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Fractured Minds (Rebels of Sandland Book 3)

Page 16

by Nikki J Summers

  I ran my hand over my face and sighed. This wasn’t her fault, I knew that. She lived a different life to the one I was used to. If I wasn’t careful this was going to turn into an argument, and I really didn’t want that on day one of us being together.

  “I’m sorry. I fell asleep and had a bad dream. When I woke up I panicked and needed to make sure you were okay. Don’t hate me. It’s only ‘cos I love you.”

  She sighed right back at me.

  “I’m okay. I wish I was there to hug you though and make you feel better. You sounded crazy when I answered the phone.”

  “I was.” Crazy was putting it mildly. I was about to self-combust. “Eff, I have to go. I think Zak’s ordered a pizza and the delivery guy is at the door.” I was surprised how easily the lies were rolling off my tongue today. “I’ll speak to you later, yeah?”

  “Okay. I love you.” Her voice was back to its playful sweet tone, and even though my heart was still splintered into a million pieces, piercing my lungs and making it difficult to breathe, some of the fog in my brain began to clear.

  “I love you too,” I whispered down the phone to her. Then, I hung up and reluctantly I clicked onto their text message.

  Do we have a deal?

  Before I could type a response, I heard movement coming from behind me.

  “I knew it,” Brandon hissed. “I knew there was more to this than just a convenient venue and some bullshit about them being your friends. They’re threatening you, aren’t they? The Brinton crew have something over you. Or is it your uncle who’s behind all this?”

  Brandon stood in the doorway but he didn’t look mad, he looked concerned.

  “How much did you hear?” I really hoped I could formulate a plan and talk myself out of this.

  “All of it. You thought someone had broken into Effy’s house. Are they threatening her too? I swear to God, I will cause a fucking shit-storm if they are. I’ll fuck them up so badly they’ll wish they’d never met you. He’ll wish he’d never touched––”

  I cut him off. “I can handle this.”

  “Can you? Because from where I’m standing you’re not. You’re doing a really shitty job of keeping it together. You’re shaking, sweating, losing your shit, and I’m not about to stand by and watch that happen… Not again.”

  I took a few deep breaths. There was no time like the present to ask him if he’d consider fighting. It wasn’t like things could get any worse for me.

  “Brandon. I need a favour.”

  “You need a favour? Or are they forcing you to ask me for a favour?”

  “Does it matter?”

  He didn’t answer and so I carried on.

  “I need you to fight. At the party. I need you to fight Joe Hazel.”

  Brandon bit his lip, smiling an ironic smile and shook his head.

  “Un-fucking-believable. You know I can’t do that. Harper was put on bed rest earlier today. Her blood pressure is through the roof. Doctors are worried about her. I can’t do that to her.”


  I darted my eyes left and right trying to think of another solution.

  “What if we just advertised that you were fighting but changed it at the last minute?” I was starting to sound desperate. Hell, I was desperate.

  “Mate, you’re not making any sense. Why would I do that?”

  “Because if I can’t prove that you’re gonna fight on that night then I’m a fucking dead man.” Nothing like being brutally honest to get what you want.

  “No one is going near you. I’d never let anyone hurt you.”

  “You can’t be there all the time, though, can you?” I grabbed a fistful of my hair and groaned. “Ugh. I didn’t mean literally dead. I meant figuratively. My life won’t be worth living if you’re not fighting.”

  I slumped down onto the floor, sitting against the wall and burying my head in my hands. This was useless. I didn’t want Brandon to fight either, and I’d never put Harper or the babies at risk. I was cornered by the wolves, and there was no way out.

  “It’s fine,” I stated like I believed it. “I’ll think of something else. Forget I even said anything. Harper and the babies come first. You’re not fighting.”

  “You’re desperate. I’ve never seen you like this. I’m gonna go and pay these fucking soldiers a visit. Let them know––”

  “Please don’t,” I begged, cutting him off. “I know you want to help but that’ll only make it worse. Plus, you need to think about Harper and the babies. Would she want you stirring up shit with the Brinton lot?”

  “No, but I don’t like feeling fucking useless.” He gritted his teeth and cracked his knuckles, giving a glare that told me he was on his last nerve. Holding back wasn’t Brandon’s strong point.

  “I don’t know what to say.” My fight had turned into flight. My best option looked like leaving Sandland forever, just like Alice had told me to, but thinking about that made my heart hurt. I could never walk away from Effy.

  “I’ll do it.” I snapped my head back to look at Brandon as he spoke, feeling like I’d just been smacked in the face. “Well, maybe not the whole fight, but you can use my name if it’ll help to get you out of whatever hole you’re in. Personally, I’d rather leave here and tear down Brinton looking for those fuckers, then rip their throats out for ever talking to you, but I guess that’ll be bad for Harper’s stress levels too.” He huffed out a laugh but neither one of us found this situation funny.

  “I wouldn’t want that either,” I said, looking up at him from my place on the floor. I knew it went against every fibre of Brandon’s being to give in to blackmail and play their game, but the rules changed when you were a family man, and he had other priorities now.

  “Give me a few hours to talk to Harper, then I’ll announce it myself on social media and you can send the screenshots to whoever needs to see it. Is that okay? Will that be enough?”

  I nodded and he walked over to me, putting his arm out to help me stand up.

  “Looks like we have a winner, lads,” Ryan shouted, coming back into the hall and bristling with excitement.

  “Certainly does.” Brandon glanced to the side and gave me a wink. “Think I might even come out of retirement to fight here myself. It’ll kill me to sit on the side-lines and watch.”

  Ryan’s eyes went wide and he shook his head disapprovingly.

  “You’re a glutton for punishment,” Zak said, appearing from behind Ryan and smirking. “Harper will never forgive you.”

  Ryan narrowed his gaze at Brandon but didn’t question him. My guess was Ryan knew something wasn’t right too, but like Brandon, he wasn’t ready to tackle us about it.

  “She loves me,” Brandon replied, giving his signature grin. “Besides, I’ll tell her it’s my final curtain call before the babies come.” I had to admit, he was putting on a very convincing performance.

  “Yeah, she’s gonna love you having two black eyes in the delivery ward. Or better yet, lying in a bed next to her as she gives birth,” Ryan snapped.

  “Two for one.” Zak laughed.

  “We don’t do things by halves.” Brandon smiled and rubbed his hands together like he was relishing the thought.

  “Mathers, you’re gonna be the death of me,” Ryan chastised him as he headed towards us. “I’d better warn Em. She likes watching you fight about as much as Harper does.”

  “Better get that ring on her finger then. She can spend the night looking at that instead.” Brandon bumped his shoulder into Ryan’s as he walked past and made his way back into the main hall.

  “Already in hand, my friend. Just watch this space.”

  Ryan dropped us all back home, and within the hour, Brandon had posted online that he was fighting at the next event. Sure enough, his socials blew up, everyone believed it. He sent me a text to let me know that he’d told Harper everything. They didn’t keep secrets and he needed her to understand that it was all fake. I messaged back asking him how we were going to get out of this once the
date for the fight drew closer, but he told me we’d cross that bridge when we came to it. I had to hand it to him. He’d always come through for me. Always.

  That night, I turned up at Effy’s door wearing my smartest jeans and white shirt under my leather jacket. It was our first official date and I felt slightly guilty about that. She’d agreed to be my girlfriend, given herself to me, and I hadn’t even bought her a drink. It was official; I was a sucky boyfriend.

  The door opened and I braced myself, wearing my cheeky grin to start this date off on the right foot. When I saw her dad standing on the other side, my face grew hot, and I knew I was blushing and probably looked like a grade A loser.

  He stuck his hand out to shake mine and I took it, shaking it back with a tight grip. I had to redeem my credibility in some way.

  “It’s good to see you, Finn. Come on in.” He held the door open and stepped back to let me past. “Effy’s still upstairs getting ready but we’re just having a glass of wine. Come and join us.”

  I stuttered over my words as I walked into the foyer and glanced around, begging Effy to suddenly emerge and save me from my awkwardness.

  “I don’t drink wine,” I said by way of an answer.

  Her dad laughed. “You don’t have to drink wine, we have beer too.”

  “I don’t really drink beer either.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “Okay, maybe I do drink beer, but I’m taking your daughter out tonight. I should really keep a clear head.”

  He slapped me on the back, still laughing.

  “That’s exactly the reason you should have a drink. Are you driving?”


  “Then have one. It might help you lighten up. You seem nervous.”

  I was always nervous. That was nothing new for me.

  He led me into their living room, where Effy’s mum was sat on the sofa reading her kindle. She looked up when she saw me and grinned, putting her kindle down to give me her full attention.

  “Finn! Sit down.” She patted the seat next to her. Jesus, I was going to need that drink after all. “Where are you off to tonight?”

  I got tongue-tied answering, telling her I was taking Effy to the cinema and maybe for something to eat afterwards. Luna, the dog, must’ve smelt my fear because she came bounding in, tried to jump up on my lap, and then after a bit of fuss she settled for lying right over my feet, like she was guarding me. I reached down to give her head a scratch and then told Effy’s mum that I’d have Effy home before her curfew. I didn’t want them getting their pitchforks out for me quite yet.

  “She doesn’t have a curfew,” her dad, Steve, announced as he came back into the room holding a bottle of beer out for me. “She’s almost nineteen years old. We’re just relieved she tells us where she’s going and who with. We’re her parents not her keepers.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. Parents, keepers, it was all the same thing in my book. Not that mine had ever been either for Alice or me. Promises, memories, trust, they didn’t keep any of it.

  I must’ve been silent and staring at the floor for too long because Steve sighed and sat down next to me, and Jen, Effy’s mum, put her hand over mine and patted it before sitting back onto the sofa to let her husband do the talking.

  “Finn, we like you, we trust you and you make Effy happy. That’s all we care about. When you come into our home we want you to feel welcome. There’s no hidden agenda here. I’m not about to go all psycho, over-protective father on you. Don’t get me wrong, if you hurt her, I will hunt you down. But I don’t think you’re that kind of boy, are you? Not from what I’ve seen and heard. I… we… think you’re one of the good guys, and we’re very good judges of character.”

  “Yes, we are,” Jen piped up.

  I took a swig of my beer and then placed it down on the coffee table in front of me, making sure I used a coaster.

  “I wouldn’t ever hurt her,” I said, honestly. “I love her.”

  “We know,” Jen replied. “A blind man can see how much you two love each other. We think it’s sweet.”

  “I’m guessing you haven’t heard a lot of positive things about yourself over the years,” Steve continued. “But we brought our daughter up right. Being with her should give you all the confidence you need. Be proud of yourself. I know she’s proud of you.”

  Right on cue, Effy walked into the room, looking like every dream I’d ever wished for. She was wearing a burgundy floaty dress that skimmed her ass, and boots that went right up to her thighs. My mouth was literally hanging open when I said, “You look stunning.” Then I turned to Steve to see if he was going to tear me a new one and send her back upstairs to get changed.

  “You do,” was how he responded, and I felt stunned into silence. I couldn’t believe there were parents out there like this. I mean, Ryan’s dad, Sean, he was the best, but if Ryan had a sister, you can bet your ass she wouldn’t get that reaction.

  Effy’s parents were actually cool. They liked me, and they loved their daughter unconditionally. My shoulders eased up slightly, and I had to admit, I was beginning to feel comfortable sitting here. Maybe family wasn’t so bad after all?

  “Thanks.” She smiled and then pointed right at me. “Sitting on the sofa in-between my parents and drinking beer? Where’s Finn and what have you done to him?”

  I chuckled and threw back the last of the beer before I stood up.

  “It’s called family bonding.” Steve smirked. “You kids have a good time now. We won’t wait up.”

  I let Effy choose the film we watched. I say watched, but I spent most of it cuddling up to her, kissing her, and watching her face as she laughed at the screen. I found her far more entertaining than the movie, I could watch her all day. When she rested her head on my shoulder halfway through, I pulled her into me and enjoyed the feeling of being at peace.

  When the movie credits started to roll, we followed the rest of the people out into the foyer. Effy needed to use the ladies, so I took the opportunity to head to the men’s room. That was my first mistake of the night.

  I pushed the doors open and strolled in, surprised to find it empty, but when the doors behind me banged against the wall and I turned around to see why, I instantly regretted my decision to come in here. Adam Noble, Colton King and Devon Brady stood in front of the exit, blocking any possible escape I could make. The Soldiers of Anarchy were channelling their horsemen of the apocalypse vibe. I was glad there was only three of them and not four, not that either odds were in my favour, but I figured the others were keeping watch over Tony.

  “What do you want?” I hissed, keeping my voice level and my stance strong. As Brandon had taught me all those years ago, you can never show weakness. These vultures would smell it a mile off.

  Adam smirked, putting the hood from his black jacket down. Even without their masks, bandanas, or balaclavas, they all still looked like evil motherfuckers. But tonight they’d attempted to blend in with the standard teenage crowd. It wasn’t working. They still looked like three psychos on a day trip from the detention centre.

  “Having a nice night?” he asked me, knowing he was being ironic but enjoying fucking with me all the same.

  “I was until you showed up. Isn’t your online bullying enough? Gotta taunt me out here too?”

  “I’d be careful how you speak to us, Knowles. You’re not in a position of power, and you’d do well to remember that.” His grin turned to a scowl and he looked at me like he was trying to burn holes through my soul.

  “Story of my life.” I shrugged like it meant nothing. “Do you actually think I give a fuck anymore?”

  At that moment, the door behind them swung open and some guy strolled in. Adam glanced over his shoulder and using his cold, psycho persona he said, “We’re closed. Fuck off.”

  The guy’s eyes grew wide when he saw what was going on and he spun round and left as quickly as he’d entered. From the recognition behind his stare, I guessed he wasn’t off to get help. Typical coward.

�You give a fuck, of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be jumping every time we tell you to.” Adam snapped right back to business. “How is Alice, by the way? Still avoiding Brinton? That’s a shame really. We were looking forward to getting to know her.”

  Hearing him say Alice’s name instantly made my back go up.

  “Stay away from my sister.” I clenched my fists and braced myself. If they’d come in here for a fight, I’d give them one. I might not have Brandon’s strength, but he’d taught me a few moves that’d help. I wouldn’t make it easy for them.

  “Guess we’ll have to settle for that little brunette you’ve been pawing over all night. Can’t say I blame you. Tight little ass and pert tits. I’ll look forward to meeting her soon myself.”

  Anger meet uncontrollable fucking fury.

  “Stay the fuck away from her! You can do all the fucked up shit you want to me, but I swear to God, if you go anywhere near her, I will kill you.” I’d die for her. Nobody was getting near her. Not again.

  “Those are big threats for a little man. I think you should stay in your lane, Knowles. You can’t run with the big boys. You’re not in our league. Now Mathers, that’s a different story. Nice touch getting him to announce the fight on his socials by the way. But you know…” Adam took a step forward to try and intimidate me, and the two stood beside him followed suit. “I’m starting to think something isn’t right.” He tilted his head as he spoke, making him look more demonic and psychotic than he usually did. “I’ve got a good feeling for things like that you see, it’s like a sixth sense. So, I figured it was time I paid you a visit. Reminded you what’s at stake here. You see… if you try and pull a fast one, get Mathers to back out at the eleventh hour, you and Alice won’t be the only ones with a tale to tell about old Uncle Tony. I wander what would happen if we left that little brunette you’re with tonight in a room alone with him? He might have no fingers and busted up knees, but his dick is still intact.”


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