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His Bargained For Bride: Regency Matchmaker Book Four

Page 8

by Jones, Celeste

I knew better than to try to undress him without his permission, so I wove my hands inside his coat and ran them over the soft material of his shirt, reveling in the hard planes of his chest. His nipples hardened against my palms and I rubbed over them roughly.

  “Settle down, little girl,” he growled and swatted my bottom playfully.

  I ignored his instructions and pulled his shirt from the waistband of his pants and repeated the same motion over his chest, this time against his bare flesh. He inhaled sharply at the contact and then lifted me from the floor.

  “Drake!” He tossed me over his shoulder and added more swats to my backside. “My lord!” I cried out. “Have I displeased you?”

  He tossed me onto the bed and joined me, shrugging off his jacket in the process.

  “Oh, you please me greatly, Amy. Though you do have a tendency to be naughty, do you not?” He stroked his fingers along my collarbone and then around the neckline of my dress, dipping them deep to toy with my nipples, pinching and pulling on the sensitized tips.

  I mewled and pressed closer to him.

  “Do you like that, Amy girl?”

  I looked up at him, no doubt my eyes were begging him to continue, to strip me bare and make love to me. “Yes. Very m-much.” I stuttered over the words when he gave one nipple a particularly hard pinch. I rubbed my thighs together, liquid from my quim coating them as my longing grew intense.

  Perhaps sensing my growing impatience or due to his own, Drake reached behind me and opened the fastenings on my dress. “One of my new favorite pastimes, removing your clothes,” he said and my heart fluttered with happiness. As much as our intimacy pleased me, I wanted to please him as well. To hear his words of appreciation. Knowing he was not one prone to flowery talk, his words carried much more import for me and thrills of pleasure swarmed over my body.

  Finally, he had me undressed and had done the same for himself.

  “No more of the slow preliminaries, Amy. I must have you.”

  “Yes, please.”

  He lay on the bed and pulled me to straddle him. Pushing himself to rest against the pillows he looked down at my wet cunny and stretched the lips apart. We both gazed at the evidence of my arousal. “Amy, you are such a wet little girl. What sort of naughty things did you and the other ladies of Briar Glen chat about today?”

  “Drake!” I giggled. “You know we did not talk about anything inappropriate.”

  “So, this is all due to me?” He stroked his finger into my wetness and then placed his finger between his lips.

  “Y-yes,” I gasped, squirming over his waist. My desire building to a desperate state.

  “Are you ready for a hard fucking?”

  “Oh, yes,” I answered.

  He grabbed me around the waist, his hands nearly spanning the entire way around, and lifted me, held me there for a moment before lowering me straight down onto his cock, ramming all the way to my womb, it seemed, in one fell swoop. I cried out with the pleasure of it, the fullness of him pushing against the walls of my womanhood.

  Using his hands to move me up and down, he fucked me from beneath at an ever increasing pace that I was helpless to do anything about other than to enjoy the sensation of being used for his pleasure. He groaned and ground himself into me harder and faster until with one final thrust we both cried out in climax.

  Chapter 10


  I had been reading to Uncle Jarvis, a regular activity which we both enjoyed, and despite his insistence that I continue on to the next chapter, he had fallen asleep. I closed the book and set it on his night table and straightened the blankets over him.

  His breathing was deep and steady and the wrinkles in his brow were smoothed out in sleep. My heart filled with affection for this gentleman as I gazed upon him. Though I had only known him for a few short weeks, he had become quite dear to me. And I hoped I had come to mean something to him as well.

  An easy camaraderie had developed between us which I had never enjoyed with a man. My own father being a man of rather serious endeavors. I thought of him and my mother rarely, the pain of their rejection was simply too painful to allow into my thoughts. But, the loss of my father did not mean I no longer wished for the care and affection of a wizened older man and Uncle Jarvis fit the bill perfectly.

  Though Uncle Jarvis was, of course, quite different from Lady Ambrosia, the feeling of acceptance which I felt from him reminded me of her.

  Now that I had been a part of the Stowe family for a period of time, I fully understood Drake’s determination to make his uncle’s final days as happy as possible. I hated to think of the devastation to be left behind when Uncle Jarvis left this world.

  Not to mention what would happen to me…

  This is business, I reminded myself. And as if to reinforce that to myself, I sat down at the writing desk in Uncle Jarvis’ sitting area and took out a letter I had received earlier in the week and had yet to answer.

  Though I had my own writing desk in the sitting parlour attached to the bedchamber designated for me, but in which I had yet to sleep, I chose to stay in Uncle Jarvis’ room instead. I had noticed that whenever I made to exit the room after he fell asleep he stirred in his bed and became fitful, so I had taken to spending more and more of my leisure time near him.

  Drake was often occupied with matters related to the large estate which he would inherit upon his uncle’s demise. In that regard, little would change as he had been handling the affairs for his uncle for some time. It seemed Uncle Jarvis was not the best money manager... too easily taken in by a sad story, which sometimes worked to his detriment.

  I took my seat at the writing desk, adding a throw pillow from a settee in order to boost myself up sufficiently in the large chair which had been custom made for Uncle Jarvis.

  Once situated, I withdrew a letter from my pocket and read it yet again.

  My dear sister,

  How profoundly sad I was to learn of the despicable theft of all your funds! Thank goodness you were not more seriously injured. What scoundrels! What has this world come to?

  However, I was overjoyed to learn of your new friend, Lady Ambrosia. Your description of her made me laugh, which I much appreciated as there has been little for me to feel merry about as of late. But, more on that topic in a moment. How fortunate that Lady Ambrosia happened along when she did and saved you from those ruffians. I hope justice is served upon them in some form, as they deserve it.

  How very interesting that you are living with a matchmaker of all things. Tell me, have you learned her secrets for finding love? It does make me smile when I think of how determined you are never to marry again and the irony of you taking up residence and employment with a lady who specializes in matrimony.

  Oh dear. There is a commotion in the kitchen. Excuse me.

  Two days later.

  My apologies for the disruption. There was a skirmish between two of the boys, they are new here and a bit unused to our ways and the civility which I am trying to teach them. More than that, however, they are unaccustomed to not being forced to fight and scrap for every morsel of food. It breaks my heart to think about how they have lived until now.

  I was called away from my desk to settle the dispute and then one thing lead to another and here I am back, after nearly forty-eight hours.

  But, in the intervening time your latest letter arrived.

  Oh dear sister, I shouted hallelujah so loudly I startled poor Mrs. Gentry, the already beleaguered housekeeper.

  I suppose I ought to admonish you that pretending to be engaged is a disgraceful activity and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing so and for money, no less.

  There. Consider yourself admonished.

  But... oh, thank heavens. I did not want to mention it earlier when I felt certain you would not be able to offer any assistance, either financial or in person, but now that you will be arriving soon and with much needed funds, I shall confess all to you.

  I am nearly bankrupt.

The banker was here last week inquiring as to when I might be able to make some sort of payment. He is a kind man and understanding of my plight, but as he said, he has a business to run and shareholders to answer to.

  I am six months behind on the note on this property. Mrs. Gentry as well as the cook have not been paid in nearly as long.

  However, I have assured them that in just a few weeks my dear sister, Amaryllis, will arrive with much needed funds and hopefully a strong back for all of the work that needs to be done around here.

  Dear sister, please do not think of me as a complainer for I am grateful to be able to provide a home for these poor waifs. But, food, clothes, shoes and a roof over our heads does not come free.

  When the banker comes again, and I know he will, I shall show him your letter to reassure him that your arrival as well as much needed cash are imminent.

  I shall close now, dear sister, before another disaster occurs to distract me. I am counting the days until your arrival.

  With much love and prayers for your speedy and safe journey,


  Oh dear. How much my life had changed since that quickly jotted off note I sent before leaving Lady Ambrosia’s home. At the time, I thought I would be sailing for America with a pocketful of cash for my sister and me to live on until we could establish ourselves.

  I glanced across the room at Uncle Jarvis, slumbering away. In order to fulfill my promise to my sister, I had to wait for that dear man to die.

  What sort of devil’s choice had I created for myself?

  Whenever I thought that I should not have entered into this crazy arrangement with Drake, I considered sweet Uncle Jarvis and how I might never have met him. I knew my presence soothed him and by extension it was a blessing to Drake.

  I caught my reflection in the mirror over the mantle. Who was I fooling? I had come to care for Drake, as well. Not in the same warm and cozy way I cared about his uncle. No, how I felt about Drake was not warm but hot and not cozy but complicated.

  He had satisfied my passions and given me the gift of self-acceptance. No longer did I think of myself as a misfit or miscreant. I pleased my husband in bed and he pleased me.

  It was more than just the passion. Though the passion was significant, do not mistake that in any way.

  Despite my initial dislike for him, I realized I had misjudged him. He was not one for flowery talk or flattery, but he was a decent man of high moral character.

  And incredibly skilled in the bedroom.

  But, as we had both stated numerous times, this was a business arrangement. Passionate, but business, nonetheless.

  How could I explain any of this in a letter to my sister?

  Besides, it was unnecessary to do so. All she needed to know was that I would be there soon and that I would have with me money and a determined spirit.

  I put pen to paper.

  Dear Diana,

  How happy I am to hear from you. I shall keep this missive short as I hope to arrive in America not many days after it does. I am so looking forward to seeing you. I shall be there before the leaves turn.

  Do not worry, dear sister. All will be well.


  Before I had a chance to blot the ink or fold the letter, I heard a ruckus on the front lawn. Standing to glance out the window I saw the distinctive Knox Family carriage arrive at the front door of Jade River Hall. Lady Calliope and Lady Tempest nearly fell out of the carriage in their hurry. I was equally delighted at their arrival and rushed from the room without a backward glance.

  * * *


  It was a beautiful summer day. I had spent the morning inspecting the outlying parcels of the Redmond estate. Concerns over Uncle Jarvis had prevented me from doing an in-person survey of the lands for quite some time. I had found a few items which needed my attention and also made myself known to some of the tenants further out, which I believe is always a good policy lest they begin to believe I am not paying attention. Many of them sent their good wishes for Uncle Jarvis’ health which I would be sure to convey to him. With his gregarious manner and lax attention to rules and expectations, he had been a popular landlord, much more so than me. However, it was my duty to be a good steward of all family assets which had been delegated to me and I took duty very seriously.

  I breathed deeply of the fresh air and gazed toward Jade River Hall with eager anticipation... a feeling I had not experienced in quite some time. Not only had Amy taken over a great deal of the care for Uncle Jarvis, but he seemed to prefer her company to mine. Rather than being miffed, I was relieved. It freed me up for other matters and under her care and attention Uncle Jarvis had been slowly improving.

  Though Uncle Jarvis’ better health and mood were very important to me, I had to admit that my unexpected bride’s enthusiasm in the bedroom had come as a shocking but enjoyable surprise. Very enjoyable, indeed.

  I had no idea how she would be able to carry out her plan to go to America and live a life of celibacy and community service.

  And to be honest... I was beginning to hope that never came to pass.

  Uncle Jarvis’ words about having someone who cared about whether you came home rang in my ears. Despite the massive size of Jade River Hall, Amy seemed to always know when I arrived home and whenever possible, she came to greet me with a smile and sometimes more.

  I had learned that my wife did not feel obliged to restrict carnal activities to the bedroom. Most recently she had pulled me into the parlour and had my pants down before the door had even closed behind me. I would, however, be a louse to complain about it, since she then knelt on the floor and sucked my cock to within a hair’s breadth of completion, then raised her skirts and bent herself over the end of the sofa, the pink folds of her arousal beckoning to me as she whispered, “Please, Drake.”

  I needed no further inducement and took my pleasure in her hard and fast while she writhed beneath me and came in a screaming orgasm herself.

  The staff seemed to have become accustomed to such occurrences for none came running to investigate. A couple of somewhat embarrassing incidents had given them reason to pause before investigating.

  Perhaps I ought to have been concerned about gossip or scandal, but it seemed that regular copulation had relieved me of some of my inhibitions in that regard as well.

  Yes, life at Jade River Hall had improved drastically since the arrival of Amaryllis. With a smile on my face I opened the front door and stepped inside. Instinctively I paused and looked for Amy’s eager face, but she did not arrive.

  “Where is Lady Stowe?” I asked the butler who arrived to take my hat and coat.

  “If you please, my lord, two ladies called for her and she left in their carriage about an hour ago.”

  “Oh,” I replied, surprised and a bit disappointed not to find her at home. “Do you know who the two ladies were?”

  “I do not know their names, my lord, but they were here the day you and Lady Stowe wed. You may recall that they were rather... exuberant.”

  “Ugh,” I let out an ungentlemanly groan. Ladies Tempest and Calliope, no doubt. My ears felt tired just thinking about them.

  With a sigh, I turned back to the butler. “How is my uncle this afternoon?”

  “I looked in on him earlier and he was sleeping peacefully, but I walked by his room a few minutes ago and thought I heard sounds within so he may be awake now.”

  “Thank you. I shall check on him myself.” I strode up the stairs, hoping the chatterbox ladies from London would not be included in our dinner plans.

  Yes, if not for them I might not be married to Amaryllis right now and we might have both agreed to end our farce of an engagement and gone our separate ways. Just thinking about that possibility created a knot of sadness in my stomach.

  So, I was grateful to them, truly I was. However, that did not mean I wished to have them invade my home once again.

  Hopefully Amy would be home soon—alone.

  I tapped upon my uncle
’s door and then entered without waiting for permission.

  Instead of my uncle relaxing in his bed or perhaps sitting up in a chair reading, I found him in a state of severe agitation. Seated at his writing desk, he shoved papers all around while he opened drawers and slammed them closed. I hurried to his side.

  “Uncle Jarvis, what seems to be the matter?”

  He turned, surprised to see me inside his room. “Drake. Thank goodness you are here. I have letters here on my desk which I must read but I cannot find my spectacles. Where the blazes can they be?” He continued opening and shutting the same drawers over and over again, his anxiety rising by the minute. I set my hand on his arm in an effort to calm him.

  “There is no need to panic—”

  “I am not panicking,” he interrupted me. “I am simply frustrated at not being able to find my spectacles.”

  In the back of my mind I wondered about my uncle having any letters to read at all. I handled all of the correspondence for the estate and if anything arrived for him personally, I gave it to him. However, with my increased absence from Jade River Hall over the last few weeks, perhaps a letter had slipped through and been delivered to him personally. If so, it was most likely of no consequence and if it was, I would find out.

  “How about if I read the letters to you and then we will both look for your spectacles when I am through?”

  Uncle Jarvis paused for a moment to consider my offer. His countenance calmed and he smiled at me. “That would be nice. Though I am sure having you read to me will not be nearly as pleasant as when Amy does so. I do not know how you persuaded her to become your bride, but I am glad you did.”

  “I am as well,” I admitted. I reached for the two pieces of paper on the desk in front of Uncle Jarvis. Both were in a feminine hand, one much longer than the other.

  Before I said anything, I read the first few lines of the longer letter. As soon as I realized it had been written to Amy by her sister in America and not Uncle Jarvis, I ought to have folded it up and put it away and explained to Uncle Jarvis the mistake.


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