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Falling For Her

Page 6

by Tory Baker

  “Sue will be right in to start you on the nebulizer, Emily, and then I’ll be back to check in on you,” I say, with a warm smile.

  Sue already has the nebulizer ready and was waiting for what dosage I wanted to start Emily on, and then she heads into the room.

  Dr. Harlow comes down the hall as I lean back on the wall taking a breather.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yes, just hate the red tape that seems to be everywhere these days,” I respond.

  “Don’t I know it, been around many years and it’s the worst it’s ever been here lately,” he grumbles.

  “My sentiments exactly,” we both stand there in silence, him probably grousing about something in his head, and me thinking about what my next step can be to help out our young children.



  I can see the toll working at the clinic is taking on Peyton. It’s been three weeks, and nothing is changing. If she doesn’t do something soon, I’ll be stepping in.

  We’re sitting on the couch, her head is in my lap, and she’s sleeping. It’s the one good thing that hasn’t made it worse.

  She’s been picking up extra shifts as flu season settles in, but after this week, she’s off for four days straight and I already have a plan formulating in my head. One that I hope she’ll like.

  “Peyton, baby,” I murmur, slowly waking her up while massaging her neck.

  “I’m up,” she responds, drowsily. I chuckle, she may say that, but I know I’ll be carrying her to our bed. I move her so I can stand up.

  When I stand up and look down on her, her eyes are slowly opening. I move my hands under her knees and back, lifting her up. She sinks further into me. I’m thankful she took a shower when she got home, Peyton would probably fall asleep standing up if not.

  Walking into our room, the bed is still unmade from this morning and fuck, what a morning it was. Nothing beats being woken up to my woman’s lips wrapped around my cock.

  Of course, that led into me eating her like she was my last meal. The thought of that is enough to make me want inside her again. It made us both late leaving the house, but it was well fucking worth it.

  I place her in bed. She sits up and undresses out of her pajamas, leaving her completely bare to me. If she wasn’t so tired, I’d be inside her all night. I strip out of my clothes as she scoots to the middle of the bed.

  She likes to pretend she has her own side of the bed, but she always makes it to the middle and wraps me up in her body. I never let her go, either.

  “Levi,” she mumbles in her sleep. I love knowing that even in her sleep drunk state, I’m on her mind.

  “’Night, baby. Love you,” I whisper out loud as she rolls over onto her side, slinging her shapely leg over my hip. My cock is already semi knowing she’s naked in bed, but when she does this, it’s hard as hell not to slide into her.

  “I love you, Levi,” she says into my neck as she places a kiss there.



  I have never been so excited to be off for these many days in a row, in what feels like forever. Even when I was in college, I didn’t take much time off. I’d go to school during the summer and only come home for breaks.

  This next four days, though, it’s well needed. Not to mention Levi. He’s been amazing as usual. I made sure to keep the house picked up if he didn’t and cook when I wasn’t falling asleep on my feet.

  Today though, it’s going to be great. I’m sitting on the back porch looking at the animals that are out grazing. They’re feeling frisky with it being cold and having a light dusting of snow on the ground. I’m wrapped up in a blanket I grabbed from the couch and am sipping my coffee when Levi walks out the back door.

  “It’s a beautiful day out, feel like riding later on?” He asks, as he stands at the door. He left it open and he’s leaning against it.

  This morning when I woke up, I noticed his pillow was already cool to the touch. This made me grab the pillow he was lying on and curl into it. Levi must have had to go out and help with something important if he was up and out of bed before five o’clock in the morning.

  “Good morning,” I smile up at him and say, “I’d love that. It’s been so long since I rode on Snickers, she probably forgot who I am.”

  Levi chuckles, “That horse couldn’t forget you if she tried, though she may have gotten a little spoiled with you working so much lately.”

  “Oh yeah, and who spoiled Miss Priss?” I question him, already knowing the answer. I’ve heard talk of the other ranch hands saying how he’s sneaking her treats and giving her extra brush downs. He even had one of the farm hand’s kids ride her so she would be ridden.

  “Can’t let my woman’s horse not get some kind of attention. Besides she needed some spoiling.” He finally comes to sit down next to me. I open the blanket and he slides in. His arm goes behind my neck and I sink into his body.

  He kisses the top of my head and says, “I’ve missed mornings like this.”

  “Me, too, plus I’ve been thinking. With you buying the ranch there’s going to be a lot left over and well, I don’t feel comfortable keeping all of it. I’d like to give some back to you,” I rush out but then Levi jerks up, “Peyton, that’s your money.”

  “Then this is your home, not ours. I want to pull my weight over here. I can’t feel like I’m not contributing, Levi,” I grouse.

  “You know it’s yours too, baby. But that money, it’s yours.” He settles back down, and I tuck myself back into him.

  “Just the same, I’d like to reinvest it back into the ranch. I’m not saying all of it, but a good chunk. I, uh…also have some ideas I’d like to run by you, too,” I tell him, praying like hell he won’t think this is a dumb idea.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I want to donate a good portion of it to the clinic. We have so many people in our community without health insurance, and with it being winter, you know how expensive things get. Often times parents have to choose between insurance and getting food on the table.” I have a big smile on my face, yet I’m apprehensive. If he thinks this is a stupid idea, it’ll crush my dreams.

  “Baby, it’s your money and if you want to donate it to a cause you know will help, well then, I say go for it,” he responds, his smile just as big as mine.

  “You think it’s a good idea, really?” I ask again.

  “I do, you’re right, a lot of neighbors could benefit off of it and it’s a good cause.”

  “Also, there’s another thing. This one you may like more than the first one. I think I’m ready to go down to part time hours. I know I just started at the clinic, but if I ever want to see you, and believe me, I want to see you so much it hurts, then I should reduce my hours. I put an application in at the Pediatric Center, and I’d only be working three days a week to help the other P.A. that’s there,” I tell him, with so much excitement it’s bubbling over. This is something I’ve been working on while on my lunch break.

  “Fuck, baby. I think that’s your best idea yet.” His face is full of mirth and I know it’s probably because both of us miss each other so much through the days.

  “Thank you, Levi,” I say and then my lips are melding to his. He brings me closer and I’m straddling his waist.

  “Love you, Peyton. I’ll always want you happy.”

  “I love you.” It’s not long before I’m in Levi’s arms and he’s carrying me back to bed.



  Today, I finally got to do what I’ve been wanting to do since Peyton moved back home from college.

  Shortly after we came back downstairs and had a bite to eat, we saddled up and rode to the place I wanted to make her mine, officially.

  When she saw the creek and the crumbling church, she took her phone out and took a million pictures.

  “I know where I’m going to put this up in the house,” I smiled, and waited until she finished up. We let the horses graze. Snickers and Rocky have become
quite the pair, not only are they stable buddies, they’ve been in the same pasture during the day, too.

  I even sent Peyton a picture of them when they were running while she was at work.

  “You get it framed and I’ll hang it up, baby,” I meander over to the creek and find a rock to perch on while I take her in as she moves around taking photos here and there.

  “I’m done. I promise, but I’m probably going to want to come back and soon. Especially in the spring,” Peyton says, as she comes to sit next to me.

  “Anything you want, Peyton, you have to know by now. I’d give you the world if I could.” I tell her, taking out the ring that’s in my pocket.

  It’s rose gold in color, double shanked with a pave design surrounded by a halo diamond. It wasn’t easy keeping this from Peyton for as long as I did.

  I grasp her hand, holding it in mine as I slide it on her finger and say, “Peyton, I want you more than I want my last breath. You’re my world, do me the honor of becoming my wife.”

  “Yes!” She screams out loud, her voice echoing even with the creek in the background. Her arms come around my neck, she never even looked at the ring, Peyton’s eyes never left mine and fuck, what that does to me.

  “I love you so much, Levi Heart, so so much,” she murmurs against my lips.

  “I love you, Miss soon to be Heart.” We take our time, taking slow sips of each other’s lips, there’s no rushing today. It’s all about her, me, and the beauty surrounding us.

  Once we slowly finish our kiss, I get up and go to the horses. While Peyton was tacking up Snickers, I was busy packing the saddle bags with blankets, drinks, and snacks. As much as I’d love to sleep out here tonight under the stars, it’s getting too cold for that, especially with the forecast calling for a heavy snow this evening.

  Making my way back to Peyton, I see she’s finally taking the time to appreciate her ring. In a perfect world her parents would be here, hell mine would be, too. Though, once they retired, they hit the road for none other than Arizona. Till this day, I’m still not sure what the hell my parents were thinking.

  “Levi, we have to call your parents or, wait, do they know already?”

  “Baby, mom helped me find your ring. I was on the phone and she was already scouring the internet looking for what she thought you’d like. It took us a couple of hours to narrow it down, but we can call them just the same. I know they’d be happy to hear from us.”

  I spread the blanket down on the ground, then I pick her leg up and slowly take her boots off of her feet before picking her up to place her on the blanket.

  Doing the same for myself, I go down beside her, and we lay facing each other. Her leg immediately hitches over my hip and she settles in.

  My hand finds hers, bringing it to my lips, I kiss where her ring is, “You and your mom did a great job. I can’t wait to see them,” she tells me.

  “They’ll be here for the wedding if not sooner. Hell, Mom may plan the whole thing if you let her,” I say with a laugh.

  “She might get her way, except the dress. I already know what dress I want to wear, and know exactly where it is,” she has a gleam in her eye. We stay like this for the rest of the afternoon.



  I hated leaving our little hideaway. I made Levi promise to bring us back as often as possible. The way we made love out in the fresh air, it was amazing. The sun was beaming down on our bodies, it was enough to ward off the chill until after our bodies came down from our mutual orgasms.

  The four days I had off consisted of cooking, cleaning, riding, and occasionally helping out in the barn. The tack room was one of those things I wanted to tackle; it was a complete disaster. When I confronted Levi about it, even he was sheepish when he said, “Been busy, baby. It’s always that chore that when we get to it, we get to it.”

  I huffed out a breath, stomped my foot and spent the day oiling leather, organizing, and throwing trash away. Yes, there was even trash in there.

  It took all day, but when it was all said and finished, I was thrilled, every piece had its place and it was gleaming.

  Today though, I’m back to work at the clinic. When I let Dr. Harlow know my change in career paths this morning, he wasn’t upset like I thought he was going to be. Instead, he looked at me and said, “You know in your heart where you’re needed Peyton. I hate to see you leave, but I’m glad you know what you want.”

  I was so thankful he understood, things could have gotten bad, and I knew that. I’m just glad it all went well.

  The one great thing about small towns is people are kind and genuine. “Thank you, Doctor Harlow. I know I wasn’t here very long, but I’ve looked up to you since I was a young girl. Life has given me some curves and bumps along the way. I just think a slower pace might be best at this stage in my life.”

  His smile broadened and he said, “I knew that man was good for you the day he came up and gave me his best bull. Little did he know, I would’ve given you these hours even if he didn’t,” he walks away, patting my shoulder and I’m stock still.

  That man, he knew before I did my hours, it all comes together. How he wasn’t really surprised, but happy. I should be upset that he meddled, but all I can do is smile and return to work.



  Peyton sent me a text before she left the clinic that she was heading home. I finished up early for the day and decided I was taking my woman out for a nice dinner. It’s something we probably should have done on her days off, but we both were wrapped into each other every spare moment we got.

  Soon though, she’ll be home more often than not. Maybe I can get her to go on more rides with me, too. Yeah, especially if it ended like it did last time. Fuck, the way her body arched as she rode my cock. It’s enough to make me hard.

  I hop in the shower, clean off, get out, and put on my nice jeans, shirt, and boots. I’m walking down the stairs when Peyton walks in the house.

  “Holy shit,” she stops dead in her tracks. Her eyes are cataloguing everything I’m wearing. My dark blue jeans, to the black button-down shirt that has pearl snaps. Her mouth is hanging slacked jaw. I haven’t dressed this nice well, since the day she laid her dad to rest.

  “I think you have some drool on your chin.” I’m within distance with four strides. I grab her by the nape of her neck and pull her mouth up to meet mine, I’m claiming her. There’s no other way to describe it, her hands hold on to my forearms and she meets me in every way possible.

  “Um, that’s one way to say hello. Did I forget something?” she asks after we break apart.

  “Nope, but there’s a dress laid out for you. I’m taking you out tonight,” I tell her.

  “Well then, I guess I should go get ready. Give me a little bit?” she asks.

  “Baby, I’d wait light years for you,”

  “I’ll be quick. I promise.” I watch her turn to go, the subtle sway in her hips as she takes the steps up to our bedroom. Fuck, I can’t wait to see what she looks like in that dress.

  With that thought in my head, I follow her upstairs. I want to watch everything she does just for me.

  The shower is on when I walk into our bedroom. I make my way to the bathroom and slowly open the door. I don’t want her to know I’m watching, not yet at least.

  The glass is glistening with water that surrounds the shower, but my eyes aren’t focused on that. No, they are glued to Peyton, her hair is up in some kind of bun. She’s bending down to shave her leg and I can see every slope and curve of her body, she’s so unbelievably beautiful.

  I grunt, having to adjust myself. That’s when she notices me. Peyton gives me a slow smile and drops the razor to the shelf. She grabs her loofah, dousing it with body wash, and fuck. She washes her body, giving me the best show a man can get from his woman.

  Quickly unsnapping my shirt, letting it hang open knowing I’ll be taking her in the next few minutes. I unbuckle my belt and pants, slowly lowering the zipper, as my cock
comes out.

  Our eyes never break from each other’s. I fist my cock, slowly jacking myself. When Peyton sees my hand, she drops the loofah and her hand glides down to her center, she puts one leg up on the bench seat in the shower, and I watch as she plays with herself.

  God damn, what she does to me. Every plan goes out the window as I shuck off the rest of my clothes and head straight for her.

  She goes to lower her leg from the bench when I say, “No, keep it just like that.”

  The blush that takes over her body as I grip my cock and come right between her spread open legs is something I know is just for me.

  My hand is still fisting my cock and the way she is wide open and on display with me, I know with one flex of my hips, I’ll be deep inside her.

  “Please, Levi,” she whimpers, as she places her hands on my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin. It’s giving me the perfect amount of pain with the pleasure we’re both about to seek.

  Quickly lining my cock up to her pussy, I thrust inside her. I’m all the way to the hilt, my pelvis grinding against her clit.

  “Oh, god,” she moans out and I reply, “Yeah, baby. Just like that.” I pull back and rotate my hips as I thrust back. Her nails in my shoulders are enough to leave marks, ones I'll proudly wear for the rest of my days.

  I let out a growl, as I feel her pussy clamp down on my cock, “Come for me, Peyton. Take what you want,” I grunt.

  “Yes!” She screams out as she comes, a few thrusts later I’m coming inside her and I can’t wait for the day there’s nothing stopping me from getting her pregnant.

  Slowly, I pull out of her and watch as my come paints the inside of her thighs. I’m lost in my own thoughts when Peyton kisses my chest, right where my heart is.


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