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Diamond In The Rough: The Complete Series

Page 47

by Hart, Rebel

  “Well, uh, I had an appointment after school yesterday with a lawyer. My stepmom went with me. And Dad. He was… well, he was himself.”

  Aly furrowed her brow. “What does that mean?”

  Mike’s face fell into stone. “What did he do to you?”

  I shrugged. “What doesn’t he do to me? Look, my father’s a hard man. Always has been. And, if I’m being honest, he thinks that part of this whole issue is my fault.”

  Aly balked. “He thinks you being pushed over that bridge by a car is somehow your fault?”

  I nodded. “That’s how my dad is. I’ve always given him a hard time. Shit like that. So, in his eyes—once he found out about the fight on the football field—immediately I had as much of a hand in this as those other guys did.”

  Mike paused. “Football field fight?”

  Rae sighed. “Two of the guys that night were from that fight.”

  Mike’s lips downturned. “What the fuck?”

  Aly gasped. “Michael!”

  “What? I mean, seriously. Come on. Your dad can’t actually think any of this was your fault. They almost killed you. They were drunk, from what I could gather from that night. They should be rotting away in jail. Or juvie. Or something.”

  I shrugged. “My father pretty much showed his ass in that office. Said things like I needed to be focusing on school instead of chasing down four guys I’d provoked.”

  Aly’s jaw dropped open. “What!?”

  “He also said I’d been a problem child my whole life. Essentially tried to paint me as some bad boy trying to get the one-up on someone before they got the one-up on me. He told the lawyer that he didn’t see those boys pressing assault charges on me when I started the fight. So why should I press attempted murder charges on them simply because they were seeking out revenge like most young boys do?”

  Mike’s face turned red. “Is it always like this with your father?”

  I sighed. “I mean, let’s just say I’ve talked a big game in the past with bruises I’ve come to school with.”

  “Oh, Clint.”

  Aly reached across the table and offered her hand to me. And when I took it, I felt like I had a genuine friend in her. An ally, so to speak. It felt good, opening up to them. Leaning on them during a time like this. And before I knew it, my mouth ran away from me. I told them everything. When the hitting with my father started. The parties I went to on the weekends to get away from it all. The reasons why I came to school and bullied other people around. How I enjoyed it when my father was off on his trips and shit like that. I couldn't get my damn mouth to stop running until it had all come pouring out. And when I was done, Aly wiped tears away from her eyes while Mike placed his hand on my forearm.

  “Clint, we’re in your corner, man. You need to know that when I tell you this. Okay?”

  I nodded. “Hit me with it.”

  Mike sighed. “You can’t let these assholes off the hook. I’m serious. They deserve everything coming at them, and you can’t let them get away with it. We’re in your corner. The three of us. Backing you up if you need it. And if you need a place to come crash sometime, I’m sure my parents wouldn't mind one damn bit if you came and crashed at my place.”

  “I thought you hated my guts, Mike.”

  He shrugged. “I did.”

  “So… what's changed?”

  He grinned. “You put your neck on the line for our girl. And that means more than anything that’s happened in the past.”

  And when his eyes met Rae’s, she snuggled against me. I wrapped my arms around her body and mindlessly kissed the top of her head as Mike pulled his hand away. I felt accepted by them. Loved by them. Respected by them in ways I’d never felt with anyone else in my life. For the first time, I understood what it meant to have genuine friends. I understood what it felt like to trust someone. I planted my nose into Rae’s hair and breathed deeply as Mike pulled Aly closer into his side.

  Then, Aly spoke up.

  “So, who wants to come to my study party this weekend for midterms?”

  And collectively, the three of us groaned together.



  “So, ready for the study party this weekend?”

  Clint’s voice sounded in my ear as I turned around, standing next to his locker. I leaned against it, watching as he placed his hand just beyond my shoulder. He was back. I loved it when he did this sort of thing. Cornered me and gazed down into my eyes with that knowing grin on his face. I licked my lips as my hand reached out for him. I slid my fingers along his chest. I let them settle against his heartbeat, reminding myself once more that he was still breathing. Still alive.

  And that this wasn’t a dream.

  “You, Clint Clarke, want to go to a study session this weekend.”

  He shrugged. “Might be fun to watch Mike weirdly try to mack on Aly again.”

  I nodded. “Oh, oh. Gotcha. So, not about studying at all.”

  “Just about the drama. And the laughter. Nothing else. You know how it goes.”

  I winked. “I definitely know how it goes.”

  “But also maybe a bit of studying.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Actual studying?”

  “Hey, that homework you aced for me has set a dangerous precedent I have to keep up with now.”

  I giggled. “Come here, you idiot.”

  I gripped his shirt and pulled him down to me, crashing our lips together. As the last of the school bells tolled, signaling the end of the day and the departing of the busses, the ringing swallowed the world around us. My tongue found his, rushing goosebumps along my body. I felt students running by us, trying to get to their rides home before it was too late. Clint fell against me, pinning me to his locker. His hands fell to my hips as I slipped my arms around his neck. I giggled against him. His warmth surrounded me. And as he pulled me closer to him, his arms engulfed my back.

  Making me feel safe, and reminding me of just how far he’d come with his recuperation.

  “You know, that crash might actually be the best thing that’s ever happened to my academic career.”

  I snickered against his lips. “You just like the fact that I did your homework.”

  He cupped my cheeks. “I mean, I’m also showing up to classes. Paying attention. Generally not being an ass.”

  I paused. “Maybe a little bit of an ass.”

  “Oh, now you’re just asking to get punished.”

  “That obvious, huh?”

  I smiled before I captured his lips again. His hands cradled my cheeks softly as the rest of the student body slowly trickled beyond us. I slid my hands through his hair, enjoying how he’d grown it out. The stubble on his jawline tickled my skin, sending shivers up and down my spine.

  And as I groaned softly down the back of his throat, he broke the kiss. Nuzzled our noses together. Pressed his forehead against mine.

  “Maybe we could go somewhere more private so I can dole out the punishment accordingly.”

  I giggled. “Only if you admit I had a little bit to do with how well school’s going for you.”

  He paused, gazing into my eyes. “Don’t you ever get it twisted. Rae. You’re the sole reason why I’m doing so well.”

  I felt my heart skip a beat with his words. “Come on. Let’s go back to my place.”

  “Your mom’s not there?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. Went out with D.J. last night, which means she won’t be home for a day or two.”

  “I’m sorry, Rae.”

  “It is what it is. I mean, she made her choice. I can’t do anything to change her mind about that choice. She’ll just have to deal with his shit, I guess.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. But, I can think of other things I want to do.”

  I winked at him and that impudent little grin of his stretched across his face. I helped him exchange his books for the ones he needed out of his locker. Then, together, we started for the
school doors. Our hands laced together as we started for my house. We walked across the school lawn as the summer sun beat down against our shoulders. His hand wiggled away from mine before he threaded his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

  Then he kissed the top of my head. “I could do this after school every day, you know.”

  I grinned. “Come back to my place and punish me?”

  He snickered. “Spending time with you, you numbskull. But, also yes, now that I think about it.”

  I swatted his chest. “You’re relentless, you know that?”

  “And you're gorgeous. Not my fault I can’t stop staring at you.”

  “I’m pretty sure that is the billboard definition of a ‘personal problem.’”

  “You don’t hate it, though. Do you?”

  “Now hold on a second there, buddy. I never said anything about not enjoying it. You’re just not going to blame that horny teenage mind of yours on me.”

  He chuckled. “You’re a bit to blame. But in all the best ways.”

  I smiled. “Just know you aren’t the only one that feels that way.”

  He growled playfully as he pulled me closer into his body. I worked my hand into his back pocket, feeling his strength rolling around against my palm. I leaned my head against his chest as we turned down my street, and the dirty, dingy smell of the place almost passed me by. I sighed with contentment as we made our way for the house. I saw it looming in the distance, like a darkly-smeared stain on a light blue canvas. Thunder rumbled in the distance, despite the sun hanging high in the sky. And as we walked all the way up to my porch, my mind began churning with all sorts of thoughts.

  All sorts of nasty, wanton thoughts.

  “Do you have to work tonight?”

  Clint’s voice caused me to focus. “Uh, no. I’m not on the schedule for a couple of days.”

  “I’ve noticed you haven’t been working much lately.”

  I shrugged. “I think the manager is hesitant to schedule me. You know, since I was his main closer.”

  He paused. “Ah.”

  “It’s fine, though. Really. Just means I get to spend more time with you.”

  “But I know you want the hours.”

  I reached for my keys. “I mean, I do. Yes. I need the money. But I’ve been saving money for a couple years now. I just have to shift around a few things and not spend so much of my money at once, and I’ll be okay. You know, still on track for things.”

  “What kind of things?”

  I slid the key into the lock. “You know, plans for after school.”

  “We’ve never really talked about those, you know.”

  I paused. “We haven’t, actually.”

  “Want to talk about them now?”

  I shrugged as I opened the door. “I mean, they aren’t much. I want to move out and get a place with Allison. That’ll probably put me near UCLA, since that’s where she’s headed for her architecture degree. I’ll live off my savings for, hopefully, five months while I find a job. Then I can start saving money to go to a community college or something like that.”

  “What do you want to study?”

  We walked inside. “Graphic design of some sort. You know, do something with all this doodling I do on a regular basis.”


  I nodded. “Yep. I enjoy drawing. Have we not talked about this?”

  “Not enough for it to ingrain itself into my memory.”

  Huh. Odd. “Well, we can talk about it now, if you’d like.”

  I closed the door behind us and went to turn the lock. And as I did, I felt Clint’s hands fall to my hips. His lips pressed against the shell of my ear, causing me to press back against him. Our bags dropped to the floor. My head fell back against his chest. I sighed as his hands traveled my body, massaging my excess and caressing my clothed breasts.

  “How long have you been drawing?”

  His voice was low. Rumbling. Sensuous. I moaned softly as he nibbled my ear, making my knees quake underneath me. He slowly walked me forward, pinning the front of my body to the door. He kissed down my neck, making me gasp as he pulled the collar of my T-shirt off to the side.


  “Answer the question, Rae.”

  Then he spanked my ass softly, causing me to jump.

  “Oh. I, uh… um… for as long as—I don’t know. I just always have.”

  He nodded. “Kind of like my writing.”

  “Uh huh.”

  His fingers slid into the loops of my jeans. “Can you get a graphic design degree at a community college?”

  He pulled me back into his rock hard girth and I moaned against the door.

  “I don’t—I don’t know. I—I’m sure there are certificat—oh, Clint.”

  “Focus, Rae. I’m trying to get to know you better.”

  I groaned. “You’re trying to torture me.”

  He chuckled. “Same difference.”

  “I don’t—have it all quite planned. I guess I just—shit, Clint.”

  “You guess you just what, beautiful?”

  His hands slipped underneath my shirt. “You can’t do this to me. You’re just—”

  He bit into my shoulder with a growl. “Just what?”

  I whipped around, no longer able to contain myself. My back fell against the door as I cupped his cheeks, pulling his lips to mine. But he stopped just mere centimeters from my lips. I felt his hands fisting my shirt. Ready to draw it over my head. My eyes found his and I saw a fire behind them. A fire I hadn’t seen in weeks. I breathed the air he afforded me. I nuzzled my nose against his. And as his eyes closed, I heard emotion fill his voice.

  “Whatever you want to do with your life, I’ll always support it.”

  I love you. “Thank you, Clint.”

  His eyes opened. “I’m serious.”

  I love you. “I know.”

  “Wherever you go and whatever you do, I’ll be cheering you on. From wherever I am.”

  I love you so much. “Thank you, handsome.”

  “And when I’m done with this beautiful body of yours, I want to talk through what your plans are. So we can get you progressing down a road you want to be on.”

  I love you to the moon and back. “Sounds good to me.”

  Our lips fell together and his hands gripped behind my thighs. He hoisted me against him, pinning me to the front door as his tongue fell down the back of my throat. He pulled me away, effortlessly carrying me up the steps and to my bedroom. I reached out with my hand to slam the door closed. I sucked on his lower lip as growls bubbled up his throat. My back fell to the mattress as he freed my hands from around his neck. He threaded our fingers together and pinned them above my head. He kissed down my cheek. My neck. My clothed chest and my stomach. I rocked against him as my thighs heated, waiting for him to strip me of my clothes.

  And it took us no time to get one another naked.

  He filled me with his girth and rocked against my body. He tossed my legs over his shoulders and pounded into me. My jaw unhinged, crying out in ecstasy as he took what he wanted. With me freely giving it to him. I gripped his hair and raked my nails down his back. I felt myself pouring onto him, coating him in my mark. Our pants filled the room. Our kisses grew sloppy as my legs slipped off his shoulders. He pulled out and flipped me around, raising my hips in the air. Contorting my body in all the ways he wanted before filling me.


  And again.

  And again.

  “Fucking hell, Rae. Shit, I’ve missed this.”

  “Clint. Clint. Don’t stop. Please, holy hell, don’t stop.”

  “Never. I’ll never stop. Rae. I’m close. Rae!”

  “Clint! Fuck!”

  His hands slid down my spine. I felt him shaking against my ass cheeks. His length grew within me, pulsing and throbbing and aching for release. I gripped my bed sheets as he pinned my cheek to the mattress, wrapping his hand within my tendrils. And as I lost myself in his frantic
movements, my body popped. My pelvis erupted. Electricity blinded my vision as my jaw unhinged in silent pleasure. Freezing my movements as my body clamped down around his.

  “That’s it, Rae. Holy fuck.”

  His growls raised goosebumps all over my body. The things he made me feel were outstanding. He collapsed against my body, shaking as he filled me to the brim. My pulsing pushed him out. His lips pressed sloppy kisses against the marks he left on my shoulder. I released the bed sheets from my grip, sliding my hand through his hair as he pressed his face into the crook of my neck.

  I love you.

  I love you, Clint.

  Just say it, Rae. Say the words.

  He panted for air. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  I love you. “So are you, Clint.”

  “I just want to be like this forever.”

  I love you. “I don’t blame you one bit.”

  “You mean that?”

  I fucking love the hell out of you. “Every word of it.”

  And just as he pressed his lips to the shell of my ear, my phone rang from my jeans piled on the floor, causing me to groan as the all-too-familiar ringtone burst the moment the two of us had created.


  Clint paused. “Who’s calling, beautiful?”




  I kissed her lips. “I promise you, I’ll make it home okay.”

  Rae sighed. “Are you sure? Because I’m sure if I called Michael—”

  “Leave Mike to his own devices. If I know boys like I know them, he’s probably with Aly enjoying his time. Plus, my house isn’t far from here.”

  “I could call them back and tell them—”

  My face fell. “You’ll do no such thing. They need you at work and I know you need the hours. Get ready. I’ll walk home, okay?”

  “I really don’t feel good about this, Clint. You aren’t fully recuperated. You’ve just been cleared to heal outside of the therapist’s office. It might be too long—”

  I pressed my lips against hers, sealing her words off with yet another kiss. I wrapped my arms around the girl I’d just made love to, pulling her as closely to me as I could get. Her lips smashed against mine. Our teeth clattered together. She made me feel as if I were on cloud nine, floating among the stars threatening to cover the whole of Los Angeles. I knew she was worried about me. I was, too. My stamina was still on the mend, and there was a good chance I’d have to stop for a breather or two on my walk home.


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