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ONE LESS SCANDALOUS EARL: Bluestockings Defying Rogues Book Six

Page 5

by Dawn Brower

  A ripple of waves traveled to the edge as a man swam toward her. He’d be upon her soon, and then she’d discover his identity. She prayed it was Shelby. If it was another man, she’d have a dilemma on her hands. She didn’t want to be forced to marry a man she didn’t love. He’d taken a risk swimming in the pond at the Silverly picnic. Kaitlin thought it was Shelby, and she couldn’t help being excited at seeing some of his unclothed body. It was so scandalous to view him in that state. If he could take a risk, then so could she… She took a deep breath and waited for him to come forward.

  As he swam closer, she decided to move backward. She didn’t want him to notice her straightaway. Kaitlin wanted to observe him unencumbered first. As soon as he realized he wasn’t alone, he’d act differently. She wanted him to be himself, so she could see who he was in private. It was wrong of her to sneak a peek at him, but if he was worried about it, he would not have swam naked in a public fashion. She refused to feel guilty about it.

  He neared the edge of the pond and stood up, the water stopping just above his waist. He brushed his wet hair back with a sweep of his hand over the dark locks. The muscles in his biceps were well defined and bulging. His chest was magnificent and quite toned. Her gaze traveled down his belly and the dusting of hair near his navel. She licked her lips as she studied his gorgeous physique.

  Had a more perfect male ever existed?

  She didn’t think so, but then she gazed upon him through the rose-tinted lens of love. Kaitlin had always found him to be perfect, and thus far she hadn’t changed her mind.

  “What the bloody hell are you doing here?”

  Ah, he had noticed her finally. He must realize the mistake he’d made of swimming naked. Did he regret his choice? Should she leave him to dress in private? Kaitlin lifted a haughty brow. “It’s a picnic, my lord. The question should be what made you decide to create a scandal?”

  He flinched at her words, but she would not make it easy for him. As much as it pained her to be forward with him, it had to be this way. Shelby wouldn’t want a meek wallflower for a wife. He’d want a lady that could stand up to him, and Kaitlin wanted him. She could fight for something if need be, but she preferred not to stand out. For Shelby though, she’d find courage where she needed to.

  Shelby cursed under his breath. How had he ended up in this predicament? He narrowed his gaze. She was the reason he’d decided to take a swim in the cold pond. What was it about her that he suddenly found appealing? She was pretty enough, and she had gorgeous golden blonde hair. Lady Kaitlin was a tiny thing and didn’t quite reach his shoulders. That fascinated him even more. Her small stature made her seem almost delicate.

  None of which helped him discern the best solution to his current dilemma. He was not wearing a stitch of clothing and the object of his current obsession stood a few steps away from the edge of the pond. He could almost reach out and touch her. “Sweetheart,” he flashed her his most wicked smile. “If you hadn’t decided to wait for me to swim over, there wouldn’t be a scandal to be had.”

  She lifted a brow mocking him. “I always visit this pond when I visit Silverly.” Kaitlin placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Never once have I found anyone swimming in the pond before. Ducks, yes. Gentlemen, certainly not.”

  She was adorable. Lecturing him as if he were a small boy that deserved to have his ears boxed. Well, he probably did, but that’s the last thing he wanted her to do with her hands. If his current quandary hadn’t left him chest deep in the pond, he’d pull her into his arms and give her an entirely different sort of tongue lashing. “I’d step out of the pond, but I’d hate to make you blush.” He rolled his gaze over her from top to bottom. “Though you do look pretty with your cheeks tinged pink. It gives a scoundrel like me ideas.”

  Maybe, if he embarrassed her, she’d scamper off. Lady Kaitlin wasn’t known for having a stubborn streak. She wasn’t meek by any means, but she usually remained passive. He understood why, considering she was a friend of his sister’s. Samantha had an overbearing personality.

  She laughed. It was a rich throaty chuckle that sent shivers down his spine. Kaitlin lifted her hand up to her mouth and stifled the laughter, then waved her hand as if trying to get control of it and failing. She stopped briefly and glanced back at him. “You expect me to think...” She started laughing again. “That I give you wicked ideas? Me? The wallflower no one notices?” She certainly found that idea hilarious.

  Gregory scowled. “You don’t believe I’d find you desirable?” Was she playacting, or did she truly believe that? “Perhaps your right.” If she wanted to push him, he’d use that against her.

  “Of course I am.” She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “Now that we’ve settled that, I should leave you to…” She waved her hand. “Whatever it is you’re doing. Well, besides swimming.”

  “But what about the scandal?”

  “There is no scandal if I leave,” she insisted.

  “No,” he disagreed. “It’s not that simple. What if someone sees you return and then me shortly after you do. They’ll think the worst.” He wouldn’t allow that to happen to her. Gregory would slip away from the picnic altogether first, but she wouldn’t know that.

  “Drat,” she said and then frowned. Kaitlin’s shoulders slumped, and she glanced back toward the picnic. “Why do you have to be right?” She sighed. “What do you suggest we do then?”

  He lifted his lips slowly. She might end up quite angry with him, but that was a risk he was willing to take. “Come closer, and I will tell you my plan.”

  She took several steps until she was at the edge of the pond. Foolish girl… He reached out and yanked her feet out from under her, and she landed in the pond with a loud splash. She leapt upward, her arms flailing around her. Gregory pulled her into his arms and tightened his embrace. She lifted her arms and looped them around his neck. “Why did you do that?”

  “So I could save you,” he replied nonchalantly.

  “I didn’t need anyone to save me.” She lowered one of her hands and pushed him. “Let me go.”

  “I don’t think so, sprite,” he said huskily. “You wanted to taunt me, and now I believe it is my turn to return the favor.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.” Her voice lowered a little as she spoke, “I wasn’t doing anything of the sort.”

  She could protest all she wanted, but he didn’t think she was being honest, at least not with herself. He lowered his hands until they circled her waist. “You wanted to come for a swim with me, but didn’t have the courage to jump in yourself. Admit it.”

  “You are wrong.” She licked her lips.

  His little sprite wanted him to kiss her. She’d asked him to at the ball, and he’d denied her then. Now that he had her in his arms, he couldn’t stop himself from lowering his head. His lips were so close to hers they almost touched. “I’m never wrong,” he said. “And I’m going to give you exactly what you asked for.” Gregory pressed his lips to hers and lost all ability to think straight. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth and tasted her.

  He’d never imagined heaven could be found in a kiss, but with Kaitlin he believed he’d found something close to salvation. She was sweet and tender, and he wanted to claim her. That was the dash of cold water he needed to stop. As wonderful as the kiss was, he had to put her first. She deserved far better than him, and he’d already gone farther than he ever should have. He pulled away and lifted her on the water’s edge. “Go,” he commanded. “Now.”


  “Please don’t argue with me.” He clenched his teeth together. “This never should have happened.”

  She looked as if she might cry but did as he asked. She stood and slowly walked away from him. When she was far enough away, he got out of the pond and dressed. Then slipped away from the picnic and the temptation that was Lady Kaitlin Evans.

  Chapter 7

  Kaitlin stared out the window. It had been over a sennight since Lord Shelby had pull
ed her into the pond at the Silverly picnic. He hadn’t tried to pay a call on her or anything resembling an apology. She couldn’t recall a time that had been as embarrassing as that moment. After he’d ensured she would fall into the pond, he’d wrapped her in his embrace, while being stark naked, and kissed her until her mind turned to mush.

  It had been wonderful, at least until the moment he’d destroyed her and any hope she might have. As she walked back to the picnic with her head held down in shame, she’d made a decision. The Earl of Shelby wasn’t ever going to love her. His kiss hadn’t been one stemmed from desire, but one meant to punish her. It was time to move on and accept her life as a spinster.

  “Katie,” a young male shouted.

  She turned and smiled at her little brother. Collin had grown while he was away. He’d just turned fifteen and was home from Eton for the summer. Kaitlin hugged him and then stepped back. She ruffled his strawberry blond hair and asked, “Did Uncle Charles bring you?”

  He nodded enthusiastically. “He said Marian is planning a house party.”

  “She is?” Kaitlin lifted a brow. Her cousin hadn’t mentioned that to her. She would have to locate Marian later and have a discussion. If possible, she’d like to avoid having her invite the Earl of Shelby. She wasn’t hiding from him, but she would prefer not to see him yet. Her anger toward him hadn’t simmered down enough to have a reasonable conversation with him.

  “I get to stay for it,” he said excitedly. “I never get to attend a party. What happens at them anyway? No one tells me anything.”

  She laughed. He had so much to learn. Sometimes, she wondered if she was ever as young as her little brother. His innocence was enlightening. He’d been four years old when their parents had died and barely remembered them. Kaitlin was five years older than him and had been inconsolable. Now at twenty, she felt older than her years. “Then you’re in for a treat. A house party lasts at least a sennight. Did Uncle Charles happen to tell you how long Marian has planned hers for?”

  He shook his head. His blue eyes were bright with excitement. “No, but I hope it is an extra long one.”

  Kaitlin wanted the exact opposite as her brother. She wouldn’t tell him that though. She liked that he was happy and wanted to ensure he stayed that way. If her brother had even a moment of sadness, it irritated her. They had both been through too much at a young age. She’d like to shelter her brother for as long as she could. “Well, then you’ll have to help Marian plan her party. Why don’t we go find her?”

  Her little brother wasn’t quite so little anymore. He was already much taller than her. Not that it took a lot for anyone to be, considering Kaitlin’s short stature. In a couple years, Collin would be done with Eton and then continue his studies at Oxford. He’d probably take charge of the Frossly estate before then. At least he had their Uncle Charles to guide him. Marian’s husband would be an asset as well. It was a large responsibility to be in charge of an earldom. In that, she didn’t envy her little brother.

  They exited the library and walked in silence to the sitting room that Marian liked to work out of while running the Harrington household. They found her studying a journal of some sort and not planning this house party Collin was so excited about.

  “Is that a new medical journal?”

  She glanced up and frowned. “It is. The Duchess of Weston sent it over for me to study.”

  The duchess was a female doctor that agreed to tutor Marian. “Is it helpful?” Collin asked as he stepped closer. “Can I look at it?”

  Marian closed the book and set it aside. “Perhaps after I’ve finished, and with the duchess’s permission, I could allow that.” She smiled at Collin. “How are you doing? Did you learn a lot at school?”

  He grinned. “It’s nice to be home and not have everyone refer to me as Lord Frossly.” He scrunched his nose up. “It’s so…formal. I understand I have a place in society and being an earl is important, but…”

  “You don’t know who likes you for you,” Marian said softly.

  “I suppose that is true.” He took a deep breath. “I will be glad when I’m done with school. It’s not always a fun place to be.” Collin lifted his lips. “Is it true you’re planning a house party.”

  “Planned,” she said. “The invitations have all been sent. We expect guests to start arriving as soon as today.”

  Kaitlin flinched. That meant there was a good chance Lord Shelby would be in attendance. “Is Samantha coming?” Her brother would have to escort her if she planned on being there for the gathering.

  “I hope so,” Marian answered her. “It wouldn’t be the same without her. Though from her last missive, I’m not certain. She said Shelby has been acting odd.”

  She would not respond sarcastically to that bit of news. It would lead to questions she didn’t particularly want to answer. It was bad enough she’d already had to endure an inquisition for having to leave the Silverly picnic early. Marian had not been able to understand how Kaitlin had fallen into the pond, but had been grateful she’d survived the ordeal, so hadn’t pushed too much.

  “If Samantha wants to attend, she’ll find a way,” Kaitlin said. “Nothing will stop her from doing whatever she wants, especially her brother.” Shelby was probably just trying to prevent Samantha from meeting any new suitors. One day he’d have to allow his sister to settle down and find a husband. Kaitlin doubted he was acting any differently than usual.

  Marian grinned. “Which is why I had a room prepared for her. I expect that she’d leave without Shelby and make him chase after her.”

  Sometimes she truly envied her friend. Kaitlin didn’t think she could ever be that brave. She’d had a few moments with Lord Shelby, but it hadn’t gone as she’d hoped it would. “I’m going to rest for a while.” She nodded at her brother. “Glad you’re home. We’ll talk more later.” After that, she left them alone in the room. Collin would continue to try and persuade Marian to let him look at the journal, and Kaitlin needed to be alone—to think. She had to decide how she wanted to deal with Lord Shelby when he turned up at the estate. He had a lot to answer for.

  Bloody hell… Gregory couldn’t pinpoint when his life had taken a bad turn, but he wished he could go back and change it. He’d been making mistake after mistake for the past fortnight, probably longer. Ever since Lady Kaitlin Evans had asked him to kiss her. That was probably when it had all gone wrong. She’d had to make him notice her, and once he had he couldn’t forget her. Now his sister was determined to make him atone for his sins whether she realized it or not.

  Samantha had her trunks packed, loaded on the back of a carriage, and rolling down the road before he could stop her. He’d had to scramble to catch up to her. The grooms seemed to take forever to saddle his horse so he could head to Harrington’s estate. It was the one place she’d defy him to go to. The two ladies she was closest to were already there. That was the very reason he’d been dead set against going.

  He didn’t want to face Kaitlin. If he could go the rest of his life and not see her again… No, he couldn’t do that either. The idea of never setting his gaze upon her lovely face again seemed wrong. Gregory wished he had made a different choice. There was one problem with being near Kaitlin again.

  He would have to apologize. Gregory hated going through the motions of saying he was sorry. It never felt good. Especially since most of the time he had no remorse and he didn’t bother making excuses. For all his faults, he owned every one of them.

  At least his friend’s estate wasn’t too far from London. He’d only had to stop to rest his horse once. After a couple hours at an inn and a hot meal in his belly he’d taken off again. He should be arriving at the Earl of Harrington’s estate soon. Samantha would already be there. When he located her, he’d pull her aside and chastise her for disregarding his wishes. They’d have a row again. It seemed as if they always fought whenever they crossed paths. The Cain temper reared its ugly head more often than not, and Samantha knew how to rile him more than anyone.

  The estate came into view, and he motioned for his horse to turn down the long winding drive. He slowed to a trot as he approached the main entrance. When he reached it, he hopped down and handed the reins to a waiting groomsman. With the estate in the throes of a house party, they were prepared for any and all arrivals. “Have someone take my valise to whatever room I’m assigned to.” Lady Marian would have prepared for his arrival when Samantha had appeared.

  He skipped the steps two at a time and strolled into the house. Gregory had been to Harrington’s estate several times and was familiar with the layout. He planned on heading straight to Harrington’s library and helping himself to his expensive brandy. A drink sounded like a piece of heaven and something he desperately needed. He strolled down the hall with even strides and went directly into the library.

  Gregory poured two fingers of brandy and lifted the glass to his mouth and froze in place. His focus had been entirely on the shelf with liquor, so he didn’t notice the room’s other occupant until that moment. Lady Kaitlin lounged on the window seat in the library, her attention engrossed on the book in her lap. Sun streamed down on her, making her golden hair glow. It almost appeared as if she had a halo. He didn’t want to disturb her, but the urge to speak to her was too great.

  “That must be riveting,” he said in a droll tone. It was his attempt to keep the situation light. Maybe she wasn’t mad at him, but he somehow doubted she’d forgive him so easily. In her place, Gregory wouldn’t have absolved him. He’d ordered her to leave him and walk back into a social gathering, dripping wet. That had to have been be awful for her.

  She glanced up and glared at him. “Much more entertaining than your company.” Kaitlin closed the book with a thud. “I’ll leave you to your drink.”

  He was…disappointed. Gregory had expected more vehemence and fury from her. “The brandy has some fire in it.” He took a sip and let it slide down his throat. “That’s more than you’re capable of.” It was perhaps not his finest moment. Goading her would not solve anything, but he couldn’t stop himself.


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