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To Love a Spy

Page 16

by Aileen Fish

  He shrugged. “It would make for a more interesting marriage, don’t you agree?”

  Tilting her head, she studied him closely to see if he was being humorous or not, since he was known to tease her quite a bit. His hair was the same sandy, light-brown color as hers, and they even shared the same brown eye color, but that’s where their similarities ended. She never thought they really resembled each other as they grew up. Even friends of the family remarked about how different they were.

  “Actually, Gordon…I do agree. I have spent enough time with Uncle Michael and Aunt Anita to know I want a marriage like theirs. They respect and love each other, yet our aunt isn’t going to let something pass by her without giving her opinion. Some of their arguments have been comical, but in the end, they say I love you to each other, and they are back to being happy.”

  His smile waned as he stared at her. “I don’t remember our mother all that much, so I can’t tell you if she was like that with Father.”

  Nicole laid her hand on Gordon’s arm. “I want to believe they were. I want to believe they loved each other so much that our father couldn’t find another woman to replace her when she died.”

  Moisture collected in Gordon’s eyes, but he quickly blinked it away. “Yes. I shall believe that as well.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead before standing. “I should be leaving now. I’ll see you when you arrive home.”

  “Why are you leaving so soon?” She reached to grab his hand but he backed up too far. “Why not stay and visit with our relatives for a few hours?”

  He shook his head. “Not this time. I have some things I want to accomplish before we start our new assignment…if you know what I mean.” He winked.

  Yes, she knew exactly what he meant. Her brother was a ladies’ man; an accomplished rake of the first order. “Fine. I’ll see you when I get home.”

  He blew her a kiss before leaving the room.

  Sighing, she slumped on the sofa. Well, if her brother could carry on with women for his small vacation, then she should at least be allowed to spend a little time with Ashton Lee. She glanced at the clock on the mantel above the fireplace. Her heartbeat picked up rhythm. It was time to leave for town, but first she must convince her relatives that she and Emily could go alone. Nicole prayed things would go her way today.

  She jumped off the sofa and rushed out the door. As she hurried down the corridor, she glanced in each room, searching for her uncle and aunt. Her aunt sat in the sitting room working on her stitchery.

  “There you are, Aunt Anita.” Nicole smiled and entered the room.

  “Yes, I’m here.” She glanced behind Nicole to the hallway. “Where is Gordon? I heard he was here.”

  “He was, briefly, but left.”

  Aunt Anita frowned. “Without even staying for the midday meal?”

  Nicole shrugged one shoulder. “You know how Gordon is. He’s always busy with something.”

  “Very true. So why did he come?”

  “To tell me that Father is returning home at the end of the week from his latest assignment, and he wants both of his children there to greet him.”

  “Oh, dear. So you’ll be leaving us again?”

  “Yes, Auntie. For a little while.” She moved to the cushioned chair where the older woman sat, bent over, and kissed her cheek. “But I shall return soon enough, I assure you.”

  “I know you will.” Aunt Anita smiled.

  “But because I’ll be leaving soon, I want to spend more time with my cousin. Can I take Emily into town this morning?”

  “Whatever for?”

  “Nothing in particular. Maybe I’ll see a pretty bonnet to buy while I’m there. Or shoes, or—”

  Flipping her hand in the air, her aunt laughed. “Of course, my dear. You and Emily can go and enjoy yourselves. Don’t spend too much money. I don’t want my brother getting vexed with me for turning you into a spendthrift.”

  Excitement bubbled inside Nicole and she tried not to grin too wide. “Not to worry. I know when to stop, I assure you.”

  “You may, but I highly doubt Emily will.” She patted Nicole’s arm. “So you’d better keep an extra eye on your cousin to make certain she doesn’t spend too much.”

  “I will.”

  Nicole hurried out of the sitting room before her aunt could call her back. Knowing Emily, she was probably still in her bedroom, but by now, she would be awake and nearly dressed for the day. When she reached her cousin’s room, she knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Emily replied.

  Nicole walked into the room. Emily sat at her vanity while her maid finished curling her hair.

  Smiling, Nicole moved closer. “How would you like to go into town with me this morning?”

  Her cousin’s gaze met Nicole’s through the reflection of the mirror. “Why?”

  “Because I’ll be leaving in a few days to return home, and I wanted to spend a little more time with my cousin.”

  Emily pouted. “Do you have to go home?”

  “Yes. Father will be there. I haven’t seen him for a few months.”

  Sighing heavily, Emily nodded. “Well, I certainly understand you wanting to be with your father.”

  “So do you want to come to town with me?” Nicole asked again.

  Slowly, a smile stretched across her face. “Of course. That’s a ridiculous question to ask.”

  “I want to leave soon. Is that all right?”

  “Yes. I had the cook bring my breakfast as I dressed. I’ll be ready to go once Grace is done with my hair.”

  Nicole nearly leapt with happiness. “I shall collect my shawl and parasol and meet you downstairs then.”

  “I’ll be there momentarily.”

  Nicole practically skipped to her bedroom. She stood in front of her full-length mirror, checking herself one last time. Emily’s maid had also fixed Nicole’s hair this morning, and thankfully, it was still intact. Grace had done a splendid job pulling back the sides loosely from Nicole’s face and coiling it on the top of her head in curls, leaving the length of Nicole’s hair to hang in ringlets down her neck and over her shoulders.

  Although she had tried to make Ashton Lee believe she was a plain woman, the truth was that she had some very lovely gowns that were far from being ordinary. Today she chose to wear a short sleeve, light blue and green floral pattern with a beige underskirt. Matching blue ribbon crisscrossed the bosom and tied with a bow just above her breasts. She felt very feminine wearing this ensemble, and couldn’t wait to see what Ashton thought of it. Of course, it was nothing like the sensual sensation she had on last night.

  Within a half hour, she and Emily were on their way into town. Emily jabbered on and on about last night, but Nicole’s attention was focused out the carriage window, watching the people stroll up and down the boardwalk. She searched for Ashton, but couldn’t see him. When the vehicle stopped and she and her cousin were helped down, Nicole’s nerves were on edge.

  Had Ashton decided not to come to town after all? She sincerely hoped that was not the case. If so, she would be forced to admit that she wasn’t as desirable as he led her to believe. The realization of that would be hard to swallow, which in turn would make her a very moody woman—even for her father.

  As she stepped onto the boardwalk beside her cousin, Nicole gripped the parasol tighter. She continued to scan the street. Several men were around, but none of them looked familiar. A few of them greeted Emily, tipping their hats as the women strolled by. Nicole tried to smile at them, and hoped she didn’t appear as uneasy as she felt.

  Emily stopped at a shop and stared inside the window. Nicole’s gaze couldn’t look at what the shop was displaying. But with each minute that passed, a sinking feeling weighted heavily in her chest.

  Ashton was not coming.

  Chapter 5

  Ashton watched the two women from the window of the bakery shop. Miss Bastian had led him to believe she was plain, yet she lied. Out of all the women strolling up and down the street tod
ay, Nicole stood out like a butterfly amongst a cloud of gray moths. She was far from being ordinary as she’d claimed last night. She was literally the most beautiful woman he’d ever met.

  Or, did he feel that way about her because she intrigued him?

  Last night, he saw her in the general’s study, and yet she’d lied to him about why she was coming down the grand staircase. Seeing her again in broad daylight, he knew she’d lied to him once more. Did he want to get to know her just to discover her secret, or was it really because she was quite delightful company and extraordinarily pretty?

  As he stood inside the bakery and watched her and the younger woman through the window, he detected sadness in Nicole’s face. At times her gaze would wander the streets, looking at every person before a frown would claim her expression. Dare he hope she waited to see him and was saddened when he had yet to appear?

  No other woman had stirred such curiosity inside him. Not only that, but he couldn’t recall a time he’d been so attracted to a woman this quickly.

  Unfortunately, he’d have to leave for New York soon, and he couldn’t get to know the enchanting beauty. Whatever happened between them this afternoon would end as soon as he returned to New York.

  Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his necktie and exited the bakery. Immediately, his gaze rested on her. She looked so lovely in her gown and the brown cape thrown over her shoulders. He was happy to see she didn’t wear a bonnet like most of the women. Seeing a woman’s hair was part of her attire—and personality—and it was obvious that Nicole was as adventurous as he’d expected from their first meeting. He liked that a lot.

  For the first few moments, she hadn’t looked his way. Although anticipation sped through his body like an out-of-control horse, he kept his steps calculated and steady even though he felt like running to her.

  Just before reaching her, she slowly turned in his direction. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. Within seconds, her face lit up with happiness, making her eyes shimmer. A strange emotion tightened inside his chest, yet instead of scaring him, his heart fluttered with gladness.

  Her gaze ran over him from the top of his head down to his boots, and then quickly bounded up his frame once more. When she finally met his eyes, she gave him a small nod.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Lee. What a pleasure it is to see you in town.”

  He stopped in front of her and mocked a small bow. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Bastian.” He winked.

  A blush bloomed on her cheeks, and she chuckled softly. “I see you are still in character, even though the masked ball has ended.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I am?”

  “Yes. You are being quite charming.”

  He couldn’t stop from laughing. Remarkably enough, this woman had been able to make him do this quite a bit. This was one more thing added to the list of accomplishments that other women hadn’t been able to do.

  She turned to the woman next to her. “Mr. Lee, let me introduce you to my cousin, Emily Thornock. Emily, this is Mr. Ashton Lee.”

  Emily curtsied, and he bowed.

  “Mr. Lee,” Emily asked, “by chance, are you acquainted with my father, Michael Thornock?”

  “I’m afraid not.” Ashton shook his head. “But then I’ve not been in Staten Island for very long, either.” He turned his focus back to Nicole. “Might I enquire to your activities this morning, Miss Bastian? I would like it very much to take you and your cousin for a stroll through the park down along the bay, if you have the time.”

  Nicole and her cousin exchanged excited glances—although Nicole’s eyes danced more than the other woman’s.

  Looking back at Ashton, Nicole nodded. “I think that would be lovely. My cousin and I are just in town to find some new gowns. Taking time out for a leisurely stroll would be most refreshing.”

  “Then shall we go now?” He offered one elbow to Nicole. When she placed her hand around his arm, warmth accompanied it. Once again, her nearness threatened to take his breath away. He swallowed hard and reluctantly tore his gaze from her to put it on her cousin as he offered his other arm. “And what about you, Miss Thornock? It would be my honor to escort two lovely ladies to the park.”

  Emily giggled and slipped her hand around his elbow. No warmth complemented her touch, unlike her cousin whose nearness practically scorched him with desire.

  Just as he turned them toward the park, two young women scampered out of the nearby shop, waving at Emily. When they neared, they must have finally realized he was standing there, because they quickly composed their excitement and slowed their steps, walking in a more lady-like manner.

  “Charlotte, Patricia, what a surprise it is to see you here,” Emily said with a lifted voice.

  The two women looked enough alike to be sisters, which is what Ashton assumed. Not quite twins, but definitely siblings. If anyone could be considered plain, it would be these two. Both had the same color of hair and eyes. One was slightly petite, but the other was bigger boned. In fact, Ashton surmised that if this one would ever want to pass as a man, she would be able to pull it off.

  “When we saw you out the window,” the smaller of the two said, “I knew we must come get you. Father is sending us to Paris for two months to visit our relatives, and we are getting a whole new wardrobe.”

  The larger woman nodded. “Because you know, the fashions in Paris are far more advanced than we have here.”

  “Oh, how exciting.” Emily beamed and touched the smaller woman’s hand. “I would love to visit Paris one day. I’m certain you and Patricia will have a wonderful time.”

  “Emily, you must come see our traveling gowns.” Charlotte clasped Emily’s hand. “I’m still amazed that Father has allowed us this luxury.” Her gaze toggled between Emily and Ashton in hesitation. “Unless, of course, you’re otherwise engaged at the moment.”

  “Uh, well…” Emily passed Nicole an apologetic stare.

  “Emily,” Nicole quickly answered, “if you want to go into the shop and see their gowns, I will not be upset.”

  “Indeed? You won’t mind?” Emily slowly pulled her hand from around Ashton’s arm.

  “Not at all.” Nicole’s smile widened. “I will continue my stroll with Mr. Lee. We’ll just be down by the docks. You can meet up with us when you’re finished.”

  Relief splashed across Emily’s expression. “All right, I shall.” She turned to her friends. “Show me these gowns.”

  The three young ladies hurried to the shop and in through the door without looking back. Ashton was vastly relived to be alone with Nicole—as alone as he could be out in the middle of town, anyway.

  He glanced down into her glowing face. “Remind me, Miss Bastian, shouldn’t an unmarried woman like yourself have some kind of chaperone since you’re in the company of a single man? And won’t your uncle disapprove of your cousin leaving you?”

  She snorted a laugh. “First off, I’m not as young as you seem to think, and I can assure you, Emily will not say a word.”

  “She won’t?”

  “Certainly not, especially since my aunt and uncle don’t approve of Emily’s acquaintance with the Hansen sisters. I will keep Emily’s secret, just as my cousin will keep mine.”

  He shrugged. “Then who am I to question fate?”

  “Who indeed?” She cocked her head. After another few moments, she asked, “So tell me, Mr. Lee, where were you this morning? I’ve been in town for a little while, and I’d hoped to see you sooner.”

  “I was hiding in the bakery.” He laughed. “I had been watching you and your cousin before I decided to make my presence known.”

  “Oh, really? What were you doing in the bakery? Eating a sticky bun?”

  “Not eating. Just watching.”

  “What made you finally decide to finally come out of the shop?”

  He really couldn’t stop staring into her eyes. There was something magical about her that entranced him. They were brown with flecks of gold. He’d never seen anythi
ng quite like them before. “I realized the desserts inside the shop do not compare to your sweetness.”

  Her cheeks bloomed a lovely pink color again. “Oh, Mr. Lee. You say the kindest things.”

  They were both silent for a few awkward moments as he led them across the street and down the slope toward the small park by the bay. The closer they got toward the water, the chillier the air became. Today’s wind was a small breeze, but he was certain their walk would be bearable.

  He glanced at her. She held her head straight with confidence, and appeared as if she wasn’t bothered in the least about taking a walk with him without a proper chaperone. She was certainly a different woman from what he was used to, not only with her beauty, but with her attitude.

  “You know, Miss Bastian, I believe you have lied to me.”

  She stumbled, but quickly righted herself. When she turned her eyes to his, they were wide with worry. Now the smile on her face looked forced.

  “I have?” she said softly.

  “Yes. Last night at the masked ball, you tried to make me think you were a plain woman.” He trailed his attention over her face slowly, and then dipped down to her dress. “Obviously, that was a lie. You are far from plain. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

  As a genuine smile graced her face again, her shoulders relaxed. “Oh,” she said with a sigh. “You are much too kind, but I fear you’re wrong. Either you need spectacles, or you’re the one who is not being honest right now.”

  “I’m not wrong. You are a very lovely woman—one who is as fascinating as she is beautiful.”

  She flipped her hand in the air. “What a flatterer you are, Mr. Lee.”

  “Please, call me Ashton.” His voice came out lower than he’d expected, and he quickly cleared his throat. “I would like it if you’d call me that when we are alone.”

  Her eyes sparkled as he stared deeply into them. Standing in the sunlight, the golden flecks lit up her eyes even more.


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