Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance

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Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance Page 15

by Tallman, Darlene



  This past week has been crazy trying to settle into a good routine, getting Rosie squared away at the daycare, making sure all my orders are current and most importantly, finding something pretty to wear at the courthouse tomorrow. I can’t believe that so many dreams I thought were dust have been resurrected. It feels surreal at times that I have a man who loves me the way he does.

  “Where you at in your head, woman?” Marvie asks as we pull up to the hairdresser.

  “Just thinking about how blessed I am. Even though what happened to John and Caroline is beyond tragic, I feel so humbled that I’ll be raising two of the most precious kids I know. And then there’s JD. He’s something I never expected.”

  She leans over and hugs me. “Don’t make me cry, I just got my lashes done, dammit. I wish I had yours because it costs me to look beautiful where you come by it naturally!”

  “You’re a nut. C’mon, let’s go get our hairs done!”

  Two hours later, we’re walking down the sidewalk to grab some lunch. “So, do we need to do anything else?” she asks me once we’re seated and have placed our order.

  “No, I already ordered our flowers, the kids’ clothes are ready, and Hale’s on his own.”

  “So is Boz.” We both start laughing because that means that Momma Sue has been brought into it. Otherwise, they’re liable to show up in any old thing. I don’t think Hale would really do that to me, but honestly, if we’re married at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.

  “Then let’s go finish up. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow, and I still need to pack. Boz wouldn’t tell me where he’s taking me, so I have no clue what to take.”

  “Neither would Hale. He just said to bring comfortable clothes.” I do have a surprise for him, though. Marvie and I were shopping and I bought the most gorgeous silk nightgown. It’s emerald green, not normally a color I wear, but it was stunning. I blush thinking about how he’s gonna look when I come out with it on.

  “And, there you go again,” Marvie states, poking me.

  “I can’t help it! I never thought I’d be this happy.”

  “If anyone deserves it, you do, my friend,” she replies.

  * * *

  Now back at home, I pull down my suitcase and quickly pack for the next few days. I’m busy straightening up the kids’ rooms when I hear the door open and close. “Addy? Where are you?” Hale calls.

  “Back here,” I reply, walking out of Rosie’s room and down the hallway. When he sees me, he smiles before leaning in and kissing me. “What’s up?”

  “Thought we could sit and chat with the kids for a few minutes about tomorrow.”

  I nod and follow him out onto the back porch. I’m so glad I decided to enclose it because it’s become our go-to spot to relax, hang out and just be with one another. “Miss Addy, I have a question for you,” JD says when I make it to my spot on the swing.

  “What’s that?”

  “Can I call you Mom starting tomorrow? I mean, once you and Dad are officially married?”

  “Sweetheart, you can call me whatever you’d like, but I’d love it if you call me Mom,” I reply. I’m trying not to tear up because we’ve had enough tears around here to last a lifetime, but it’s hard. I never thought I’d hear that word.

  “Can we do that too?” Johnny questions. “We called ours Mama, so it would be different, right?”

  Now I can’t help the tears that fall. “Oh, honey, you know you can call me whatever you want. I’ll never replace your mom, you know that, right?”

  “I know, but it’s important that we’re all the same so Rosie doesn’t get confused.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do, okay? I’ll tell you guys a little secret. I’m kind of nervous since I’ve never been a mom before.”

  “But you do all the things a mom does for their kid!” JD exclaims. “You make cookies, and wash our clothes, and talk to us and help us with our homework! Mom things!”

  I laugh at his words. He tends to get a bit exuberant sometimes but that’s part of his overall charm. “Well, then, I guess I’ll try not to be nervous, okay?”

  “Alright, enough of this. Addy, JD and I have something else for you.” He hands me a sheaf of papers and my eyes are glued to the top page.

  Petition for Adoption.

  “Hale?” My voice is barely above a whisper. “Are you positive?”

  “Never been surer of anything in my life,” he replies. “JD is the one who suggested it, so I reached out and got the ball rolling. The judge will sign off tomorrow. Congratulations, Addy. It’s a boy.”

  Cue the tears.

  I fall into his arms sobbing. He has no clue what he’s given me, but I vow that I’ll show him every day for the rest of my life.


  I knew she would likely get emotional when I handed her the adoption papers, but I had no clue that an hour later, I’d still be holding her as she cries. “Shhh, baby, it’s okay,” I murmur. I sent the kids inside to give us some privacy.

  “Y-y-you have no idea how happy I am right now,” she sobs.

  “Most people don’t cry for an hour when they’re happy,” I reply.

  “Most people haven’t dealt with what I have either,” she states.

  “I think you had to go through the storms of life so that when the rainbow appeared, you’d appreciate it that much more,” I say, stroking her back.

  “Well, with the size of this rainbow, I’m beyond appreciative, that’s for sure.”

  “C’mon, let’s get the kids and go out and eat.”

  “Hale, we’ve got all this food in the house still!” she states.

  “And it’ll be here for Momma Sue to feed our brood starting tomorrow,” I reply.

  * * *

  Because we have a small crowd with us, the judge takes us into his chambers to perform the ceremony and sign off on the adoption paperwork. “So, I understand congratulations are in order today,” the judge states, looking at the four of us, surrounded by the kids and Boz’s family.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply.

  “Then, let’s get to it, shall we?”

  In what seems no time at all, I hear him say, “Gentlemen, you may kiss your brides.”

  Pulling Addy close, I whisper so only she can hear me, “I love you, Adelaide Johnson.”

  “I love you too. Now, kiss me, husband.”

  “With pleasure.”

  When the judge clears his throat, I see her cheeks turn pink and grin. He gives me a wink, then says, “Now, we’ve got something else to take care of as well. Will Jensen Dean Johnson step forward? And Adelaide Johnson?”

  I watch, a smile on my face, as JD takes Addy’s hand and they approach the judge’s desk. “Young man, I understand you wish for this woman to become your mom in the eyes of the state of Mississippi. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Mrs. Johnson, do you have any objections to becoming this young man’s mom, teaching him and raising him to be a productive member of society?”

  “No, sir.”

  He signs the paperwork with a flourish and smiles. “Congratulations, Mom, you’ve just given birth to a sixty-pound baby boy.”

  Boz’s parents arranged a small reception for the four of us downtown, something that he and I managed to keep from the girls. We wanted them to have a nice day, since we both recognized that they had likely sacrificed a big to-do in order to ensure that the kids’ needs were met.

  Mentally, I’m hoping we won’t be here long. I want to spirit my wife away and spend a few days alone. Preferably naked.



  “Hale, why won’t you tell me where we’re going?”

  I glance over at her and grin. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look?”

  “Several times. Quit trying to change the subject!”

  “Honey, if I tell you, it won’t be a surprise.”

  When I finally pull up to Blue Creek Cabin, I hear her gasp
. “Oh, Hale, it’s beautiful here!”

  “Well, the cabin is from the 1800’s and is rustic looking, but they assure me they have all the amenities we need. Let me go in and grab our key, okay?”

  It only takes me a few minutes to get us registered and grab a map of the local attractions. Not that I think we’ll be out all that much, but I know my woman will wanna explore. Once back in the truck, I drive down the pathway until I come to a cabin that’s somewhat secluded. Surrounded by woods, the first thing I notice when I get out and walk around to help her down is how quiet it is. I can hear water somewhere and make a note to check out the map they gave me of the property because I think I remember that there’s a waterfall somewhere.

  Getting out, I help her out and once we’re up on the porch, unlock the door before I pick her up and carry her across the threshold. “Hale, put me down!”

  “Not a chance in hell, wife,” I reply before setting her back on her feet. “Now, it’s been too long since I’ve had a kiss from you.”

  “Let’s fix that, hmm?” I already feel more relaxed, just being here with her. Gone are the worries and stresses of the past few weeks. When we finally separate, I’m happy to see her eyes have that dazed look. I plan to keep that look on her face as much as possible these next few days.

  “You go explore, baby, while I grab our stuff,” I tell her. “And then, we’ll see what we can get into.” The wink I give her has her blushing and I find myself whistling as I grab the stuff we brought.

  When I get back inside, she’s nowhere to be found. “Addy?” I call out.

  “Back here!” she exclaims. I follow her voice until I come to the bedroom. A huge, four-poster log bed is center stage. Someone, probably the proprietors, placed a basket on the dresser and I walk over to where she’s standing. “Look at all this! Wasn’t that nice of them?” Glancing in the basket, I see champagne and two fluted glasses, as well as various snacks.

  “Very nice. Do you want to get changed and go explore some?” I’m secretly hoping she wants to crawl onto the bed and spend our time there.

  “Unless you’ve got something else in mind?” she teases. Fuck it, anticipation will make it that much sweeter.

  “Later. Let’s check out the waterfall.”

  * * *

  When we get back, all sweaty from hiking, I look at her and say, “Why don’t we both get cleaned up then rustle up something to eat?”

  “That’s a great idea. I wanna check out that copper tub.”

  “I’ll leave you to it since I don’t think we can both fit.” Her giggles have me smiling. As I lean down to kiss her, I whisper, “I know what I want for dessert.”


  I don’t know why I’m so damn nervous. We’ve obviously slept in the same bed and had sex, but it seems...different somehow. Maybe because we’re married? Shaking my head, I grab my toiletry bag and my new nightgown, then head into the bathroom for a good soak. My hair is still up, so I take out all the pins until the curls are flowing down my back. While the tub fills, I remove my make-up and go ahead and take care of my skin routine since I suspect we’ll be busy the rest of the evening. At least that’s my hope.

  Soaking in the bubbles, I’m wishing for a glass of wine or something when I hear a knock at the bathroom door before Hale peeks his head in. “Figured you might want something to drink,” he says as he walks into the room. He apparently showered and my mouth goes dry seeing him in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. I watch with great interest as his cock hardens the closer he gets to me. When he sees me looking, he glances down and shoots me a wink. “Told you that’s what happens whenever you’re around, baby.”

  I can feel my face flush as I take the glass of wine he’s handing me. “Think that’ll ever change?” I ask.

  “Doubtful.” He leans down and kisses my forehead. “I’ll see you shortly, pretty girl. Take your time.”

  Once he leaves, I sip on my wine then get serious about freshening up. Drying off, I rub lotion everywhere then lightly spritz myself with my perfume. Taking a look in the mirror, I see how the nightgown clings to me and know that Hale is going to lose his mind.

  I grab my empty wine glass and head out into the main part of the cabin to find my husband. “There you are,” I say as I spot him sitting on the couch. When he turns to me, his eyes heat and I realize that dinner may not happen after all.

  When he reaches me, having practically jumped off the couch, he gently touches my face as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear before murmuring, “So fucking gorgeous, Addy. I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  “I think I’m the lucky one,” I reply, looking at him in just basketball shorts.

  Without warning, he picks me up, bridal style and walks to our bedroom. When we get there, I notice that the bed has already been turned down and there are bottles of water on each nightstand. One light is on, but it’s not over bright; instead, it leaves the room in a soft glow. He lays me down in the middle of the bed and gets in on the other side so we’re face to face.

  “I can’t believe you agreed to marry me,” he says, stroking my face. Before I can answer, he leans in and gently kisses my lips. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known and it’s more than the outside. You’ve got a heart of gold and I’m privileged to be by your side for the rest of our lives.”

  “I’m the lucky one, Hale. The best thing I ever did was move back to Barge Falls,” I reply.

  “This is beautiful,” he whispers, his hand now gliding down my side. “You look stunning, but I’m more interested in what’s underneath.” He slides his hand down and before I know it, I’m naked. “Mmmm, perfection,” he murmurs, his head lowering until he takes a nipple in his mouth. I arch my back to get him closer, moaning.

  As he builds the fire inside me, I find myself lost in all that is him. “Hale,” I cry out when his hand reaches between my thighs. I know I’m drenched. It’s a common occurrence whenever he’s around.

  “You’re so responsive, pretty girl,” he says as he lowers his head. “And it goes without saying, your taste is addictive.”

  Words escape me at this point because his tongue, mouth, and fingers are working me over so well that I’m on the verge of a phenomenal orgasm. When I feel my pussy tightening down on his fingers, I say, “I’m gonna come, Hale.” I know my voice is raspy with need.

  “Come on my tongue and fingers, sweetheart,” he coaxes, increasing his actions until I’m writhing. With a keening moan, I fall over the cliff, and can feel my whole body pulsing in relief.

  He continues his motions until I try to pull away, then he slowly makes his way up my body until his dick is pressed to my core, dropping kisses on my exposed skin. “Ready for more?” he asks before kissing me breathless.

  “God, yes,” I moan, reaching between us to grab onto his cock. I may not have had a lot of experience, but he’s well-built and hits every spot every damn time. He lines up and slowly enters me, watching me the entire time.

  “I love you, Addy Johnson,” he says when he’s fully embedded in me. I can still feel some aftershocks pulsing around him. I want him to move but I also want to stay like this forever.

  “I love you too, Hale Johnson,” I reply, running my hands along his sides until I reach his ass. Raising my legs and wrapping them around his hips, I surge upward in an attempt to get him to move.

  “First time as husband and wife, baby, trying to make it last,” he states.

  “Part of me wants that too, but the other part can’t wait to feel you, Hale,” I plead. “Please move.”

  “When you ask so nicely, I can’t help but comply,” he whispers, kissing me. As our tongues duel, he slowly begins moving. He never stops kissing me, just occasionally pulls back so we can breathe, and I think that this orgasm might be what kills me.

  “Hale,” I cry out.

  “Hold on, Addy, let’s go together,” he replies, thrusting a little harder but not picking up his speed. “Oh, God, when your pussy grips me like that, it�
��s all I can do not to come.”

  “Please, Hale, fill me up,” I say.

  One thrust. Two. Three. When he pulls out and pushes back in again, we both cry out and I feel him filling me as I pulse around him.

  Long moments pass as we try to catch our breath. He’s pulled me over so we’re still connected but he’s not crushing me.

  “Gonna be a long night, sweetheart. Let’s get a little bit of rest,” he says, kissing me before he gets up and goes into the bathroom. Once he’s cleaned me up, we curl into one another, sated.

  For now.



  Two Months Later

  “How’s married life treating you?” Boz asks as we walk through the big box store, picking up stuff we need for our next job.

  “We’re getting settled in, thanks to all the help from your folks.” They’ve been an absolute godsend. First, they went through and packed up everything that was sentimental for the kids. Then, they found someone who handled estate sales and oversaw that for me. Once John and Caroline’s house was fully empty, Marvie and Addy got it cleaned and I did minor repairs before we put it up for sale. It sold in a week and a half. Then? They did the same for my house. Both women have worked tirelessly between the diner and Addy’s baking to get all the boxes sorted and put away, so we don’t look like we’re vagabonds.

  “It’s what family does, man,” he replies.

  “How about y’all?” I question.

  “Never better. Always knew that woman was for me,” he states. “Just took her forever to get on the same page. How are the kids adjusting?”

  “Actually, pretty good. Their nightmares have eased off so we’re all sleeping again. That counselor Marvie found has been a lifesaver.”


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