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The Gentleman Incubus

Page 1

by E. M. Hardy

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 01

  Chapter 02

  Chapter 03

  Chapter 04

  Chapter 05

  Chapter 06

  Chapter 07

  Chapter 08

  Chapter 09

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13



  Book 1

  by E.M. Hardy

  The Gentleman Incubus: Book 1

  Copyright © 2019 LitRPG Freaks

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.


  Ynis slumped down on the hard ground, panting from the horrible after-effects of ripping through the threads of reality. The Lust Demon’s cracked claws still smoldered from the effort, numerous gashes coating its sleek body with obsidian-black blood. It lay there for a few minutes, letting the exhaustion pass in a haze.

  The demon forced itself up on two wobbly arms, its claws clacking on the concrete surface it found itself on. It staggered toward the chain-link fence, leaned on it for support, and gasped at the sight before it. It had heard rumors from the other demons that traversed to and from this world, believing them all to be exaggerating their tales. But even the most boastful Demons of Pride grossly undersold all that Ynis witnessed.

  Scattered stars blazed all over from the ground, bathing all the shadows in light. Hundreds of driverless wagons sped across winding roads, while thousands of humans filled the main thoroughfares. Ynis spotted a few cylindrical devices floating ponderously through the air, while spewing buzzing little contraptions from their bellies.

  The technology didn’t interest the demon as much as the delicious despair surrounding it, all packed like thousands of sticks in a bundle. From Ynis’ elevated vantage point—a structure of some kind—it could already make out a hundred humans coated in those thick auras of black loneliness and misery it so loved to feed upon. Ynis would eat well in this new world. Especially with so little mana coursing through the air.

  Wizards, mages, monks, druids, blade masters, spell swords… no heroes would ever emerge from a world with such miniscule amounts of mana. There was some sort of strange energy pulsing all over the human city, traveling through lines and pipes buried underground. The dead energy, however, only flowed into dead objects—not the living. The demon would spend time learning about this energy, but it was a mystery to be solved at a later date.

  A world chock-full of victims, of cattle to be culled… Ynis couldn’t wait to begin feasting!

  And feasting was needed. It looked down on its ruined body, the shattered horns on its head and the legion of wounds that continued weeping blood. Ynis needed life force to recover from ripping away the bindings of the Old World and tear through this New World… and it needed the life force now.

  Ynis turned away from the view, closing its material eyes to focus on the immaterial. It glanced down, marking nearly a thousand auras all packed into the structure it found itself on. A residential building then—a massive one, designed to house large numbers of humans. It was like a small town all on its own, and there were hundreds of similar constructions in this sprawling city. Ynis shuddered at the thought, realizing that there were probably hundreds of thousands of humans clustered together in this tiny strip of land.

  Maybe even millions!

  The demon’s greed was tinged by just a hint of fear at their sheer numbers, which it quickly quashed as it reminded itself that there wasn’t enough mana to sustain heroes in this world. It would be safe, and nothing would get in its way.

  Ynis focused its sight upon the nearest humans, immediately marking out one enveloped by a dark aura of loneliness. Ynis inhaled deeply and concentrated, pulling on what little remained of its reserves to Phase through the barriers blocking its way.

  The Lust Demon slowly melted into the concrete roof of the apartment complex, passing through steel, glass, plastic and fiberglass as it made its way toward its victim. Without magical wards, even the thickest of walls would do nothing against a demon Phasing through.

  Ynis soon hovered above its mark, a lone man sleeping on a bed. The demon peered into the man’s room, seeing no one else around. It snickered, satisfied with its target being alone and free from witnesses. It would give Ynis all the time in the world to feed slowly and luxuriously—savor its first meal in the New World.

  Ynis shapeshifted its body to accommodate the male, assuming its female appearance. Two fleshy mounds grew from its featureless torso, their tips ending in pert black buds surrounded by grey circles. Its shoulders narrowed, thinned out, even as its hips widened. Its cracked horns shrank into the skull, forming subdued horns that curved inwards to form a spiral. Thick, red lips settled into its face as cheekbones raised up, jagged claws softening into fleshy nubs with elongated nails. Its buttocks pushed out as a slit formed in between its blank crotch, the tight passageway within immediately slicking with feminine fluids.

  Ynis—now in its Ynnistoria form—sighed sweetly, stroking her slit with one hand while cupping an ample breast with the other. She turned her attention to the sleeping man, who not once emerged from his deep slumber.

  Ynnistoria stopped playing with herself, ceased preparing her body for sex, as she narrowed her eyes to further examine her prey. His slumber was deep indeed, but it was a little too deep. It was the sleep of the sick and the dying, where the mind traps the body and refuses to wake up. A thin thread of dead energy traveled from a cable in the wall leading to his brain.

  The man appeared fit and healthy, unaffected by the trickle of dead energy feeding into his body. He was a little thin for her tastes, not enough muscle, but robust enough nonetheless.

  “Dream Cage,” she whispered quietly, drawing out the rune with her fingers. Unfortunately for Ynnistoria, her spell flickered and sputtered out. She clicked her tongue, remembering that this world was low in mana. She could always tap her own reserves of life force but she’d rather not, considering how weak and drained she already felt.

  Not that she absolutely needed to paralyze the man and imprison him in his dreams. The dead energy flowing into him seemed to do that job just fine. No need to expend more of her limited life force than absolutely necessary.

  And besides, the swirling darkness in his aura distracted her too much to care about the little details. His brilliant loneliness, the despair that came with it stirred up her deep hunger. It blinded her to everything but the need to feed. She already drained much of her life force making her way into this world, and she would not spend a minute longer delaying her meal.

  The Lust Demon in its succubus form crawled into the man’s bed, pulling down the thin blanket covering him. She soon followed by stripping his loose pajamas, exposing his flaccid manhood. Ynnistoria stroked the soft organ, using three fingers and her thumb to rub the shaft while the head nestled inside her palm. She rubbed up and down, circling the head with her palm while doing so. She steadily increased the pace of her ministrations as blood filled up his sex, transforming the limp member into a stiffened pole.

  So deep was the man’s slumber that he didn’t even twitch from her touch. She smirked as she pumped his manhood one last time, bringing it to its full length and girth. She held the rigid pole up with one palm, straddled the man and sighed deeply as she buried it into her slick passage. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in pleasure as she began rotating her hips with the man’s flesh deep inside her.

  Ynnistoria moaned softly in contentment when the first pulses of the man’s life force began t
raveling through their joined sex. She swallowed lustily, stroking her neck and rubbing an engorged bud on her heaving breasts as she lost herself in the act.

  Meals were hard enough to come by in the Old World, much less delicacies like this one. All that frustration, misery, worthlessness, self-loathing… such an exquisite delicacy ripe for the picking. All the more so when she squeezed the last remnants of life, drinking in the vitality of her victims in that one last explosion of existence.

  Death was the ultimate climax, the peak of a Lust Demon’s meal, and Ynnistoria panted with eager hunger as she hastened her ministrations.

  The best part was that there were, hundreds—no, thousands of other delicacies in this city. She could already sense dozens of high-quality meals in this residential complex alone, each and every one of them unguarded by wards or enchantments of any kind. It would be a simple matter to Phase through the walls, gorge on as many as she wanted. She wouldn’t even need to cage them in their dreams if they all slept in this same paralyzed slumber.

  Ynnistoria was so lost in her ecstasy that she almost failed to notice the man rousing from his deep torpor. A snap of awareness crossed over from their shared connection, and she winced as loud alarms blared within her mind.

  --=--ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!--=--

  Physiological monitors are detecting a possible assault in progress!

  ImmerCorp Stay-Safe Protocols activated!

  Initiating emergency de-immersion…

  Pulling user [Glenn Olson] from app [Five Wars Online]…

  Contacting local authorities…

  Stay Safe! Help is on the way!!!

  The succubus furrowed her brows, all traces of lusty ecstasy gone as the words played in her mind. At that moment, all of his delicious pain turned to ash. Dead energy surged within the man’s body, freeing him from the paralyzing hold it once held over his body.

  Worst of all was the fact that the dead energy somehow reached out of its own accord—alerting whatever ‘local authorities’ existed in this New World.

  Fear of discovery shot Ynnistoria into a panic. She hurriedly drew the zigging and zagging lines of a rune in the air, pulling on her own reserves of life force.

  She cursed out in frustration while drawing the magical symbols. She was so close. She could feel the tingling in her pelvis, the imminent arrival of climax that would Ravage the man and send his life force pouring into her. She could drain him of everything if she brought the man to release; she could suck in his vitality to replace her depleted reserves.

  Abandoning her prey when she was just about to reach her peak… no, she wasn’t going to cut and run. She would not be denied her prize—not after all that she went through to get it!

  “Dream Cage!” Ynnistoria all but roared out, the rune flaring to life as she poured her own energy into the spell. The Lust Demon’s spell burned its way into the man’s mind, coursing through his nerves and into his brain to induce a paralyzing dream.

  --=--ALER▒! ▒LERT! AL▒RT!--=--

  Unaut▒orized atte▒pt to recon▒igure syn▒ptic impl▒nt de▒ect▒d!

  Activ▒ting Imm▒rCorp Ant▒-Malware Sui▒e!

  Ynnistoria screamed as the dead energy slammed into her, traveling up from their shared sex and into her own mind. She refused to back down, throwing back as much life force as she could afford into the Dream Cage spell.

  The dead energy fought back just as vigorously as she tried to quash it. Every attempt to curtail the damnable force blocking her meal was met with a blank, emotionless wall of… something that prevented her from breaking through to the man’s mind. The dead energy began reversing, going on the attack as it battered down Ynnistoria’s psychic defenses—but not before she could throw in a few attacks of her own.

  M▒lware signature unre▒▒gnized…

  Heuris▒ic ana▒ysis inc▒▒clusive…

  Susp▒cted zero-d▒y ex▒loit dete▒▒ed…

  At▒em▒ting to san▒box malw▒re for fut▒re an▒▒ysis…

  Ynnistoria sensed victory against the dead energy, pushing against it with every ounce of her willpower. She continued reinforcing the Dream Cage with her own life force, hell-bent on securing her prize.

  So focused was the succubus on her task that she almost failed to notice the soft, sultry voice whispering in the corners of her victim’s mind.

  “Begone, fledgling. This one is my claim, my prey, my quarry… my very good boy.”

  Ynnistoria shrieked in surprise as a blast of foreign demonic energy slammed against her will—one locked deeply inside the man’s mind. It caught her completely off-guard, her attention focused entirely on the dead energy battling against her will. The succubus’ crimson skin soon began flaking off, her flesh rippling before losing its coherence, dissolving away into motes of fine dust that floated off into the air. Her battle with the dead energy insidiously warped her sense of reality even as she gave every ounce of her demonic power over to the fight.

  After one last push, the dead energy surged and finally collapsed Ynnistoria’s focused will. She would have won that contest if not for the hidden ward that struck her at her most vulnerable, suffusing her with a debilitating hex that corroded her ability to concentrate.

  Beaten, defeated, Ynnistoria found herself alone in a white, featureless room—one that slowly dimmed out as the lights flickered and ultimately died away.


  Malware “Ynnistoria” quarantined for later review by—

  Everything went black for the Lust Demon in its succubus form, even as ImmerCorp’s proprietary Anti-Malware Suite locked the remnants of her digitized soul away. The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness were the echoes of a feminine chuckle. Echoes of a power she never thought to encounter in this New World.

  Chapter 01

  “Sorry for the trouble, officers.”

  Officer Sanchez shook her head as she hovered around the entrance of the apartment. “One last time for the record, Mister Olson: are you absolutely sure no one else was in your apartment last night?”

  “Positive, officer.”

  Sanchez nodded, scribbling something in the air—no doubt writing her own notes using the augmented reality functions of her synaptic implant.

  The officer beside her scratched his chin, examining Glenn Olson through narrowed eyes. “I see. Well, now that you’ve made your official statement… what would you say about your neighbors hearing a scream coming from your apartment? A woman’s cry, as a matter of fact.”

  “Engels…” cautioned Sanchez, but the man in question just waved her away while studying Glenn’s face.

  Glenn scrunched his brows in concern. “From my apartment?”

  “Yeah, from your apartment,” Officer Engels added as he craned his neck to look over Glenn’s shoulder. “Which bleeds serial killer, by the way. I mean, seriously? Not even a coffee table?”

  “I prefer a minimalist approach to furnishing and décor,” Glenn offered weakly. He crinkled the corners of his lips up in a disarming smile while wrinkling the corners of his eyes. This was a combination of gestures that should express remorse, if memory serves right.

  Engels huffed at his response, not quite buying his excuse. “Yeah right. So, about a woman screaming in your apartment?”

  “Engels!” Sanchez snapped, putting away her invisible AR notes and pulling at her partner’s shoulder. “This is just a case of a faulty synaptic implant putting out a false alarm. No need to antagonize Mister Olson without cause.”

  “I’m really, really sorry about this, officers,” Glenn said while dipping his head. “I’m planning to head out to my cyber-doc as soon as his clinic opens up, have my implant checked out.”

  Glenn turned up his eyes in time to catch Engels sneering at him. He didn’t like that. How could he convince Engels that he wasn’t lying? Sanchez for her part just shook her head, lips thinned in an apparent display of d
ispleasure. Was the displeasure aimed at him? No, Sanchez seemed to direct it at Engels.

  That was a relief; at least one officer believed him.

  “Right. You have a good day now, Mister Olson.”

  “Thank you, and I’m really sorry for taking up your time.”

  Glenn waited a moment before closing the door to his apartment, catching the tail end of the discussion between the two officers.

  “I’m telling you, Juana, that guy right there is a serial killer in the making. Bet you he’s got a corpse stuffed in one of his closets, all duct-taped and shit.”

  “You play way too many of those horror sims, Mark.”

  “I’m serious! I’m telling you that…”

  Their voices tapered off as Glenn leaned on his front door, heart hammering away in his chest. He must have been talking in his sleep again. But it’s been so long since that last happened. And it’s usually just whimpering, maybe sobbing… but screaming? That’s new.

  Maybe it had something to do with my buggy implant, Glenn thought to himself, rubbing the base of his neck. He just had his implant examined, what, a year ago? The plug wasn’t weeping pus or blood, so it shouldn’t be infected. A hardware or software issue? Or maybe a deeper underlying neurological issue that decided to manifest itself?

  A burbling stomach kicked Glenn out of his thoughts. He triggered a mental command to bring up his AR overlay, wanting to check the time. He waited for a few seconds… then remembered his implant was broken.

  Computer, make me a pizza slurry, he thought to himself, deciding to fix up an early breakfast instead.

  Silence. Then he buried his face in his palms. Computer wouldn’t be doing squat for him since… his implant was broken in the first place!


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