Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance

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Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance Page 16

by Tallman, Darlene

  “Did you ever think we’d be here?” he questions. “I mean, you know what I went through with she-who-shall-not-be-named, and of course, there’s what Jackie did to you. But here we are, happy and married to two of the best women I know.”

  “Honestly never gave it much thought,” I tell him. “I mean, the priority has been JD for so long that I didn’t really think about getting married.”

  “And how are Johnny and Rosie?” He’s always had a soft spot for Rosie, maybe because his ex-wife aborted their little girl. I don’t know and refuse to ask him, preferring not to bring up that ugly time in his life.

  “They’re doing well, too. And Addy positively glows in her new role as mother.”

  “I always knew she would. Hale, I’m glad that y’all found each other. I don’t care if that makes me sound like a pussy. Y’all both deserve the best and you found it in one another.”

  “I agree. Next to JD, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”


  “Mom, hey, Mom!” Johnny calls out when he gets in the door. “Can me and JD go to the zoo this weekend?”

  I mentally think about our plans and nod. It still sends a thrill through me whenever they call me ‘Mom’ and I’ve spent many private moments thanking God for the blessings He’s given me. “We’ll ask your uncle, but I think we can do that, yes. So, are you guys gonna help me this afternoon?”

  “What’s first? Our teacher said she really liked the Christmas crack that you sent in last week.” I grin because it’s so damn easy but beyond addictive.

  “Let’s make some of that then, shall we? Do y’all remember the ingredients?” I question, standing up.

  “Yes!” JD exclaims, stopping to give me a hug before he runs to the pantry. I hear Rosie in the monitor and head down to her room. She’s really blossoming now that we have her in daycare. She still occasionally cries for her parents but seems to be settling.

  “C’mon, pretty girl, let’s go potty.” I grin when I see that both Spike and Libby are sleeping with her. Neither of them minds her carrying them everywhere or dressing them up, although the first time Hale saw Spike in a tutu, I thought he was gonna die.

  “Hungry, Mom,” she says once her hands are washed.

  “Well, you’re just in time then, because the boys just got home so I’m gonna make them a snack. Let’s go get that taken care of, shall we?”

  * * *

  Later that night, after making love then getting redressed to prevent any questions from the kids, I turn to Hale and say, “I’m so damn happy. I hope this never changes.”

  He kisses me before replying, “I think we’re good, sweetheart. I know we’ll likely disagree on things from time to time, but you and I are partners for life, and we’ll get through anything.”

  “Yeah, we will.”


  Ten Years Later


  Sitting with the other families waiting to see their children graduate from basic training, I smile. “What’s that for, baby?” Hale asks, keeping his voice down.

  “Can you believe our boys are ready to take on the world?”

  “Yeah I can.”

  “John and Caroline would be so proud of Johnny. Rosie too,” I state, looking at the teenager sitting in the row below us.

  “Yes, they would. You’ve done good, Mom,” he teases me.

  “Alright now, Daddy, behave yourself.”

  He leans closer and whispers, “Keep it up and I’ll show you who’s your daddy later.”

  I laugh because he’s managed to turn me on in the middle of a huge-ass ceremony. “Behave yourself and you’ll get lucky.”

  “I’ll get lucky regardless,” he promises.

  I go to reply when I see that the ceremony’s about to begin. I notice a group of people dressed in biker gear. I wonder if they’re here for the guy that the boys have mentioned repeatedly. Joshua James Thomas, or as he requested we call him, JJ. Talk about confusion at our house when they brought him to visit on one of their brief leaves. Rosie followed him around like a lost puppy, but I never worried because he’s the same age as the boys. She’ll forget about him in a few years when we allow her to date.

  The ceremony is impressive, and I find myself with chills several times. Our boys, as well as JJ, received several awards related to their various training courses and I find myself beaming with pride. “They’re gonna change the world,” I tell Hale as we wait for the boys to find us.

  “Together, from the looks of it,” he replies. I’ve noticed that the two of them seem to do everything together and make a note to talk to Hale about it later.

  “Mom, Dad!” JD calls when he finally spots us, Johnny right on his heels. Before I can protest, first one, then the other, pick me up and twirl me around.

  “Boys, you’re gonna make me dizzy!” I exclaim, even though I’m laughing. I’ve missed them so much.

  “Put your mother down,” Hale says, grinning. Once they do that, I watch with tears in my eyes as first JD, then Johnny, hug Hale, whispering in his ear. When they spot Rosie just standing there, Johnny walks over and picks her up.

  “Look at you, squirt,” he says. “Good thing we know how to use guns now, huh? Gonna have to make sure the guys know you’re off limits.”

  “I can’t date until I’m sixteen anyhow,” she reminds him. “Stupid rule.”

  Hale goes to say something when JJ walks up to us. “No, it’s not, doll. Your parents are trying to keep you safe is all. Nice to see y’all again. Wanted to introduce you to my parents if that’s okay?”

  “Absolutely,” Hale replies.

  “Dad, Mom, this is Hale and Addy Johnson, JD and Johnny’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, these are my parents, Reese and Corrie Thomas.”

  The End...for now

  Please turn the page for an author’s note

  Author’s Note

  I had originally planned to have two epilogues to this book, but then realized that before I introduce JD and Johnny into the Black Tuxedos MC world, I need to write Matt and Mandie’s story! Whoops!

  Y’see, I never intended for this to happen! But I was maybe a third of the way in and it hit me, the old ‘what if’ scenario. What if the boys managed to meet JJ at some point and form a friendship? It could happen, right? Of course, it could!

  And another thing, I hope that I represented Addy’s struggles well. I suffered with endometriosis as a young adult, but it didn’t show up until after I’d had my two children. However, I know there are countless thousands that have dealt with the infertility that it can sometimes cause. So, I didn’t want Addy to miraculously be able to get pregnant since that doesn’t always happen in real life. Yeah, I know it’s fiction, but if you’ve been reading me for a while now, you have probably realized that I put a lot of real-life scenarios into my books, thanks to my ‘what if’ inquiring mind.

  I hope you liked Hale’s and Addy’s story. I sure as hell enjoyed writing it! As always, feel free to drop me a note if you’ve got questions!



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