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Take Me Back

Page 14

by Kathryn Shay

  Once he had a minute to breathe, he ducked into the den. Kate was on his mind. Was she feeling better? Should he have left her alone with Tommy? He pulled out his phone and clicked into her number.

  “Hello.” Her voice was gravelly.

  “Hi. It’s me, Rafe. I called to check on you.”

  “I’m all right. Sore as hell, and it’ll be worse tomorrow.”

  “Mama wants to come over then to help out.”

  “What? Your mother? I haven’t seen her since I dropped Tommy off for dinner that Sunday.”

  “I think she had an epiphany last night. She’s forgiven you.”

  No response.


  Sniffles, then, “Tell her I’d love that.”

  “Do you need anything? I could stop by later.”

  “No, I’m going to bed as soon as Tommy does.”

  “Sleep tight.”


  “And Kate?”


  “I’m sorry you got into an accident.”

  “I know you are.”

  At eight, dinner was served as a buffet. Rafe walked down the table. The dishes were labeled. “Duck breast with orange glaze. Slices of beef, so rare he thought they might moo. Noodles with a Japanese name. About the only thing his group would eat were the bite size chicken pieces in gravy, along with bread that made his stomach growl.

  When everyone was seated with the champagne served to them by waiters, Melanie lifted her glass. “To the man I love.”

  “To Rafe,” and other toasts rumbled through the crowd.

  Though he refused to eat any delicacies, he managed to put up a front and hoped no one noticed how truly unhappy he was. Either Melanie didn’t know him very well or she didn’t care that he’d never have chosen any of this. Their relationship was going downhill fast.

  When people left at nine, she turned to him. “Did you have a good time?”

  “It was nice seeing everyone.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  He couldn’t help curb his impatience. “Mel, you know I don’t like surprises.”

  “Everyone you loved was here.”

  “Not everyone.”

  Her hazel eyes snapped. “Should I have invited Kate?”

  “No. You should have invited my son. Mama or anyone in my family could have brought him here then taken him home before his bedtime.”

  “Children don’t belong at parties like this.”

  His jaw tightened. “Neither do I.”

  “Come on, Rafe. You bought your own tux to go with me to events fancier than this.”

  “I went to those things for you.”

  She literally shook with anger. “I’m sick of being criticized. I don’t seem to be able to do anything right since Kate Cassidy came back to town.”

  “You know, that’s true. We have to talk.”


  Melanie raked her hand through her auburn hair, a signal that she was impatient. “I’m tired, Rafe. It’s been a long day.”

  “I’ll be brief.”

  “If you insist on this, come into the den. The caterers will be in and out of the living room and they’ll gossip.”

  Once inside the smaller space, he sat on the claw-footed couch.

  To show she was miffed, she took a wing chair. “You’re pretty ungrateful, you know.”

  “I am. About tonight. As I said, you should have known I’d hate this kind of event.”

  Her hazel eyes widened. “No, I did not.”

  “Because you didn’t want to.” He sat forward and linked his hands between his knees. “We’re not on the same page anymore.”

  “We were until three weeks ago, when Kate came back to town. During which time, we haven’t had sex, either. An odd development, wouldn’t you say?”

  “I have a son now. You’re not my primary focus.”

  She held up the big diamond he’d given her. “As long as I have this,” she said. “I should be.”

  “Things have changed.”

  “So, I’m going to be second after him? Third, maybe after Kate.”

  He stared hard at her. “You’re implying something about Kate, so I’ll come clean there, too. I have mixed feelings about her. Seeing her so much…”

  “Damn you, Rafe! I gave you eighteen months of my life. And the woman who broke your heart is back for a few weeks and you’re prioritizing her.”

  “She had a car accident, so right now, yeah, I’m thinking about her. But all right, I’ll say the rest outright. I feel connected to her again.”

  “Oh, I bet she loves that.”

  “She doesn’t know.”

  “How long before she does? How long before you give in and sleep with her? If you already haven’t.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “But you want to.”

  Time for the unvarnished truth. “Sometimes.”

  She stood, shaking with rage. “How dare you say that to me. The least you could do is deny it.”

  “You want me to lie to you?”

  “You could have been more discreet. Now I have no recourse but do to this.” She yanked off the ring and shoved the expensive bauble at him.

  Rafe took it. “I’m sorry, Melanie. But I think this is for the best.”

  “Of course, you do. Put the key I gave you on the foyer table when you leave.” With that she stormed out and slammed the door.

  Sorry to have hurt her, Rafe left the den and walked to the foyer. He left his key and went out to his car.

  The clock told Rafe it was ten p.m. Hmm. He drove a bit, then not questioning his motives, he turned the car around and drove toward the outskirts of Hidden Cove. To Kate’s patio home. When he arrived, he saw lights on in the kitchen and a reflection coming from the side of the house, the location of her bedroom.

  He climbed out of the car and strode up to the door. Through the kitchen window, he saw Kate come to the sink. He knocked lightly.

  She peered through the blinds on the window, then left. The front door opened. She was dressed in silky striped pink pajamas. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

  “I was worried about you.” His gaze narrowed. “Why are you holding your stomach like that?”

  A heavy breath escaped her. “Because I started having abdominal pains. I can’t sleep because of them.” She motioned to the house. “Come on in.”

  They took chairs at the table.

  “How long have the pains been coming?”

  “About an hour.”

  “We see abdominal pain a lot after car accidents.”

  “I remember. It could be from the seatbelt.”

  “A seatbelt can cause a pelvic fracture, or other internal damage. You need to be checked out.”

  “I know. I don’t have a doctor yet.”

  “I still see Molly Vintner.”

  Briefly, her eyes lit. “My doctor when I was here. Think she’d see me?”

  “I bet she will.”

  He glanced around the kitchen. “You shouldn’t be alone tonight, Kate.”

  “I know, I was trying to decide who to call. I don’t want Tommy to have to deal with this new symptom.”

  “I can stay.”

  “I’d like you to.” She gave him a once over. “You look great. Where’ve you been?”

  He seemed far away. “Somewhere I didn’t belong. I’ll get my duffle bag from the car.”

  She gave him a tired smile.

  “Go in and lay down. I’ll come to tuck you in, then bunk in the spare room where I napped that afternoon.”

  Rafe’s step was lively as he strode to the car. He was afraid he knew why. He’d been out of place at Melanie’s fancy affair, but he felt right at home here.


  Gingerly sitting, then lying down on the bed, Kate stretched out on her back and breathed in…then breathed out. After a few times, the pain diminished, then in a few minutes, it slashed through her abdomen again. She curled her legs up and went into a fetal
position. God, she didn’t want to deal with this.

  The door opened and Rafe walked in.

  “I got another flare up.”

  “Is the pain constant?”

  “Not if I take the medicine they gave me in the hospital.”

  “When did you last have it?”

  “Five o’clock. I didn’t want to be drugged-up again before I called someone to help.”

  He grabbed the oxycodone bottle, shook out two tablets, and picked up her water glass. She sat up. Took the drug and gulped down the water.

  “You can sleep easy now, Kate. I’m here for Tommy.” He sat down on the edge of the mattress. He wore a navy t-shirt and sweat pants. “And I’m here for you.”

  She watched him, afraid to ask. But she finally blurted out, “Remember when one of us was sick before? We’d get in bed and whichever of us was healthy would hold the other?”

  “I remember.”

  “Could you…”

  “Yes.” He knew he couldn’t sleep in sweats, so he sat, kicked off his sneakers and sweat pants. Climbing into her bed in his boxers and T-shirt, and since the window was half-open letting in the chill in the night air, he pulled up the sheet and light quilt. He crunched a pillow under his head.

  She went into his arms like she’d done hundreds of times. Nosed into his chest. “God, you smell good. The same aftershave you used to use.”


  His hand rubbed her back. “Close your eyes and try to sleep.”

  But Kate didn’t want to sleep. She wanted to savor every moment of being held close to the heart of the man she never stopped loving.


  Rafe woke suddenly. He was so hard he hurt. Must be because of the dream. Then he looked over. He was in bed, with Kate. He’d fallen asleep with her, and she must have rolled away from him to her side sometime during the night.

  Now, still asleep, she turned back to him. He drew her close and buried her face in his chest again. His hand threaded through her hair, and her body aligned against his. Arrgh! That didn’t help his condition. But he wanted to hold her like this and couldn’t begrudge the effects. Soon, he’d get up and take care of that.

  Meanwhile, he thought about what he would do now. Relieved he didn’t have to deal with Melanie, he was free to choose what he wanted. Was it Kate?

  Then the memories came back…

  “Rafe, get up.”

  Jackhammers went off in his head but he rolled over in bed and opened one eye. Gideon stood before him. “No.”

  “You stink like old booze. And I have to go to work, which I’m not gonna do until you’re sober. I’ll get you in the shower.”

  Grumbling, Rafe sat up and the room spun. Then he remembered. Kate was gone, and he didn’t want to face the world. He said, “Go to work, Gid.”

  “I’m taking your car keys so you won’t go out drunk.”

  “I have no intentions of leaving my house.” He laid back down. “Now go…”

  The binge had lasted a week, until Brick had barged in one night after Gideon had gone home, yanked him out of bed and talked some sense into him. Rafe didn’t drink like that again, but the pain took years to go away. Could he possibly set himself up for that again?

  He kissed the top of her head. Could he not? He

  was terrified she’d leave him again, because what she’d done back then had almost killed him.

  His eyes closed despite the unsettling thought.


  “Daddy! What are you doing here?”

  Rafe startled awake again. Kate roused too, but slower than him.

  “Mommy didn’t feel good last night,” he told his son. “I stayed with her.”

  Tommy’s eyes narrowed. “In her bed?”

  Even the boy recognized the significance of what Rafe had done. “I’ll get up, make you some breakfast.”

  “I’ll get up, too.” Kate’s voice was groggy.

  “No, not yet, it’s early. Sleep some more.” He turned to Tommy. “Go out into the kitchen and wait for me.”


  “Just do it, Tommy.”

  After Tommy left, Rafe dragged himself out of bed and re-covered Kate. Despite the situation, she laughed. “Hmm, someone’s at attention.”

  “Hush.” He walked to the bathroom.

  He let the cool spray of the shower wake him up and douse his ardor, then turned the temperature to hot and relaxed as it pounded his back and legs. Dressed again in his boxers and T-shirt, he crossed back to the bed. “How’s the pain?”

  “It’s dull right now.”

  He shook out one pill. “Take this and try to sleep some more. It’s only six.”

  “All right.” She grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Thank you.”

  “I’m here now. Sleep.”

  After throwing on his pants and sneakers and making his way down the corridor, he found Tommy sitting on the living room floor in front of the TV. Cartoon characters raced across the screen. “Hey, buddy. Want to turn that off and I’ll fix breakfast?”

  “Mommy lets me watch it while she has her coffee.”

  “Go ahead then.” Rafe went to the kitchen and turned on the Keurig. The scent of the strong coffee filled the kitchen. He stared out the window at the green grass and blooming flowers, thinking about the crossroads he was at.


  Still a bit light-headed, Kate eased herself out of bed, managed a shower and put on comfortable yoga clothes. She made her way out to the kitchen. And found Rafe and Tommy snuggled on the couch, in front of the TV. It was an old movie, E.T., which she’d never thought to show to her son.

  “Hi, guys.”

  Rafe paused the film. “Morning.”

  “Go ahead and watch. I’m getting coffee.”

  Tommy said, “See, I told you.”

  A faint whiff of cinnamon lingered in the kitchen.

  He called out, “There’s French toast warming in the oven.” All firefighters became skilled in cooking, and Rafe made a mean breakfast.

  She poured her coffee and sat at the table overlooking the living room. Father and son were engrossed, and she thought about how mad she’d been at him when he sprang the DNA test and the joint-custody papers on her. But when the accident happened, the anger diminished, though she would talk to him about keeping things from her.

  In five minutes, Rafe got up to get more coffee. He walked into the kitchen and gave her a beautiful smile. “You seem better.”

  “I am. Did you call Molly?”

  “Yeah. They opened at eight today. You have an appointment at ten-thirty.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Without asking, Rafe went down the corridor. Kate heard, “Hey, Mama.”

  “Rafe. What are you doing here?”

  “Long story. Come on in.”

  Rafe returned carrying two large bags and Mama followed. She stopped, then crossed to the table. “Katie.” She bent down and kissed both her cheeks. When she stood back up her eyes were moist. “I am so sorry about the accident. And sorry I didn’t forgive you sooner.”

  “I know I really hurt you and your son. You needed time. But, I’m so glad you’re here now.”

  “I missed you, ma figlia.” My daughter.

  “I missed you, too.”

  Mama cleared her throat. “How are you this morning?”

  “I’m still in some pain, but it could have been worse.” Kate frowned. “How did you know I was hurt?”

  “Rafe told us at the party last night.”

  “What party?”

  Carmella shot a glance at Rafe, who shook his head. Ignoring her question, she took off her light sweater and unpacked the bag. “I brought you turkey soup, marina sauce, meat, and your favorite pasta, gnocchi.”

  “Wow, thanks Ma—Carmella.”

  Rafe’s mother raised her chin. “I thought about this last night. I’d like you to call me Mama.”

  “I didn’t think you’d ever want that again.”

  “You are
a daughter to me, no matter what.” She sat at the table. “Rafael, please get me some coffee and tell the long story to Kate.”

  He served her coffee, but said, “Another time. Since you’re here, I’m going to go home and put on some decent clothes. I’ll be back by ten to take you to the doctor.”

  “All right.”

  “I’m taking care of Mattie and Mikey today,” Mama said. “Tommy could come over, then you wouldn’t have to bring him with you.”

  Rafe shrugged. “We’re supposed to call Kyle to watch him.”

  Kate looked up at him. “He’d be so excited to see his cousins, and this whole thing hasn’t been easy on him. I can cancel Kyle and offer to pay him anyway.”

  “Then it’s settled. I’ll take him with me when I leave.”

  Rafe kissed his mother goodbye, then moved to Kate as if he was going to kiss her, too. Instead, he squeezed her shoulder and left.

  Mama looked after him. “I don’t think he ever stopped loving you, Kate.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. “Mama, he’s engaged.”

  “Hmm. Mark my words. Now tell me about the accident and I’ll tell you about the party.”


  As Kate waited for Molly Vintner, she scanned the exam room. It had been updated in the six years she’d been gone. Slate blue walls. White trim. More modern furniture. Its scent was potpourri, not antiseptic.

  Soon, the door opened. Molly, a big-boned woman, smiled. “Kate, hello. I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you.” She gestured to the doctor’s stomach. “A baby?”

  “Yeah, my first.” She cradled her beautiful baby mound. “He’s due in three months.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  She took a seat across from Kate. “We haven’t seen each other since the day we talked about your fears. I recommended a psychiatrist to help you figure things out.”

  “And I ran instead.” Her stomach clenched at the knowledge that had she listened to Molly all those years ago, things would be very different today.

  Real concern showed on Molly’s face. Kate knew the doctor cared about her and Rafe. “How’d you make out?”


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