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Page 7

by T L Wainwright

  “Then I’ll have to steal it right back.”

  Taking her mouth with a ferocious determination, I slip my tongue between her lips and she takes it greedily. Touching, teasing, playing a game of catch me if you can with our tongues. It’s hot and heady and full of inappropriate intent.

  With a slight adjustment of her body, she straddles me, and although I’m pretty sure it’s her that has made the first move, I’m not totally innocent when I shift to sit with my back against the couch, putting me in a position that will benefit the both of us. With my hands on her ass, I pull her in even tighter, desperate to have her closer.

  Although my jeans are loose fit, my cock is so hard it’s pushing painfully against the zipper. When Dana starts to rock her hips, grinding her covered pussy against the swell in my pants, I dig my fingers into her ass cheeks and follow her rhythm. Our bodies move in perfect sync, rolling, pushing, seeking out the pleasure that is rapidly building.

  When her head tips back, our kiss broken, I quickly move my mouth to her now exposed neck. Soft purrs of approval fall from her lips as I suck at the delicate skin at her pulse point, before I nip across her collar bone with my teeth.

  I can feel the heat from between her legs as if the fabric between us isn’t there at all, and I’m damn sure she fucking wet. When her purrs become deep noisy moans of pleasure, I know she’s about to come, so I bring her mouth to mine, kissing her, breathing in her exhales and every single noise that goes with them. Even my goddamn fucking name.

  It’s while I hold her spent body in my arms, my cock still hard and desperate for release, that I realise what a stupid fuck I am.

  Slowly, I lift her off my lap and lay her onto the couch, before standing and walking out of the door.

  This time when I hear her shout out my name it doesn’t come with a sense of pride, only a sickened feeling in my gut.

  Chapter 9


  I’ve only been gone about fifty minutes, just riding, thinking, trying to get my head straight, when I make my way back to the cabin. As I pull up outside, I feel the vibration of my phone against my hip where it sits in my pocket. When I check the screen, I see four missed calls, three from Dana, the latter from Cannon asking me where the fuck I am. His words, not mine.

  I pull off my helmet then hit the call button. It barely rings before he picks up.

  “Where, the fuck, are you?”

  “Just tearing up the asphalt. I put on new brakes, wanted to check that they’re good to go. Where are you?” With the phone tucked between my ear and my shoulder, I kick out the bike stand.

  “Nowhere special.”

  “More like stalking Leah, dirty bastard.” Why the fuck did I say that? As far as I’m aware Cannon hasn’t crossed the line, putting the club at risk. Even if he had, who am I to lay judgement after what I’ve done lately?

  “Fuck off Mammoth, you shit head. How many times do I have to tell you, nothing is or will ever be going on with Leah Sparks, you get me?”

  “Okay, okay. So, what’s up?”

  “Pops has called Church. He wants everyone here in an hour and forty-five. Fuck knows what he’s got up his sleeve, but you can bet your ass it ain’t anything good.” I was about to put the bike back into the outbuilding, but there’s no point as I will need to leave soon anyway.

  “It’s bound to be that Mexican shit again. Told you before, he ain’t gonna give until he gets his way.”

  “Over my dead, fucking body,” Cannon growls down the phone.

  “Need me to round up the others?”

  “Nah, lazy asses are already at the club house, except for Mac. Toothpick is tracking him down now. You gonna be able to get your ass back there in time?”

  “Sure, I’m about an hour away, so it’s all good.”

  “Okay brother, I’ll see you back at the club house.” With that the call drops. I leave the helmet on the seat of my ride and make my way into the cabin.

  I expect a barrage of questions as soon as I step in the door, so I’m prepared for it. I’m ready to put a stop to this nonsense and make it clear that what happened between us was a huge mistake and it can’t happen again. But when I walk inside, Dana is nowhere to be seen. At first, I think that she’s gone and the thought of her being out there, not really knowing where she is, brings a knot in my gut. But as I move forward to go check out the bathroom, the door opens and there she is.

  As I let my gaze take her in, all my resolve seems to vanish into nothingness. Her short hair is wet, giving it a different shade of green. Other than a slight puffiness around her eyes, all remnants of her tears are gone and replaced with a fresh, pink flush to her cheeks. Droplets of water are scattered across her shoulders and the domes of her breasts, plumped up above the tightly wrapped towel around her body. If it weren’t for the fact that her long legs are clearly visible beneath the tiny towel, she’d look like a mythical mermaid. She’s mesmerizing and I can’t take my eyes from her.

  “I took a shower; I hope you don’t mind?” Her words are clear and strong with a huge hint of ‘fuck you’ in there. “I need to get some clean clothes from my bag, the ones I was wearing are… unsuitable.”

  I watch her, dumb struck, as she walks over to her bag, unzips it, and rummages around inside, pulls out the tiniest panties I’ve ever seen and a pair of frayed denim shorts.

  “Damn it.” She curses out, slapping her forehead with the flat of her hand.

  “What’s wrong.”

  “I was in such a rush; I didn’t pack any t-shirts or sweaters. I’ve only got the hoodie I was wearing. I’ll have to wear that.”

  “Let me get you something,” I offer, making my way into the bedroom. Opening one of the drawers in my cabinet, I pull out the first t-shirt that comes to hand. When I turn back around, Dana is stood in the doorway.

  “This is not what I expected,” she says. Her eyes scan the room.

  “What were you expecting?”

  “I guess something more rough and ready. Raw wood floorboards, dirty laundry all over the place, unmade bed with ratty old comforter, but its clean, crisp, and lacks the usual bad man odor.”

  “Are you trying to tell me you’ve been in a lot of men’s bedrooms?” A pang of jealousy hits me right between my chest bone.

  “Not really, but I have been to a few frat parties, and believe me some of those places smell really bad.” Despite my irritation of her revelation, I can’t help but smile at her facial expression. The way she wrinkles her nose is pretty cute.

  “They’re not men, they’re boys. Not all males want to live in a dumpster.”

  “I guess, but this is nice. It’s rustic in a high-class way. The deep plush rug, the solid wood furniture, it fits with the cabin in the woods look perfectly.” She runs a finger across the solid wood foot board of the bed. “And that is one big assed bed you’ve got here. Mind you, you are one big assed monster.”

  “Less of the big ass,” I joke back with her, but that soon changes when I notice that the towel around her body seems to have fallen. Another millimeter or so and I will be teased by a perfect view of her nipples.

  “Here,” I rush towards her, shaking out the t-shirt as I go, then quickly pull it over her head. Her arms are in there too somewhere, and when she goes to put them through the armholes, the towel drops. Luckily, the t-shirt is so big that it covers her enough that I don’t get a flash of tempting flesh. It’s when I pull it down that I notice it’s a Young Outlaws T-shirt, with the club insignia over the left breast.

  “It’s a little big.” I hum, while my fingers trace the outline of the badge. Her nipples peak and push against the fabric and fuck it if I don’t want to pull that fucker up and take her tit into my mouth. I back off quickly and make my way back into the living area, and over to the kitchen.

  Sat on the countertop is the plate of grilled cheese sandwiches. I stand staring at them, but they might as well be invisible because the last thing on my mind is food.

  “You upped and left,
and I didn’t know how long you were going to be seeing how you failed to answer my calls, so I took them out of the oven.” Dana announces as she walks back into the room. When I glance over my shoulder at her, I can see that she’s no longer holding on to the shorts and panties and I only pray that she has them on under the long t-shirt that sits halfway down her thighs.

  “Thanks. I’m sorry I left but I just needed…”

  “I know I said I was hungry but there was enough to feed a family.”

  “What’s the verdict?” What the fuck! I should be telling her that I’d made a mistake, that I should never have allowed what happened, to happen. But here I am, questioning whether she likes my fucking sandwich.

  “Not bad. A little soggy, but that’s probably due to it being left to keep warm for too long.” She walks into the bathroom but returns within seconds with her discarded clothing from earlier. “Do you have a washing machine?” She walks around to the other side of the counter to where I’m still standing.

  “Dana?” I turn to face her, but she doesn’t register me at all.

  “If not, soap powder? Then at least I could rinse them out in the sink.” She walks around the kitchen, checking out the facilities. I follow her. “Might take a while to dry but…”

  “Dana, just stop.” Taking hold of her lower arm, I swing her around to face me. “We need to talk.”

  “I need to wash my clothes.” I grab the garments out of her hands and throw them in the sink. “Hey!” she grumbles.

  “Fuck your laundry.” Taking her arm, I steer her back towards the couch.

  A flash back of how we were entwined together earlier fills my head. The heat, the connection had shaken me. The realization of how wrong it was, but how right it felt, has me overflowing with mixed emotions. But however much I crave to have that moment again, a repeat of the situation is out of the question.

  Sitting her on the couch, I place my ass on the solid wood coffee table in front of her.

  “What do you want to do, Dana. Why don’t you call your mom, explain what happened?”

  “Mom won’t do anything. She won’t go against my father; she’d rather stay out of it, otherwise he’ll only make her life hell too.” The way her whole-body tenses, how her voice goes up an octave makes it blatantly clear that this is not an option.

  “Okay, then do you have anywhere you could go? What about Leah, could you go stay with her for a while?”

  “No, I couldn’t ask her, besides, she lives with a ward, not even her kin.”

  “Well, I ain’t taking you back to your cunt of a father, unless that’s what you want?”

  “Hell no, I don’t ever want to stay under the same roof as him ever again. He’s a manipulative, overbearing, cunt.”

  “Don’t say that word.”

  “What word? Cu..” I place my finger over her lips to stop her finishing the word. “You said it,” she mumbles behind my finger.

  “I’m the Road Captain for the Young Outlaws, it’s a club rule that we have to use the word,” I laugh trying to lift the mood. “Besides, it doesn’t sound right coming out of such a pretty mouth.” Shit! Here I go again.

  “We need to work something out, Dana.”

  “Can I stay here? I feel safe here.”

  “That’s not a good idea.”

  “Why? I won’t get in your way. I’ll even sleep on the couch if it makes you feel better.”

  Couch, bed, wouldn’t make a difference because after tasting her, feeling her body against mine, watching her come in my arms. Hell, she could be in another state and I’d still want to put my hands on her.

  “Please, just until I can figure something out. I’m due to start University in Gainesville in the fall. Dad wants me close, so that was the best one in Florida for Politics. Not my vocational choice by the way, but then again, I didn’t get a voice in the matter. He’s set me up in an apartment near campus, but I’m sure as hell not going to be staying there now.”

  “You don’t have a whole lot of options though, do you?”

  “Maybe it’s not too late to transfer, somewhere close but far enough away that he has no idea where I am. I might even switch majors. Do something that I want to do. I could go by a different name, find a job, I’m sure I could bar tend or waitress, earn enough to rent a room.”

  “Dana,” I try to interrupt her as she plots her possibilities, but she keeps on talking, wringing her hands together.

  She’s worried, and who wouldn’t be? Her whole life is about to get turned upside down in her quest to escape her father’s oppression. But I can’t help thinking that this could be the making of her.

  “So, I just need to stay here for a while. I promise I won’t be any trouble. A few weeks, max.”


  “Okay? You mean it, I can stay?”

  “Yes, you can stay.” She leans forward off the couch and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me surprisingly tightly. I gently take her hands from me and ease her back to where she was sat, placing her hands into her lap. “But there will be conditions.”

  “Anything. Just name them.”

  “If you leave the cabin, you stay close. You can’t go anywhere where you might be seen.”

  “Nobody will take much notice of little old me,” she sniggers.

  “You’re joking right? Your father is running for mayor and is high profile. As soon as the news gets out that your missing, and it will, everyone will be looking for you.”

  “I didn’t think of that. Okay, I’ll stay close to the cabin. I wouldn’t go far anyway in fear of getting lost.”

  “You need to keep off social media too, no phone calls to friends, relatives, nothing. In fact, turn off your phone.”

  “Wow! That’s a bit over the top isn’t it?”

  “If you don’t want to risk being found, then it’s what you’ve gotta do. It’s easy to track someone by their mobile phone. In fact, best back it up onto your cloud or something then give it to me, and I’ll get rid of it. I’ll give you a burner phone to use for emergencies, but you only use it to contact me, or to answer my calls, okay?”

  “Why would you need to ring me, you’ll be here won’t you?

  “I’ll stay at the club house, but I’ll come back with supplies and stuff you might need when it’s safe to do so.”

  “Okay,” she replies halfheartedly.

  “We can’t stay under the same roof.” She nods but I can tell by her body language that she’s not happy about it, but I need distance between us, otherwise I’m going to be tempted to cross the line again.

  “I know it might feel like you’re getting out of one set of rules only to be restricted by another, but this is how it has to be. If they find you, here, staying in my home, it’s not only you that will be fucked, I will be too.”

  “I understand and thank you for helping me.”

  “That’s what friends do. Now, I gotta go deal with club business.”

  I hate leaving her, but with a soft pat on her knee I get up and take my leave. On my ride back to the club house, not once does the prospect of what I’m going to face at Church cross my mind. I’m one hundred percent fixed on who I’ve left behind at the cabin.

  Chapter 10


  Everyone is at the club house except Mammoth. I’m about to shoot him a text to see where the fuck he is, when I hear the rumble of his motorcycle as it pulls into the yard.

  When he comes barreling in through the front door, I throw him a look that clearly tells him that he’s trying my patience.

  “Church!” I shout at the top of my voice and immediately the guys put down their drinks, chicks or whatever it is that they’re doing, and start to make their way down the hallway towards the back room.

  “What the fuck Mammoth, you nearly didn’t make it. You’re the one who’s usually the first to get here, so what gives?”

  “Like I said, I was cruising, seeing how my lady was running now. I misjudged my timing that’s all. Didn’t expect
to get caught up in a jam before I hit the highway.”

  I believe him, because I have no reason to doubt him, but not once does he look me in the eye and that make me wonder if Mammoth isn’t holding something back.

  Now is not the time or place to push for more, because at this moment I’m more concerned as to what my Pops is up to and exactly why he’s called Church.

  “Come on, better get in there and see what the old fucker wants now.” I step back to let Mammoth go first, following right behind him.

  Once Mammoths huge body moves into the room, I can see that all the members are sat in their designated places.

  Gearhead, in his capacity of Sergeant at Arms is sat to the left, opposite to where I go to sit on the right at the top of the table. Next to him, Mammoth is taking his seat as Road Captain. Members take up the majority of the seating, with the prospectors, Toothpick, Skids and Doc, standing with their backs against the wall.

  I pull back my chair and sit, turning to my left to find Conda next to me scrolling through his phone. I elbow him in his ribs and cast him a dirty look. Instantly he shuts off the screen and slides it into the breast pocket of his short-sleeved button down that’s under his cut. You never see him in a basic t-shirt or wifebeater, always the button down.

  The one person that should be here, is not.

  The President. Our Pops, the asshole.

  This does not surprise me as my father is a typical, egotistical, arrogant narcissist and gives no fucks as to who he keeps waiting. As far as he’s concerned, he’s in charge of the Young Outlaws and he doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

  “You see? All that fuss about nothing,” Mammoth says, leaning over the table trying to talk in whispers. But when Gearheads eyes flick between Mammoth and I, the smirk that lingers on his lips, only validates the fact that Mammoth is incapable of saying anything quietly. “You know that whatever time Pops sets down for a meeting, there’s always at least a ten to fifteen-minute wait for him to get his ass in here.”


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