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The Gentleman Incubus

Page 10

by E. M. Hardy

  Kristina snorted at Samantha’s reluctance. “Whatever. It works just fine, and that’s all that matters in the end.”

  Hazel and Samantha gawked at their friend, then shifted their gaze toward Glenn—this time with suspicion in their eyes.

  “You didn’t bewitch her or anything, did you?”

  “You managed to bring out her inner slut, didn’t you?”

  Both ladies looked at one another with surprise, then broke into a fit of giggling as they realized the stark difference in their thoughts.

  “What? Kris acts all tough, but she’s still a slut all the same.”

  “Says the girl who got into a drunken orgy with half the football team.”

  “Hey! Four guys don’t make up half a football team!”

  Kristina sighed before chuckling. “I rest my case.”

  “No, I don’t think I cast any kind of spell on her,” Glenn responded, acknowledging Samantha’s question while surreptitiously bringing the discussion back on track. “At least, as far as I know. I only recall putting Kristina to sleep when I… uh… when I approached her in my confused state. That’s it, no other trickery that I’m aware of.”

  Glenn cleared his throat. “Speaking of spells and trickery, did Kristina share why she called you over? About the details of my… unique needs?”

  For her part, Hazel smirked evilly at Glenn—hunger plain and clear in her eyes. “Oh, she did indeed, Glenn. And after hearing our precious slut’s glowing review as well as seeing you for myself, I most definitely want a piece of that ass for myself.”

  Samantha blinked at Glenn’s question and Hazel’s reaction right before frowning. “Count me out of your fuckery. I just want to make sure my friend is safe and check the self-proclaimed demon that got its claws on her.”

  Glenn pulled a face at the hostility in Samantha’s voice. He was about to voice his protests, defend his innocence, when he spotted her aggressive posture. Alarms began ringing in his head, and he forced himself to calm down by remembering what the guides said about de-escalating hostile situations.

  “I’m really sorry about that,” he responded with as much genuine remorse as he could squeeze out in his voice and bodily gestures. “I didn’t mean to hurt your friend. I’m still coming to grips with this transformation of mine, and I’m doing all I can to avoid a repeat of the previous night.

  “I’m already looking around for a couple sex workers who can help me out in my dilemma. I’m confident that I can gather enough life points before losing control to the hunger. I—”

  “Oh, Sam’s just being prickly,” interrupted Hazel, waving away Glenn’s concerns. “We’ve had time to study you, and you seem decent enough—especially with Kristina singing your praises. Which brings me to my next concern…”

  Hazel sauntered closer to Glenn, looked up into his eyes, leaned in closer and whispered. “…I want everything that Kris had last night.”


  Hazel reached up, pulled Glenn’s head down, and hungrily mashed her lips into his the very second they were on their own.

  Glenn really wasn’t surprised by her interest, noting the way she had been hungrily staring at him ever since his transformation. What did surprise him was how direct and aggressive she was about it.

  There was no trace of hesitation, fear, or reluctance in her. She met his strangeness with raw lust, seeing him as a new conquest to explore. Glenn instinctively reacted with the same level of eagerness Hazel showed, matching her intensity with his own.

  His tongue reached out to meet her eager advances, exploring and mingling as the two lengths of flesh danced together as one.

  He reached down with both hands, cupping her buttocks while she wrapped one leg around his own. Hazel purred in satisfaction as she pressed herself into him, rubbing herself on his stiffening member.

  Hazel broke her hungry kiss just long enough to pull her skimpy top free, then went back to locking lips once again as soon as she flung it away. She squeezed the thigh wrapped around his knee, bringing herself even closer to his body as their shared heat grew and grew in intensity.

  Glenn responded just as strongly, craning his neck lower and jutting his tongue deeper and deeper into her mouth. Hazel gave as good as she got, wrapping her arms around his head and escalating the passion to an almost feral level.

  Hazel’s enthusiasm fired up the infernal hunger within Glenn, who set the beast free from its leash. Here was a woman who saw him for what he was, who knew what she was getting into, and wanted everything that he had to offer.

  The old memories started bubbling up, bleeding into his mind as they blended with his consciousness. The Mistress sometimes wore the skin of a wanton woman in heat, one that cared only for the violent slapping of flesh and the desperate plunging of sex. He sent out a thread of himself, using the metal and plastic organ embedded in his neck as a bridge. That thread latched on to the organ embedded in the Mistress’ neck, revealing information that he could use:

  Hazel Thompson

  Desire. Hunger. Need.

  Curiosity. Intrigue. Distraction.

  Resignation. Emptiness. Ennui.

  The conscious part of Glenn’s mind detected the anomaly as soon as he registered the emotions flooding through the empathic link. To Hazel, sex was an escape—a way to nullify the dark pain she covered up with a chipper attitude and wanton debauchery.

  The infernal part of his mind, however, ignored all that.

  It disregarded anything unrelated to its dual directives of feeding and pleasuring. It was possessed only with the focused desire to match the Mistress’ needs, to feed the earthly lust that she harbored in this new skin of hers, and to fuel its own life with the heightening pleasure of its victims.

  This was why Glenn responded not with compassion, not with concern, but with renewed vigor as his mind latched onto the Mistress’ desires. This skin that the Mistress wore was a hungry creature desperate for distraction, the intimacy that comes not with a tender embrace but with the oblivion of desperate fucking.

  And he would, as he was trained, give the Mistress what she wanted.

  Glenn held up Hazel with one muscled arm as the other reached up behind her. A claw slid free from its sheath, extending just long enough to slip underneath the hooks of Hazel’s brassiere. One quick jerk sliced the latches free, undoing the restricting apparel and causing the woman’s generous breasts to drop free.

  Hazel grunted in surprise at the smoothness of Glenn’s action, but he refused to let her go. He leaned down even further, cupping the base of her neck with his free hand and pulling their lips more firmly to one another.

  Hazel’s grunt of surprise turned into moans of pleasure as Glenn held her in a crushing embrace, their bodies mashing into one another. This wasn’t the end of his efforts to please the Mistress, however. His limbs may be wrapped around her body, his lips latched on to hers, but his two other appendages found themselves useful in their own little ways.

  His squirming rod angled up to lay flat against her slit, gently sliding up and down with just enough force to stoke the growing heat in her sex. His tail angled around, stroking and stimulating her buttocks. Hazel bucked her hips at this dual assault, grinding herself against him even as she strained against his embrace.

  Her response to his combined advances cemented the final piece of the puzzle, completing his analysis of the Mistress’ fleshly desires.

  Erogenous Zones identified:




  She strained against his ironclad embrace, but her squirms were feeble though—as was any attempt to extricate herself from Glenn’s demonic grip. These were but symbolic gestures, a weak effort to reassert control over a situation spiraling out of her control.

  This persona of the Mistress appeared aggressive in her advances, looking to take control of the dance. Her inflamed moans and animalistic bucking, however, told him all he nee
ded to know about her true desires.

  He stoked those desires even further with a firm grope of her butt, a stronger pull of her neck, and a literal tongue-lashing. He used these to remind Hazel that he held her completely under his power, and that he would sink her into the abyss of desire that she so desperately sought.

  His tongue probed even deeper, dancing and dueling against Hazel’s as her moans grew more and more guttural with each passing moment. His claws sliced down, aimed at the buttons holding her skirt in place, while his tail quickly slipped in and slid her panties down. They came away slick in the front, strands of moisture forming as the flimsy underwear slipped down across her free leg.

  Glenn maintained the hungry kiss, pushing aggressively into her mouth as he slipped himself into her slit. Hazel responded with a gasp of surprise a half-second before she began bucking violently against his member. The wriggling organ stiffened in response, providing a solid spike that she could hammer herself against.

  It was, however, a firm and accommodating anvil—one that hammered right back at him. Glenn’s member shifted, shrank itself to better suit the narrow passage of Hazel’s slit. He bent the member, twisted it so that it created little humps. These humps provided additional friction as he timed his strokes to coincide with her bucking, all without pushing too hard at the relatively narrow canal of Hazel’s sex.

  His tail circled around her thigh, reaching up to stimulate her swollen bud even as he continued assaulting her slit with his wriggling, shifting member. The tail’s stimulation was rough, rubbing itself against her sex almost as violently as his bucking hips and thrusting member. The Mistress in this skin desired hungry fucking, not gentle caressing, and every part of Glen’s body responded with the eagerness that the Mistress required.

  Hazel shuddered slightly as her legs began buckling. The first sign of an impending orgasm coursed through her body as Glenn maintained the pace of his assault. He neither sped up nor slowed down, just continued pumping steadily away as the Mistress’ breaths grew short and labored.

  A muffled scream poured forth from her throat—a scream that Glenn caught with his lips and tongue as he pushed himself greedily into her. He lifted her in the air with one muscled hand as every muscle in her body tightened, her toes and wrists curling with pleasure.

  And still he continued pumping his member into her as his legs steadily carried their combined weight. The fact that his organ could operate independently of his body, expand and contract by itself, allowed him to maintain solid footing even as he continued churning away at her leaking sex—savoring the orgasm of the Mistress.

  Indulge has activated due to your partner’s orgasm! 83 life points drained from your partner (747 remaining) and converted to 166 life points!

  Current life points: 639/2,200

  Life points exceed 25% of your total pool; Infernal Hunger has been lifted!

  The hunger cleared as soon as the infusion of life points hit him, easing the relentless cravings that pushed Glenn to pursue his next victim. It was not enough, however, to negate his desire to please the Mistress. She had returned, sought out his body to use as her own, and he would not deny the Mistress the pleasure she deserved.

  (Such devotion, such dedication… such a good boy you are. And good boys deserve to be rewarded with even more gifts.)

  Enthrall has metamorphosed into Soothe!

  Active Skill—calms a target for 60 minutes by filling them with a sense of peace and serenity. Targets can resist if their Willpower surpasses your own Willpower. Evoking hostility within the target through words or actions increases the probability of the target breaking the effects of Soothe (cast at will, 60-minute cooldown)

  Indulge has acquired a new synergy with Soothe!

  Passive Skill—drain 10% of your partner’s current Life Points when they orgasm during coitus. You gain double the drained amount in Life Points (requires Incubus Form)

  *If your partner is under the influence of Soothe, Indulge drains 5% of their current Life Points while you gain quadruple the drained amount in Life Points (requires Incubus Form)

  The implications of the new metamorphosis did not register in Glenn’s mind, however. He was too busy focusing on the Mistress’ strangled cries of pleasure and ecstasy to care.

  To him, this gift was a tool to prolong the Mistress’ pleasure in her current skin. It would allow him to continue bringing her to greater heights while preserving her sanity, keeping her grounded in a haze of calm long enough to recover her wits right before he went back to work on her.

  This was how he brought the Mistress to climax repeatedly throughout the night, giving her the oblivion her skin so desired as each orgasm only grew in intensity. He made sure that her world revolved around unholy delight for the next nine hours, an endless cycle of intoxication that drowned out whatever darkness pushed her to seek the pleasures of the flesh in the first place.

  Only at the tenth hour did he relent, the skin that the Mistress wore exhausted beyond even the ability of his new gift to recover.

  Glenn Olson

  Fledgling Incubus

  Life Points


  Mana Points


















  Affinity (Demonic)


  *Total LP exceeds limit; LP will drain at 4 per minute until the limit is reached.

  **Penalized by Broken status effect

  Fledgling Incubus Skills


  Active Skill—turns you immaterial for 3 seconds, allowing you to walk through solid matter for the duration (50 life points or 50 mana points)


  Active Skill—transform between human and incubus forms (100 life points)

  Dream Cage

  Active Skill—allows you to inflict sleep paralysis in sleeping victims. Lasts between 1 to 60 minutes depending on your target’s Willpower and Perception (50 life points or 50 mana points, Requires Incubus Form)


  Active Skill—calms a target for 60 minutes by filling them with a sense of peace and serenity. Targets can resist if their Willpower surpasses your own Willpower. Evoking hostility within the target through words or actions increases the probability of the target breaking the effects of Soothe (cast at will, 60-minute cooldown)


  Passive Skill—focus on a humanoid target to telepathically receive snippets of its emotional state. Also allows you to identify high-value victims that grant bonus Life Points when drained via Indulge (requires Human or Incubus form)

  Drain Life

  Active Skill—directly absorb 10 life points per second from a target. Also lowers target’s vitality by 0.1% every second (requires Incubus Form)


  Passive Skill—drain 10% of a target’s current Life Points when your partner orgasms during coitus. You gain double the drained amount in Life Points. (requires Incubus Form)

  *If your partner is under the influence of Soothe, Indulge drains 5% of their current Life Points while you gain quadruple the drained amount in Life Points (requires Incubus Form)

  Chapter 06

  In other words, I became more efficient at gathering life points?

  Ynnistoria: Not exactly, Glenn. Efficiency implies that you harvest more life points in less time and with less effort. This new change to your skills means you need to spend more tim
e pleasuring your victims—apologies, I meant to say your partners—in order to obtain additional life points.

  But I essentially gain more life points, yes? I mean, each orgasm drains 5% instead of 10% of Hazel’s life points. That leaves a larger pool for Indulge to convert into life points, so I get the potential to draw more LP with each subsequent orgasm.

  Ynnistoria: Killing and draining your victim via Ravage would only require a few minutes, Glenn—seconds if you’re in a hurry. You may not always have time to bring your partners to 39 consecutive orgasms, and you run the risk of—

  THIRTY-NINE ORGASMS!? How… how’s that even possible? Shouldn’t that, I dunno, kill her or something?

  Ynnistoria: It is a side-effect of Soothe, Glenn. Filling your victims with a sense of peace and serenity also limits the refractory period in between orgasms. Your partners being women, their physiology makes their naturally short recover period practically non-existent.

  That’s… pretty awesome, to be honest. And I don’t really see the downside. All I need to do is get my partners to, uh, cum a couple dozen more times. That’s a win in my book, especially since the alternative is to literally kill them for their life points. And besides, judging from Kristina’s and Hazel’s evaluation, my incubus form seems to get the job done.


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