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Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

Page 17

by Maddie MacKenna

  “I have my moments,” she said with a hint of a smile. Jude leaned down and paused inches from her lips. Their eyes met and, in that moment, Cleo realized there was more than just fear coursing through him. He loved her unconditionally and completely. She didn’t wait for him to kiss her. She stretched up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his.

  A low moan escaped his mouth. She found her body willing to consume him. Once again there was a hunger to his kiss that excited her.

  Pulling away, Cleo glanced up at Jude. Dropping her hands from his face she drifted down to his trews and hunted for the fastener that would release his manhood. With each passing second, she found her body yearning for him. She craved his attention and wanted him to want her.

  “I know you are stressed but there are ways to relieve that stress,” she said with a crooked little grin.

  “Are ye sure you want to do this?” Jude asked. “After all, I’ve treated you so badly these past few weeks. Ye’ve barely looked at me twice.”

  “Perhaps it is I who have been treating you poorly by ignoring you and not fully understanding why you gave such cruel orders.”

  Cleopatra ran her fingers under the hem of Jude shirt. He shivered under her touch as her fingers drifted up his torso to his chest. Her heart quickened as she found herself undressing him. “Let me help you forget your troubles my love.”


  “How do you feel?” Jude asked as Cleo snuggled into the nook of his arm.

  Her body felt amazing to the touch. It was so soft and delicate. Ss she pressed up against him, he smiled. Jude couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have such an understanding woman in his life. Although she had every right to be angry with him, he was pleased to know her ire wouldn’t last forever. Cleo shifted from the nook of his arm to his chest and began running her fingertips over his bare skin.

  “Wonderful,” she said. “Who would have thought there was a cure for irritation?”

  “Are ye sayin’ every time ye get mad at me, I should take ye to this bed and have me way with ye?”

  Cleo shrugged and let out a slight giggle. “It couldn’t hurt.”

  Jude squeezed her tightly to him and pressed his lips to the top of her head. Her innocence never failed to amaze him.

  “Do you suppose we could stay like this all day?” Cleo asked as she lifted herself up briefly to gaze at him. Batting her eyes, Jude knew she was trying to persuade him to stay. Yet there were pressing matters he had to deal with, and it pained him to have to say no.

  “I’m afraid the night has slipped by us,” he said stroking his fingers through her hair. Jude looked toward the window to find the soft orange morning light was trickling in through the window. “There are things I must attend to.”

  “I’m sure Hugh is thinking that I have kidnapped you,” Cleo said. “I haven’t seen you spend much time with him either. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is a bit jealous. Perhaps you should squeeze some time in today for him? You have to know he too has been vying to get out of the castle.”

  “He understands that I have things to do to keep this castle in order and the Clan secure. But perhaps ye’re right,” Jude said as he glanced down at her. “He might be thinkin’ I’ve spent all me free time with ye.”

  “I don’t want to be the cause for the two of you not to get along,” Cleo said propping herself up onto her elbow.

  “Rest easy, love, ye’re nae comin’ between us. If anythin’ ye’ve completed us,” Jude said.

  “Is that why you asked me to marry you? For Hugh’s sake?” Cleo asked with a playful smile as she tilted her head.

  “Of course, daenae ye ken?” Jude answered as he pulled the pillow out from under his head and smashed her with it.

  Cleo’s laughter filled the room and Jude couldn’t help but laugh with her. The sun light trickled through the curtains and started pushing the dark shadows away. Jude sighed heavily as he turned his attention back to Cleo.

  “I’m sorry, me love,” he said begrudgingly. “The day will soon get away from us and there is much for me to do.”

  Cleo nodded as she lowered herself back into the pillows. “I know. You are the Laird after all. I’m sure that you will find plenty to keep yourself busy. I, on the other hand, will just have to wither away from boredom.”

  “Is boredom what will take ye from me?” Jude asked with a chuckled. “What a pitiful way to go.”

  “You could save my life and stay a bit longer,” she said as Jude slipped off the bed.

  “When ye make it a matter of life and death, how am I to say nae?” he answered as she plopped back down on the bed and he showered her with kisses.

  “Stop,” Cleo said as she gasped for air. Her face was bright red from laughing as he tickled her ribs to make her squirm.

  “Then ye’re safe now?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  “Then I must go.”

  Propping up on an elbow, her lower lip jaunted out into a pout. “Will I see you later tonight?”

  “If that is what ye wish,” he said as he climbed off the bed and dressed himself. The pout on her face was almost comical and he leaned down to run his fingers through her soft hair. The sound of the magpies chirping outside caught his attention and he knew he was running out of time.

  “I ken that ye daenae like to have an escort around the castle,” Jude said rising from her. “But if ye promise me ye willnae go outside, I willnae have Felix or Ronan follow ye today.”

  Cleo shot up. “You mean I won’t have a shadow following me?”

  Jude closed his eyes and shook his head. “I’ll have Felix attend to Hugh instead.”

  Cleo stared at him and he could see the disbelief and shock on her face. A part of him was pleased to see her in such spirits. He knew in the depths of his being that he wanted to please her in every way, even if that meant going against his better judgment.

  A smile returned to her face. “I promise. I won’t go out without a guard. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled by the sudden change of heart, but what brought this on?”

  “I have several men questionin’ the staff tryin’ to get to the bottom of why anyone would poison us. There have been a few new leads which I will address today and if all goes well, then we may have a suspect in the tower by tonight and the lock downs will be no longer needed,” he said.

  “That’s fantastic news,” Cleo said. Jude’s heart swelled in his chest. Cleo’s smile was contagious and he smiled with her as she beamed like the sun in his eyes.

  “Now, if ye’ll excuse me,” Jude said.

  “Of course, my love,” Cleo said bowing her head.

  “Is there anythin’ I can get ye before I go?”

  “Do you suppose you could send Paige up?” Cleo asked. “I do not wish to ruin your day but perhaps having a good book in between a few bites of something to eat would brighten my spirits. After all,” she said, turning to the window. “I think the sky looks a bit gray. Perhaps it will rain.”

  “Are ye daft?” Jude asked staring out the window to the bright sky.

  “What?” Cleo asked as he caught her glancing at him in the corner of his eye.

  “We have nae had rain in nearly three months,” Jude said.

  “Then perhaps we shall today,” Cleo said with a smirk. “Perhaps today would be a good day to stay indoors. Or with Felix by my side, I could possibly practice outside again with bow and arrow. I’m sure Felix has a few pointers that he would like to give me. If it’s all right with you, of course?” Cleo asked as Jude tuck his shirt into his trews and slip into his boots.

  There was no denying the fact that he enjoyed Cleo’s enthusiasm about learning how to use the bow and a smile drifted over his lips as he nodded.

  “Ye may go to the courtyard, but I daenae want ye leavin’ the castle grounds.”

  “I promise I will stay with Felix,” Cleo said as she crossed her fingers over her heart.

  “Good,” Jude said as he leaned over the
edge of the bed and planted a kiss on her forehead. He pulled away slowly. Regret filled him as he knew he had to leave her but there was so much that he needed to do and no one he could trust to see it done thoroughly. “I will see ye at dinner.”

  Cleopatra nodded as she curled the blanket to her chest, her wild hair flowing freely around her shoulders causing Jude’s heart to flutter. It didn’t matter if she was looking prim and proper in her elegant dresses or if she laid disheveled with her hair flowing freely around her. She was still like a goddess to him, and he couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest guy on the planet for being with such an attractive and smart woman as Cleo.

  “Until tonight then,” Jude said as he moved towards the door and pulled it open.

  The servants were busying themselves in the hallway, cleaning the rooms and dusting fine furniture. He realized that Cleopatra was right about his stress levels. It seemed ever since he had finished making love to her everything had a brighter tint to it. The shadows that had been lingering in the back of his mind were pushed aside and he realized that perhaps she was right about him being paranoid.

  “My Laird,” Ian said as he passed Jude in the hallway.

  Jude stopped and waited for his mentor to come to him. As usual, Ian pushed paperwork into Jude’s hands. It was just as he suspected, there were tons of work to attend to, but he knew that there was no way he was going to be able to get Cleo off his mind. He nodded sharply to Ian and moved toward the study.

  “Just to inform ye, sire,” Ian said, “but ye do have a tagalong in yer study today.”

  Jude stopped and turned to look at Ian with a raised eyebrow. He tilted his head. “Excuse me?”

  “The young master is in yer study.”

  “Oh,” Jude said with a hint of a smile. If he knew anything about his son, he knew that Hugh was just as restless as Cleo was, and chances were, Hugh was there to gain as much attention from him as possible.

  “Is it possible that ye may have been neglectin’ Hugh these past several weeks since Cleopatra has arrived?” Ian asked in a low muffed voice. Jude shook his head.

  “If anythin’, he has had more attention. From me understandin’ Cleo has spent a lot of time teachin’ him to read and write,” Jude said.

  “Aye, but when was the last time the boy went outside the castle? It’s been several weeks since ye locked them both up and I heard him grumblin’ to the servants of how ye showed Lady Cleopatra how to use a bow and arrow while he was stuck inside.”

  Grief and regret filled Jude. He knew in the back of his mind it wasn’t right for him to give Cleo attention and allow her to go outside if he would not do the same for his own son. Dropping his shoulders and glancing to the paperwork in his hands, he realized what he had to do.

  “Hold onto these,” Jude said, pushing the paperwork back into Ian’s hands. “It is possible that ye’re right and that I should show me son a bit more attention. What is it that ye think would be a good thing for us to do today?”

  Ian shrugged as they continued to walk to the study. “Perhaps a fishin’ trip outside the castle walls,” Ian suggested. “After all, the boy would love to run into the open moors and spend the day with his faither, wouldnae ye agree?”

  “Perhaps. But I was told it was goin’ to rain today,” Jude said as Cleo’s words played in the back of his mind.

  “Rain?” Ian gaffed, “where did ye hear that bit of news?”

  “A birdie told me,” Jude said.

  “Wouldnae that be a sight to see?” Ian said as they pushed through the study doors to find Hugh sitting in the large leather chair behind Jude’s desk.

  Hugh’s little feet were propped up on the desk and he leaned back with scowl on his face. The sight of Hugh looking so sad caused Jude to start chuckling. His laughter filled the study as the boy perked up.

  “It’s nae funny,” the boy said.

  “And do ye even ken what I’m laughin’ at?” Jude asked as he walked closer to his son.

  “I daenae care,” Hugh said with a bigger pout on his face that could rival Cleo’s.

  “What’s wrong?” Jude asked walking over to his son and kneeling before him.

  “We used to do things together. Remember? Now I feel like ye’re just pawnin’ me off on whomever will take me. When can we go out?”

  “Hugh,” Jude said without any anger or malice in his voice. “How would ye like to go fishin’ on the moors with me today?”

  Hugh’s eyes widened as he dropped his feet from the desk and sat up straight. “Are ye serious? Ye’re lettin’ me go outside the castle?”

  “Is that what ye’d like to do? I did let Cleo go out into the courtyard, but I think if I’m with ye, we can go a bit further. What do ye say?”

  “Aye, please, faither. I daenae think I can handle one more day in this place.”

  “Ye sound like Cleo,” Jude said shaking his head. “Very well, then. Have the cook gather us some scan and a few poles. We will go fishin’. I cannae promise we will catch anythin’, but at least ye’ll be able to be out of the confinement almost as if everything was as it was before.”

  Hugh did not have to be told twice. He leapt from the chair and rushed out of the room flying past Ian as he headed towards the kitchen in search of the cook.

  “Ye should probably go with someone else too, just for protection,” Ian said as Jude rose to his feet.

  “Aye, that would be wise. Fetch me Ronan,” Jude said with a wave of his hand.

  “I’m afraid Ronan is runnin’ an errand,” Ian said. “But I can get Aidan.”

  “He’ll do,” Jude said as he pulled in a deep breath. There was a part of him that longed to see the moors again. Yet in the back of his mind, he wondered just how safe Cleo would be without him in the castle. For a split second he thought of confining her to her room until he got back, but then stopped before the order slipped from his lips.

  I have to learn to trust she’ll be fine without me.

  “I think it is wise of ye to take Hugh out,” Ian said. “The boy has been a wee bit restless of late. And doin’ somethin’ with just the two of ye, well, he’ll see Cleo isnae stealin’ ye away from him.”

  “That’s the last thing I want Hugh to feel,” Jude said.

  Jude shook his head as he took Ian’s counsel and quickly realized that the old man was right. Walking over to his mentor, Jude patted him on the shoulder.

  “Perhaps it would be wise if it’s just the two of us. After all, I cannae remember the last time we went fishin’. See that Aidan is at the gate in twenty minutes, there are a few last-minute things I need to do before we go,” Jude said.

  “Can I assist with them?” Ian asked stepping closer to him. Jude shook his head as he moved to the desk and pulled out a piece of paper and began writing on it.

  Just in case Cleo comes searchin’ for me, I wouldnae want her to think I’ve abandoned her too.


  Sitting in her plush chair, Cleopatra stared out of the window, contemplating what to do. The books that she had in her room no longer interested her and Paige was too busy attending other business to provide her with the distraction she wanted. Sighing heavily, she thought of going outside and getting some practice with the bow and arrow, but even that felt like it would lose her interest. After all, it wasn’t the sport that she longed for, it was Jude and having him close to her.

  What to do?

  Slamming the book closed, she stood and began pacing her room. It seemed no matter what she thought about doing, it only added to her frustration. What she really wanted was to watch Jude in his study. At least then he would be close to her, even if his mind was elsewhere.

  Yet she knew that he was busy. Even if he managed to steal a few glimpses of her, she would be nothing but a distraction for him and that was not what she wanted at all.

  My father was all about getting work done. And I know I shouldn’t be so needy, but what’s the harm in sitting beside Jude? Oh bother!

  I’m not going to be
able to get him out of my mind until I do something. Just a quick little peek inside his office. Maybe even have Paige bring in some food and have a little picnic inside the study next to the fire. That wouldn’t be so bad. A man does have to eat, after all.

  With full determination and a new sense of purpose, Cleo knew what she wanted to do. A light rapping on the door caught her attention and she quickly opened it. Paige stood there with the bright smile and a tray full of food for her almost as if the servant had read her mind.

  “Perfect timing,” Cleo said as she scooped her arm into Paige’s.


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