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Daddy's Best Friend (Once Upon a Daddy)

Page 12

by Kelli Callahan

  “Even good girls have to pay a little price for teasing…” He put his hand on my ass and gave me a couple of light pats.


  “Ow! You’re right…” I bounced on his knee. “That does sting a little more when it’s wet.”

  “I bet that’s not the only thing that’s wet.” He pushed his hand between my legs and rubbed my clit.

  “Oh god…” I moaned and started to squirm, but he pulled his hand away before I could feel much pleasure.


  “Naughty girl.” He pushed his hand between my legs for the second time and rolled his finger around my clit again.

  “Yes!” I nodded quickly and moaned. “Very naughty…”

  “Do you want me to make you come?” He pulled his finger away.

  “Please…” I looked over my shoulder at him and saw his hand lifting.


  The combination of being spanked and then pleasured immediately after his hand stopped falling on my exposed skin sent euphoria through my veins. It was erotic, sensual, and made the desire more intense than anything I had ever felt before. I didn’t want it to stop—but I couldn’t tell which one was doing more to me. The spanking started to hurt, but the bliss I felt when his finger massaged my clit was intense and beautiful. I just wanted to stay on his knee forever—trapped in the moment. He wasn’t spanking me very hard, but it was enough to make my ass sting. The sting wrapped around the euphoria and formed a perfect union that made the pressure inside me start to build towards an orgasm.

  “I’m a naughty girl, Daddy.” I rubbed against him. “Give me the spanking I deserve.”


  “That’s right, beg for your punishment.” He started rubbing my clit again.

  “Please—please punish me.” I threw my head back and moaned.


  I wasn’t going to be able to take much more. The pleasure was too intense. He moved his finger back to my clit and I started to shake with euphoric bliss. He was right. I could tell that I was going to come harder than ever before. He gave me a few more smacks—harder ones that landed directly in the center of my ass—and then he started to rub my clit faster. My hips bucked against him and I bounced on his knee. I could hardly stay in place. He put a hand on my lower back and held me in position while he rubbed my clit. I was gonna come alright—and it was building so fast that my head was starting to spin.

  “Oh god! I’m gonna come! Oh god!” My whole body began to shake.

  The euphoria took me to the edge of ultimate bliss, and I lingered there for a brief moment before I tumbled over the edge. I tumbled straight into ecstasy, hitting every orgasmic bump on the way down. My body jerked and I lost control of my muscles for a moment, but Greyson held me tight. His finger kept moving around my clit in a rapid motion—using the hard bundle of nerves like a button that injected jubilation directly into my soul. He rubbed my clit until I finally started to calm down—and then I felt a peaceful afterglow that left me a little tired but floating on a cloud of triumph.

  We both got to come—and I’m still a virgin. If that felt amazing, then how good will it feel when he’s finally inside me?

  “I think we should go to the jacuzzi now.” Greyson held me in his arms and started to stand. “You might sink to the bottom if you go back in the pool.”

  “That’s—probably true.” I nodded and smiled as I leaned against his chest.

  The jacuzzi felt incredible on my tired muscles—muscles that had been exhausted from doing absolutely nothing except existing in the moment. The hot water in the jacuzzi did make my ass sting a little bit, but it wasn’t unbearable. I snuggled in Greyson’s arms and he held me while we enjoy the warmth. I wasn’t sure what was better—the afterglow or being able to savor it in his arms. I felt so comfortable and relaxed, like I had found the safest place in the entire world. I never wanted to go—but we had to get out of the jacuzzi eventually or we would spend the rest of the day looking like prunes.

  “What would you like for lunch?” Greyson leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I’d like to just spend the day with you—without having to call the chef.”

  “I guess we’ll have to find something to cook.” He chuckled and leaned forward.

  “We could order something.” I sat up and reached for the edge of the jacuzzi. “They won’t go further than the door.”

  There were plenty of options for delivery and it had been ages since I had Chinese take-out, so we decided to order that. It would also give us leftovers for dinner if we got hungry again—and breakfast if we didn’t. It had been a few years since I had woken up to the smell of Chinese leftovers being nuked in the microwave. After we ate, I knew that I was going to have to work on my school stuff some more. I hated it, but at the same time, it was the right thing to do. I needed to stay on top of things and Greyson expected it. He might have let me slide, but I didn’t want to take advantage of the situation—even if there was something that I could do to distract him pretty easily after learning how much he liked to feel my lips.

  “I guess I should go back upstairs…” I sighed and leaned forward.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “I was going to watch a game this afternoon anyway. There’s a college kid I’ve got my eye on, but I haven’t had a chance to watch him play.”

  “Boring…” I rolled my eyes.

  “So, you’re getting a Sports Management degree, but you don’t really—watch sports?” He tilted his head slightly. “You never played any either…”

  “Yeah, I’ve had that internal crisis too. I just always wanted to be like my Dad—I mean, I didn’t know exactly what he did until I was older.” I shrugged. “There are other elements of Sports Management I like though. I think I might like to do Event Marketing.”

  “Is that your passion though?” He narrowed his eyes at me. “What would you want to do if you could pick anything?”

  “I don’t know…” I looked down at the floor. “Did you want to become a Sports Agent?”

  “No, I wanted to be a Rugby player.” He chuckled and tapped his knee. “Life had other plans, so I had to make some too.”

  “Right…” I nodded. “I’m honestly—not sure.”

  “It’s quite honorable to want to follow in your father’s footsteps, but you don’t have to get a Sports Management degree. If there’s something else you want to do, you should consider it. He would certainly want you to follow your own dream—not his.” Greyson reached forward and grabbed the remote.

  I guess I need to think about that…

  I walked upstairs to my room and sat down at my computer. I loaded up my assignment and stared at the page where I left off—I didn’t have much more to go until assignment I was working on would be done. My mind started to wander, and I thought about what Greyson said. I already knew that I didn’t want to be an agent. Event Marketing was much more interesting, which is why I decided to try and combine that with Sports Management. I didn’t necessarily have to do Event Marketing for sports. There were plenty of other options that—were more appealing after I took some time to think about it. Greyson was right. I might not have known my father, but the man he described wouldn’t have wanted me to blindly follow a dream that wasn’t mine. I needed to forge my own path.

  Later that evening

  “Okay, I can’t work on anything else. I’m going to have a headache if I keep staring at that screen.” I walked into the living room and looked at the television. “Damn, is your game not over?”

  “The one I was watching ended so I started watching another one.” He muted the television and turned towards me. “I guess you’re tapping out on schoolwork for the day?”

  “Yeah.” I exhaled sharply and sat down on the couch. “I’m tired—maybe I need some coffee or something.”

  “Why don’t I make us some tea.” Greyson put the remote down and started to stand.

  “Tea? Oh right, I guess you like tea—being British and all.” I chuckled under my breath.

  “I grew up drinking it, but I don’t drink it much these days.” He shrugged. “If you need a pick-me-up, it’ll definitely do the trick.”

  “That sounds good.” I nodded and leaned back against the couch.

  Greyson went into the kitchen and made some tea while I stared at the muted television. It had been a while since I watched a football game. I watched a couple of games during high school, but it wasn’t how I normally spent my Friday nights. It seemed to be a big deal at USC. I watched the scores along the bottom of the screen and saw that USC was winning their game. I would definitely have to go to one game before I graduated—just to see what it was like to watch a game in a big stadium.

  “Why aren’t you watching the USC game?” I looked towards Greyson as he walked back into the living room with a tray.

  “They’re playing a cupcake school today.” He shrugged. “It’ll be a blowout.”

  “Yeah, but aren’t you supposed to watch anyway?” I tilted my head slightly. “Support the team. Rah-rah-rah?”

  “I went to school there, but I have to watch a lot of game as it is.” He put the tray down and poured two cups of tea. “I can’t watch them all.”

  “So, as a sports agent—you meet a lot of celebrities?” I picked up my cup and added some sugar. “I saw the pictures in your office.”

  “Ah, yeah.” He nodded. “Well, I get invited to a lot of events because I know people. It’s the endorsement deals that normally open those doors. Ricky Bonds has a deal with Nike, and he’s done some commercials—I just get looped into all of that.”

  “Hmm.” I sipped the tea. “Wow, this is really good.”

  “Why do you ask?” He sipped his tea and tilted his head. “Do you want to meet some celebrities or something?”

  “I guess that isn’t a big deal for you…” I shrugged slightly.

  “It used to be. There was a time when I didn’t miss a single event if I got invited. These days, it’s just a hassle most of the time. I don’t really need to schmooze anymore. People come to me when they want something.” He sipped his tea again.

  “I guess you have the luxury.” I nodded.

  “I’ve got an event coming up soon. If you think you can be on your best behavior and not start screaming when your favorite actor walks by, I could take you.” He put down his tea and looked back towards me. “I mean it though—this isn’t a game where you get to misbehave because it’s cute.”

  “I think I can tell the difference between when it’s cute to misbehave and when I should bite my tongue.” I reached over and nudged him. “Like now—I’m feeling a little mischievous.”

  “Are you?” He narrowed his eyes. “I guess the tea is working.”

  “I’m getting my second wind.” I took another sip.

  I just need to find a way to get in trouble…

  The game was about to begin—and it wasn’t the one on television that I was interested in. I just had to figure out what I could do to get his attention. I didn’t want to do something that was actually going to break a rule—his threat wasn’t idle. If I got in real trouble, I was going to get a spanking that made me regret what I did. I could always throw myself over his knee and ask for it, but that was a little too easy. I wanted him to be annoyed enough to give me a few firm smacks before it was over. The spanking I got by the pool was certainly fun—but I wanted to whimper a little bit—maybe even squeal. There was something about the hint of danger that turned me on as much as the sting. I finished my tea and got up to look around the living room—Greyson stared as I did—he obviously knew what was on my mind.

  “What are you doing, Chrissy?” He tilted his head slightly.

  “Nothing…” I grinned and walked over to the bookcase.

  “Yeah, I don’t believe that for a second.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “What’s this?” I noticed there was a box on the bookcase that had a cord running to an electrical outlet and a slight hum emanating from it—when I opened it, I saw that it was filled with cigars. “Oh, I bet these are expensive.”

  “Leave those alone. They are expensive.” He growled under his breath.

  “Yeah, but they’re bad for you.” I looked into the box. “Maybe I should throw them away.”

  “Stop playing around.” He stood up and walked over. “I know you’re just trying to be a brat because you want something, but don’t mess with those.”

  “You’re no fun…” I rolled my eyes and closed the box.

  “What am I going to do with you?” He shook his head and grabbed me by the waistband of my pajama pants.

  “I’m trying to give you a reason to do something to me.” I bit down on my lip and looked up at him.

  “You’re walking a fine line…” He growled under his breath. “One that is going to put you across Daddy’s knee instead of getting you the playful spanking you want.”

  “How do you know that isn’t what I want?” I smiled and tilted my head.

  “You seemed to enjoy what happened at the pool a lot more than any of the other spankings you’ve gotten.” He pulled me a little closer.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want a visit from Daddy every now and then…” I put my hand on his chest.

  “I’m guessing we’re in the now part of that.” He exhaled sharply.

  “We are.” I nodded.

  “Fine.” He pulled away from me and walked to his liquor cabinet. “I’ll let you choose how you spend your evening.”

  “Okay…” I stared at him with a little bit of confusion on my face.

  “You know how I feel about alcohol.” He pulled a bottle out, along with a shot glass. “I’m going to pour you a shot. If you choose to drink it, then I’ll take you upstairs and punish you. If you don’t want that, then you can join me on the couch, and we can have a little fun. Your choice.”

  Well this certainly got serious—real quick.

  Greyson poured a shot, put the bottle away, and left it sitting on the table. He walked back to the couch and left me to make my choice. I could down the shot and get punished for it, or I could have a little fun like we did at the pool. I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to drink the shot—I was just trying to playfully get a few firm smacks. The shot was going to get me more than that. Somewhere inside of me, the lingering need for a Daddy just started to take charge. I walked towards the shot and stared at it. It was a mistake—a big one—yet I knew I was going to make it before I lifted the glass to my lips.

  “Last warning.” His voice was stern, and I knew he meant business.

  “Yeah.” I stared at the drink and lifted it to my lips. “Bottoms up…”

  In more ways than one…

  “You really did it…” Greyson stood to his feet.

  “That—wasn’t alcohol.” I felt my face pucker. “What was that?”

  “It was just a mixer, but—the intention was still there. We’re going upstairs, young lady.” He walked over and grabbed me by the arm.

  Why am I suddenly feeling a lot of regret over that decision? Isn’t that what I wanted? Oh god…

  “Wait, you’re not—really going to spank me are you?” I had no choice but to go with him, because he was practically lifting me off the floor.

  “I gave you a choice.” He pulled me towards the staircase. “You made it.”

  “We could—have some fun…” I reached down and tried to grab his cock. “I could do what I did for you earlier.”

  “You’re going to be on your knees apologizing once I’m done with you—and then you’re going to spend another night tied to the bed.” He pushed me into my room once we got to the top of the stairs.

  I was torn between the strange desire and t
he realization of what that desire was about to cost me. I wished I could take it back, but I couldn’t—I just had to let my bad girl side out to play. She was like a devil whispering in my ear when it was time to be naughty, but when it was time to face the punishment—she had completely disappeared. I made the decision—and it seemed that I was going to have plenty of time to regret it over his knee.

  “Strip from the waist down.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “You should know the routine by now.”

  “Yes sir…” I nodded and pushed my fingers into my pajama pants.

  I let my pajama pants and panties fall to the floor, then I walked over to Greyson. He guided me across his knee and put me in the position I knew so well. I felt that hint of panic creeping up—the one that I was searching for when I started looking for a way to get in trouble. I just hoped the touch of danger and thrill of getting a few firm smacks didn’t become my greatest regret before it was over. There was safety in letting my bad girl side out when I was with Greyson, even if it did result in a sore bottom. I held all of that together when I was with Meghan. I considered that an accomplishment. I had started to become a different person, but the bad girl inside of me still needed to be spanked—maybe she was ready for her punishment after all. Maybe she was wrapped around my core and we were in one in the same.

  “Tell me why you’re going to get spanked.” Greyson patted my ass a couple of times.

  “Because—I acted like a brat.” I exhaled sharply.

  “I guess that’s an honest answer.” I felt his hand lift.


  “Ouch!” I squirmed on his knee.

  Those were certainly firm…

  “I could go easy on you, but that’s not what you want—is it?” He traced the curve of my ass with his fingers.

  “No sir…” The truth left my lips before I could think about it.


  “Bad girl…” He growled under his breath.


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