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Children of the Moon 2

Page 9

by Yvonne Robertson

  “Stay for dinner. Seann and Garrett won’t be back until seven so there is no point in you cooking alone and me up here alone eating for twelve,” she sank her teeth into a maple syrup pastry and closed her eyes as she chewed.

  “Sure,” India smiled, she loved anything that Roisin cooked but she shooed away her help and insisted she put her feet up too. By now Bree, Hope and Roisin also knew about her pregnancy, it wouldn’t be long before the whole pack knew.

  After they finished their tea Imogen wanted to show her the baby’s nursery, so she followed her upstairs.

  Seann had one of Lachlan’s crew paint the bedroom next door to theirs in pale greys and soft yellow and there was a brand-new crib on one wall and a changing table and nursing chair against the other. Imogen had already laundered and folded all the new things she had bought for the baby and India felt her excitement rise as she fingered the tiny garments.

  Little vests with poppers, sleepsuits and someone had knitted a stack of white baby cardigans and a beautiful white lace shawl. Roisin, India guessed correctly.

  “Have you picked out any names yet?”

  “We go back and forth and disagree on most of them, but I know when it comes to the crunch, Seann will let me choose.” She shrugged, and India knew she was probably right. Seann Donovan rarely refused her sister anything, as long as it didn’t put her in any danger.

  “How about you, have you had any time to think about names or anything?” Imogen asked as they made their way back downstairs.

  “No, I am still processing the fact that I’m actually pregnant.” She grinned.

  “I am ready for this one to be born. I feel like a blimp, even on a good day,” Imogen groaned as the baby started kicking again.

  “Just in time,” Roisin said, and they went into the kitchen to eat.

  India forgot that Cillian would be eating with them and she tried hard to keep up a civil conversation, but the dude just creeped her out. He was utterly charming to everyone, but he seemed to zero in on India most of the time. She felt Imogen’s gaze on her a few times and she knew she should have asked her sister if he gave off the same vibe to her. They were usually well attuned to each other’s feelings.

  As usual, the food was great, but she was relieved when she was able to leave the table. She tried to help clean up, but Bree shooed her away and she went back into the living room with her sister.

  “I hate to say this because he is Garrett’s brother, but Cillian creeps me out,” she whispered to her sister, mindful of the sharp hearing of the other wolves.

  “I think he is just full of himself,” Imogen said, “He is only here for another few days and will be gone again. Seann says he only comes around every couple of years or so.”

  “Are you still able to shift? I really need to run,” she asked her sister, but Imogen shook her head.

  “No, not for the last few weeks. I am getting antsy too, but I guess it’s to protect little peanut here.” She rubbed her swollen belly.

  “I need to run, Imogen, I will see if Bree or Hope will go with me.”

  Hope was on the back porch with Rafe and India didn’t want to disturb her, so she asked Bree who agreed readily.

  “Give me five minutes to finish up in here,” she said, and India went out onto the front porch to wait for her as Imogen waddled upstairs to take a bath.

  True to her word, she appeared five minutes later. They stripped off and ran headlong into the trees. There was nothing quite like this feeling of absolute freedom when running in wolf form. She also liked running with Bree, she was on a par with her speed-wise, although Bree’s wolf was smaller, just like the girl. Trying to keep up with Imogen was almost impossible but still, she missed their outings together.

  They ran to the edge of the national park and skirted the perimeter of the compound and down by the lake to take a break. She collapsed on the soft grass and leaned her head over the water to drink. Her shaggy red fur and green eyes stared back at her and for a few seconds, she just stared at the wonderful phenomenon that allowed her to change on a whim into this beautiful creature. People went about their daily lives not really knowing what supernatural creatures lived among them, until a few months ago she had been one of them.

  She padded back to Bree who had changed back to human and was stretched out naked and unconcerned on the grass looking up at the sky. She shifted too and joined her, and they lay in silence for a long time.

  “Bree, can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, India.” She sat up and leaned on her elbow.

  “How well did you know little Kali’s mom? I am trying to gather some photographs of Kali to make an album or something for Garrett, and I wondered if her family would be willing to give me some.”

  “Gabby was nice enough, but she and Garrett should never have been together. She was a little flighty and everyone knew they were not true mates and she proved that by going off with someone else. I would never settle for someone other than my true mate, it brings too much pain otherwise, I saw it with my own parents.”

  Unsure what to say, India remained quiet.

  “But, Gabby’s mate, the guy she took off with is probably still with the pack and I think the least they could do is give you some photos after she ran out on Garrett, taking that sweet baby with her. It almost destroyed him, India. I think he thought that a new start was best for his daughter without him confusing her by popping in and out of her life, fighting with Gabby for custody. Everyone thought it would be for the best, but it wasn’t.”

  “Where is the pack?”

  “About three or four hours from here, in Smoky mountain territory. There are less than a hundred of them, tiny compared to ours and all live-in houses dotted around a small country church that they use for their gatherings. Any humans who happen upon it are repelled by their unfriendliness and go about their business.

  “I need to go there without alerting Garrett what I am doing, will you help me?” she asked.

  “Of course, I will. Leave it with me.” Bree was gleeful.

  “Thank you,” she said and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Race you back!”

  The small brown wolf seemed to appear instantly and had taken off through the trees before India could even crouch down to shift. She was getting faster but nobody in the pack could beat Bree or even Hope in a quick change.

  She shook out her red fur and took off after the other girl. The race was already won so she took her time and just enjoyed the wind in her face. Nothing cleared away the cobwebs and gave you clarity like a run in the fresh air. She knew that’s why Garrett had run from the house this morning; he was just trying to clear his thoughts and she didn’t grudge him that at all.

  She was too preoccupied with her thoughts to sense the other wolf before he came at her from the side and knocked her down, rolling them both over and over on the soft grass. The teenagers did this to each other all the time, trying to sneak in a playful attack. He was much bigger than her and held her muzzle to the ground as her wolf snarled in protest.

  Cillian! She could smell him easily; he really was a large child.

  She threw him off and he came at her again and she dodged him and bolted towards the path to the Den. He caught her again and she knew she was no match for his strength and lay still in a submissive position until he released her. But instead of stepping away from his win, he lay down beside her and rubbed his muzzle against hers and India jumped up in anger as her wolf growled fiercely.

  What the fuck!

  He was trying to cozy up to his brother’s mate, Garrett would kill him when he found out.

  He leaped on her again and held her down and she raised her head and let out a mournful howl. Bree would be long gone but maybe someone would hear her and come to her rescue. He was just too strong, and his stupid games were highly inappropriate.

  She went limp, hoping he would let her stand and he stood back a pace as she got back up onto all fours. She was debating whether to make a ru
n for it or attack him, maybe wound him enough to let her get away when she felt his weight descend on her back.

  He was trying to mount her. She was his brother’s mate and he was trying to mount her!

  She snarled and turned quickly, catching him off guard and sinking her teeth into his neck until she drew blood. She tasted the coppery tang on her tongue and her wolf crowed with pleasure, but India just felt nauseous.

  He yelped but barely paused as he pushed her back down and attempted again to mount her. India felt panic rising in her chest; he was just too strong and she fought wildly with him, which only seemed to excite him more. She howled again and then suddenly, the weight was gone from her and she was free.

  She turned to see the pale blonde wolf, teeth bared and bloody muzzle holding him by the neck. One wrong move and he would be dead!

  She released him and Cillian’s wolf took off to lick his wounds. Kandis shifted quickly and India followed suit.

  “Are you hurt, Princess.” The words were meant as a term of endearment this time, but India couldn’t even see the funny side. She was trying to wrap her head around what happened, what he tried to do to her, she leaned over on the grass and heaved until her stomach was empty,

  “No, I’m fine.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “But Garrett is going to kill him when he finds out what he tried to do to me, Kandis.”

  “He tried to mount you,” she said quietly and India nodded.

  “Seann will kill him for this if Garrett doesn’t.” Kandis sighed. “When Seann’s father was alpha, a young wolf in the pack mounted a she-wolf that he wanted without her permission. She had chosen another wolf over him and they were mated. He waited until she was in wolf form before he raped her because he knew he would impregnate her easier and in his sick mind, he thought she would leave the other wolf to be with the father of her baby.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “He was dragged out in front of the whole pack and executed after he confessed and the girl was so distraught that she went into the woods a few weeks later and shot herself. She was pregnant; maybe his, maybe her mate’s, but she couldn’t see another way out. Her mate moved away because this place was a constant reminder to him of all he lost. It all happened before I was even born but I told myself over and over after I was raped that I wouldn’t let it destroy me. It almost did but not quite, thanks mainly to your pedantic sister.”

  India couldn’t help but smile at that comment because Imogen was relentless when she got the bit between her teeth.

  “Why would Cillian do this to me?”

  “My guess is to hurt Garrett and I don’t think he hears the word ‘No’ very often.”

  “But why?”

  He is jealous of him, insanely so. Garrett is the oldest son and heir and was chosen over his father as the next pack alpha. Even though he walked away from it, he is widely respected and well-liked. Cillian is a spoiled brat with a pretty face and no substance and he doesn’t like that you are immune to his charms.”

  “I can’t tell Garrett, he will kill him and then he will have that on his conscience too.”

  “Your call, princess, but I think you are making a big mistake, vermin like him need to be exterminated, I would happily do it for you. He is also a coward, that's why he has his wolf do his dirty work, he doesn’t have the balls to do anything to you while he is human.”

  Kandis changed back in a flash and ran. India followed her, vowing never to go into the woods alone again while Cillian was still here in the compound.

  Her sixth sense picked up on him as she reached the porch and she knew she was being watched. She went around the back of the house and out of view before she shifted back and slipped in through the kitchen door.

  She leaned against the door for a moment to catch her breath.

  She held out her hands, they were shaking and her skin was crawling.



  He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but Garrett knew something was bothering her, despite her insistence that everything was fine. Maybe he was being overprotective and knowing India it would piss her off if he didn’t give her a little space.

  He put on a clean white shirt and jeans for the occasion. He wasn’t a huge fan of parties, but India was excited to get dressed up and that was good enough for him. Besides the food was always amazing and plentiful at these gatherings, Roisin was a master organizer and always had plenty of helpers. He could smell the grilled chicken wings from way down here and his stomach growled.

  He whistled as she came into the living room and gave him a twirl. She looked gorgeous in a knee-length white cotton dress and if he wasn't mistaken, brand new, white cowboy boots. She wore a little makeup to enhance her eyes and her hair had been straightened until it shone like burnished copper.

  “You look stunning, India,” he pulled her to him and twirled her around a few times, “Every wolf there tonight will be looking at you and wishing they were me.”

  He felt her tense and knew he was on to something but pretended not to notice for now. He hated the thought that she was keeping something from him, but he didn’t want to make an issue out of nothing either.

  “You look pretty fine yourself, Mr. Adair.” she ran her hand over the stark white shirt and stretched up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his full lips. He snagged her around the waist and held her tight as he deepened the kiss and she fisted her hands in his hair, holding on to him like a lifeline. He cupped her butt and lifted her up to meet him and she wrapped her legs around him to bring him closer. Her back was against the wall and Garrett’s arousal was clearly obvious and she moaned with desire as he pressed against her.

  They were going to be late for the party, very late.

  He carried her to their bedroom and they fell on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, mouths still locked together and India began stripping off the pristine white shirt to get to what lay beneath.

  Garrett’s eyes were glowing and his wolf let loose a low growl and she responded in kind.

  “Take this off,” she yanked the shirt from the waistband of his jeans and he chuckled at her desperation to get him naked.

  She unbuttoned his jeans and was peeling them down his legs when he turned her over and lay her flat on her stomach, his knees spread her legs wide and he leaned over her, holding her in place as he trailed kisses up her spine.

  Her panties discarded, he lifted her hips toward him and she closed her eyes and smiled as she felt his hardness pressing against her, trying to gain access. His arms caged her and his weight on her back pressed her into the mattress and suddenly India was struggling to breathe!

  “Let me go, Garrett,” she yelled as she pushed back on him and he immediately released his hold on her. Her eyes were wide with terror as she held her hands in front of her warding him off,

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked her as she scrambled off the bed and grabbed her panties off the floor and pulled them back on.

  “We need to go to the party, Garrett,” she said, running her fingers through her hair, but not quite meeting his eyes. “We need to go now.” She picked up a brightly colored gift bag and waited for him by the door.

  He dressed quickly but his eyes never left her face.

  Something happened today while he was off-site, but he knew he would never coax her to tell him what it was or she would have done so already. She was selfless and he guessed whatever it was she was hiding she was doing so to protect him.

  He took her hand as they left the cabin to walk back up to the Den and he let it go for now, but inside he was filled with red hot anger. Someone had scared her, hurt her, he didn’t know what or who, but he would find out and then he would bring his fury down on their head.

  He never wanted his mate to look at him that way ever again, she was petrified and the person responsible was going to pay, probably with their life. He struggled to appear calm as his anger bubbled inside him.

  She he
ld onto his hand tightly and she went straight toward Sophia so that she could wish her a happy birthday. She looked lovely, and the pale blue dress she made her fit perfectly. Her hair had been curled for the occasion, probably by Bethany and there was a table at her side laden with gifts and India added hers to the pile. She had bought her a pair of navy-blue Converse. She had seen her looking at Bree’s and knew what she had to get her for her birthday. Roisin had picked them up for her in town this morning.

  Imogen came towards them, her hand on her back and Seann by her side and she pulled India to sit at one of the tables to talk to her privately, leaving him with his best friend.

  Seann handed him a beer and he popped the cap and the cool amber liquid hit the spot. He glanced around and was grateful that his brother seemed to be on his best behavior for once, sitting quietly in the fringes watching the partygoers. Garrett would be a whole lot happier when he went back home again tomorrow, he just wished Rylee would get in touch.

  Kandis stood off to the side watching everyone and he didn’t miss the look of disgust on her face as her gaze fell on his brother. He chuckled and Seann raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t think Kandis is a fan of my little brother,” he gestured toward Cillian. “She looks like she wants to rip out his throat.”

  “Just the girl that could do it too.” Seann smiled back but then Kandis glanced his way and she hurried away from them and he could sense her guilt from way over here, maybe he needed to have a word with her as she obviously knew something that he didn’t.



  India was much quieter than normal tonight and as they walked back to their cabin after leaving the party, she slipped her arm into his and clung on to him. Not that he was complaining but there was something definitely off. She denied it of course and he wondered if it was merely her pregnancy. She had been sick this morning, maybe it was taking its toll on her.


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