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Avenge (Hillcrest Book 2)

Page 11

by Cassie Pierce

  Here, Ashlee is still alive, and my life is simple. My mother is still my mother, and my biggest worry is what to wear to school tomorrow. Here...I am still me. Plain old Maci Madison from New York City. A slightly spoiled girl who loves to read, go to the beach, and eat anything chocolate. The only thing supernatural I believed in before all of this was Sam and Dean.

  I wish I could stay here forever, in the place that exist between wakefulness and sleep. That one perfect place where nothing can hurt me, but wishes are for fools and reality — reality is a bitch.

  It comes crashing into my safe place, stealing the memory and with it my hope.

  And damn my head hurts.....

  Zane! Zane hit me with his witchy woo who!

  “Uuuuhhhhh,” I groan, pulling myself from the darkness and bringing my hands up to inspect my now throbbing head.

  Seriously? What was in that spell?

  It feels like I got hit with a the face!

  “Not a hammer Princess,” Jaxon laughs from somewhere beside me, and I squint my eyes against the brightness of the early morning light as his face slowly comes into focus. Tiny little stars dance across my blurry vision like fireflies as the world slowly stops spinning around me.

  Jaxon sits in a chair beside the bed, his hands resting under his chin and his elbows propped on his bent knees as he studies me closely. Dark circles paint the underside of his eyes, evidence that he got little to no sleep last night.

  “You look like hell,” I grumble, pulling myself to a sitting position. A laugh tumbles out of him, and despite the fact that I feel like three day old road kill, it is nice to hear him laugh.

  “That coming from a girl who got knocked out by dark magic and slept for three days. Man...I must look bad,” he jokes, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. His hand comes up, gently smoothing the hair from my cheek. His touch is tender, and it causes a shiver inside of me that has nothing to do with being cold.

  I forgot how much I like it when he touches me.

  “I will have to remember that,” he whispers huskily, his touch lingering a few moments more before he reluctantly pulls away.

  Damn mind reading angel! I would be mad, but something he said is more important at the current second.

  “Did you say I have been asleep for three days?!” I boom, pushing the covers off of the bed and fighting a wave of dizziness as I try and fail to get to my feet.

  I make it two steps before Jaxon wraps his arms around me, steadying more than my body. His touch steadies my heart. His room comes into focus around me, and I can feel a faint breeze from the open balcony door. A deep sense of sadness swamps me then, thinking that I will never get to see him spread those glorious wings and fly again.

  He gave that up....for me. Not because he had to, but because he wanted to. He saved me, when I didn’t even know that I needed saving. I should use this time to push for answers, or ask the million questions that I have, but it hits me as he steadies me in the rock-hard embrace of his muscular arms.

  This is the first time that I have truly been alone with Jaxon since I found out what he did for me, and talking— Talking is the last thing on my mind.

  I kiss him. Not a gentle kiss either. This kiss is meant to say take me. I am yours. This kiss is hot and fast and perfect in its imperfection. This kiss is absolutely everything that I have needed since the moment that I came back.

  As ours lips dance together, our bodies move. My back hitting the soft mattress and a moan slipping free as his weight lands on top of me. The kissing never stops. It becomes its own language. A secret conversation that we both understand, as we move together. Somewhere amongst the tangled limbs and muffled moans, clothes disappear. Skin rubs against skin as Jaxon worships my body and I his in return.

  I don’t know how much time passes. It could be hours, or it could be minutes, but time is lost to us as we find each other again. No words are spoken. They aren’t needed. I have never understood him more clearly than I do in this moment.

  It is perfect. He...he is perfect, and the fact that I ever doubted that hurts.

  His lips trace my tattoo slowly, his tongue slowly tracing the curves of each rune that tells a story about our love. He avoids the wiccan symbol that Zane spoke of, and I pretend that I don’t notice as I greedily pull those sinful lips back to mine.

  There is nothing between us now. Nothing stopping us from taking that final leap into each other. Nothing.

  Our bodies are lined up perfectly, and I can feel his arm muscles tremble with restraint as he holds himself back. My hands come up, tracing the lines of his scars. The place where his wings once rested. I wonder if they are still sensitive. If he can still feel me?

  “Oh...I can feel you alright Princess,” he whispers huskily as he bites down gently on my bottom lip. Hope, and love, and something far more dangerous spark to life inside of me as I feel his need for me pressing against me.

  I always knew that our first time would be special. I always wondered if I would be ready. I have never been more ready for anything in my life.

  “Please....” I beg, and any other time I would be embarrassed. Not here though. Not now. Not with Jaxon. I need this. I need him. It isn’t even about the triad. The connection. This is just about a girl needing the boy that she loves to complete her.

  “Princess...I....” Jaxon whispers, taking my lips in his yet again, and moaning as my kiss steals his words. I rock my hips against him. Done with words.

  “I can’t.....” he swears, pulling away from me, and gripping my chin so that I have to look at him. Anger quickly takes the place of lust as hurt filters in.

  Embarrassment and shame pour into me as I struggle to get up. He pins me there, his grip remaining firm even as traitorous tears fall from my eyes.

  “Dammit!” he swears, loosing his grip, but not letting go. “Stop Maci. Stop fighting! It isn’t what you think!” he sighs, pinning my hands above me with one hand.

  I do stop fighting, but only long enough to let the hurt I am feeling pour out of me.

  “What should I think Jax? This is about the stupid bond, isn’t it? We are never going to get to be together because you are too much of a...a.....”

  I pause, trying to think of a word. A smile curves the corners of my mouth as I decide to use a very C.J. adjective.

  “A chicken shit! I am not afraid to complete the triad Jaxon! Being bound to you forever doesn’t scare me! Hell.....I already am, so if this is about that than you need to man up and....”

  I don’t get to finish my sentence. Jaxon moves, and I forget just how fast he can be when he wants to be. His lips reclaim mine, stealing my words and my breath.

  His forehead presses to mine, his breathing heavy as he locks those thundercloud eyes on mine.

  “Tell me to stop Maci. Tell me now, because I am too damn selfish to stop twice. I want you, in all the ways that a man can have a woman. I want to love you, to worship you, to taste every inch of you. I want to claim you and make you mine forever. I don’t care that our love might end the world, because my world will end without you in it. Tell me to stop....” he whispers, even as his desire presses into me.

  “Jaxon....let’s burn down the world,” I moan, and then he is everywhere. In every touch, in every moan, as Jaxon seals our love with one deep thrust.

  His mouth presses to my forehead softly, giving me time to get used to the feel of him before we are moving again. We reach our high together, our love sealing as our passion explodes.

  Slowly Jaxon pulls away from me, cradling me softly against his chest. His hands trace gentle circles on my lower back, and I know that he is waiting for the mark to appear.

  Two minutes later it does, and he holds me through it as pain deeper than the last time sears my flesh. Only when it is over does he place a gentle kiss to my shoulder.

  “What color is this one?” I ask, disappointed that I can’t see it. He smiles against my skin, his fingers tracing my flesh once more. Tracing the loops of the p
attern over and over again.

  “ your eyes,” he says softly. I smile, burying my face against his shoulder. I know that there will be consequences for this. Probably really sucky ones if I know my luck, but for right now I choose to block everything but Jaxon out.

  “You know I love you,” he says softly.

  “and I love you,” I reply, closing my eyes. I am almost asleep when a knock on the door pulls me from my slumber.

  “Jaxon.....sorry to interrupt,” Zane says through the door. His voice sounds strange, like something is stuck in his throat. My cheeks instantly catch fire, knowing that there is a good chance that Zane heard us.

  I mean...we weren’t exactly being quiet.

  “I bet he is......” Jaxon mumbles under his breath as irritation flashes across his face. He pulls me closer to his side, and I don’t know if it is a subconscious move or just a possessive one.

  Probably a little of both.

  I wasn’t bothered by my nudity a few seconds ago, but something about being naked with Zane on the other side of the door makes me uncomfortable.

  Having sensed my sudden change in mood, Jaxon reaches down and pulls the bedsheet up. He softly covers me with it, kissing me sweetly before turning his attention back to the door.

  “Not a good time,” Jaxon growls, making no move to leave the bed. I smile against his chest, totally content on staying in bed with him all day if that is what he wants to do.

  “I know. I am sorry, but Braxton sent me. There is a problem with the.....guest, and they need your help. He said to tell you to....and I quote...get your pretty ass down here.” The way that his voice stumbles over the word guest raises about a million alarms inside of my head.

  What are these boys up to? What all did I miss during my three-day stent in sleepy land?

  Jaxon rolls his eyes, a soft laugh escaping. “Yeah...that sounds like him. Ok. I will be down in five minutes.”

  I can hear the sound of footsteps as Zane starts to back away from the door, but Jaxon calls out, stopping his retreat.

  “And Zane?”

  The footsteps stop as a slow sigh sounds through the thick wood of Jaxon’s bedroom door.

  “Yeah?” he says, his voice so soft that I almost miss it.

  “I don’t care if the Pope sends you up here. I told you once and I mean it....stay away from her.”


  My eyes snap to Jaxon’s, unbelieving that he could be so rude to someone that has done nothing but be there for me. Someone that has saved me more times than I can count.

  I guess he might be pissed that Zane hit me with his witchy powers, but that still gives him no right to treat him like that.

  I pull the sheet tighter to my chest, pulling back so that I can see Jaxon’s face. The sound of Zane’s retreating footsteps growing fainter as he walks away. I am about to open my mouth. Argue....yell...something, but as usual, Jaxon beats me to it.

  “This has nothing to do with him hitting you with that spell Princess, though that did piss me off. I have my reasons for not liking Zane. Some have to do with you, and some don’t, but what you need to know is that Zane Zelikos is not who you think he is. His outside doesn’t match his inside. Trust me on that.”

  I can hear and feel only truth in Jaxon’s words, but even as he says them my heart rebels against them.

  I refuse to believe that Zane can be anything but good. He is the one person who hasn’t lied to me. No.....Jaxon may not like him. He may have his reasons, but Zane isn’t like that. At least not with me.

  “You better go see what they need,” I say, choosing to not acknowledge his statement at all. Hurt flashes across his face, and that hurt sinks into me. I feel it like a physical pain, but like always, I tuck it away.

  I don’t want to fight with Jaxon. Especially after what just happened, but the part of me that refuses to let herself be happy can’t seem to help it.

  “Princess.....” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to a stop. I turn, my eyes softening as I look at him over my bare shoulder.

  “I do trust you,” I say softly, my eyes shining with tears that I refuse to let free. “But I trust him too. He is my friend Jaxon. I am a little low on those. So please...let me form my own opinions.... ok.”

  I can tell he wants to argue. I can see it on his face, but he doesn’t. He nods his head, kissing my hand sweetly before rising to his feet.

  “I have to help my brothers. Stay here. Rest. Just...we will talk when I get back.”

  I watch in fascination as he pulls his clothes on. A little drool slips free as his muscles flex beneath his shirt. It takes all of my self-control not to pull him back to me.

  “Ok,” I finally relent, laying down on the soft mattress and snuggling beneath the covers. Jaxon watches me with hooded eyes.

  “I really like you like this. Naked in my bed. I think that this should be a nightly thing.”

  A smile tickles the corners of my lips as I close my eyes. “Behave.”

  “I am trying. You make it hard.”

  “I just bet I do,” I laugh, unable to resist teasing him. He laughs too, shaking his head as he walks to the door.

  “Don’t you move from that spot Princess. I will be back, and when I get back...we will have to see if we can do something more productive with that dirty little mouth of yours.”

  Then he walks out, leaving me with all kinds of images. None of which are angelic.


  I manage to stay in the bed for about five minutes before my imagination takes over. There are just too many things that don’t add up.

  Take Zane for instance. I know that him and Jaxon are never going to be BFF’s, but why the sudden anger? What exactly happened while I was asleep? What isn’t Jaxon telling me?

  Then there is Cain. What does the demon Prince have to do with any of this? How could he possibly be able to help me save Ashlee’s soul from the void? What is the connection there?

  Unable to sit and do nothing, I decide to do a little good old-fashioned snooping. Something is going on. Something that the brothers do not want me to know about. I fully intend on finding out what that something is.

  I hate secrets. Secrets do nothing but destroy. I would much rather grab the bullshit by the horns and hold on for dear life.

  Satisfied with my plan to see if I can find out what is going on, I quickly throw on my pants and one of Jax’s shirts. I smile when his smell reaches me, loving the smell of wintergreen and man that is uniquely his.

  I open the door, quietly stepping out of the bedroom and making my way to the stairs. I can hear voices drifting up from below, and they sound like they are arguing. I creep closer, needing to know what they are saying.

  “You need to tell her. Tell her before he does.”

  Braxton. That voice belongs to Braxton, but I can’t see who he is talking to. Not from this angle. I strain my ears, hoping that I will know the person on the other end of the conversation by their voice. I am so lost in listening that I don’t hear him sneak up behind me. Not until it is too late.

  His hand wraps around me, pressing against my mouth and cutting off the scream that gets stuck in my throat.

  Dammit! What is with people always kidnapping me?

  “I am sorry,” he whispers, and confusion replaces panic as I realize whose hand is pressed against my mouth. Everything from moments before comes rushing back, and I have never felt so incredibly stupid.

  Jaxon tried to warn me, but I didn’t listen. I trusted him. Was I wrong?

  Why else would Zane do this?


  ~ Chapter 13 ~

  You would think that I would just quit trusting people. I ability to pick up on sucky people pretty much blows.

  I don’t even have time to scream as Zane splits apart into a million little molecules, pulling me with him. His mode of transport still confuses me. How is it possible to break apart and then just appear completely untouched thousands of miles away?

sp; Except when we resurface, we aren’t thousands of miles away. Hell....we aren’t even two miles away. We are in the basement of Jaxon’s house. A place that I have only been once before.

  My eyes scan the dark corridor, some of my panic easing off as I get a sense of where I am. Zane didn’t kidnap me. I mean, he technically did, but not for evil purposes. If that were the case, he wouldn’t have brought me here.

  I pull away from him, my voice trembling with anger as I push against his solid chest. “What the hell Zane! You scared me! If you wanted to talk you could have just asked!”

  “No...I couldn’t. I said I was sorry, and I am. The last thing that I wanted was to scare you, but Jaxon has been on you like a guard dog in heat and I need to talk to you. It can’t wait,” he all but growls, stepping forward and grabbing my hands so that I can’t hit him again.

  Zane looks tired, like he hasn’t slept in days, and his normally carefree demeanor seems off somehow. There is a desperation in his voice that I have never heard from him before. He looks almost...scared.

  “Ok. I am here. What is going on Zane? What is so important that you had to kidnap me from upstairs?” I demand, impatience bleeding through my tone.

  “Cain. Cain is my brother,” Zane says, his eyes downcast as he mumbles the words. I blink, then I blink again, thinking that I surely heard that wrong.

  “Cain is like five hundred years old Zane. That isn’t funny,” I complain, angry that he would try to play a trick on me at a time like this.

  “I am not joking Maci. Immortal here remember? Some of us have dozens of brothers and sisters ranging all across the ages. My mother is a demon. My father a witch. I live with my father, but Cain and I share the same mother.”

  “Wait? Is that why Jaxon is pissed at you? Does he know?” I ask, thinking that maybe Jaxon somehow blames Zane for what happened to Ashlee.


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