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Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance

Page 8

by Tallman, Darlene

  While the cakes are baking, I start laundry after gathering the dirty clothes. I can usually get away with a few loads a week, but I suspect with a very active little boy, as well as his dad, I will be increasing that exponentially.

  Back in the kitchen, I remove the cakes and put them on the cooling racks. Hale was able to take a smaller room that really served no purpose and incorporate it into my kitchen. We moved the pantry in there and then put another set of double ovens where the cabinets were. I gained some storage space as well as an additional oven so I can keep up with all the orders. While mixing the frosting, I hear movement from the living room. “I’m in the kitchen,” I call out.

  Long moments pass before Hale manages to maneuver into the kitchen. “It smells fantastic in here,” he says.

  “Just pulled them all out to cool,” I admit. “Let me put the frosting in the fridge so we can get your shower out of the way.” I need to figure out what to cover his stitches with; his eyes are pretty well-protected by the patches they put on in the hospital. Glancing at him, I realize that most of the stitches are on his face and I plan to have him use a towel to cover that, so we should be okay.

  I help him into his room. “I’m not sure the easiest way to do this,” I admit. “Maybe you can put on some shorts and I’ll wash your hair, then leave you alone to get washed?”

  “Okay, that will work.”

  “I’ll get the shower chair,” I say after grabbing a pair of basketball shorts for him.

  Leaving him to change, I get the shower chair set up, then grab some extra towels. “I’m ready,” he says, slowly making his way into the bathroom. I’m glad that the shower head is one that is removable so that I can have him lean back and keep his face dry.

  “Okay, if you’ll lean your head back and hold the towel over your face just as a precaution, I’ll wash your hair for you,” I say. I’m having a hard time keeping my mouth shut because his body is the result of years of hard work. He has a few tattoos but nothing that is over the top.

  As I work the shampoo into his wet hair, he groans. “That feels so damn good, Addy,” he states. I can see that he’s not immune to my touch if the tent in his shorts is any indication. Jeez, he’s packing a weapon of mass destruction and I can feel my panties dampen.

  Once I have his head rinsed, I take his hand and show him where I have put the towel and a dry pair of shorts. “Figured I could uh, leave you alone and you could finish up your shower. I’ll strip your bed and get it remade.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Addy,” he says.

  “Yeah I do. I didn’t even think about the fact that you hadn’t showered since the day of the accident. Just holler when you’re finished, okay?”

  “Okay. Addy? Thank you for this, all of this.”

  “Anytime, Hale.”

  I leave him to the rest of his shower, working hard not to open my mouth and offer to wash him all over.


  Her hands felt so good in my hair I thought I was going to come in my shorts like a prepubescent teen. I’m sure she saw my hard-on, it’s hard to miss in a pair of nylon shorts. Pulling them down and off, I breathe a sigh of relief now that my dick isn’t choking. I take the shower head and get myself wet, then as quickly as I’m able given my injuries, wash myself. Never thought a shower would feel as good as this one has and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m clean once again or if it’s due to the fact that she had her hands on me.

  If I were alone, I’d take care of my problem, but I’m not sure how long I have before she comes back. Instead, I’ll try to think about disgusting things and pray that my dick goes down.

  Once I’m sure I’m fully rinsed, I grab the towel that she had me locate and dry off, then stand and carefully get out of the shower stall before I take the clean shorts and slip them on. I don’t usually go commando, but right now, it’s easier, all things considered. Grabbing the wet shorts and towel, I carefully make my way out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. “Addy?” I call out.

  “Right here, Hale, just finished making the bed. Did you want a...oh my God, what happened to your back? Was that from the accident?” Fuck, I totally forgot about my scars.

  “No, baby, that’s from my father.”

  I feel her gentle touch before she says, “He did this to you? Why? What could you ever do to warrant something like this?”

  “He’s an asshole. He talked with his fists and his belt and to protect my mom and sister, I took it until I was too big.”

  Kisses across my back have me wanting to cry, something I’ve not done in many years. “I’m so sorry, Hale. My folks were inattentive, but I had my grandparents.” I turn and pull her into my arms. She fits so well that I find myself hardening once again. Of course, it’s a common occurrence whenever she’s around. I lean down and find her lips with mine, silencing her.

  “C’mon, pretty girl, I think I need something to eat, then maybe we can chill out for a bit?”

  “Absolutely. How’s your pain? Do you want me to run a comb through your hair?”

  “Pain’s good right now. And yeah, that’ll help me seeing as I can’t see what I’m doing. Just let me grab a t-shirt first.” I slip one on over my head and then stand still until she finishes combing my hair before she takes my hand in hers and we walk back out to the kitchen.

  “Oh! I need to let Spike back in,” she says after I sit at the kitchen table.

  “He’s not being too much of a pain, is he?”

  “Well, Libby’s not too sure about him, but he’s pretty good. No accidents so far and he seems to mind pretty well. Okay, I’ve got chicken salad made, do you want it in a sandwich or over lettuce in a salad?”

  “Whichever is easier. Make mine like you plan to eat yours.”

  “I was going to have a salad,” she states.

  “Then that’s fine with me.” Once she brings over our bowls along with drinks, I ask, “So, how much sleep did you get last night?”

  “Enough, why?”

  “Because I know you checked on me several times. Addy, I’ll be perfectly fine.”

  “I’ll try to do better, I’m sorry I woke you up.”

  “You didn’t, I just seem to have a… sense… whenever you’re near.”

  “I see.” No, no she didn’t, but eventually, she will.

  “This is really good, baby.”

  “It was my grammy’s recipe.”

  “You really enjoy doing all of this, don’t you?” I question.

  “Yeah. I think I was born in the wrong generation or something. Nothing makes me happier than being able to take care of those I care about. Stupid, huh?”

  I reach out my hand and grab hers before saying, “Not at all. And I’m glad that JD and I are included in that mix.”

  * * *

  “C’mere, Addy, let’s curl up on the couch and fall asleep to some bad daytime television,” I coax. If need be, I’ll beg her because I don’t want her wearing herself out.

  “Well, I still have to frost the cakes.”

  “You can do that later, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess I can do that while JD’s doing his homework.”

  I grab the remote and turn the television on. “So, what’ll it be?” I ask.

  “Supernatural is on at this time of the day,” she replies. “I’ve probably seen each episode at least five times, but I don’t care. I like it.”

  “That’s how JD got his name,” I say.


  “Yeah, his mother loved the character Dean.”

  “Tell me about her?” she asks.

  I pull her close, then grab the blanket that I know is on the back of the couch and cover us up. She snuggles close and I say, “There’s not much to tell, actually. I was finishing up my two-year degree in construction management when we went out a few times. I’m not sure how she ended up pregnant, but I never knew until she dropped JD off with a note and all his paperwork. She signed her rights over just like that without a fight.”r />
  “You mean you missed health class?” she teases.

  “No, pretty girl. I mean I’ve always gloved up so there must have been a malfunction with the rubber.”

  “Well, he’s a great kid.”

  “Yeah, he is.” Her breathing evens out and soon, she’s dozing in my arms. “I promise never to hurt you like he did,” I whisper before kissing her. While being unable to see is a pain in the ass, I’m finding that where she’s concerned, it’s not too much of a liability.



  Two weeks later

  “Do you need anything else?” I ask him. His appointment with the eye specialist is today and I know he’s anxious to find out if he’ll be well enough to get the patches removed.

  “No, I’m good. I know you’ve gotta finish getting ready,” he replies.

  “Okay, it won’t take me long, I grabbed my shower last night.” Leaving his room, I close the door and head into my room to find something that’ll fit. Seems that the past two weeks have caused me to lose weight, something I didn’t necessarily need to do.

  As I’m slipping on a pair of leggings, I hear, “She’s driving me crazy!” and my heart plummets. Maybe the closeness I’ve been feeling is just in my mind? Swiping the tears that are now flowing unchecked, I head into my bathroom to apply some make-up in an attempt to cover up the dark circles I’ve developed.

  A knock on my door has me moving quickly. “Hey, are you ready?” he asks.

  “Yeah, let me grab my purse and we’ll go,” I reply. Good, my voice doesn’t give away my heartache.

  I know I’m quiet on our ride, but I can’t help myself. I honestly thought our relationship was progressing and that once he was back in his own place, we’d be taking things to the next level. Guess it’s a good thing we haven’t slept with one another.

  At the doctor’s office, I get him checked in and once they call him back, I sit there reading from the app on my phone. Thirty minutes later, he walks out without his eyes patched and says, “I’ve called Boz and he’s on his way to get me so I can see where we’re at on the latest job.”

  “Oh, okay. Don’t forget to pick Spike up from the vet.” I had dropped him off this morning because he was being neutered. I’m trying hard not to show my hurt and figure the sooner I leave, the better it’ll be.


  Walking out to the waiting room, I get my first glimpse of her in two long weeks. She looks tired and I can tell she’s lost weight, yet she never once complained about the extra work that having me, my son and our puppy made for her. Her eyes look red, as if she’s been crying, and I wonder what has upset her. I’ll have to ask later because Boz called and there’s a problem at the current job site.

  “I won’t forget. You okay, Addy?” I ask.

  “Me? Yeah, I’m fine. Do you want me to stay until Boz gets here?”

  “No, baby, I’m sure you’ve got things to do.”

  “I do but it’s okay, I don’t mind.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll call you later, alright?”

  “Fine. I’m glad you got the patches off, Hale,” she says, before getting up and leaving. Without a kiss, I might add.



  I’ve been avoiding his phone calls and texts for a week now, ever since his eye appointment. My mind still replays what I heard that morning and I can’t believe I mistook what I thought was happening. I’m so stupid sometimes. The plus side is that I’ve got a stockpile of cakes made and in my freezer for Marvie and The Oink Joint.

  Even she’s perplexed by the whole situation. I had her over and we hashed it out over three pitchers of sangria. We thoroughly enjoyed my new porch swing that night. She saw the same thing I did - he was into me. The last thing she said to me was, “Girl, you need to talk to him.”

  But I can’t. Branson was my first everything - date, kiss, sexual experience - and I don’t know how to play the dating game. Hell, I don’t even know how to be anything other than I am, blunt and to the point. Sighing, I swipe at my face again. No sense crying over what will never be, right?

  When my phone rings, I answer without looking at the display.

  “Addy? Don’t hang up.” His voice coming across the line has my knees buckling. I hate how much this all hurts.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I ask. Smooth, Addy, real smooth.

  “Been trying to reach you. Some of our things are still at your house and I was wondering if I could swing by and grab them? And talk to you as well. Are you avoiding me?”

  Well, shit. How do I answer that one? “Uh, no. Just been really busy is all.”

  “I’ll be there in a few, then.”

  “Okay, see you shortly.” Great, now I need my damn sunglasses since my eyes are red from crying. Grabbing the box of stuff I had already gathered, I walk out to my front porch, noticing that I have some yard work I need to tend to when it’s cooler outside.

  When his truck pulls into the driveway, I have to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed him being around, but I refuse to push myself where I’m not wanted. He steps out and makes his way toward me. Standing, I grab the box and walk in his direction, trying to shorten this trip as much as possible. He takes the box and puts it in the truck. “You doing okay?” he asks, looking at me.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “You don’t sound that way. Why are you avoiding me, Addy?”

  “I’m not, Hale. Why would you think that?” I so totally am, and I wait for the lightning to strike me dead where I stand.

  “Let’s see, since my last appointment, I’ve called no less than twenty times, and sent probably twice that many texts. You’ve ignored all of them. Every single one. Did I say or do something to upset you?”

  The look on his face is one I can’t quite decipher. He looks perplexed but angry at the same time. Doesn’t detract from the fact that he’s the hottest man I’ve ever met.

  Mustering my courage, which seems to be on vacation in Alaska or something, I whisper, “I heard you.”


  “That morning, I heard you, Hale.”

  He now looks puzzled and since I want this to be done so I can go console myself with a cake and maybe a quart of ice cream, I repeat myself, stating, “The morning of your last appointment. I heard you. Through the monitor.”


  “Hale, you said I drive you crazy. That didn’t sit well with me and I may be new to this whole dating thing again, but if I drive someone crazy, why should I want to be around?” I’m getting ticked off and it expands tremendously when he starts laughing.

  “Addy, baby, you misunderstood what I meant when I said that.” He reaches out and pulls me closer, so close I can feel his breath on my skin. Taking my hand, he places it on the front of his jeans where I feel his hard cock straining against the fabric. “You, baby, drive me crazy whenever you’re near me. This is the reaction I have when you’re near. That morning, after you helped me get ready, all I could think about was being able to see again so that when I had you in my arms, I could show you how you’ve affected me.”

  “Every time?” My voice is still barely above a whisper.

  He leans in and kisses my forehead. “Yeah, baby. From the first time I saw you. Never had that kind of reaction around any other woman in my life. Don’t you realize yet that I’m falling in love with you? Because if you don’t, then I’ve done a piss-poor job of showing you.”

  “You’re falling in love with me?” Again, a barely-there whisper.

  “Yeah, Addy. And one of the reasons I was going crazy is because I thought it would be too soon for you. It hasn’t been that long since your divorce and the last thing I wanted was for you to feel pressured. Some people aren’t willing to jump into a serious relationship until they’ve dated a lot after going through a divorce.”

  I don’t know what to think about his revelation. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that a man like him would want me. I’
m independent as hell, even with the self-esteem issues that Branson left me with.

  “I want you. Whether it’s now or six months from now. If I have to wait, I’ll wait. Because you, Adelaide Overstreet, are it for me.”

  “I must be dreaming. This kind of thing doesn’t happen to me,” I murmur.

  “No dream, baby. There’s not one thing I don’t like about you. And it goes without saying that JD thinks you’re awesome.”

  “You remember that I can’t have kids, right?”

  “Not a deal-breaker, Addy. If we decide we want to add to the family down the road, we can always adopt. Family isn’t always about blood, it’s also about those you choose. And I choose you.”

  I’m about to reply when the rumbling overhead gives way to a deluge. Quickly soaked, he grabs my hand and we run toward the house. Once inside, he pulls me into his arms and says, “Now, I’m gonna kiss my girl to put an end to our first disagreement.”

  How can I argue when he says it so nicely? Simply put, I can’t, so I wind my arms around his neck and kiss him back. Long breathless moments later, we pull apart and I say, “Let me grab you a towel to dry off. And I think I have some of your sweats in the laundry room as well.” Before he can answer, I practically run to the dryer where there is, indeed, a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that I had washed. Grabbing a towel, I bring it all out to him and let him know I’m going to change as well.

  Once changed, I head back out to find him sitting on my overstuffed but comfortable couch. He reaches his hand out and I take it, allowing him to pull me down so we’re lying on the couch, me with my back against the cushions and him with his legs entangled in mine. “Hey,” he whispers, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. “Figured we could snuggle for a bit while it rains if that’s okay with you?”


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