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The Eternal Kingdoms

Page 4

by Alice Knight

He gives me an Oscar award winning pissed off look.

  “Easy way or hard way love it's your choice” As tempting as the hard way is, his words hit a nerve. This caveman has been following me around like a lost puppy for years, then when I decide to give him my attention he drops off the face of the planet.

  Now I have used my time and patience to find him, only to listen to him threaten me! Well delicious backside or not I could of been at a Barneys sale right now!

  Growling to myself, I wipe off my sweet smile and go with my resting bitch face, not at all amused with this turn of events, I phase behind him watching him as he spins around with a continuous growl he is aiming in my direction.

  I wave him off and take in his room. A custom built eastern king bed dominating the middle, just begging for me to come and roll around in the covers with a certain caveman.

  Who by the looks of things is currently choosing whether or not he wants to kill me or jump me.

  Another 2 doors, guessing they go to an ensuite and closet. Like most bedrooms in this day and age a large TV is mounted on the wall by the door, sitting under the television is just what I'm looking for, I make my way over to the table holding the crystal glasses and vodka.

  Well if he isn't going to ask like a good host, I may as well help myself to three fingers worth of vodka. Taking a sip and watching him over the rim of the glass. He's just standing there letting me take him in, I see a small dusting of hair, my eyes follow as it trails down disappearing into his thigh hugging black denim jeans, aww spoil sport.

  I meet his eyes again and catch him looking at my attire, I do a slow spin for him making sure he can read the word on my ass. As I meet his eyes once more I see a slight smile on his face before he gets angry once again.

  “What are you doing here?” I hear a mixture of his emotions in that one question.

  “I came for the view” I answer back.

  He meets my eyes and we start our very own staring competition.

  “You still don't remember” it wasn't a question, I tilt my head to the side.

  “I remember a lot of things, the runner up to Britain's next top model, to turn off the stove before I leave the house, when I saw my first prada outfit. You really must be more specific”, he’s clenching his hands at his side's, a sudden knock at the door has me jumping out of my skin.

  “Not now!” he shouts over his shoulder without losing eye contact with me, damn this guy is good at this game.

  “Humor me? What is the earliest memory you have of us?”

  Without thinking I reply “I was being chased through a forest near a little town in Scotland. It was like you were enveloped in darkness, radiating anger and death, I had no clue what you were or what you wanted. So I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, being so much faster you did almost catch me but I naturally embraced the cold that was clinging to me, I started mentally pulling it around my body, realising later I had performed my first phase. That ended up with me in the middle of the closest town.” reading between the lines of his question,

  I ask something I'm not sure I want to hear the answer to.

  “Are you suggesting we met before that day Drake?” his eyes take on a far away look as I watch his lips start to move.

  “It was winter time, I was walking around the grounds and you” buzz, buzz, holding my hand up “Hold that thought handsome but you must understand it’s chicks before dicks” reaching into my pocket and fishing out my cell, I see Freya's name flashing up.

  Sliding the green bar, raising the phone to my ear, “Your timing is impeccable as ever my witchy” I say, my eyes locked with Drake's.

  “Your thank me later I'm sure, but right now I'm sitting with a glamours crazy lady and her two sidekicks. Would you care to join as I've just had my nails done and I don't want to chip them wiping the floor with these charming people” shock and angry are now buzzing around me .

  I understand why my moody is going dark but I feel the same feelings radiating from Drake. I give him a quizzical look before giving my attention back to Freya.

  “What kind of witch are you? make a rhyme, wave your hands, and turn them into toads or something” a slight chuckle is all the answer I get, I hear movement on the other side of the phone.

  “Hello again” Aireme greets me like we are old friends. “Where is this little meet and greet?” I say in an impatience tone.

  “We are at your place enjoying the view and this charming young lady’s company” Aireme informs me before hanging up the phone.

  “This bitch really needs to get the point or get dead” I whisper angrily under my breath.

  Spinning on the spot I head towards the door, mumbling all the wonderful way, I'm going to kill the annoying bitch and her puppy dogs for ruining my day.

  I face plant a hot hard chest before I even realise he has phased in front of me.

  “We are not done” Drake insists folding his arms over his chest.

  Giving him a pointed look “no shit sherlock, but I have an over dressed female to deal with and a witch to bitch at so rain check” I wink while blowing him a kiss right before I phase straight back to my place.

  Appearing behind my kitchen island I see Freya sitting on my sofa giving Thorn the stink eye while he looks out the window, Aireme, on the other hand is sitting at the breakfast counter with Lucien standing next to her talking in hushed tones.

  All eyes land on me when I start playing eenie, meenie, miny, mo! with my knife block tapping the handle to each one as I go.

  Aireme chuckles under her breath while Lucien and Thorn stare daggers at me. Landing on the winner I take ahold of the fish knife and tilt my head looking at the room and start my game all over again, only this time I'm aiming the knife to all of them. As if by some miracle from God it lands on Aireme.

  “No hard feelings but I can't have anyone upstaging me” I hear both the men growl at me, Freya is laughing and Aireme is as calm as a cucumber which of course only pisses me off.

  “That isn't the wisest idea you've ever had” I hear coming from behind me I spin and throw the knife not entirely on purpose more out of stock I'd say. Drake phases just in time and reappears next to me, the knife embeds itself in my kitchen wall.

  “What the hell Drake! Next time if it's you or my things, you take the hit !”I growl angrily.

  Freya is up and walking to the knife in question already removing it and fixing up the wall. This calms me slightly but it appears I'm the only one remotely calm right now.

  Lucien and Thorn have both taken a fighting stance, Aireme finally looks shocked. I take them all in and realise their gazes are pinned on Drake, whose eyes are glued on me.

  Freya seeming to have finished fixing the hole in the wall comes to my other side taking in everyone's expression. “Got any popcorn because I'm betting my apartment there's a good story here” she whispers to me.

  “Unfortunately no, we finished it up when we watched John Wick remember” I reply not bothering to lower my voice and I feel the agitation rise in the air around us.

  “I got us covered” she winks as she whispers a spell and an overfilled bowl of popcorn appears on the island in front of us. Damn this girl and her sweet tooth.

  The kitchen has filled with the smell of hot buttery popcorn and it's like my kryptonite I swallow as my mouth fills with saliva. She takes a seat on one of the stools and starts munching.

  I drag my attention to Drake “so how do you know the 3 musketeers?”. Aireme starts to speak and I raise my hand to silence her, she closes her mouth when I do.

  “I've heard your voice enough already for one day, and quite frankly everything you say makes me want to section you and that's coming from me!” Twisting back to face the tower of muscle standing next to me.

  “Drake explain now, please do so quickly as top model starts in 3 hours” I hear and excited ooo coming from Freya.

  “Thorns my brother” Drake admits, those three little words floor me.

  In the silence that follows th
is revelation I swear you could hear a pin drop then a subtle “oh snap” from Freya, Thorn and Lucien look ready to kill Drake, Aireme has pity and sadness written all over her face.

  My eyes feel like they are bulging out of my head, Drake, is only now regarding the rest of the room which makes him take on a protective stance next to me.

  “Well that was unexpected and I'm the queen of surprises” I announce.

  With my eyes firmly glued to Drake, I speak over to Freya requesting in a calm tone. “Witchy can you please get rid of the 3 trouble makers, we will catch the rerun of top model” without hearing her reply, I take hold of Drake's arm and phase us both out of there.

  We land in front of Drake's house releasing him as soon as we are out of the phase, I take a few steps away from this walking talking temptation. He turns to look at me tilting his head to one side, the wind is whipping his hair about and giving him the bed head look.

  I'm struggling to get my brain to work, let alone form words to fill this uneasy silence. I get the feeling this man has just changed my world, unfortunately I have this uncontrollable need to keep it the same.

  “What are you thinking?” This man is all about the questions. “That I'd like to climb you like a tree and never get down, but this is no time to play hide the pickle” I answer honestly putting my hands on my hips.

  “3 times I have been in your charming company, why am I not dead?” shock flies across his face “why on earth would you die in my company?” he says. “don't answer my question with a question Drake! You have been on my ass for over a century and then you drop off the face off the planet! As you do, 3 more crazy fucks enter my life and you are acting like we are pals! Now what the fuck is going on!” I'm yelling by the end of my rant. He holds up his hands in surrender.

  “Have I ever hurt you? Or seriously attempted to kill you? No! because that has not been my goal” he is speaking calmly as if to a child.

  “All I've done for the past century is protect that trouble making ass of yours, like from your unwanted visitor the other week” is he growling at me now? The heck? Weather my guests visit to kill me or bed me, it is none of his damn business! Listening to him berate me like a child just pisses me off.

  “I didn't ask you to do that now did I! I did not ask for you to spend all your time following me around like a damn puppy! So from now on you don't get to watch my fine ass walk around. You can join the other 3 loony toons and leave me the hell alone!” I scream at him.

  Once I’ve finished saying my piece I phase right back to my living room. Seeing it empty is the only thing stopping me from going straight off the bandwagon. A small scrap of paper is on my coffee table sitting next to a glass of whiskey now this has my attention. Taking a seat on my sofa I sip the drink thanking Freya for her forward thinking I glance at the childish hieroglyphics,

  I have placed some temporary wards up, no one in or out without permission so sit back relax and enjoy the peace, I have a feeling it won't last. Love your savoir x.

  Thank God for this girl I'd be lost without her.

  Sitting outside a coffee shop watching the rain fall, I realise the last few days have gone by in a blur, I haven't heard from Drake nor from the crazy triplets. I've seen Freya on video calls a couple of times, my phone appears to be constantly vibrating, I get the idea it's trying to commit suicide off the side of my coffee table.

  I have no idea how to process anything that has been happening lately, I mean Thorn is Drake's brother really? how does that even happen? how did they even come from the same woman? I don't even want to start comprehending it.

  I do the only thing a girl can do in my situation I go shopping, ending up with a beautiful new GuccI bag and a pair of ass hugging leather pants. I get an anonymous text message come up on my phone “can we meet at Chaos?” Staring at the message I wonder who it could be I shrug. Locking the phone and putting it back in my coat pocket I start making my way home. Not bothering to unpack my shopping bags I simply put them on the kitchen island, walking over to my table and pour two fingers worth of whiskey taking a sip.

  I wonder who might be texting me and if their a person worth seeing, do I really need more mental patients turning up on my doorstep? Definitely not!. Growling to myself I down the rest of my drink.

  Heading through my apartment towards my closet, I open the door and pull out a simple little black dress and matching stiletto heels. Making quick work of a shower, I style my hair into a high ponytail so it hangs at my lower back, a light dusting of pressed foundation finishes my look then I slip on my dress, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be at this point, I make sure my apartment is all locked up tight so no unexpected visitors will be here when I return.

  After taking a deep breath I’m phasing to Chaos, not bothering to go to the front door I phase straight to the bar slipping on to my seat, waiting for Jaden to come and offer me a drink.

  “Please tell me you're not here to cause me any more trouble, that mess you left in the basement was not appreciated” Jaden complains.

  “What no hello, how is your night going? not even a compliment, Jaden, I'm very hurt, have I not dressed up enough for you?” “Don't give me that crap, you know your looking hot. Always dressed to impress and I'm never disappointed with what I see.”Jaden admits. “Which drink are we going to be having tonight?” his subject change is a welcome one.

  “No elegant cocktails tonight Jaden, I'll just take a vodka over ice.” he gives me a small smile as he turns to make my drink.

  “Mind if I join you?” I hear a confident voice ask behind me looking over my shoulder I see Aireme standing there I look over both her shoulders, “what no bodyguards tonight don't tell me you've given them the night off?” I say to her. She laughs at my comment “I’m sure they will turn up once they notice I am not there, but I thought it would be better if we speak alone for a bit”. Now I’m curious.

  “You snuck out of the lions den, Don't tell me my bad habits are already rubbing off on you” I act shocked with a slight smile playing on my lips, well without the overbearing alphas she seems are alright.

  Jaden returns with my drink and pushes it in front of me. “Is everything good here ladies?” He asks sounding a bit on edge.

  “Everything is dandy, stop being such a worry wart, you might as well just bring over the bottle and another glass, we might be here for a while” I inform him as Aireme slides onto the chair next to me. Jaden puts the extra glass and the vodka bottle in front of me then walks off to finish serving customers who are trying to get his attention.

  “So let's get one thing straight before we kick off this girls night airy fairy, no trying to finish that history lesson that must have been set in the dark ages and I promise not to put you outside with the rest of the party poopers deal?” I say as I raise my glass to her. She smiles brightly and fills her glass “Deal” she agrees and we toast to the beginning of a long night.

  A few hours later and we have cleared the whole place of Vodka, unfortunately for Jaden we’re now on the Whiskey singing our hearts out to the music, with our arms around each other like we are best friends, laughing as guys try to hit on us, we take turns showing off our creative ways of turning them down. We talk about nothing important just about movies and music we like, clothing brands that have got it going on this season.

  We get along like a house on fire, by the time her terrible two show up we are well and truly hammered. Neither of us even realised they were standing by our chairs until Aireme fell off of her chair from dancing and Lucien caught her before she ended up with a seriously bruised ass. He didn't seem to be mad by the look on his face I’d say more amused.

  “My mate what have you gone and gotten yourself into this time?” He kisses her lightly on the head as he puts her back in her seat chuckling to the giggling state Aireme is currently in.

  Thorn is standing next to me close enough I can feel his warmth radiating off him, now this one isn't looking so amused more pissed off and put out. I start laughing
at him, somewhat out of the blue.

  “What's so funny?” he practically growls at me. This just has me doubling over and laughing more .

  “I was just thinking you and Drake have the same I'm going to kill you face” He doesn't like my statement at all if the murder in his eyes are anything to go by.

  “That is not funny” he states angrily. I raise my glass to him “oh like tall and moody would know what funny meant” I finish my drink and hop down off my seat.

  Aireme and Lucien are giving each other heated stares so I take that as my exit.

  “Later Fairy” Turning I take one step, phasing fully clothed straight to my bed to sleep off the remaining alcohol.

  I see her as she phases to bed, I can smell the alcohol that seems to cling to her skin. Shaking my head she didn't even notice me sitting in the chair waiting for her to return. I guess she thought her witch friends new wards would include keeping me out. This slightly annoys me how can she forget everything we went though! Well I guess I'll have to remind her whether she wants to remember or not.

  I wake up to the smell of coffee. I feel like I died and I've woken up in heaven. Opening my eyes rolling over towards the beautiful smell. I sit up in bed and reach for the cup bringing it up to my lips, I blow on it slightly and take a sip.

  Ahhh bliss I guess Freya let herself in she can do it as much as she wants as long as I wake up to coffee every time.

  I feel a breeze that I shouldn't be able to feel at all, looking down I see I'm practically nude wearing a strap top and shorts pajama set. Okay dressing me is weird even for her. I swing my legs out of bed and stand up heading towards the bedroom door. Pushing it open I'm face slapped with the smell of bacon my stomach growls wanting what it knows is currently cooking in my kitchen. Walking out of the bedroom and coming into the living room I turn to see not Freya as I expected but Drake working the pots and pans over my hob like a skilled chief. I stop mid stride taking in the delightful sight he treats me with.

  “Good morning sleepy head” he says in a carefree tone. I shake my head clearing my inner thoughts how did you get in here? Is what I should of said “please tell me that food is mine and I don't have to share, my stomach growls again as if on cue. His face transforms as he smiles and laughs at my comment and I'm once again in complete shock.


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