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To Love a Spy

Page 14

by Aileen Fish

  He released her arm, exhaling deeply, and folded his arms across his wide chest. “Tell me, Cinderella, how do you know my name?”

  “So you are Mr. Ashton Lee?”

  “Yes, but how do you know me? I think I would have remembered meeting someone as enchanting as you, but my mind is blank. I honestly don’t think we were ever introduced.”

  “We haven’t been introduced. However, my uncle thought he knew you.”

  Mr. Lee cocked his head. “Do I know your uncle?”

  “I actually don’t know, but I had mentioned Mr. Nickerson and Mr. Larson to my uncle, and he had heard of your friends. My uncle says you are one of the co-owners of the Conrail railroad. Is he correct?”

  Mr. Lee nodded. “Your uncle has heard right. I am that man. But now, I think it’s only fair that I know your identity. I’m aware we still have a half hour before it’s time to take off our masks, but I hope you’ll let me see you now.”

  He reached behind his head and pulled at the strings to the mask. In one smooth motion, the mask fell from his face. Although Ashton Lee was still mainly in the shadows, she could tell he was a strikingly handsome man. Just as she imagined him to be.

  She was tempted to tease him a little more, but in truth, she couldn’t wait to remove her mask as well. She’d definitely feel a little cooler.

  “You are correct, Mr. Lee.” She found the strings holding her mask together, and untied them. She stood more in the light of the full moon, and when she had removed her mask, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open. His response made her want to laugh, but she refrained. Not very often did men look at her like this, and she quite enjoyed the attention.

  He sighed heavily. “Forgive me, my dear, but you are more exquisite than I had imagined.” He lifted his hand as if to touch the side of her face, but then quickly dropped it to his side. “Will you tell me your name now?”

  “I’m Miss Nicole Bastian.” She curtseyed. “My uncle is Mr. Michael Thornock who owns a small shipping line.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t know your uncle, but Miss Bastian,” he took her gloved hand and lifted her knuckles to his mouth and continued, “it’s certainly a pleasure to know you.”

  His lips brushed the top of her hand briefly. Excitement shot through her and made her heart skip a beat—several beats, in fact—before he finally pulled away. “Tell me Mr. Lee, are you always this charming or is tonight so special because you’re dressed as a prince?”

  He laughed. “I would hope that I’m like this all the time, but I fear I’ve not had much time to court a woman, so I’m not certain if I’m always so charming.”

  From up the walkway, loud voices boomed through the calm night. She jumped and turned toward the sound. Several men, most of them holding a bottle of whiskey, were making a lot of ruckus. By the way they stumbled about, she was certain they were very drunk. She certainly didn’t want them to notice her, or Ashton Lee for that matter. That’s all she needed was for these men to ruin her very pleasant evening with a very captivating man.

  And what if one of them knew her uncle and said something to her relative? She’d definitely be in trouble! Uncle Michael would never trust her again. She couldn’t allow that to happen, especially when she relied on her relatives so much.

  Chapter 3

  Panic rushed through Ashton. He didn’t want those men to see Miss Bastian without her mask. She was a very stunning woman, and Ashton worried that the drunks might try to take liberties with her. If they attempted to do that in any way, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from violently striking them with his fists, and in doing that, he’d ruin her reputation.

  “Quick,” he said, taking hold of her elbow, “let’s head this way so they don’t see us. I know a few of those men, and they aren’t in control of themselves when intoxicated. I would hate to have them bother us tonight.”

  “I wholeheartedly agree.”

  She hurried beside him as he took them farther into the trees. The more distance he could put between them and the foxed crowd of men, the better.

  On the other side of a wide tree, Ashton brought them to a halt. They peeked around the trunk, searching for the drunkards.

  “I think we lost them,” she said breathless.

  “I think you’re right.” He sighed and turned to look at her. It surprised him to see a wide grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. Shouldn’t she be worried that they were alone and in the shadows? Instead, she almost acted as if this was entertaining for her. “Tell me, Miss Bastian, why are you grinning right now?”

  She shrugged. “Well, as hard as it is for me to admit, I was thinking the same thing as you—about getting away from those men. I find it quite humorous that you can read my mind.”

  If only he could read it now. The way her stare latched onto him made him wonder what else was going through her mind at this moment. He stepped closer and dared do what he’d wanted to do a few minutes ago when she’d taken off her mask. He ran the back of his knuckles over her soft cheek. Her skin was just as smooth as he’d imagined. “I would like to read your mind now.”

  Suddenly, the laughter left her expression, and in its place was desire. He liked seeing that. Liked it too much.

  “No,” she said in a soft voice. “Reading my mind now would not be a good thing.”

  “And why not?”

  The side of her mouth pulled up into a half-grin. “What would you say if I admitted that you are no longer my Prince Charming?”

  “I’m not?” His heartbeat stalled, not knowing if that was a good thing—or bad.

  “No. You’ve swiftly become my knight in shining armor, instead.”

  Peace settled over his chest. “Why, may I ask?”

  “For rescuing me.”

  Strange emotions surrounded his heart and crawled up his neck, making it hard to swallow. “Oh.” His voice came out much too low. “I’ve just seen the way those men are with women. They aren’t very respectable, and that’s when they are sober. I don’t want to know how they would act around a woman as lovely as yourself when they are filled with liquor.”

  This time it was her turn to move closer as she placed a hand on his chest. Her touch almost shot his breath right out of his lungs as warmth spread through him, starting where her hand rested.

  “Then indeed, you are my knight,” she said.

  He took hold of her hand, but kept it against his chest as he stared deep into her shadowed eyes. Desire stirred in him like never before. This wasn’t good at all! “Miss Bastian, you shouldn’t say such things to me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve never felt more like a man than I do right now in your presence.” He slid his free arm around her waist, and closed the space between them. “And that, my dear, could get very dangerous out here, all alone with me in the shadows, and the moonlight.”

  A small gasp sprang from her throat, but she didn’t move her hand, nor did she pull away. Her head tilted back as she gazed up into his face. Heavens, she looked so lovely. He really needed to get control over his emotions. Feeling like this for a woman he didn’t fully trust was not a good thing. But being with her had indeed made him feel more like a man than anytime he could recall.

  The smile remained on her pleasant expression. “Once again, Mr. Lee, your words have warned me to stay away from you, but your actions speak something entirely different. Do you or do you not want me to leave?”

  Chuckling softly, he shook his head. “I wish I knew my own mind right now, but I fear I cannot even govern my own thoughts, because although you should leave, I want you to stay in my arms.”

  He leaned in further, wanting to kiss her so badly, but he fought the urge. Instead, he closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against hers. Skin as soft as silk smelled faintly of roses. He could easily get lost in her fragrance. Her free hand slid up his arm to his shoulder, then to his hair as her fingers threaded through his hair. The warmth from her touch melted him, and although he knew this shouldn’t be h
appening, he had no power to stop it.

  A quiver rushed inside him, and he felt her body tremble against his. Smiling, he continued to rub his cheek against hers, but soon his face dropped to the curve of her neck. Her delicate skin was so close to his mouth, he just had to rub his lips over her flesh.

  Another gasp escaped her, this time it was much lower than before. No more were her hands stroking over his prince costume, instead they were grasping the material as if she didn’t want him to pull away.

  Her breathing grew heavy and brushed against his ear. This woman definitely knew how to make him come alive—which had never happened to him before. He didn’t know if it was their costumes, their roles of Cinderella and Prince Charming, or if it was just because he was looking for a distraction from the stress happening in his life right now, but Miss Nicole Bastian was certainly affecting him in ways he could not comprehend. Perhaps he should worry about it, but right now, he’d just relax and enjoy the moment.

  “Ashhh-ton,” she sighed deeply, “what are you doing to me?”

  The sound of his name on her lips was like Heavenly harps playing in his ears. He wanted to laugh with delight, knowing he was affecting her the same way she was doing to him. But laughing would only ruin the mood right now, and he could not have that!

  He lifted his head just enough to peer into her face. Her eyes had been closed, but then opened slightly as she met his gaze. His heartbeat pounded so fiercely like a runaway train, and he knew he must kiss her or collapse.

  “What am I doing to you, Nicole?” he whispered.

  The smile touched her eyes seconds before her mouth stretched wider. “You’re making me believe in fairytales. You’re making me think dreams really do come true.”

  Releasing a groan, he pressed his mouth against hers. Immediately, her arms wrapped around his neck and she responded to his kiss just as he hoped she would. Fireworks exploded behind his eyes. Indeed, he’d never experienced such a kiss, and Heaven help him, he wanted more kisses like this…more from her and only her.

  Ashton tilted his head, preparing to deepen the kiss, when voices were heard close by, both from a woman and a man. Ashton wanted to curse the interruption, only because that meant he had to stop the excitement and happiness pumping through him. But he didn’t want Nicole to be caught with him in such an intimate embrace, either.

  She must have heard the woman’s loud laughter, because she quickly pulled away. Her fingers fumbled with her mask as she placed it back over her eyes and tied the strings behind her head.

  Following her lead, he replaced his mask as well. The voices were still far enough away, and he was assured they would not be caught, but they’d have to make haste now!

  He took her hand and led her back around some trees, making his way toward the house. He scanned the perimeter for anyone with prying eyes, but thankfully, he didn’t find anyone else out here in the shadows.

  As he neared the lit walkway, he slowed his steps. When he was certain nobody would see them, he tugged Nicole with him onto the trail. With a straight back, he hooked her arm around his elbow and escorted her back up the slope.

  He glanced down at her. Her shoulders were pulled back and her chin raised, and she gracefully floated beside him, but he could tell from the rise and fall of her bosom that the heated moment between them was still fresh on her mind. He was relieved to know he wasn’t the only one feeling such emotions.

  “Miss Bastian, I want to apologize—”

  “Don’t.” Her gaze snapped up and met his. “Unless you are really sorry for kissing me.”

  He didn’t have to think about the answer at all, but would he be any less of a gentleman for admitting he had wanted to kiss her and enjoyed doing it? “No, I’m not sorry for kissing you. Are you sorry for what happened?”

  A tiny laugh bubbled up from her throat and she shook her head. “Not in the least. Believe it or not, Mr. Lee, I needed this to happen to me. I needed to feel that someone actually wanted to rescue me, and that I was someone special—if only for one evening.”

  It shocked him to hear her words. Why wouldn’t such a lovely woman feel special? His curiosity grew. Certainly, this was one lady he needed to figure out. Getting to know her secrets would make his life seem less stressful, for sure. And keeping company with such a beautiful woman—and even stealing more kisses—might be the very thing he needed, too.


  Nicole certainly felt like Cinderella, especially now that midnight was nearly upon them. She was certain her relatives would want to leave after the Babcock’s guests finally unveiled themselves. So in essence, Cinderella’s fairytale night of being with a handsome prince who kissed her until she nearly swooned would come to an end. Soon there would be another assignment for the Secret Service Agents, and she would have to leave Staten Island, anyway.

  Getting involved with Mr. Ashton Lee was out of the question, and the thought nearly crushed her. This had never happened before, but she suddenly realized how much she wanted a man in her life…a man she could fall in love with, marry, and have children with. True, the man of her dreams might not be Ashton Lee, but she wanted to get to know him to make sure of it first.

  After she’d said the words about wanting to feel special, she wished she could retract them. She especially shouldn’t have told him she liked being rescued. He looked at her with such a shocked expression, she worried he might start asking questions now; questions she didn’t want to answer.

  “Forgive me for speaking my mind, Mr. Lee,” she said quickly. “That’s one of my worst faults, I’m afraid. I suppose it comes from having only a father and older brother to raise me.”

  Shaking his head, he stroked her hand resting on his arm. “No need to ask forgiveness. I enjoy hearing what’s on your mind. After all, I can only read your thoughts on rare occasions.” He winked.

  She laughed. She loved how he always seemed to put her at ease.

  “However,” he added, “I do wonder why you don’t think of yourself as special. I knew from the moment I caught you from falling, that you were indeed, very special.”

  “Oh, Mr. Lee, you are so kind with your words. I assure you, I’m just like any other ordinary woman you have met. Believe me, tonight I’m only dressed this way because of my costume. If we were to meet on the street tomorrow, you would not know me from the next woman.”

  He stopped their progress as they arrived at the double doors into the house. The light shone on him a little more, and she couldn’t believe how incredibly handsome he was. His eyes appeared hazel, and they held her captive. There was a small dimple in his right cheek that flashed at her when he smiled wide.

  She chuckled again. “We shall see once we meet up again.”

  “If you promise to venture into town tomorrow, I shall make it a point to be there. I assure you, I will recognize you immediately.”

  Her heart flipped. He’d been making her body react this way since they’d first met. “Then I shall come into town tomorrow just to see if you have kept your promise.”

  “Splendid!” He nodded toward the door. “Will you allow me to accompany you inside?”

  Sighing heavily, she shook her head. “You’d better not. My aunt and uncle already had the vapors that I danced the first two dances with you…and that you caught me from falling down the steps.”

  He frowned. “I understand.” He took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. “Until later, my dear.”

  As Nicole walked into the house, her heart was light and matched her spirits completely. Mr. Ashton had been such a gentleman, even though he did take her into his arms and kiss her. Tonight had been such a magical night. First with the discovery of General Babcock’s journal, and then finding her own Prince Charming.

  If only things would continue to be so carefree and pleasant in the days afterward, but she knew better than to dream this way. Tonight would be good enough, she was certain.

  “Oh, there you are!” Emily ran up to Nicole and clasped he
r arm. “Mother and Father were looking for you. It’s getting time to remove our masks, and they want you with us when we do.”

  “Of course, dear cousin. I was outside getting some fresh air. The room was just too stuffy to stay inside another minute.”

  “Yes, it’s very stuffy in here.” Emily nodded, her curls bouncing in rhythm. “Thankfully, the night is nearly over. I’ll admit, I’ll be happy to return home.”

  “Why?” Nicole frowned. “Aren’t you enjoying yourself this evening?”

  Her cousin shrugged. “Not entirely. At first I was. Once the dancing started, I had five men ask me to dance, but as the night wore on, men stopped coming around.” She pouted. “I guess I’m not as lovely as other women, and I’m sure this gown didn’t make matters any better.” She picked at the skirt of her gown. “Serves me right for wearing a gown my mother picked out.”

  “Nonsense, Emily.” Nicole hooked her arm with her cousin and walked toward Aunt Anita. “You have a beautiful gown.”

  “But I fear the color makes me appear younger than my true age. The men who I danced with talked to me as if I were still in the schoolroom.”

  “Well, I’m sure that when they see you without your mask, they shall know what a mature woman you really are.”

  “I truly hope so.”

  When Nicole reached her aunt and uncle, the general clicked his champagne glass to get everyone’s attention. He announced it was time to take off the masks. Within moments, all the masks were removed, and loud chatter filled the room as people moved about, seeing who was behind everyone’s mask.

  Many men came up to Nicole and made introductions. She smiled politely, but she wasn’t interested in what they had to say. There was only one man she wanted to see, and she frantically searched for him. As each minute passed and she hadn’t spotted him, her heart sank. Had he left the party so soon? Although he had removed his mask outside, she couldn’t see him very well. Now, in the lighted ballroom, she wanted to see what he really looked like.


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