what a memory stamp will do if something is revealed prematurely. I may be spiteful at times, and yeah, maybe jealous, but I won’t betray the gift I was given.”

  “So, this is about trust, now?” His eyes reflect hurt. He folds his arms again. “You’re the one who broke it off, remember?”

  “This has nothing to do with that. When I fell into a deep sleep at the Lake of No Return, I was shown a vision.” I reach the tree and work on pulling the arrow from the trunk. Cory remains silent, as though he’s at a loss for words.

  “What’s with you and Wynter, anyway?” I add. “Where was I when you two hooked up?”

  “What, did you miss the memo?” Cory sounds annoyed now. “Besides, how is that your business? You’re changing the subject.”

  I free the arrow from the tree and put it away. “My best friend hooks up with my ex. I wish I would have seen that coming. No matter. Not like I have room to talk. We did it, too. Cousins dating cousins isn’t exactly proper.” I didn’t know Cory was my cousin until recently. When I found out, I severed the relationship. Doesn’t seem to bother him and Wynter, though. They go around as if there’s nothing wrong with it.

  “It’s not like we planned it, Rory. It just happened.”

  “I could say the same for us, Cory. Why are you wondering about my feelings, anyway?”

  “I still care about you, you know. Despite our differences,” he replies.

  “Really, is that so? Did you tell Wynter, yet? I mean about us?”

  “She doesn’t have to know.” He pauses. “And you don’t need to go telling her either, Rory. Don’t go starting something that doesn’t need messing with.”

  “There, there, little prince,” I tease. “Don’t worry, our secret is safe.”

  We walk back together to my archery line. I contemplate whether I should do another round and take out an arrow. His badgering me makes me want to burn off more steam.

  He gives me a stern look, stepping in my path, as though he’s going to try to compel me.

  “Try it and see what happens. I’ll shoot this right through your heart.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Wouldn’t I? Now, you’re in my way. If you would kindly move.” I don’t wait for him to step aside, and I let the bowstring lose.

  “Again, with the violence. Are you trying to kill me?”

  “I wouldn’t think to slay you.” I laugh. “The thought of getting under your skin amuses me, though. May sting a little, Cory. However, if I staked your heart, you would stiffen like a board, and I might get a third round of peaceful practice in.”

  “You evil woman.”

  I curl a smile. “Not entirely, but I can be a little nasty, can’t I?”

  He doesn’t fall for my teasing. “We need Wynter to be at her fully trained potential if we are to destroy Sarmira and release Madame Moyer from possession,” Cory reminds me. “So, why are you all ticked off at me? I would think you’d be ecstatic at getting revenge.”

  “I am ecstatic. Why do you think I’m trying to get my practice in? But some immortal creature insists on disrupting my preparation.”

  “You leave me no choice. Rory, talk to me. And what is this vision you had?”

  “Oh no, Cory Storm. You are not going to get that out of me. Nice try, though.”

  “Okay, fine, but this still leaves you with extreme anger issues.”

  “You want to talk, Cory?” I bring the bow and arrow down to my side. “Okay, Let’s talk. What about Redmae? What about my sister who is still under the wrath of that mad witch? She’s my sister, and you were supposed to protect her. You said we were safe. I trusted you.” Tears stream down my cheeks, as the memories of that fateful day when Moyer’s men came for us fill my mind. “I’m afraid we won’t reach her.”

  Cory grabs my shoulders, pulling me to him and pushing the feelings I once had for him back to the forefront. If I hadn’t pushed Cory away, maybe—

  “No. You didn’t push me away. Don’t blame yourself,” he says.

  “So, you’re getting in my head now since Wynter isn’t here? You know, it’s a wonder Wynter puts up with you. Now that you have your full power back, it seems you will be in everyone’s mind now, huh?”

  He releases me and steps away. “Most of the time, it’s unintentional.” He pauses for a few minutes and turns around to look down towards the stream leading to the bay. “Kind of hard to miss the thoughts in your head, Rory, when the feelings you have are still so strong. I don’t want you to be in pain. I’d rather you be angry at me than this.”

  “Are you saying you no longer feel the same way?” I feel crushed. I know he loves her. He was mine first, not hers. I shouldn’t care so much, but I let the relationship go, not him.

  “I was never yours, Rory. You did the right thing. It would have never worked, anyway.”

  There he goes again, in my head. “Right…the visions. I remember you telling me. You always knew Wynter was the one, even before you met her.”

  “Hey, I have a twin,” he jokes.

  “Really? I can’t believe you went there, Cory.”

  “Sorry.” He smiles. “Trying to cheer you up. Guess I torpedoed that one, didn’t I?”

  “More like an epic fail.”

  I sit down next to a tree and lean back, crossing my legs and arms. Cory sits with me. “I wish things were different, and we could go back to the way things used to be. I’m tired of running, you know?”

  “Perhaps we will have peace soon,” he says, picking a long piece of grass and sticking it in his mouth. “I mean, if all goes according to plan...”

  “Cory, what do you mean...if?”

  “Nothing. It’s just a feeling. For some reason, I feel like Jeoffrey’s premonitions aren’t accurate. I wish I had the capabilities I have now, to sense when her team drew near, that day we met Lira and were captured. If Jeoffrey were there, he would have been able to warn us all. He didn’t even clue us in about the ruse into Grengore Mines.”

  “Hello, Cory. Jeoffrey wasn’t Jeoffrey at all, but a Trek posing as him. He couldn’t exactly tell us. That Miles guy did a good job at fooling us all.”

  “Still, Jeoffrey should have told us something was off… I mean, when we first arrived at Geneviève’s Ranch, Jeff hadn’t been captured yet by Miles and Lira. I know he had to have smelled the scent of a Trek.”

  “Seems your senses were off, too. You didn’t smell a Trek, either,” I remind him.

  “I did smell it, but I brushed it off because I was so focused on protecting Wynter. You know, getting her safe to Storm Castle. Speaking of a Trek, have you found out where your mother, Geneviève, is yet?”

  “No. Have you asked around?”

  “No. Perhaps we should start,” he says and gets up, throwing the blade of grass in his mouth to the ground.

  “What do you have in mind?” I ask.

  “Well for starters, it’s time we have a little chat with Aoes and see about how to get your porting ability back.”

  Losing my ability to port did have me feeling a bit lost. This day has gone by so fast, and I realize just this morning we left The Lake of No Return. “Why didn’t Nyta warn us that by seeking the Waxlily I would lose my abilities?”

  “I wish I had an answer for you, Rory, but I honestly don’t know.”

  “What makes you think Aoes has the answers, then?”

  “He’s a wizard, isn’t he? Well, he’s also the closest we can get to a Light Witch, too,” Cory says.

  “There aren’t any more Light Witches left, Cory. The Dark Witches took care of that.”

at you know of, anyway.” He smiles at me, as though he has something up his sleeve.

  “Cory Storm, what are you not telling me?”

  “Now look who’s trying to badger secrets out of someone.” He laughs. “Follow me. I know where his study is.”

  “You think he can help with my teleporting issues?”

  “Well, you heard what he can do about manipulating time, right? Perhaps he can guide us in the direction of who to talk to about getting your abilities back, too.”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of Nyta. She is, after all, the Diviner of Magic.”

  “Very true, but I think we should see him, anyway.”

  I grab the arrows stabbed in the practice board, and place them in my quiver set, saying, "Lead the way. Together, we walk through the courtyard of Storm Castle to the entrance of the palace doors.

  Chapter 4

  Wynter Storm

  The Past:

  Ashengale Castle

  The hours right after Wynter’s first arrival to Ashengale

  My thoughts wander back to before I changed, when we first arrived at the doors of Ashengale Castle, and Garrick greeted us.


  “Who is he?” I ask my aunt. I watch him glance at us as though he, too, can hear my thoughts.


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