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I Married an Alien Handyman: A Spicy, Steamy Romp Across Alien Galaxies

Page 13

by Nora Nolan

  “I’ll field that one,” Sam said. “Most of the women were slaves, or were very poor. We were in Egypt, around 6100 BC. It was at the start of the Neolithic period.” He looked up and grinned, and the men joined in a wry smile. “The ruler ordered that a colossal statue be built of a lion. It was supposed to represent him. He was a bit of a glory hound and thought very highly of himself. Of course a couple of thousand years later, erosion and an uprising damaged the head so much it wasn’t recognizable anymore. So the current ruler had the face reworked in his image.”

  “The Sphinx? Are you talking about the Sphinx?” Ava was incredulous.

  “Yes, ma’am. Most earth scholars believe it was built around 2500 BC, but it’s actually much older. Anyway, they struggled with the design and the cutting of the stone. As you can imagine, it was built by slave labor, and slaves were highly expendable. They were overworked, underfed, beaten, and many died each day. They used both men and women in the build; we wanted to rescue the women. Some of the women we took home worked in other areas – they didn’t all come from the Sphinx project. Anyway, we approached the overseer and offered to buy the women, but he wouldn’t agree to even discuss it with the king. We finally agreed to help build the statue in exchange for them. The king agreed to release the slave women when the statue was well underway. So, we built most of it, and showed them how best to do it with earth tools in the process.”

  “I can’t believe it! Aliens really did build those things!”

  “We did. Anyway, not all of the women were slaves; some were simply poor. In many ways, they might as well have been slaves. We rounded the women up, told them what awaited them if they came with us, and that’s when they insisted on those conditions you already know about.”

  “So what else did you guys build? The pyramids?”

  “We helped with the first one when we came back around 2600 BC. Egyptians did most of them themselves, though.” Sam chuckled. “They were upset when we explained we couldn’t give them the ability to beam the rock slabs to the sites and up into place like we’d been doing for them. We did have a few Bargellans stay longer to help. It was a bitch for them to move the rock with only slave labor.”

  “So did you only help build things in Egypt?”

  “No, we were there on Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, when the natives built the first moai – those giant carved figures with huge heads. We beamed a few of them to their final locations just to help the natives, but then we showed them how they could tie ropes and with enough people, they would “walk” the statues from the quarries to where they wanted them.”

  “So whatever happened to the people of Easter Island?”

  Sam smiled indulgently. “The unmarried women came back with us. Later, the rest of the population wanted to relocate, so we beamed them around to check out a few places and most of them decided on what’s now Peru and Chile. Nice people.”

  “Oh! Oh! Peru! What about the Nazca lines?” Sally asked with some excitement. She’d been to see them once when she’d worked temporarily on an assignment in Peru.

  All the men laughed at that, but it was Glen who explained the laughter. “Yeah, that was us. Well, the first ones were; later they added more, themselves. You can probably figure out the story by now. We needed DNA and wanted a few women, and they wanted some bigass artwork on the ground to be visible to their sky gods. They told us they wanted some animals, especially birds. We took a look at their own artistry on their walls and their pottery, and made the animals in stylized line drawings to match theirs. But when we took them up in our ship to show them the aerial view, they were outraged because they wanted actual life-like images, not the stylized representations. Man, were they pissed!”

  Ava laughed. “That never made it into the history books.”

  Dan laughed with her. “It made it into ours. Even that little misunderstanding with the Nazca people.”

  After supper, most of the remaining food was put into the refrigerator. The men said to just throw it away, but the women couldn’t bring themselves to do it. Then the men showed them what the ladies all thought was probably the greatest development they’d seen yet. Sam showed them how he could punch a button on his cell phone, and the dirty dishes – complete with unwanted food - would beam into the dishwasher. No need to pick up the dirty ones and place them in the unit. There was no need to scrape and rinse because the dishwasher was tied into the waste disposal system and took care of it. He said they could have put completely filled dishes in, bones and all, and the machine would have removed the food and cleaned the dishes.

  “But you know ladies, you won’t be doing dishes on Bargella anyway.”

  Ella couldn’t believe what she’d just seen. “But what if we want to?”

  This time, it was the women who laughed.

  * * *

  “I thank you ladies for dinner and I thank all of you for your fine company and conversation, but I’d like to take my mate now and retire to our quarters.” Glen took Zoe by the arm and began leading her away. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

  The other men turned to their women, too. Sam held out his hand to Sally, who walked over to him and took it before they began walking down the hallway to their suite. Dan took Ava’s hand as he pushed a button on his phone, beaming them to their suite. Mark and Ella took off down their own hallway, holding hands. Cheryl glanced at Paul, who stood resolutely watching her. When he had her attention, he put his right hand on his belt buckle. She saw him and got the message. “Go to our bedroom and strip. Wait for me.”

  She stood there, unable to move her feet.

  “The longer you stand there, the worse it’ll be. Go. Now.”

  Cheryl took off running to their suite. Paul grinned, watching her go. He sat down at the table again and took care of some quick correspondence before taking off for their rooms.

  Once inside their suite, Paul took off his boots and set them by the door. He stripped off his shirt and threw it on the couch, then slipped his belt out of the loops on his jeans and doubled it.

  Cheryl’s insides churned deliciously when she saw this handsome muscled giant, the man of her dreams, amble in with his belt in his hand. It was the hottest image she’d seen and it burned in her mind, while it made her nipples hard and her juices run. He looked even hotter now than in the images he’d infused in her mind before. Something about those eyes.

  He hadn’t given her any instructions other than to strip and wait in the bedroom. She didn’t know what to do, and he looked like he enjoyed having her a little uneasy. He stood leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face, tapping the belt against his leg. He didn’t appear to be in any hurry to make her do anything, yet she was afraid to move until he told her what to do.

  “You know you’re about to feel this belt, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. This isn’t a punishment. Think of it as foreplay.”

  “All right.” She looked down at the belt, then back to his eyes.

  “Are you afraid?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Baby, don’t forget I can read your mind.”

  “Oh.” She exhaled in resignation. “Right now I wish you couldn’t.”

  “All right. I won’t do that for the rest of the night. I’ll just insist that you’re totally honest with me. Now let’s try this again. Are you afraid?”

  “Yes, a little. I’m not afraid of you, but I’m afraid of the pain.”

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it? I promise I won’t give you more than you can take. You might even enjoy it.”

  “I want to enjoy it.”

  “That’s my good girl.”

  She melted a little more, and she knew he didn’t need to read her mind to see the effect those words had on her.

  “Turn around. Hold your hair up on your head, off your shoulders.”

  Cheryl turned away from him and gathered her long hair, twisted it and held it on top of her head with both hands. S
he heard him come up behind her, and felt his hand on her shoulder, making its way down. He paused at the small of her back, and she felt that his hand spanned its width.

  Paul dropped his belt on the bed, then stepped to her side. Cheryl turned her head just enough to look up into his eyes. He was so close she had to look nearly straight up. He met her gaze, but neither of them spoke. His right hand lowered to her buttocks, cupping each in turn, then caressing them, while his left hand gently teased her nipples.

  Still looking into her eyes, he drew his right hand back and delivered a sharp sting. Her eyes widened and her breath caught, but she still kept her eyes locked with his. He delivered another one, slightly harder, this time accompanied by a pinch on her nipple. Her eyes moistened, but she didn’t close them or look away.

  Paul bent over so his lips were at her ears. “Good girl.” She could feel her own wetness on her thighs.

  He picked up his belt and positioned himself behind her, to her left. She could turn her head enough to see his face, but he no longer looked at her eyes. She saw him draw his arm back and felt the leather bite into her skin, across both cheeks. She gasped and a cry came out of her mouth, but no protests.

  Again, his belt sliced across her backside, and again she had a sharp intake of breath. The next burn was applied across the tops of her thighs, and she couldn’t contain her cry.

  Paul put the belt down on the bed again and came back to stand beside her. His hands assumed the same positions as before: the left one at a breast, and the right one on her buttocks. He rubbed her bottom with his big hand, and it stung briefly before the massaging motion comforted her. Her eyes closed as she sank into the blissful feeling of him rubbing her heated flesh. She wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of swats his hand dispensed next, from the under curve of her cheeks to her mid-thighs.

  He suddenly stopped the barrage and inserted his hand between her legs. “Hmm… My very good girl. I think you may have enjoyed that as much as I did.” His fingers reached her nub and he excited it with his heated vibrating touch. His left hand continued to tease her nipples. Cheryl moaned as her excitement built.

  Suddenly she felt his thumb at her back entrance and she whimpered before she checked herself. Deep down, she had known this would happen sometime. He inserted it, and she again had the thought of how huge his hands were.

  He let his thumb heat as it emitted those tiny vibrations; he moved it about inside her. Cheryl was nearly overcome in the new sensations, coupled with the attentions he still gave her clit. Her breath was fast and shallow, and moans escaped her.

  Paul watched her carefully and changed his pace and pressure to bring her to the brink of orgasm several times. She moaned, swayed a little, and unconsciously spread her legs more. When he was ready, he took her over the edge and she screamed. In an instant, though, he applied a couple more stripes to her bottom before she had a chance to come down. Neither of them was sure whether the continued screaming was due to the orgasm or the belt.

  “I need to sit down,” she said breathlessly.

  “No. Kneel.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Cheryl dropped to her knees, sitting on her feet, and for the first time since he’d told her to hold up her hair, she dropped her hands. He stood in front of her and unfastened his pants, still holding the belt. As she watched, he slowly stripped off the rest of his clothing. His enormous erection loomed above her head, mesmerizing her with the subtle bobbing motion as he moved.

  “Now kneel up. You know what to do.”

  She rose up to her knees and took his sack in one hand and his length in another. Cheryl licked and kissed the skin all around his upper thighs and the base before taking the tip into her mouth. Even the tip was huge. Her tongue made its way around the mushroom head, teasing and licking it, before flicking all the way down the tender and sensitive underside. She took the head in again and sucked, eliciting a low moan from Paul. She began taking as much of him in her mouth as she could, trying her best to deep throat him but realizing it was foolish with someone his size. She sucked as she let her tongue tease at the same time.

  Suddenly her hair was in his fist, and he subtly guided her movements. He led this dance for a few moments to get her accustomed to taking more of him. Thwak! She felt the belt leather slash across her buttocks again, not terribly painfully, but it surprised her and she cried out.

  “No, baby, don’t stop, no matter what.” He tightened his hold on her hair, not allowing her to move.

  She continued her attentions, remembering to roll his pouch, letting her fingers tickle the surrounding skin, even back to his own crinkled hole. He held her hair, pulling her head back every few seconds for the briefest of breaks and breaths. Her eyes watered from both the feel of him in the back of her throat and the unaccustomed pull of her hair held too tightly.

  He suddenly threw down the belt and picked her up by the waist, moving his left arm around her to transfer her weight to free up his right hand. Her legs went around him. With his right hand he lined up his hardness to her opening and brought her down on him forcefully. They both cried out at the sudden pleasure. He held her with both his arms around her back, crushing her to him and holding her still.

  He walked her to the bed and lay down on his back with her on top of him. He drew his arms up under his head and smiled at her. “Do your thing, baby. I just want to watch you.”

  * * *

  Glen and Zoe entered their suite, and Zoe headed for the bedroom.

  “Not yet, sunshine. Sit on the couch. I want a drink. You want something? Beer? Wine? Whiskey?”

  “Long Island Iced tea?”

  “Sure, coming right up.” He replicated the drinks and joined her on the couch. They sat side by side on the couch for a while, until Glen suggested they move. He moved to one end and pulled her down onto his lap, her legs stretched out along the length of the couch. “There. It’s so much easier to kiss this way, you being so short and all.”

  She looked at him with a heady mixture of love and lust. “I guess that’s the only bad thing about being so tall. I surely do enjoy kissing you, though.”

  “Damn good thing you do,” he said as he pulled her to him.

  His right hand found her right breast, and his left arm encircled her back, his left hand grasping her left one. “Hmm… I do love these.”

  She straightened a bit, giving him better access, then tilted her head up to kiss him again.

  They kissed for the longest time; she was reminded of high school, the first few times she and her boyfriend had gone parking. They kissed a lot, but she only allowed him above the waist action. Zoe reflected that it seemed even hotter now than it was then.

  In a flash Glen grasped and ripped off her shirt. He saw the surprised look on her face and gave her a wicked grin. As he reached for her bra, she begged, “No, no! This is my favorite bra. Please don’t rip it.”

  “It’ll cost ya,” he challenged her.

  Aroused at the thought, she agreed. “All right.”

  He reached back and unhooked it, then pulled it off. “Scoot down just a fraction and lie back with your head on my arm. That’s it. Now put your arms behind your back so your tits stick up. Good girl. We’ll have to remember this position. You’re presented to me nicely.”

  She squirmed some to get as comfortable as she could. She had no idea what was coming, but she suspected she might not like all of it.

  Glen played with her breasts, caressing and teasing them. His hand was so big he could span them and give some attention to both at the same time. “I love your nipples. Such perfect little pebbles when they’re hard. Are you ready to pay the price for saving your bra now?”


  He gave her a hard look and pinched a nipple.

  “Yes, sir!”

  “That’s better, sunshine. This is gonna hurt a little more because you forgot that rule.”

  She knew she was already wet. Very wet. “Yes, sir. I understand, sir.”

  Glen produced a
long strip of something gray and leather-like, but it might have been partly metal. Zoe couldn’t tell for sure. It was about one and a quarter inches wide, maybe one and a half. She thought it looked like a ruler – fourteen or sixteen inches long, except it didn’t have any markings on it. It wasn’t floppy like a belt, instead it held its shape.

  He struck her right nipple and she hissed at the sting, closing her eyes. She waited for the next stroke, but it didn’t come; she opened her eyes to find him looking back at hers. He gave a slight smile, letting her know to keep her eyes open and focused on his. He struck her other nipple several times, then returned to her right one and delivered several more fast strikes.

  “Sunshine, that’s very good. You watched me and didn’t make a sound. I’m proud of you. Tell me how it feels.”

  “It hurts like a sonofabitch, but only right when it hits. Right now it just stings. It’s a really hot sting, like, a sexy sting. I want to touch them. Or I want you to touch them. Soothe them.”

  “I will in a bit. Would you like more?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “All right. Let’s take it up a notch.” Glen held the strap further in from one end, making the business end a few inches shorter. It gave him more precise control.

  The strap struck in rapid succession, harder than it had before. Zoe let out a light moan and twisted her body to deflect the blows. “Come on, sunshine,” Glen whispered in a gravelly voice, “you were doing so well.”

  Zoe took a deep breath and returned to her position, expecting another onslaught of blows. Instead, Glen dropped the strap and unfastened her jeans. He lifted her up just enough so he could pull them down and off her feet, taking her sandals with them.

  Putting his hand back on her breasts, he smiled and gave her instructions. “I’m going to play with these babies for a while. If you want any action down there, do it yourself.”

  “Is it all right, sir, if I just lie here while you do that? It feels so good.”

  “Of course! Talk to me. Tell me what you’re feeling.”


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