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The Revelations of Jace Forester

Page 4

by Rachelle Mealove

  “Guess we’ll find out when we get there. You are going to love it there sir….”

  “Where’s Violet anyways. She’s never late for this kinda stuff” asked Joey

  “I do not know. She was supposed to come here with me, but I found no trace of her presence anywhere” Owens replied

  “This is strange” Jace added “I can’t leave without saying goodbye to her. She’s my friend”

  “You have no choice Jace” Owens replied “We can’t keep our whereabouts a secret from Blardan for long. As we speak, he might have his minions search for our scents”

  “You don’t understand Owens she….”

  He was cut off by a cold, deadly hiss

  “What have we here”

  The voice sounded like apocalypse. It made anyone who listened to it feel like they were being devoured in depression and despair.

  It wasn’t a normal sound, it was a hiss.

  “Blardan” Owens was the first to recover from the shock “How did you know?”

  “Oh please I know everything. I know where you miscreants hang out, when you hang out. I know what you do, when you do it and how you do it. I know all there is to know about Jace Forester” he replied “I wanted to text my arrival in Instagram but then thought nay ill just drop from the sky that’s more majestic. These smart phones are really intriguing the last time I visited they only had walkie-talkies”

  His voice sounded dreadful and amusing at the same time, as if he had life inside him, but his sole purpose was to suck the life out of all near him.

  He drained the happiness out of people and left them with nothing but despair.

  He was a dementor.

  “No I made sure we weren’t traced or followed by any of the Zealots. We made sure our whereabouts were known to only our trusted people” said Owens

  “Trusted people?” replied Blardan with a hideous smirk “You should really review who you trust, Jace”

  Jace eyed him wildly. His gray eyes were so compelling it made Jace feel naked.

  Joey turned around towards Jace and Owens “Violet hasn’t come yet”

  “No it can’t be her Joey” replied Jace

  “It’s the only possible explanation Sir” said Owens “No one else knew we were meeting here. I am certain no Zealots followed us”

  “No she can’t betray me” screamed Jace.

  “This is rather amusing but let’s concentrates on the task at hand, kid” The demon was speaking again “Since the place seems quite deserted, Ill make life easy for you. Punch the life out of that fat pig” he pointed at Joey “and then we can all leave happily ever after. If you don’t, I’ll just have to kill everyone you know until you kill someone.”

  Jace didn’t reply. He didn’t know what to think. Could he really kill another human being? The impeccable thought of taking one’s life, and how it would feel to do so, never actually occurred to him properly.

  He was disgusted to his core.

  “Over my dead body” Owens shouted and he clenched his fists.

  “I was looking forward to that” Blardan replied smugly

  He wrapped both his hands behind his back and inclined his head forward, as if trying to make himself vulnerable. As if He was inviting the furious Griffin to hit him.

  As if he was mocking him

  Everything afterwards happened so fast Jace couldn’t account all of it.

  Even though he could move twice faster than an average human, he failed to catch the swift motion of Owens’ hands.

  He raised them, danced his fingers in thin air, and protruded a spark which eventually turned into a bolt of fire on the right hand and lightning on the left.

  He threw both of them at the Demon in a flash, who was still standing there with the smug look on his tilted face and immobile stature.

  They hit him with a blast that was so loud even Jace’s mom could’ve heard it.

  “I told you he can shoot lightning” screamed Joey, who was obviously deaf after the blast “We got him Jace! Way to go Owens”

  But Jace wasn’t satisfied.

  It couldn’t have been that easy

  And so it wasn’t

  As the smoke started to clear, Jace noticed the body standing erect amidst the smoke.

  Joey hadn’t notice it, of course, and was dancing like an idiot.

  Owens looked stern

  Jace’s mouth dropped open.

  When the smoke vanished, underneath it wasn’t Blardan.

  What stood in his place could only be described as a monster.

  It was crocodile skin, only it was matt black

  For arms it had razors as long as a car. Its legs were long and thick, making him look at least ten feet tall.

  The worst part was his face.

  As he moved his razor-machete-like arms away from his face, true horror was revealed.

  His ws face like that of a goblin, only with black crocodile skin and green eyes that were glowing as if they were smile. He had no teeth. Instead of hair he had an extension of muscle, which made him look as if he was wearing a helmet.

  His smile made the insides of Jace tingle with disgust, while Joey was already vomiting.

  As if to make things worse, Blardan reappeared. Apparently, he was hiding behind the huge monster

  “What the fuck is that!” screamed Jace.

  “Zafran” replied Owens “He’s a Level One Zealot. It means he has one power. Those hands can even cut through lead.”

  Owens eyed the two

  “Minion” said Blardan.

  The scale-like demon looked at its summoner

  “Kill the Griffin and bring me the Half-Angel. I don’t mind if the fat one dies in casualty”

  What appeared on the scaly face of Zafran could only be described as a smile, for the scales near his toothless lips expanded as he set his green eyes on the brown of Owens.

  “JACE!” screamed Owens as if he was a mile ahead “Run as fast as you can as far as you can. I will meet you when I’ve handled these two. GO!”

  And Jace didn’t wait another second.

  Tears blurred his vision, for no matter how strong he acted, the Demon and Zealot were too much to handle.

  He grabbed Joey’s arm and took him with him.

  The duo ran for a few minutes against the dark of the night when Joey broke the silence

  “I can’t believe Violet betrayed us!” he panted “How could she Jace? She was our friend for fucks sake! And I can’t run anymore” he stopped dead on his tracks.

  Jace couldn’t take the risk of stopping.

  Somewhere along the street, Owens was fighting for their life, and he could not stay here idle and take a break.

  Without uttering a single word, he picked up Joey from over his shoulder, just like John Cena picks up his opponents.

  Jace didn’t know he could carry the hundred kilogram weighing Joey and run at the same time, but he managed to pull the feat.

  But his mind was racing

  The betrayal from Violet, how his mother never revealed his identity and hid everything from him. He wanted nothing more than to ask his mom “Why” she didn’t confide in with Jace about his father’s angelic secrets, but he didn’t have it in him. So he only said goodbye to her. Now, as probability suggested he was going to die or that someone was going to die because of him, he wished he had said more than just a goodbye.

  He tasted sweat when Jace hear a “Knock knock” from behind him.

  It was Blardan

  Joey jumped down, and Jace looked around for something to throw at the gray Demon, but nothing was present except snow.

  Blardan’s wings cut from his back, and they were swaying with the wind. The gargoyle wings made the Demon look even uglier, as if he was now a demon from an old Christian tapestry.

  He was hovering in air

  “What the hell do you want me to do?” screamed Jace

  The Demon looked delighted and Jace could’ve sworn his eyes glowed for a moment.

sp; “Kill your fat friend, Half breed.” Replied Blardan “give him the mercy of a quick death. Kill him so that none of your loved ones are ever harmed again. Kill him and I shall leave you forever”

  “Are you insane?” Jace replied “I am NEVER going to kill anyone, especially if you want me to you Demon”

  “Well then” he looked confused and amused “You leave me with no choice Halfling.” He picked up a Volkswagen car and lifted it upwards with both hands.

  There at that moment, with both his wings protruded, his gray eyes and hair and Dark attire, he really did look like death itself.

  “This car his heavy enough to knock you out, but it will surely kill your friend. You had the chance to sacrifice him for the greater good, you refused. Now reap what you sow”

  And in one quick move of muscles, he threw the micro at them with unbelievable force.

  Jace might have been able to dodge it, but it would just kill Joey even more. He tried to go a in front of Joey, but the momentum behind the car was too much.

  It flew

  And flew

  And flew

  Like a bulldozer and landed on top of Jace Forester and Joey Moreno

  Jace was engulfed in darkness.

  Chapter 5

  The darkness did not disappear.

  He waited for the pain to hit him, but it didn’t.

  Jace was sure he heard the crash of the car, but he felt nothing

  Another one of Blardan’s tricks? Is this his unknown power?

  He thought to himself.

  “Jace look” it was Joey’s voice.

  Jace’s eyes popped open in surprise; he hadn’t expected Joey to be alive still.

  What he saw in front of him surprised him even more.

  Blocking the path between Jace and the winged Demon was a girl.

  A girl who looked back at Jace to reveal her familiar eyes, the color violet.


  “Sup bitches” she said and smiled at the duo lying on the cold ice.

  Her hair wasn’t dark brown anymore; it was a dark shade of pink.

  She wore dark Violet colored tight outfit, something like a battle gear.

  Not only was her clothes violet but her hair, eyes and sword were violet too.

  Yes, on her hand was a glowing sword.

  It was long and thin, but thick enough to slice anyone she didn’t like.

  It had a golden handle and violet blade, and the glow that was radiating was somewhat pink.

  Jace looked at his surroundings.

  The black Volkswagen that was midway in the air a moment ago lay in two exact pieces a few meters away from each side of Jace.

  They were excessively sharply cut from between.

  But Violet?

  “You’re a Demon?” screamed Joey

  “Oh come on you ass. Look at Grayhead over there; do I look anything like him? Imma cut you if you say yes Joey” said Violet as she pointed her sword at him just as he was going to open his mouth “just like I cut that car” she pointed to the Volkswagen “Nay, I’m too sexy to be a Demon. I’m a Halfling, just like you Jace”

  She gave a kind smile

  Jace stared at his friend in shock.

  The same Violet who looked so fragile after her father had passed away

  How Jace had tried to make her talk after the incident

  How they had slowly become friends

  How they became inseparable

  Was all of it a lie?

  “You lied to us” was all Jace could say “We trusted you and you lied to us. You knew all this would happen didn’t you?’

  She suddenly looked sad

  It was an odd sight, a girl Jace had perceived to be strong on the outside but vulnerable and caring on the inside, standing there like an elite Angelic Warrior?

  “I’m sorry Jace” she said with a soft and kind voice “When I heard that one of our own was being raised outside the borders of Castel, I had to volunteer to keep an eye.” She stared at the ground, as if too ashamed to continue eye contact with Jace “Yes, befriending you and looking out for potential threats, making sure you were safe from potential threats and then recruiting you after you to Castel after you turned eighteen was my mission. But you have to trust me Jace that our friendship was not fake, I truly consider you friend”

  She returned her gaze back to Jace

  But he wasn’t taking any bullshit

  “I don’t care Violet! If that’s your real name. I don’t care you didn’t betray us to the Demon. You lied to us and broke our trust. You hid the truth from us. We can’t forgive you!”

  “Jace you have to understand everything I did was for you. I had…”

  “Have you miscreants forgotten that the most dangerous and vicious Demon in hell is standing right in front of you?”

  Blardan looked enraged with the lack of attention.

  A tear rolled down Jace’s eye.

  He looked sideways at Joey, who gave him a look that suggested he was holding back tears too.

  How did their life change so quickly?

  One day Jace was just a regular overqualified student living an ordinary life, and the next thing he knows, a Demon is tailing him, his father is an Angel, his friend is a Half-breed Angel just like him only a secret spy, and now he was about to die.

  Violet gave Blardan a look of disapproval

  “I know you hate me right now Jace. But you have to run or else everything is doomed” she looked at Joey “surely you understand Joey? Take him”

  “She’s right” said Joey “She’s a traitor, but she’s right. Jace we must leave”

  Joey got up and took Jace’s arm.

  He started pulling him in a run

  “One more thing Vi” Jace blurt out just as Violet was about to face Blardan. She had her sword in her right hand and her posture mean she was ready to strike. “Griffin said we were to take a car ride to the airport” Jace had to know “Were you the car ride? Was all of this a plan from the beginning to take me to Castel?”

  If Jace was unsure before, he was confident now. Violet was indeed sad.

  “I’m sorry you had to find it all out this way, Jace” she replied with a shaking voice “You deserved better”

  Jace only replied with a lazy nod.

  He was too tired to interrogate Violet further.

  Who knew how many secrets she had left?

  Jace allowed Joey to pull him into a run.

  Just as they were creating distance between them and the battle, Blardan, like a ghost, flew to the air and landed in front of them, standing only one meter apart.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” hissed Blardan

  He was too fast for Jace to comprehend.

  He started moving forwards, and Jace and Joey started back-peddling

  Just when Jace thought the Demon was going to catch up to them, an arrow whizzed past Jace’s ear, almost kissing it, and landed on Blardan’s left shoulder.

  It had penetrated it.

  There was no blood, but it went inside enough to stay there.

  The arrow was shining with the color of violet

  Blardan looked displeased.

  The turned around to see Violet aiming another arrow

  “Duck” she screamed and let another arrow fly.

  The duo ran towards Violet and stood behind her.

  Jace wanted to help, but he had no idea how he could face off a Demon with wings like that.

  “I didn’t know I was gonna get Halfling blood on my hands today. Aren’t you a treat” said Blardan and he started moving forward again.

  “Run Jace” ushered Violet “I’ll hold him off. Go to Owens and help him defeat the Zealots. Go to Castel with him. I’ll meet you there. You are my mission, and I cannot let you fall prey to him” she winked at Jace, and Joey was again pulling him to a run.

  The events that occurred afterwards were all a blur to Jace.

  He saw Violet’s pink crossbow change into a sword, and saw her slash at
Blardan, who in turn returned the slash with a dark black and twice as long sword which came out from his wings.

  The two were dancing so swiftly Jace couldn’t keep up and he allowed his eyes to get lost. He left the Half-Angel and Demon to the swordplay.

  It was a blur to Jace when they returned to Owens, who had indeed slain the beast.

  But his misery did not end. Other Zealots had taken its place, and Jace only watched as three Zealots which looked like a ball of dark jelly and a Zealot which almost looked like the Razor Zealot were battling him and beating him.

  In a matter of moments, Jace stood idle as one of the Jelly-like Zealots engulfed Owens in it, making it child’s play for Razor to slash at him.

  A few minutes later, Jace was surrounded by Zealots.

  As more time passed, a flying figure descended from the skies with huge black scaled wings. On his lap lay a girl with blood all over her torn clothes and cuts all over her face.

  “Let this be a gesture of good faith” said Blardan “I have not killed the girl yet, but I will if you don’t”

  Jace hated himself.

  Everyone around him, everyone he loved and cared for were in a life threatening position because of his lack of abilities and training.

  Jace was supposed to have more powers, and he didn’t even know what they were

  Or did he?

  Suddenly, his consciousness flashed back in and he was completely aware of everything happening.

  Jace felt his pocket heavy

  He touched it and felt a rectangular object inside it

  He put his hand in his left pocket and brought the object out

  It was silver lighter

  Jace never smoked. He didn’t recognize it

  How could it have come in my pocket?

  But he had no time to ponder about it

  He had more pressing matters

  He stared at Blardan

  In front of him were Owens, Violet and Joey.

  Owens was tied with the jelly like substance the zealots were made of

  Violet was unconscious

  Joey was scared so much he didn’t even dare to utter a word

  His pants were wet

  Violets’ were bloody

  Owens’ were torn so much Jace couldn’t even look at them properly

  They were on the street just outside the remains of CominCafe now, where it all had started from that Instagram text.


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