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Just Love Me

Page 10

by Traci Sek

"We mainly talked about things."

  "What things?"

  I lifted my head to look at him. "About your mom." His arm immediately released from around mine and he put both hands on his face, rubbing up and down. I heard him take deep breaths before getting up. I got up too.

  "What did she tell you?" He asked with anger evident in his voice.

  "Everything she knew."

  "Fuck! I'm going to kill her." I placed my hand on his forearm and grabbed his other arm before he could run away from me.

  "Jake it's ok. It doesn't matter. Please don't be mad, she just wanted to make sure I would take care of you."

  "That's none of her business! And it's certainly not her problem to worry about me! I mean seriously how dare she?"


  "She has no regard for anything and apparently neither does my father!" He paces back and forth as my heart starts to beat frantically.


  "I wish they would all just leave me the hell alone! Just stay out of my business!"

  "Jake. Please calm down, you are starting to scare me.”

  His mouth started to open before he realized what I just said. His finger was pointed in the air mid thought. He then closed his mouth and put his finger down, looking at me with instant regret.

  “I’m so sorry. I keep doing that without thinking. Shit.”

  "Don’t be sorry, it happens. I read a lot about relationships and things and good communication is key you know. I mean that is if we are really in a relationship.”

  The word danced on my tongue feeling a bit strange.

  “Of course we are. That’s what you want right? Do you feel a connection between us? Because I do.”

  Still holding on to one of his arms, I slowly guided him back down on the couch. I positioned myself so that I could look into his green eyes.

  “It’s strange actually, I thought I was the only person who felt this odd force between us. At first, I thought it was just because we both came from terrible pasts, but then when you kissed me, I realized it was so much more.”

  I paused for a moment to really gather my thoughts.

  “I’m glad, relieved actually that it wasn’t just me. It’s been bothering me ever since that night. It’s fast, yes, but it’s ok. It’s nothing I can’t handle. This is my first ever relationship. The first time I ever did that,” I blushed at my own words and looked away.

  “I couldn’t tell. It was all so magical to me.” His words came out in a whisper barely audible but nonetheless heard. It made my heart leap with joy. “Please don’t ever feel ashamed around me. You are beautiful in every way. Inside and out. I’m so glad I met you, even though it was under the worst conditions.”

  Despite the small pain that ached in my head at the thought, I giggled. I couldn’t help it.

  “From now on we take it slow and see where everything goes. I’m new at this too believe it or not. And I’m not perfect by any means. Hell, I don’t even know if I deserve this or not.”

  I placed my palm on top of his large hand. He twisted his hand and entwined our fingers loosely together as he stared down at them.

  “Jake, you do deserve this just as much as I do. Please don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  He looked up at me with sad eyes but managed to place a soft smile on his face. “You’re right, I’ll try my best if you promise to do the same.”

  “I promise.”

  “Can I kiss you now?”

  I giggled once again feeling those pesky butterflies infiltrate my stomach. “Yes.”

  His hands cupped my face as warm lips met mine parting only for a second as my body was whisked into the air.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” He winked at me with a mischievous grin plastered on his sweet face, as he walked briskly up the stairs and into his room. He kicked the door closed with his one foot as I slid down him. His lips find my neck as he planted kiss after kiss making my breath hitch in my throat. Standing back up straight our eyes met, giving each other silent permission to continue.

  Slowly, agonizingly, my shirt was pulled up over my head and thrown to the side. I found his lips as my hands snake up under his shirt. He moaned against my lips, making me smile before my hands found his belt buckle, unbuckling it in a snap. I grabbed the ends of his shirt and pulled upwards over his head. His glorious abs were now on full display as I let my fingers trace every inch. His hand came up over my fingers to stop them. A look of pure lust was written on his face before he spoke low.

  “You’re torturing me.”

  My thoughts and emotions were jumbled but one thing was clear, I wanted him. I was no longer afraid. I was much more aware of my surroundings and knew exactly what was coming. I reclaimed his lips as he pulled my leggings down along with my underwear before shrugging out of his pants expertly. He laid me gently on the bed making me feel exposed. I couldn’t imagine what was going on in that brain of his at that moment. I tried not to squirm under his intense gaze that swept over my body.

  “Gorgeous.” He muttered before gently laying on top of me. Both his hands resting on either side of my head. His head bobbed down towards my breasts sucking one by one before moving to my stomach and then back to my lips. I was getting desperate to have him in me. My hands curled around his thick shoulders and then down to his bulging biceps. I could feel the pull in my lower abdomen as his muscles flex with every move he made, making me claw at his chest.

  "Are you sure you want this again?"

  "Yes!" I whispered as my stomach flipped with excitement and desire. He smiled and then kissed me gently before slowly thrusting into me.

  I wrapped my arms around his back as my fingernails clawed at him. I had never felt this much desire for a human being in my entire life and I never wanted to forget this feeling. My skin scorched with fire but shivered in delight as my toes curled against his cotton sheets. My heart wildly beating out of my chest and without permission my lips uttered his name over and over again before releasing together in ecstasy. Stars blocked my vision as he slumped over next to me. Once I caught my breath I giggled and wrapped my arms around his glistening torso.

  "That was even better than the first time." I smiled in the darkness and grabbed his hand. He faintly chuckled before kissing me on the forehead. I listened to the rhythm of his heart dancing in his chest before quietly speaking again.

  "I got a job today." He turned on his side to face me with his hand propping up his head. Curiosity lacing his features.

  "Do tell."

  I took a moment before answering, laying my hand on his chin, caressing the slight stubble forming. I propped myself up just enough to place a featherlike kiss on his jaw.

  "The other part of the lunch with your sister was to interview me as a paid intern." I smirked at him even though he couldn't see it in the dark. “She hired me immediately.”

  "No way! Quit pulling my chain."

  "I'm serious!" I laughed. I mimic his position and peck him on the lips. "Are you mad?"

  "No baby. I'm happy if you're happy." Did he just call me baby? It kind of has a nice ring to it.

  "Good, I'm glad, because I start tomorrow."

  He let out a deep chuckle and then laid back on his back. I cuddled up to him and lay my head back on his chest, my leg wrapped around his legs. The constant rhythm of his heart and the comfortable silence lulled me to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Standing in the gigantic closet that took up half my room, I stared at the never-ending array of clothes. What to wear? I asked myself over and over. Jake had said that they were his sister's clothes she had left behind when she moved out. I was just glad they fit perfectly.

  I peered at myself in the full-length mirror, trying on outfit after outfit, none of them to my liking. Memories of the night before flooded my brain and a smile immediately danced on my lips.

  "Hey babe. What are you doing?" I jumped at his voice that startled me out of my thoughts.
Jake was leaning on the doorway in just grey pajama pants, arms crossed over his chest. His hair ruffled every which way, making my hands itch to run them through it. I love his ‘just got out of bed’ look. He scanned my body as I sported his t-shirt that lingered just above my knees.

  “I was wondering where my shirt went.” He gave me a smirk that could melt my insides. I playfully walked over to him, holding the ends of his shirt as if I were going to pull it up at any minute, before pretending to change my mind and hugging his torso. His arms unfolded from his chest and snaked around me, placing a small soft kiss on the top of my head.

  “Tease,” he murmured before releasing me.

  "I’m trying to pick out an outfit for today." I playfully pouted crossing my arms the way he had them just a few minutes earlier. He chuckled.

  Shaking his head, he walked past me and grabbed a long sleeved dress that was a maroon color on top that faded into black. I grabbed them from him as he went over to the shoe area, picking out black leather boots that looked to go a little past my ankles.

  "There you go, that should do it." He smirked at me and folded his arms on his chest again.

  I scrutinized the outfit, holding it against me in the mirror. This could definitely work.

  "Thank you," I said blushing. "I feel like such an idiot. I can match a design pattern, but when it comes to picking out clothes, forget it."

  "You're just nervous but you’ll do fine. I'm going to jump in the shower. I'll have the car ready in thirty minutes, we can ride together."


  After a final look in the mirror, satisfied and shocked that it actually looked good on me, I head downstairs to meet Jake by the front door. Confidence Emily. You can do this. I chanted in my head over and over. Jake seemed to notice this as he grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear.

  "You look beautiful. You will do great, just breathe."

  I gave him a small smile and followed him out to the car. The icy air hit me like a cracked whip as I fought back the urge to shiver unsuccessfully. Once in the car, I gladly welcomed the hot air that circulated around us. Only the tapping of Jake's fingers on his phone filled the large empty space as we silently drove to the office. I took in the beautiful surroundings as it whizzed by. It was amazing how remote we lived, yet we were so close to the city.

  We finally arrived in front of the skyscraper that seemed to never end, with its round shaped glass in the middle and square shaped on both sides. A thin layer of light red brick separated each floor. Jake grabbed my hand as we walked in through the front doors. I could never tire of feeling his soft warm hands in mine.

  Everyone was hustling around the lobby area holding stacks of papers, briefcases, and cups of coffee. Some immediately quicken their pace as they see Jake walk in, but do a double take at our interlocked hands. Some people even leaned over each other and whispered. Jake once again doesn't notice as his eyes are focused on his phone. We entered the elevator, squeezing to fit in the sea of never-ending people. Jake pressed the third-floor button and is back studying whatever it is that's on his phone. I took this opportunity to secretly cuddle into him, his fresh clean scent with a hint of leather wafts up to my nostrils. He smiled but didn't look up.

  The elevator finally dings indicating that we are on the third floor and its sleek silver doors slowly opened. Only a few exit along with Jake and I.

  "So, this is the design floor."

  I momentarily stopped and took in all the beautiful surroundings. The floor is silver and white octagon shaped. To the left is a hallway all in dark mahogany wood. Big letters that say Williams Design Group are planted on the wall right before entering the long narrow hallway. To the right are more offices with the same brown wood, and in front of me sits a young woman with glasses, and short dark brown hair. I watched as she shuffled through some paperwork, before glancing up and jumping into action.

  "Mr. Williams. How are you today?" She has a bright smile on her face as she stands up from her black leather chair. I took a moment to take in the sleek, slim, tight black dress that hugs her body in all the right places. I glanced down at my outfit and fought the urge not to vomit.

  She's perfect. Perfect for Jake. What does he see in me? I felt the insecurities creep up in my chest, as I fought hard to keep them at bay. This is your first day Emily, don't ruin it!

  "I'm fine Lisa. This is your new recruit Emily. I trust you will show her around until Ashley arrives."

  She gave me a once over and quickly looked back at Jake, plastering a fake smile on her face. "Of course, sir." Jake then looked at me.

  "Good luck." He kissed me softly on the cheek, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Is he afraid of letting people know who I am? Am I that repulsive in public? My disappointment slightly eased up as a look of pure jealousy was plastered on the girl's face.

  "Thank you." I quickly said and walked away from him before I changed my mind.

  "Follow me." Lisa said in a bitter tone. Only when I heard the elevators start to close, I looked back to catch one last glimpse of Jake. His eyes twinkled as he looked at me. He smiled and winked right before the doors closed on him. I inwardly smiled, but I doubt he could see the disappointment coursing through me.

  After Lisa showed me around and told me which offices were which, she showed me to the file room. The door swung open revealing wall to wall filing cabinets.

  "Mrs. Stewart should be arriving soon. She did not leave specific instructions yet so take this time to familiarize yourself. Let me know if you need anything. What's your name again?"


  "Well Emily, welcome to the team." A bored tone spewed from her mouth. I simply nodded and watched as she closed the door. I go over to the tall cabinets and open a drawer curiosity running through my veins.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  It only took about ten minutes before my door swung open again revealing Ashley.

  "Good morning! Sorry I'm late."

  "That's alright."

  "Before I forget this is for you.” She handed me a small white box.

  “What is it?”

  “A cellphone from my brother. He texted me early this morning about it. He said it was just in case you needed to contact him.” I stared at the box stunned. He bought me a cellphone?

  “Well, don’t just sit there. Follow me, we have lots of work to do."

  Grasping the white box in my hands, I followed her down the narrow hallway, and entered through a set of double black doors. I'm in awe of what hits me. Patterns and fabrics of all different shapes and colors were spewed about the room. Paint swatches and pictures of different styles on poster boards lay on a gigantic wooden table sitting in the center, that if used could easily sit ten.

  "Sorry for all the mess. It's been a bit busy these past few months. My brother keeps buying huge abandoned buildings and expects us to have them designed and filled within such a small time frame."

  "Oh." Is all I managed to get out. My brain is momentarily frozen.

  "These are all different designs we've created in the past or have come up with just recently. The rest of my design team should be here any minute. What I need from you is to start organizing this mess. The binders are labeled by date and location. Some have multiple binders so just stack them and when the meeting is over, I’ll show you where I would like them.”

  As if on cue the double doors swung open and in walked two people. A tall slender man in a perfectly pressed black suit holding a Starbucks cup and a woman dressed in black slacks and a loose-fitting red blouse. They are laughing at each other, before abruptly stopping to stare at me.

  "Jay, Lori, this is my new intern Emily."

  "Nice to meet you," I said, holding out my shaky hand.

  "Welcome aboard." Jay reached out his hand and shook mine firmly.

  "Yes welcome," Lori said with a fake smile. She didn't bother to shake my hand, instead, she walked by me to sit in one of the chairs. Jay followed suit.

bsp; After about two hours, Ashley dismissed Jay and Lori.

  “Alright grab what you can and follow me. We need to distribute some of these to a couple employees.”

  "Ok. No problem."

  The rest of the day went by fast and even though I wasn’t designing rooms yet, I was still excited to be here.

  "It's time to leave."

  I glanced towards the hanging clock to see it was five o'clock. I didn't even stop to eat anything and I was definitely feeling hungry. I stood up quickly and a wave of nausea hit me. I felt dizzy and lacked energy. I grabbed onto the desk and took deep breaths until it passed. Walking out of my office, I noticed no one else was around except Lisa who was shutting down her computer.

  "Can you tell me what floor Jake is on?"

  She looked startled at first but then quickly replaced it with a scowl.

  "You mean Mr. Williams?" She questioned with an attitude. I nodded unsure of why she was being so nasty to me. Did I do something to offend her?

  "Rule number one, nobody calls him by his first name. I don't know who you are or where you came from, but you aren't entitled to anything especially that." She whizzed by me as I stood in shock. The elevator opened and it closed before I got a chance to jump in. I was now left alone in an empty dark office. I felt alone and isolated once again. Why was the world so cruel to me?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Forcing my paralyzed legs to move, I hurried and pressed the button before I had a panic attack. I began to feel extremely dizzy and my thoughts were racing. How was I going to find Jake? I tried to text him but he didn't answer.

  He left me here. He abandoned me. I'm too stupid for him. The dinging sound from the elevators rang in my ear and I stumbled into the elevator hanging onto the sides of the wall. In front of me sat a huge panel, with a ton of numbers and letters. I felt the walls start to close in on me.

  Ok Emily, think. Deep breath. You can do this. You don't need anyone in this cruel world. I wiped the tears starting to form in my eyes and pressed the number six. The doors closed and I felt the elevator incline. I watched the numbers go from three to four, to five, and then the elevator stopped. I couldn't hold the tears back. I crouched down feeling the panic seep through my veins.


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