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Diamond In The Rough: The Complete Series

Page 61

by Hart, Rebel

  “Please tell me this isn’t a dream,” I whispered.

  His forehead propped up mine and my eyes fell open. I found him staring at me with a smile on his face. A genuine smile. One that reached his eyes. And my heart felt fuller than it had in days. I felt as if my broken heart were mending with every massage of his palms. With every stroke of his fingertips. With every kiss of his lips.

  Then his cock pulsed underneath me.

  “No. It’s not a dream,” he murmured.

  His hands fisted my hips and he lifted me up. Like a rag doll, there for his pleasure, he slowly sank me down his girth. Inch by inch, until he filled me in all the ways I remembered. My head fell back. My eyes fluttered closed. His arm wrapped around my lower back, holding me to him as I adjusted. I felt him pulsing, his heat already filling me. My hands pressed against his chest, sinking him deeper into the cushions of the couch.

  And as our eyes connected, his hands slowly pushed back.

  “Let me guide you, Rae.”

  I captured his lips. “I’m all yours.”

  Our eyes held one another as he steadily moved my hips, showing me how to please him. How to stroke him in all the ways he wished. My arms wrapped around his neck and I clung to him as I slowly found my rhythm. His arms cloaked my back, holding me to him as I rolled and bounced, pulling groans and grunts from the back of his throat.

  “Rae. Shit.”

  “That’s it, Clint. Like that.”

  “Don’t stop. I can’t—you’re—don’t stop.”

  “I won’t. I won’t. I won’t ever stop. Never.”

  Faster and faster, until our breaths became one. I breathed the air he afforded me as his hands explored my body. I bounced in his lap, feeling my arousal dripping against his skin and marking him, the way he’d marked me with his teeth. His hands slid around to my ass cheeks and gripped them tightly, rolling me deeper against mine. And as his face fell to my bosom, I felt him sucking deep, dark marks against my skin.

  Until the two of us sought our end with one another.

  “Clint, yes!”

  “Fucking hell, Rae. You’re perfection.”

  He pounded into me and my body jumped for him. His growls overpowered my whimpers as I spiraled out of control again. I collapsed against him, feeling him hold me as he thrusted quicker. Faster. Harder. He worked me through my orgasm. Jumping my bones and making my muscles twitch as I felt him mark my warm walls.

  And as my head fell into the crook of his neck, he collapsed against the couch. Holding me. Splaying his hands across my skin.

  As the evidence of our lust dripped from between my legs.



  I stroked my fingers through her hair as her weight rested against me. Home. I felt as if I were home again. And I didn’t know if I’d ever feel this way about anything again. A place. Or a person. Or a city. Or a state. I felt more confused than ever about my future. And yet, none of it mattered.

  Not when Rae was in my arms.

  “We should clean up.”

  I grinned as she slowly lifted her head.

  “You think, huh?”

  She smiled. “I know. I’m leaking.”

  I chuckled. “I thought you liked that feeling.”

  “No one likes that feeling.”

  I paused. “True. I don’t like leaking, either.”

  She snickered. “So, shower?”


  “Is there any other kind?”

  I felt a renewed sense of strength rush through my muscles and I quickly picked her up.


  “Up the stairs, I presume?”

  She kicked her legs. “We need our clothes, you idiot.”

  I dipped down. “I’ve got them. I can get them.”

  “Put me down. You're going to drop—Clint!”

  I chuckled as I bent down, picking our clothes off the floor. I slowly made my way to the stairs with her tossed over my shoulder, her legs kicking and her hands gripping tightly to my hips. I walked up the stairs and found my way into the bathroom upstairs. And after kicking the door closed behind me, I dropped our clothes before settling her onto the bathroom counter.

  “I didn’t drop you.”

  She frowned deeply. “Don’t you ever do that again.”

  I kissed the tip of her nose. “No promises.”


  I captured her lips and felt her giggle against me.

  “I missed you, Rae.”

  She sighed. “I missed you too, Clint.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She nuzzled my nose. “I’m sorry, too.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Just take the apology, crazy.”

  I snickered. “Not when it isn’t warranted. I put us in this situation. Let me own up to that.”

  She cupped my cheeks. “Fine. You can make it up to me by washing me down in the shower.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a punishment.”

  “It is when you realize I’m not letting you have sex with me in that shower.”

  “Oh, really. Is that a challenge?”

  Fifteen minutes later, I had Rae pinned to that fucking shower wall. I rolled against her, feeling her cling to me as her muffled moans fell against my shoulder. I loved being encased by her. I loved the feeling of her pussy squeezing me dry. And as bubbles popped against my skin, I made love to her in that shower.

  And I hope she felt it as much as I meant it.

  We washed one another down, and it took all I had not to indulge in her a third time. We dried off and put our clothes back on, then made our way downstairs. The heat of the shower followed us. I couldn't take my eyes off Rae’s glistening hair, damp from the shower and begging to be fisted. Begging to be wrapped around my wrist and tugged on as I took her from behind.

  Focus, Clint. Don’t fuck this up.

  “So, you hungry?”

  Rae’s voice called to me from the kitchen, helping me focus.

  “Starving, actually.”

  She giggled. “I figured. So how does a pizza and movie kind of night sound? I mean, you’re here and we might as well make the most of the moment..”

  “On a Monday night? Won’t your mom be back soon? And you can technically make it to your last class of the day, if we leave now.”

  She shrugged. “I already finished up the homework and read ahead. Plus, there’s a note here in the kitchen from Mom. She’ll be out for most of the night tonight.”

  I paused. “When did your mother come home?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess it’s a good thing we were quiet in the shower.”

  I furrowed my brow. “I wasn’t quiet in the shower.”

  And her laughter filled the hallway that separated us. Drawing me down the corridor until I found her in the kitchen.

  “What do you like on your pizza?”

  I shrugged. “Anything you want is fine with me, so long as it doesn’t have peppers on it.”

  “So, pepperoni, mushrooms, and tomato all right?”

  “Sounds fine to me.”

  “If you want, you can go pick the movie while I get this ordered.”

  I grinned. “Just make sure you tell the delivery guy you’re paying with cash.”

  Rae turned to me. “Why?”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Already forgetting our prior conversation? I’ve got money on me. I’ll take care of it.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Clint.”

  “I want to. Tell him you'll be paying with cash. And get whatever else you want.”

  She smiled so sweetly at me and it tugged at my heart strings. I didn’t think this day could get any better. But I also didn’t want to jinx it. I left the kitchen as she started placing our order, making my way into the living room. With the scent of us still lingering in the air, I blushed. Actually, truly blushed. Because holy fuck, her mother must’ve known something was up from the smell of this room.

ully not, though.

  I turned on their television and flipped through the few channels they had. Until finally, I settled on a movie just starting. It looked like a sappy romance movie. One of those kinds of movies where women cried at the end. But I didn’t give a shit. So long as I got to stay with Rae, I was happy.

  “Pizza’s ordered. What’d you find?”

  I tossed the remote control to her. “Just this romance movie, I think.”

  “Oh, no. Not that one. I’d rather watch the news.”

  I snickered. “Then, by all means, find something else.”

  She flipped through the channels for a while before rushing up the stairs. I heard her thundering around and my brow furrowed deeply. Until she came jumping down the stairs with DVDs in her arms. She sprawled them out on the floor for me to take in, then yanked me down to the floor with her.

  “Here, take your pick.”

  I glanced at the titles. “These are all action movies.”

  Rae paused. “And?”

  “You don’t want to watch something more…?”

  She snickered. “Girly? What? Girls can’t like action movies, too?”

  Fucking hell, I love you. “The Expendables, then. Definitely.”

  “Ugh, I love these movies. I hope they make a third one. Really.”

  “We can watch both of them tonight, if you want.”


  The way she hissed with delight pulled a smile across my face. One that made my cheeks ache. I went and sat on the other couch in the room, the love sofa, so I could cuddle Rae close to me. She started up the movie and flopped down, pouring her legs over my lap. And as our hands found one another’s, our fingers laced together.

  It felt good, being back together with her.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “For what?”

  “For fighting with me through all this.”

  She giggled. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”

  “Most days, I feel like you’re the only reliable thing I have in my life. And I’m scared of fucking that up.”

  “Well, try not breaking up with me this time around. That might help.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. I’ll try that tactic this time.”

  I felt her staring at me and I turned my head.


  She smiled softly. “Say more sweet things.”

  My thumb stroked her skin softly. “You’re amazing.”


  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”


  “There isn’t a night that’s gone by that you haven’t been in my dreams.”

  Her eyes welled with tears. “One more time, please.”

  I brought her hand to my lips to kiss. “I feel bad for people who don’t have something like this.”

  And when she smiled, it filled my heart with sunlight.

  “Me, too, Clint. I feel bad for them, too.”

  The ringing of her doorbell severed our moment. But it brought along a completely different moment. A set of moments forever seared into my memory. One where we gorged ourselves on pizza and rooted on the good guys in the movie. One where we watched back-to-back movies with full stomachs and barely-opened eyes. One where Rae tugged me upstairs, insisting that I stay the night with her in her bed.

  Making memories I knew I’d never forget as I stripped her body down, kissed every valley she had to offer, and made love to her until we both passed out from exhaustion.



  My eyes fell open and, for once, my chest didn’t hurt. My eyes weren’t sore. My legs weren’t trembling with exhaustion. I felt something warm draped over my waist and I sighed with relief, seeing Clint’s hand splayed over my bare stomach. I reached for my cell phone slowly, not wanting to disturb him and the soft breaths that fell against the shell of my ear. And as I gazed at the time, I quickly navigated my phone to turn my alarm off.

  Before it started blaring and woke him up.

  “Mm-mm. Come here.”

  I giggled as he pulled me close.

  “We have to get up soon, handsome.”

  “Mm-mm. No.”

  He buried his face into my hair and I smiled broadly. I slowly turned around, abandoning my cell phone for one last glance of his sleepy face. He peeked out of one eye before screwing it shut tight. I kissed his forehead. Then the tip of his nose. And finally, both of his cheeks.

  “It’s Tuesday morning. We can’t skip school.”

  He groaned playfully. “I’ve been skipping school for days.”

  “Which is why you need to get up with me and come to school.”

  “I don’t have a change of clothes.”

  “Are the ones you have dirty?”

  “If I say ‘yes,’ will that get me out of school?”

  I snickered. “You're insane, you know that?”

  “And you’re too comfy for your own good.”

  He buried his face into my breasts and held me close. I laughed softly as I stroked my fingertips through his hair. As I stared up at the ceiling, I felt life falling back into place again, my anger dissipating, my frustrations melting away. He kissed my skin mindlessly, allowing his leg to slip between mine. He trapped me underneath his body, pinning me to the mattress.

  “I know what you’re doing, Clint.”

  He slid on top of me. “No moving.”

  I wrapped my arms around him. “Clint.”

  “Just five more minutes of this.”

  “We don’t have long as it is. School starts in an hour.”

  “It won’t take me but about twenty minutes to get ready.”

  I scoffed playfully. “And what about me?”

  He kissed my neck. “What about you?”

  “What if it takes me longer than twenty minutes to get ready?”

  He rose his head up. “Does it?”

  “I mean, no. But that’s not the point.”

  He snickered. “You're amazing to wake up to.”

  He kissed me, and I didn’t even mind his morning breath. The sun shone through my window and my heart felt fuller than it had in, well, what seemed like forever. I wrapped my arms around him and let him slide between my legs. My hips ached in all the right ways and my body felt as if it had been run over by an eighteen-wheeler.

  And yet I let him slide into me.

  I gasped. “We have to be quiet.”

  He kissed my nose. “I know.”

  “Clint, I don’t know if—oh.”

  And when he captured my lips, he swallowed my sounds.

  Slowly, deftly, he rolled against me, pulling us both out of our hazy stupors. He swallowed my moans and I held on to his groans. My hands slid down his back as his skin prickled underneath my touch. I’d never get used to waking up to him like this. It would always be a treat. Feeling him fill me would always be a surprise encounter I hoped would never end.

  He moved so easily my bed didn’t even rock. He ground his tightly-wound curls against my body, shivering me to ecstatic heights. I kissed him, sucking on his lower lip. I relished how he felt first thing in the morning. I wanted to always experience this. Him. Inside me. Slowly waking us both up.

  Whatever I had to do in my future to get that, I would.

  Because Clint was my future.

  We climbed up the precipice before throwing ourselves over the edge. And as he collapsed against me, I felt him filling me. Time and time again. His body quivered as I clung to him. I locked my legs around him, refusing to let him move. He growled against the crook of my neck, kissing and nibbling my collarbone. And once our bodies stopped shaking, I sighed with relief.

  “We really do have to go to school, Clint.”

  He groaned. “You really know how to ruin a moment.”

  I giggled, kissing the side of his face. “Come on. Up, up, up.”

  “I don’t want to go to school.”

  “You sound like a toddler. Get up and let's go.”<
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  “You’re so mean, stupidhead.”

  His pouting voice made me laugh out loud.

  “Come on, now. Don’t make me scold you like a child.”

  He harrumphed like a toddler and I fell apart in laughter.

  “Quit being the lazy son of a bitch you’ve turned into and get your ass to school.”

  He scoffed. “Wow, Mom. So harsh.”

  I smiled. “I know. But sometimes, you test me.”

  He cupped my cheeks and captured my lips. He rolled me on top of him and it took all I had to wiggle away from his grasp. I knew if he kept distracting me, touching me, and sliding between my legs, I’d stay there. All day. Enjoying him and feeling him as our bodies writhed together.

  And we really needed to get to school.

  I stood up. “Come on. School will help us get our minds off things.”

  He grinned. “You take my mind off things.”

  “It’s not working, Clint. I’m not coming back to bed.”

  “Oh, really? Not if I… do this?”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and I clapped my hand against my mouth. I cried out into my palm as he picked me up and tossed me back onto the bed. I turned over and tried to scramble off the bed before he fell on top of me. But I didn’t move fast enough and his body pinned me to the mattress.

  Giggles fell from my lips. “I’m in the wet spot. I’m in the wet spot.”

  Clint kissed the back of my neck. “Should’ve thought about that before telling me no.”

  “Clint! We’re going to be late.”

  “And if you keep yelling my name, you’re going to wake up Mother Dear.”

  He tickled my sides and I pressed my face into my mattress. I wiggled around, trying to buck him off as laughter made my voice hoarse. I felt myself sweating. Growing red in the face. And if we didn’t get a move on it, we’d both be late.

  “Clint! Mercy! Uncle! I give!”

  He chuckled. “Ready to give up and spend all day gazing into one another’s eyes in bed?”


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