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Love to Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers, Best Friend's Brother Romantic Comedy (The Fillmores Book 2)

Page 24

by Melissa Schroeder

  I study the man and he looks…off. I mean, he was never that put together to begin with. I always found it irritating that he was so critical of women when he was such a slob. He’s sweating—which makes me happy—but his clothes look dirty. It doesn’t help that he always dressed as if he was twenty pounds lighter than his actual weight. His beer gut—and yes, it is a beer gut because I’ve seen him guzzle it down—hangs over his waistband. The buttons on his short sleeved buttoned-down shirt are straining. If one of those things pops, it could take an eye out from the force of it.

  “So, you think I can get your job back?”

  He shoves his hands in his pockets. His whole demeanor tells me he doesn’t like asking. He’s always had a reputation in the business with women. He was a good producer and he kept getting hired on all the big shows. Looking back at all the rumors and my reaction makes me ashamed. Working at the At Home Network, we’re shielded from a lot of the crap that goes on in the industry. I got too comfortable. I was protected and I realize now that so many women are not.

  “It would go a long way with the network.”

  He’s sweating. I am too, but I take particular joy over the fact that I know he hates it. I remember one specific incident where Garrett threw a bottle of water in the direction of his assistant because he was pissed off we were taking so long to get a scene done. Not like we can rush things on set when we demo a house.

  “I’m not with the network anymore, Garrett.”

  His eyes bulge. “What? That’s bullshit. They would never fire you over what happened on set.”

  Yes, maybe threatening him with a nail gun wasn’t a smart thing, but it made me feel better. It also told me that I couldn’t keep on the way I was. With him and with Travis. At the thought of my former co-host, my heart sinks a little. I was such an ass to him earlier and it isn’t his fault. He has a lot of faults, don’t get me wrong, but he would never sleep with me for the show.

  “I refused the contract they offered.”


  Okay, this is getting old. I know he heard the rumors of me leaving. He always kept up on that kind of stuff, so his innocent act leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  “Listen, Garrett, even if I could help you, I wouldn’t. You’re the worst producer I’ve ever worked with.”

  His eyes narrow as rage fills his expression. I’ve seen him irritated—mostly at me—but this is different. This look scares me. I step back, thinking I should have brought Frank out here with me. That would have been the smart thing to do.

  “I was one of the worst producers you worked with? You’re the most temperamental, bitchy woman I have dealt with and that says a lot. Do you know I worked with one of those Housewives shows for a while? I never thought I would have to deal with that level of unprofessionalism again. But no, I get stuck working with two of the most untalented hosts on a show on the fucking At Home Network. And you didn’t even appreciate what I could do for you.”

  “You chased me away from something I loved.”

  But he’s paying no attention to what I’m saying. Instead, he’s pacing in front of me. “I knew this was a waste of time, but I thought that I would try. I mean, it’s not like you didn’t take my warnings seriously.”

  Something very cold and dark sends chills racing through me. It’s weird because it is so damned hot out, but I can’t fight the shiver. I take a large step back and realize for the first time that I left my phone in my office.

  “You warned me?” I try my best to keep my voice neutral. I need to get to the house, or at least get far enough away to scream. One word from me and he could probably get to me before the guys heard me. I could run for it because lord knows he couldn’t keep up with me.

  Sweat beads his upper lip. “Yes. First the tire and then the table. You deserve pay for what you did to my career.”

  Anger fills me, and even though I know I should keep my trap shut, I just can’t. “Me? I don’t think I’m the one who harassed women.”

  “I didn’t harass you,” he sneers as if he’s disgusted by the idea. “I didn’t harass them, either.”

  I really don’t know what went on, but the fact that At Home was ready to dump him as soon as they could means something bad happened. Also, what the hell does he think this is, other than harassment? This is why men in the industry have gotten away with shit for so long. They can claim we’re hysterical and unprofessional to cover up their behavior. But now is not the time to fight with him over the various issues at hand. It’s time for me to get the hell away from him.

  I take another cautious step back, hoping I can get a little distance between us. I know I can get a lead running away from him, and if I shout while doing it, I will get away from him.

  “Stop moving.”

  I ignore his order. It’s been a long time since someone could order me around like that, and I’m not about to start allowing it now. I take another step and turn, but I don’t get far. The bastard grabs me by my hair and yanks me so hard I fall back against him. My head is stinging and there are tears in my eyes. I lose my balance and fall to the cement patio. I brace myself with my hand, which is a stupid move. Pain radiates from my wrist as my palms prickle from the cement. He is going to pay for that.

  “I said to stay put, you stupid bitch.”

  Oh, no, he did not just call me that. I get back on my feet. Using all my weight, I try to twist and pull away from him, but his fingers tighten around the strands of my hair and more tears fill my eyes. Dammit, that hurts like a mofo. I try to pull away again but this time, he yanks so hard I’m amazed that he hasn’t pulled the hair clean out. Panic and fear thread through my blood, and my only thought is that I need to get away from him. I try to shout while I push back against him, but his meaty hand covers my mouth. I draw in a breath but find it hard as his hand is also covering my nose. All I can smell is desperation and sweat. My stomach roils.

  “You will pay for what you did. Stupid, fucking, cunt. Ahhh.”

  All of a sudden, he’s gone. I stumble forward trying to catch myself before I face plant onto the cement patio. Hands grab me again, but this time they are gentler. I look up and find Frank helping me up.

  “I’m sorry, Nancy. I should have stayed with you,” he says, regret filling his voice. My head is spinning, and I feel as if the entire world is a carousel and not in a fun kind of way. I finally register the sound of flesh against flesh. I turn and find Travis straddling Garrett, his fists flying as he pummels our former producer’s face.

  “Travis,” I say, straining against Frank’s hold.

  Travis stills and looks over his shoulder at me. Violent rage fills his gaze as he takes in my appearance. I slip out of Frank’s hold and walk over to him. I stop just inches from Garrett’s body, but I resist the urge to kick the bastard. Barely.

  “He’s unconscious”

  Then I hear the sirens and shouts. I touch Travis’ shoulder and he rises slowly. Then, before I know what’s happening, his arms are wrapped around me, squeezing me so tight I can barely breathe.

  “I thought I lost you.” The raw pain I hear in his voice washes over me. “I couldn’t get hold of you, or the security, or anyone.”

  “I’m okay,” I reassure him, squeezing him right back. “You saved me.”

  He shudders against me and I feel the tears now. They are filling my eyes and spilling down my cheeks. He rocks me against his body, back and forth. Every now and then, I feel his lips brush against my temple. The quiet support breaks me. A sob escapes as I bury my head into his chest. I’m safe and barely hurt, but the reality of the situation is just now hitting me.

  “Shh,” he says, still rocking me back and forth, as the security detail and the cops fill the area.

  I pull back and look up at him. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. Garrett’s an asshole.”

  “No. For before. The fight I started with you.”

  His gaze softens. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll talk about it

  I hate that, but he’s right. There are cops and security and, Jesus, is that Mrs. Peterson filming the whole thing?

  I nod. “But we will talk about it.”

  “Fine. Now, let me get you out of here, at least into the house. It’s hot out here.”

  I nod and take his hand. I let him lead me through the mess and into the house. Hopefully, we will get this all straightened out, because I just realized a life without Travis in it would be the worst. I’m not ready to give up on us.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I narrow my eyes and frown at Ms. Junie. She used to be the school nurse, but apparently, she’s working emergency care these days at the regional hospital. She’s a short, round woman, who used to be sweet on me when I was a teenager. Or, at least, she acted like she liked me. Now, though, she’s refusing to let me see Nancy.

  “I don’t care if I know who you are, you are not her family. I can’t let you back there. Hospital policy.”

  “I’m gonna give you hospital policy,” I growl, my fingers flexing as I stare her down. We’ve been here for about two hours, and they have yet to let me see her. Truth is, if we had gone to San Antonio, I would have easily been able to get back to her room at any ER.

  She gives me a death glare, and I open my mouth to say something that will probably get me kicked out of here, but the doors bust open. My sister hurries forward and throws herself into my arms.

  “You’re okay.”

  I return the hug as Grady strolls into the room along with, well shit, Carter. Both men look worried, but not as panicked as Syd.

  “We’re both okay,” I say and kiss the top of her head. Syd is a pain in the ass, but she’s the only family I have. She pulls back to look at me. It’s then that I take in her appearance. She’s wearing a pair of ratty jeans, a shirt with a stain on it. Her shoes have seen better days. And don’t get me started on her hair. God, the woman looks like she drove through a wind tunnel with wet hair. My sister rarely goes out of the house without looking perfect, so I know she’s worried about me.

  “Good to see,” Grady says, shaking my hand.

  “Unhand him, Syd,” Carter says. She gives me another squeeze but then steps back, her eyes watery.

  “Ah, Syd, oof.”

  Carter tackles me. “You had us worried, big guy.”

  I pat him on his back awkwardly.


  “Carter, this is one of the lines we’ve talked about not crossing over,” Grady says. With a sigh, the younger brother steps back.

  “How is she?” Syd asks.

  “She was fine when we got here, but they won’t let me fucking see her.”

  “Language,” Ms. Junie warns. “You are not family.”

  “She’s my sister,” Syd says, anguish in her voice.

  Ms. Junie’s expression softens. “I know that, Syd. But we need to follow protocol until Dr. Stills says it’s okay.”

  Syd sighs. “I understand.”

  I blink. “Who are you?”

  She smiles. “Someone with an ace up my sleeve. Give me a second.”

  She leaves the ER waiting room and Grady motions with his head. “Come on, Travis, come sit down.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “If he wants to stand here and wait, we will,” Carter declares.

  Grady shakes his head. “And it might go a long way if you both don’t act like assholes. There are reasons they have these procedures. It’s for everyone’s safety.”

  I still frown at him and he sighs.

  “Listen, I understand. If that were Syd back there, I would be coming apart at the seams.”

  “You did,” Carter comments. “I mean, she wasn’t hurt, but you thought you’d lost her, and you got so drunk that you didn’t show up to work. Remember that?”

  “Yeah, I remember that, Carter.” Grady studies me. “Come on. Syd probably has a plan. You know your sister.”

  I nod and follow him to some of the seats.

  “Carter, why don’t you go buy us some waters?”

  I expect Carter to argue with his brother, but he just nods and does his brother’s bidding.

  I sit down next to Grady, the night weighing heavy on me. How could I have been so off? Why didn’t I even think of Garrett?


  I glance at him. “What do you know what I’m thinking?”

  “Because I would feel the same way if it were Sydney. I would be freaking out, blaming myself. From everything we heard, she’s fine, but they are being extra careful that’s all.”

  My sister comes back into the waiting area smiling. “All will be well soon.” She takes the seat on the other side of me.

  “Did you see Carter?” Grady asks.

  She nods. “I think he found someone to flirt with.”

  Grady grumbles and pops out of his seat to go find his brother.

  Syd sighs and slips her arm through mine, resting her head on my shoulder. “This has been a really bad month.”

  I chuckle. “That’s an understatement. I almost got her killed.”

  She raises her head, her dark eyes sparking with irritation. “That’s bullshit.”

  “No. I should have thought of Garrett. He’s always been a little off. Those last few days, he had been particularly brutal. And seriously, there was a reason everyone on set thought Nancy was in the right when she threatened him with the nail gun.”

  “True, but then the rest of us should have seen it too. I didn’t like him, but a few other people in production wanted him on board. I thought it odd he was leaving LA for Texas. He’d always been one of those types at the A-list parties in Beverly Hills or LA. I remember there were all kinds of rumors about that one housewife. Remember that?”

  I nod.

  “But, Travis.” She takes hold of my hand and tugs on it to get my attention. I look at her. “You love her. Tell her. Don’t waste any more time. You waste this opportunity, I will disown you. Seriously. You both have been in love with each other these last few years. Don’t give up on her.”

  I nod again as I see both Grady and Carter coming back into the waiting room. They are carrying waters for all four of us. Carter and Grady sit in the seats across the aisle from us. I’m studying him, thinking about the show, and my behavior the last few years. I treated Nancy as if she wasn’t the genius behind the entire show. The day she came to me with the idea, I thought she had lost it. I mean, us on TV? Who would watch that? But she had known. Her instincts have always been spot on. After that first year, I got too big for my britches. I thought it had to do more with me. What a dumbass I was. It was mostly her, coaching me through, making sure we had good episodes. She cares about our staff and the people we help. All of them call Nancy an angel because that is exactly what she is.

  And at that moment, I know exactly what I need to do.

  “Grady, I want to talk about the show.”

  He looks at me, one eyebrow raised. “Right now?”

  I nod. “I want to make Nancy sole executive producer.”

  He studies me for a long moment. “If she comes back?”

  “I also want her to make at least ten thousand more than I do.”

  For a long moment, there is no comment, not from him or my sister. He’s studying me as if he’s wondering if I’m messing with him. I nod to let him know I’m serious.

  “Why would you do that?”

  “It was her idea. From the very first. There would be no Flipping Texas without her. We all know that.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Carter says.

  We all ignore him. “She should get something else too, like…created by.”

  No one is saying anything. They are staring at me; the tense silence fills the air around us. Then, Syd laughs. “That is an excellent idea. Let me call Marty and talk to him about it.”

  “Why don’t you wait until tomorrow, Sydney? It’s late and Marty lives in New York,” Grady says. “But I agree with your
sister. If you’re okay with it, At Home will definitely be on board.”

  With that settled, I feel less out of control. It’s as if coming up with that idea helped me set aside about fifty percent of my worries. I hope that Nancy is okay with it, because I plan on insisting that she can’t come back unless she agrees.

  We wait another thirty minutes. People start to show up, including Becca and Everly, along with Everly’s brothers Mason and Wyatt. A few of the LOLs are here, probably to keep everyone updated. Carter makes himself right at home with the locals, stealing the hearts of a few of the older women. Josh also shows up, gives us an update on Garrett being booked, then he gets to go back to see Nancy. Of course, that pisses me off, but Syd keeps me somewhat settled down. When he comes out, I pop out of my chair. “How is she?”

  “She’s fine. They had to do some X-rays just in case, but everything looks good.”

  “What I want to know is when can I be alone with Garrett Howard?” Syd demands.

  “Uh, how about never?” Grady says getting up and pulling Syd away from Josh.

  “I want ten minutes. He’ll be able to sing the high parts in the prison choir.”

  “Exactly. You’ll be in prison too. I don’t think they will let you take any of your shoes.”

  She sighs and the fight goes out of her. My sister has a love affair with shoes.

  “I don’t understand why it’s taking so long,” I grumble.

  “Because, Travis, they needed a family member to sign her out.”

  The imperial voice echoes through the now silent waiting room. I turn to see Estella Howard standing there, not a hair out of place, dressed in a pair of linen slacks and a blue blouse. She thumps her cane across the floor to me.

  “If she wants to see you, I will allow it, but I will talk to my granddaughter first.”

  I want to demand she take me back to Nancy with her, but I bite back that command, just barely. “Just….” I sigh. “Tell her I’m out here, will you?”


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