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The Two Elsies

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by Martha Finley


  "How sudden do our prospects vary here!"

  It was the breakfast-hour at Fairview. The young husband and wife chattedpleasantly over their coffee, omelet and rolls, strawberries and cream,the principal subject of discourse being the expected trip to Nantucketin company with her mother, grandparents, and the rest of the family atIon.

  Lester and his Elsie had been there the previous evening, helping tocelebrate the first anniversary of the marriage of Edward and Zoe, andhad readily fallen in with the plans for the summer outing proposed byCaptain Raymond.

  "You will go with us, of course, Elsie?" their mother had said, severalof the others eagerly echoing her words, and they had answered that theyknew of nothing to hinder, and should be delighted to do so.

  So that question seemed fully settled, and now their talk was of needfulpreparations and arrangements for so long an absence from home; of theanticipated pleasures of the voyage and the proposed lengthened sojournupon Nantucket Island, including the sketching of the most attractivefeatures of its scenery.

  Young, healthy, in easy circumstances, entirely congenial in opinions andtastes, they were a very happy couple.

  Lester was meeting with marked success in his chosen profession--hadreceived only yesterday a large price for one of his paintings; and asElsie and he were essentially one in all their interests, her joy wasfully equal to his, if not greater.

  In consequence they were unusually gay this morning, and life seemed verybright and beautiful before them.

  They lingered over their meal, and were just leaving the table when aservant came in with the morning's mail.

  There were several newspapers and magazines; only one letter.

  "From Eric, dear old boy! I was intending to write to him to-day,"remarked Lester, as he examined the superscription.

  "How nice, then, that his came just in time for you to answer it inyours," said Elsie. "I'll leave you to the enjoyment of it while I givemy orders for the day," she added, turning from him toward the rear ofthe house, as they left the breakfast-room together.

  "Yes, my dear, and when you have a spare moment to bestow upon yourunworthy husband, you will find him on the veranda," he answered lightly,bending his steps in that direction.

  Only a few minutes had passed when she sought him there; but what achange had come over him! All his gayety had forsaken him, his face waspale, and his eyes, as he turned them upon her, were full of anguish.

  "Oh Lester, my dear, dear husband! what is it?" she cried, hastening tohim and laying a hand tenderly upon his shoulder.

  "Read," he said hoarsely, holding out the open letter to her,--Eric'sletter, whose sad tidings seemed for the time to have driven away all thejoy and brightness of life.

  Glancing down the page, Elsie read:

  "My dear brother, will you come to me? I have sore need of you. For ayear past I have felt my strength failing; for the last few monthsmatters have grown worse, till my days and nights are filled with painand unrest; and today I have learned that the time has come for me to setmy house in order, for I am to 'die, and not live.' Nay, not so: I am topass from the land of the dying to that blest world where death can neverenter.

  "My physician tells me it may possibly be three months ere I reach 'thatbourne whence no traveller returns,' but that in all probability I shallarrive there in less than half that time.

  "And there is much I would say to you, my brother; much in which I needyour kind help. You will be coming North for the hot season; I wouldgladly have you, your sweet wife and baby-boy spend it here with us; andto me it seems that there are few pleasanter places than this littlehome-nest of ours high up on the rocky banks of the grand old HudsonRiver. We have pure air and magnificent scenery, and it will be mostcomforting to me to have your loved companionship as I go down into thevalley of the shadow of death.

  "Thank God, it is only the shadow, and I shall go down into it leaning onthe strong arm of my beloved. Jesus will be with me to the very end.

  "But I may be asking too much of my sweet sister Elsie; you and she have,perchance, formed other plans more congenial to your tastes and wishes.If so, let me not interfere with them; consider my request withdrawn.Yet, shall I not have at least a sight of your loved faces ere I go henceto return no more?

  "Lovingly, ERIC."

  Elsie could scarce see the signature from the fast-falling tears.

  "The dear brother!" she sobbed. "But, oh, Lester, be comforted! Histroubles and trials are almost over, the battle nearly ended, the victorywell-nigh won; and we know he will come off more than conqueror throughHim that loved him!"

  "Yes, I know, I know it; but he has been a dear brother to me, and, oh,how can I learn to live without him!" he answered, in tones quiveringwith emotion.

  "'Twill only be for a time, love, and then you will be restored to eachother, never to part any more forever," Elsie said softly, with her armabout her husband's neck, while her tears mingled with his, and her sweetlips were pressed again and again to his cheek.

  He folded her in a close embrace.

  "My dear, sweet, precious comforter," he said, "I can never be unhappywhile God spares me my wife."

  "Nor I, while I have you, dearest," she responded, with an added caress."And we will go to poor Eric instead of with mamma and the rest toNantucket."

  "My sweet one, I could not ask so great a sacrifice from you," he said.

  "I can hardly feel it to be such when I think of your poor brother--ourbrother; for is he not mine also? We will go to him instead, and I knowit will be with mamma's approval, grandpa's also. Ah, here they bothcome!" she exclaimed, in a tone of satisfaction, as the Ion familycarriage was seen approaching through the avenue.

  In another moment it had drawn up before the entrance, and Mr. Dinsmoreand his daughter alighted. With the quick eye of affection the mother atonce noted the sadness of her daughter's countenance, of Lester's also,and scarcely had she exchanged the morning greetings with them ere sheinquired the cause.

  Lester silently handed her Eric's open letter.

  Tears trembled in the soft brown eyes as she read.

  In compliance with a mute request from Lester, she passed it on to herfather.

  There was a moment of silence after Mr. Dinsmore had finished reading,then the elder Elsie said in low, sympathizing tones,

  "My dears, you will go to him? Delightful as it would be to have you withus, I could not wish you to refuse such a request from one so near anddear."

  "No, mamma dear, nor could we think of refusing," answered her daughter,quickly, glancing tenderly at her husband as she spoke, and receiving agrateful, loving look in return.

  "Certainly not," said Mr. Dinsmore; "but I see no reason why you shouldnot accompany us on our voyage, spend a few days at Nantucket, and thengo on to New York. Do you, Lester?"

  "No, sir; and if my little wife approves of that plan, we will adopt it,"

  He turned inquiringly to her.

  "I should like it very much," she said. "If you are quite sure it willnot delay us too long," she added as an after-thought.

  "No, scarcely at all, I think," returned Lester; "so we will considerthat settled."

  "Ah, I am glad that we shall not lose your company altogether," Mrs.Travilla said. "And do not despair for your brother, Lester, for manyvery sick people have recovered, even after being given up by thedoctors. We know, too, that with God nothing is impossible, and that Heis the hearer and answerer of prayer. We will unite our petitions inbehalf of Eric, and if it shall be for God's glory and his good, he willbe restored to health."

  "Yes, mother; I have not a doubt of that," returned Mr. Leland, "nor ofmy dear brother's safety in any case. He is one who has lived the life ofa Christian for years, and I am sure dying grace will be given him fordying time--whenever that shall come."

  "And well may you be," said Mrs. Travilla, "for not one of all God'spromises ever fails, and to each of His children He has said, 'As thydays, so shall thy strength be.'"

  "If you want to answer your letter by return of mail, Lester, do not letus hinder you," said Mr. Dinsmore. "We are going to the villagepresently, and will mail it for you, if you like."

  "Thank you; then I shall write at once," Lester replied, as he rose andleft them.

  "This change of plan will involve some change in your intendedpreparations, will it not, Elsie?" asked Mrs. Travilla.

  "Not very much, mamma, as we are not likely to take part in any gayeties.I shall not need to have any new dresses made; indeed, I think I havealready a full supply of everything necessary or desirable, in the way ofdress, for both baby and myself."

  "Then you will be ready for the trip as soon as any of us?" hergrandfather said inquiringly.

  "Yes, sir; I could pack to-day and start this evening if desired to doso," she answered with a smile.

  "We will not put you to the test," he said, "but we hope to sail nextTuesday."


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