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Paul's Pursuit: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 6

Page 17

by S. E. Smith

  The trip proved to be surprisingly uneventful. Paul had taken a brief detour to fly over the encampment in the meadow only to find it empty. Raffvin had smartly moved his base camp. Paul wasn’t stupid enough to believe they had heard the last of him. The feeling in his gut made sure that he didn’t let his guard down. Paul made a brief search of the area. He frowned as he noticed an unusual mark on the ground. It was almost like someone had left a marker. He circled around the area several times, his sharp eyes looking for any signs of a trap. Once he felt confident that the area was indeed abandoned, he glided down to land near the suspicious marker he had noticed from the air. As he walked over the area, he paused several times to glance around.

  I no like this, his dragon growled. You should no shift. It too dangerous.

  I need to see what is under the marker. Someone went to a lot of trouble to leave something behind. Something they wanted found, he said calmly. Just be ready in case I need to shift back and get the hell out of here in a hurry.

  Let me sniff first, his dragon insisted. I see if anything dangerous left. You not look good in pieces if it go boom.

  Paul shook his head at the image his dragon formed of his body scattered in little, bloody pieces all over the field. I hate to tell you this, mate, you and I are one. If I get blown to smithereens then so do you.

  Great! Just great! His dragon growled out. Get mate and get balls blown off. Not what I want.

  Me either, dude, Paul laughed as he let his dragon take a sniff to make sure it couldn’t smell any explosives.

  Nothing, his dragon said looking around once more before he let Paul take over and shift into his two-legged form.

  Paul knelt down and carefully observed the rock with the strange mark on it. It was as if a cat had raked his claws across it but in both directions making an X that could be seen clearly from the air. This told him that whoever was here expected someone to return. Paul looked around for a long stick. He found one a short distance away and walked over to grab it. He returned back to the rock and reached out, turning it over with a wince when it thudded as it toppled over. Under the rock was a small piece of fabric with one name written on it. He bent over and gingerly picked it up.

  Paul’s eyes narrowed dangerously. Even though it was written in a language he didn’t understand yet, he did recognize what the symbols of the Valdier language meant. He had seen it many times. It was the name of a future king – Zohar.

  Paul cursed as he realized that the palace wasn’t the only one with a traitor in it. Raffvin had one in his camp as well. With a curse, he shifted back into his dragon form and lifted up. Moving on powerful wings, he soon caught up with the symbiot that had slowed while it waited for his return. He sent a swift mental image showing the need to return to the palace as quickly as possible.

  “Paul, what is it?” Morian asked as they flew. “I know something is wrong, I can sense it.”

  Paul sent an image to the symbiot of his discovery that was quickly related to Morian. He felt both of their shock and her fear. He also conveyed that they had someone working on their side to warn them.

  “Thank you,” Morian said as she sent a wave of warmth to Paul.

  She wanted him to know how much it meant to her that he let her know what was happening. Jalo had always protected and shielded her from what was going on. She had loved that he was so protective of her but she had also felt frustrated. She wanted to be his partner in every sense of the word. Yes, she knew she could never have been his true mate but she could be his partner. He never shared with her the political side of the royal house that was formed. Even during the Great War between the Sarafin, Curizan and Valdier. He never consulted with her how she would feel about forcing Zoran’s child into an alliance with the Sarafin. The forced marriage between Zoran’s future daughter and the future son of Vox had been repulsive to her for the simple fact she knew what it was like to be forced into a match not of her choice. True, it had worked out but she had also seen times when it had not.

  Paul was showing he would not hold information back from her. She was his partner in every sense of the word. He would not try to hide things from her simply because he thought it might be too much for her.

  A wave of warmth flooded her as his dragon communicated with her symbiot. The images showed her having to deal with the grown kids when he snuck off with the little ones to teach them how to survive in the woods, especially Trelon. Morian’s laughter filled the symbiot skimmer as he sent all kinds of other things he could do so she could help him deal with the consequences.

  “It will be hard to deal with it if I am your accomplice in all these crimes,” she responded happily. “Get us home, Paul. We need to warn Zoran and the others.”

  The increase in speed showed that Paul was pouring everything he had into getting them back in time. Paul reluctantly realized that the golden skimmer could travel much faster than he could. With a swift command, he swerved toward the skimmer shifting at the last minute as it opened for him. He felt the golden bands wrap around him as they steadied him from colliding with the other side of it.

  “Go!” He ordered even as a seat formed under him next to Morian.

  Morian reached for his hand as they were pressed back against the back of the seat as the golden symbiot put on a burst of speed that was just shy of being deadly. It knew better than to use its full ability within the confines of the atmosphere as it could disrupt it with deadly consequences. No symbiot would ever endanger the Valdier or the Hive in that way, not even Raffvin’s black bands would as it would destroy itself as well as its other halves.

  “Do you think the message really means Raffvin is going after Zohar?” Morian asked fearfully.

  Paul squeezed Morian’s hand in reassurance. “Yes,” he said heavily. “I’ve seen men back on Earth do the same. In some countries, the children are used for ransom. If the parents are hesitant or refuse to pay, the men send the children back – one piece at a time,” he added grimly.

  Morian shook her head and looked out at the rapidly passing terrain. “Then we must make sure that does not happen,” she responded with a hard edge to her voice.

  “That’s my girl,” Paul grinned at her. “Do you know how sexy you sound when you are pissed off?” He asked with a teasing smile.

  She rolled her eyes. “How can you not be upset about this?” She asked curiously looking at him even as the palace came into view in the distance.

  Paul grinned even larger showing his suddenly longer canines. “Because I’ve never lost when I am hunting,” he said with a confident and deadly glint in his eye. “I’m going to kill Raffvin. It isn’t so much if as when. If he even tries to harm one hair on any of my boys’ children, I’ll gut him where he stands.”

  Morian’s eyes lit up with love at the reference to her children being referred to as ‘his boys’. “I’ll be right next to you, helping you,” she promised.

  Paul nodded as they came in for a landing in the middle of the courtyard that had been cleaned of the fight from the day before. It was hard to believe that so much had occurred in such a short period of time. Guards came out in force as the symbiot reappeared. Paul stepped out first, turning to hold his hand out for Morian as she stepped out into the opening.

  “Dola!” Mandra yelled with a laugh, running down the steps of the palace. He pulled her away from Paul giving her a bear hug. “Ariel said he would find you and bring you home! I knew he would as well. I have fought against him.”

  “You big ox,” Ariel said smacking Mandra on the ass. “Put her down before you squish her.”

  Mandra gently put his mother down before swinging around and picking his mate up with a low growl. “I warned you what would happen if you smacked me there again,” he muttered.

  Ariel threaded her fingers through his long hair and pulled his face to within a few inches of hers. “You know you love it,” she whispered with a wink. “Now, let’s get into the house – palace – whatever in the hell you call that thing,” she sa
id with a sigh. “I miss our little place in the mountains,” she added.

  Mandra turned with an apologetic glance at his mother. “Welcome home, Dola. I’m happy you are safe,” he said before he headed toward the entrance. “I told you,” he responded in a low voice to Ariel’s sigh, “we will return once the threat has been taken care of. I will not risk your life or our unborn youngling’s life while Raffvin is alive,” he growled out.

  Morian looked at Paul who was nodding. “Where is Zoran?” Paul asked as they entered the huge open foyer. “I need to speak with all of you,” he said grimly.

  Mandra glanced over his shoulder at the hard edge in Paul’s voice. “I will call a meeting. He went to check on Abby who was visiting with those who were injured. It was not just warriors injured during the attack. Many of those in the city were also hurt. Abby insisted on visiting with them.”

  “How many were killed?” Morian asked in a worried voice.

  Mandra held Ariel closer to his body as he thought of those lost yesterday. “Seventy,” he said gruffly. “Most by falling debris from buildings.”

  Morian nodded and lowered her head as tears filled her eyes at such a waste of life caused by a man who should have been protecting them. She looked up when Paul slid his arm around her. She nodded to his unspoken question if she was alright. She pulled her shoulders back and walked with her head held high. She was the Priestess for the Hive and the Queen Mother to the ruler of Valdier. She would not show weakness in front of her people.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Paul murmured for her ears only. “We’ll kill the bastard.”

  “As Carmen would say, you’re damn right we will,” Morian responded as they swept into the conference room.

  Mandra lowered Ariel down near the table. Leaning over, he pressed the viewscreen. Almost immediately, images of each brother appeared. Paul shook his head at the technology available on this world. He couldn’t help but think that if he ever returned to Earth it would seem even stranger to him now than this world had at first.

  “Zoran,” Paul said as the leader of Valdier appeared. “We need to meet at once.”

  Zoran gazed over Paul’s shoulder. His lips curved in a satisfied smile when he saw his mother standing slightly behind him. His eyes turned back to stare at Paul with a look of respect and gratitude.

  “Five minutes,” he responded with a curt nod.

  Chapter 17

  Paul was surprised when several men he had never seen before arrived with Zoran and the others. His eyes narrow suspiciously as he watched them. At this point, he didn’t trust anyone but the brothers. He waited with a grim stare until introductions were made.

  Zoran nodded for everyone to sit. Paul watched as Morian murmured to her oldest son before she left the room with Ariel. The two women decided it was better to leave the men to discuss what was going on. Paul knew what Morian was really going to do. She was going to tell the women what they had found. She wanted to make sure the little ones were safe and surrounded by their mothers and their symbiots while the men worked on a plan to capture Raffvin.

  “Paul,” Zoran called out. “I would like to introduce you to some of the most experienced and deadly warriors in the known galaxies,” he said with a grin.

  “Don’t forget the best looking,” Ha’ven drawled out with a roll of his eyes.

  “Everyone knows the Curizans all look alike,” Calo chuckled, earning him a handful of fingers.

  “Shit! You guys have been hanging around human females, haven’t you?” Cree said with a disgruntled look at his twin and a tired sigh.

  “Your mate hasn’t used it on you, has she?” Kor asked Cree in surprise. “She seems like such a polite little thing. Not that either one of you would never deserve it,” he added with a snicker.

  Calo snorted as Cree scowled back at the huge Valdier tracker. “Go fuck yourself,” Cree grunted out.

  “Oh yeah,” Adalard laughed. “I just bet both of them have heard that more than once from her. I heard tell from your cousins that she is giving you both a bit of difficulty. Are you two having a hard time keeping up with her?” He asked with a grin.

  Calo threw the small knife he had in his hand at Adalard who caught it with a flick of his wrists. “You’re getting slow old man,” Adalard chuckled. “I think the little human female has tired you out.”

  “Enough!” Creon growled as he leaned forward. “Adalard, if you aren’t careful you are going to end up with another scar to match the one on your face. Let’s get back to business,” he growled out looking at Zoran who raised his eyebrow at his younger brother. “The babies didn’t sleep well last night,” Creon muttered before sitting back in his seat.

  Trelon grunted out in empathy. “Mine never do,” he muttered. “They escaped again last night. They are up to something new.”

  Ha’ven rolled his eyes. “This is why I never want to find a mate. It turns a man….”

  “…. Into a man,” Paul said standing up. “Especially when their young are in danger,” he stated looking intently at each man sitting at the table. “I found a message hidden at Raffvin’s deserted camp. It was left on purpose. There is someone in the camp helping us,” he said looking at Zoran now.

  “What did the message say and do you know who might be helping us?” Zoran asked reaching for the piece of cloth that Paul held out. Zoran’s eyes darkened to a thunderous gold color as his eyes snapped back up to Paul’s grim ones.

  “He is one of my men,” Vox said as he strode into the room.

  Half the table of men rose as another warrior walked into the room. Loud curses filled the room before Ha’ven began to laugh. Soon, all the men were stepping up and slapping the huge man on the back with bone breaking thumps. Paul watched with wry amusement.

  Yes, this is worse than having the Seals and Marines doing a survival competition, he thought with a weary sigh as he sat back in his seat.

  Paul cleared his throat nosily to get everyone back on track. “Gentlemen, we have a situation that needs to be dealt with,” he said calmly. “Vox, is it?” Paul waited until the male turned to look at him coldly. “Can you tell us if we can trust the man you say is yours?”

  “Who are you?” Vox asked sniffing loudly before he frowned in confusion. “You look and smell human but there is another smell on you.”

  A chorus of smothered chortles met his statement. Zoran sighed and sat down with a wave of his hand. “He is – was – human. He is Dola’s true mate,” Zoran informed the spotted male who sat down across from Paul.

  “Hey Vox,” Palto called out teasingly. “Have you killed any more jackets lately?”

  Paul could feel the room about to explode into another wave of comradely laughter. He looked at Zoran with a shake of his head, unable to hide the smile curving his lips. His eyes danced with mirth as he listened as the group started asking how mated life was for him. There was one warrior sitting off to the side who did not join in. His eyes looked sad, withdrawn as he watched his friends.

  “Paul?” Zoran called out again.

  Paul pulled his eyes away from the warrior and looked back at the other men who were suddenly completely serious. They had finished picking on each other and were ready to get back to business. The expressions on their faces told they were more than capable of dealing with the fight that was to come. Each man had scars. Some wore them on the outside like Adalard and others on the inside like the warrior sitting off to the side.

  Paul cleared his throat. “Gentlemen, the women and children are in danger. Raffvin needs to be stopped. Here is what I propose doing to kill the bastard once and for all…..”

  Over the next several hours, Paul outlined his plan with input from all the warriors at the table. His confidence that the reign of terror was about to come to an end grew as the warriors around him offered suggestions, defined where they would be stationed, and how best to ensure the women and children would be kept safe at all cost.


  Morian’s heart swelled with l
ove as the women she thought of as her daughters surrounded her. She laughed with them as they asked her if she had kicked any ass and shed a tear when she told them about discovering that her true mate was not dead after all.

  “So, Raffvin is still alive,” Carmen said in a calm voice. “What is the plan?”

  Morian looked at the daughter she had worried the most about. She looked tired this morning but that was to be expected after just having twins. She was currently nursing her oldest daughter, Spring. The girls might have been twins but they were as opposite as night and day. Morian looked at the dark haired infant Ariel held protectively against her. The babe turned her head and looked at Morian with eyes far older than what they should have been. Morian drew in a shuddering breath before she looked away in confusion.

  “Morian,” Abby said softly. “Are you alright? Do you need to lay down for a little while?”

  Morian smiled up at Abby. She was indeed a true queen for the Valdier. Her soft, caring manner, her compassion, and her strength were what their people needed. She shook her head and glanced back at Phoenix who was now sleeping peacefully. That little one had some surprise hidden deep inside her, Morian could feel it.

  “We need to plan,” she said looking at the group of young women. “Raffvin plans to use Zohar to force Zoran to take him to the Hive,” she explained.

  “I say we let him try to get his hands on our kids,” Cara said with a low growl. “I’ll show him was it really means to have a stick up his ass.”

  “I think we should go after him, use the element of surprise,” Carmen suggested. “Do we have any idea where he might be hiding?”

  “What do Zoran and the others say?” Abby asked pouring a cup of tea and handing it to Morian before scooping Zohar up protectively in her arms.


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