The Eternal Kingdoms

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The Eternal Kingdoms Page 8

by Alice Knight

  What a way to go, sometimes I forget just how blood thirsty Freya can get especially around vamps. Smiling at her before turning, I see Drake who has the same complexion as a ghost, his hands covering his crown jewels..

  “Remind me never to piss you off” he comments to Freya, we both just laugh at the look on his face.

  I loop arms with Freya and head out the door with Drake following suit behind us, ashes from the fallen vamps flying through the air, it makes it look like it’s snowing inside the building. How magical.

  Crossing the road back to the car, for the second time in a matter of days I’m blown off my feet, we all seem to sail through the air in different directions. Concrete bites into my back as it shreds my top upon land, I get the breath knocked out of me all I can do is stare up at the sky thinking of all the weird and wonderful ways I’m going to kill this fucker when I get my hands on him. Slowly making my way to my feet, gritting my teeth though the pain. I take in my surrounding, Drake is already up and rushing towards me, a worried look plastered on his face. I find Freya slumped against a nearby car holding her hand up to her head.

  Cursing I push myself up to my feet, groaning, Oh God! my back feels like it has been mauled by cats on steroids. I look Drake up and down and note that he must of landed on his side if the scuff marks on his arm is anything to go by.

  “I’m fine, cut up a bit but I’m not looking to die on you again any time soon” I say to Drake as he stops in front of me reaching out his hands, no doubt wanting to check me over himself. Fear for my friend has me smacking his hands away, as badly as I want his touch to reassure me that we are both fine.

  My witchy needs me more, she is not able to get slapped around as hard as us. I jog over to Freya and kneel down pulling her hand away from her head, i’m met with the smell of fresh blood. I move her hair out of the way so I can assess the damage, Shit! I mentally go through all the curses I have learned over the years. Glass from the car window is embed in her hairline making her look like a cut up bloody mess, looking down I see a small pipe protruding out from her side. Placing my hand under her chin, I tilt her head up and see that her eyes are going in and out of focus.

  “Drake!” I call out over my shoulder. He phases to my side before his name is completely out of my mouth, “shit” he curses as he pulls out his phone, he starts pacing next to me while he waits for the person on the other end of the phone to answer the call. 10 seconds later he starts frantically whispering into the handset, I only catch a couple words of his conversation, Bomb and Freya.

  I’m unable to listen anymore while he describes the state of my best friend, I start trying to take out as much off the glass I can see, doing my best to ignore the bloody pipe as removing that right now would only cause her more pain and to possibly bleed out.

  “Your fine Frey, can't say the same for your outfit I doubt even you can fix the mess that's in”.

  “I was thinking we could go and see a taping of Ellen I know how much you love that woman.” I keep saying the same things over and over, I'm not sure who I'm currently trying to convince that she will be okay, myself or Freya.

  Fighting off the tears that are trying to escape, I rip off the bottom of my shirt, holding it against the open wounds on her head, it's not much but I'm hoping it will slow down the bleeding. She has gone as white as a sheet and keeps trying to close her eyes. I shake her awake every time and beg her to stay awake for a little while longer. A few minutes later Drake is kneeling at Freya's side.

  “We need to take her to Lucien love.” I can no longer get any words out so I give him a slight nod. He picks her up as carefully as he can, “who done this?” I ask him before we start to phase. He growls out “some blood sucker called Carter, apparently he got kicked out of this coven.” I nod and put my hand on his arm so we can all phase together.

  I take a longing look at Freya and curse to myself pulling away from Drake at the last minute.

  I see them disappear in front of me and I'm left alone, in the middle of God knows where with a blown up car, a warehouse full of ashes and police sirens headed in my direction.

  I look down at where my best friend was bleeding to death in front of me moments before. An anger like I've never experienced takes over, and I know just how to make use of it.

  Phasing off the street, back into the middle of the now lit up warehouse I start to wander around looking into the only shadows left. Smiling to myself as I find the person I’m looking for. I phase in front of him and grab him by the collar of his suit shirt.

  “Hello insect, we need to have a little chat” My words are colder than ice and filled with a crazy type venom.

  “I told your mate everything I know!” Eric cries out trying to keep himself wrapped in the shadows and away from the death sunlight gives his kind.

  “Well I can find a lot of people with a name but I’m afraid it would take far to long with my current mood. So why don’t you narrow the search down for me.” I slowly start pulling him forwards as I speak.

  Fear is plastered all over his face, it’s almost a smell in the air. His feet are trying to find purchase on the ground to halt his current forward momentum, his hands trying to pull me off of him to no anvil.

  “Come come now Eric, A number? An address? Let’s face facts here, you wouldn't kick out a trouble maker and not keep tabs on him when he is still in your territory” I’m losing my patience with this conversation.

  “Yes, yes! I have a number and it’s on my phone in my front pocket!” He replies frantically trying to get his phone out, when he does he brings up Carters number and shows it to me. I snatch his phone away with my spare hand and dial the number, throwing Eric back into the darkness, I hear him slam against the wall, watching him slum down to the ground.

  I head back to the main door holding Eric’s phone to my ear, waiting for Carter to answer.

  “I knew you would want me back once that bitch came sniffing.” Carter taunts down the phone.

  “Well this is embarrassing for you, you see I don't turn furry when I’m horny or when a full moon commands me to.” I reply casually back to him.


  “Carter” I purr, “Honey, you know who this is. Incase you have the memory of a goldfish allow me to remind you…” I’m met with more silence so I carry on.

  “You tried to blow me to hell twice - you missed both times by the way” I taunt, “Oh and your coven are practically extinct thanks to you not being able to finish the job properly-”

  “You Bitch! I’ll kill you!” he screams at me.

  “Now see little fly, you have tried that a number of times, bombs are really not your forte. So how’s about we finally meet and hash this whole thing out like civilised supernaturals?” I ask in my fakest diplomatic tone, rolling my eyes as I do.

  “When I find you, you will suffer just like -” I hang up on him and his empty threats. I reach the main door and see the police all parking their cars, pocketing Erics phone I phase before they get a chance to spot me. Oh well they are the vamps problem now, human law enforcement bore me.

  Home at last, walking over to where my scotch and crystal glass sit on their own table, I pore myself 2 fingers worth. My throat burns as I down the entire content of the glass in one go and refill it.

  I stand in front of my window and watch the world on the street go by and wait. Fortunately for me when people jump off of their rocker and head straight first into crazy town they get easier to predict. Carter is apparently no exception to this rule, after half an hour of waiting and 2 more glasses of scotch, he kicks in my newly replaced front door and storms into my living space. I watch his reflection in my window as he walks over to my kitchen isle and starts knocking things over. Uncivilized way it is.

  I drink the last of my drink and turn towards the intruder, watching as he knocks, spills and breaks his way through my kitchen. Each piece of damage adding more time onto his torture.

  “Carter I presume? Tell me how did you place that car bom
b in the middle of the day?” I ask genuinely curious.

  “Humans will do anything to become immortal and not have to worry about old age. So any last words?” He informs me casually smiling like we are friends talking over coffee.

  “Your suit looks like shit as a matter of fact” I respond mimicking he’s tone. He laughs at my comment and draws a gun from the back of his dress trousers.

  “This is for Keith” Smiling at me, he squeezes the trigger.

  Shit, from the corner of my eye I catch Thorn phasing in the broken doorway looking at the scene in front of him with wide eyes. As fast as I can react I phase behind Carter and make a grab for the gun, we struggle and his arm raises towards the ceiling, Thorn rushes in front of him and sweeps out his leg taking the vampire to the floor. They both grapple on the floor each trying to get the upper hand. I spot the gun as it slides across the living room, rushing over to pick up the weapon, it feels so awkward in my hand I’ll never understand why the humans like these weapons.

  The guys are throwing punishes left, right and centre. Carter manages to kick Thorn off of him and jumps up turning quickly on the spot to get me in his sights. I take in his disheveled look, blood pouring from his nose and split lip. He gives me a smile that shows me all of his crazy, I don't get a chance to raise the gun currently in my hand before he flies at me and takes us both crashing into the window.

  The force of the movement has me dropping the gun, I try to wrestle myself free from the unhinged vamp, he grabs hold of both sides of my head and smashes it against the window pane causing the glass to splinter and crack. I cry out at the contact, black dots start to appear in my vision, I land a solid knee to his man meat before I manage to pull myself free again, just over Carters shoulder I watch as Thorn comes at the vampire, he lands a couple punches and kicks to Carter's back causing him to curse and lash out at Thorn.

  I stagger back a few steps and get my bearings, Thorn is by my side in an instant taking on a protective stance, ready for Carters next assault, instead of attacking us again he just announces to me “I Win” smiling before rushing me at full speed, Carter moves to fast, I’m unable to keep track of him.

  One minute I’m standing next to Thorn in my living room with both feet firmly on the ground and the next broken glass is raining down all around us as both me and Carter fall through the air, he is laughing like a maniac on a rollercoaster, his mind no longer interested in living. Cursing to myself as I see the city I have spent the last lifetime in speeding past me.

  I keep blacking out for seconds at a time, just as I think I’m about to hit the pavement and meet my maker, strong arms enclose around me and I lock eyes with Thorn just before he phases us.

  Freezing water bites into every inch of my skin, as we plummet into the water breaking our downwards momentum.

  Instinct has me opening my mouth to breath,

  I regret it instantly as I see bubbles appear in front of me and the taste of salty sea water filling my mouth before it begins going up my nose. Arms loop around my waist and I feel myself being pulled up though the water, my lungs begin to burn for some much needed air.

  Before I can reach the surface the darkness claws me and I am rendered unconscious.

  The sounds of me coughing and spluttering hit my ears as I slowly become aware of my senses, I begin to notice the burning in my chest has eased and realise I am able to breath again without swallowing sea water.

  Taking a few much needed deep breaths I attempt opening my eyes I see a very wet looking Thorn hovering over me with sunlight beaming behind him. Now if I didn't already know he was a complete asshole, I would have thought him an angel at this moment.

  “Thank God” He declares on a breath he must of been holding. “I doubt it was God keeping me here to peddle your ass, more than likely it was the opposite, Lucifer does not like to share the spotlight and let’s face facts with me down there he would not have kept it for long.” I respond with a light chuckle, afraid if I laugh to much I will end up coughing up a lung.

  Thorn laughs at my comment and pulls me into a sitting up position so he can wrap his arms around me.

  What’s this now? Did I fall through the pavement and land in an alternate reality where Thorn is a nice guy? Or completely suicidal thinking hugging me is a good idea. If Freya could see me now, sitting on what looks to be a sandy beach, soaked from head to toe with Thorn wrapped around me, I won’t hear the end of it.

  Freya! I push Thorn away from me and look him in the eyes “Is Freya alright? What the hell were you doing at my apartment? What beach are we on?” I shake him after each word vomited question, not at all giving him room to answer. He swiftly covers my mouth with his hand, I frown, I had more questions in mind.

  I let my inner child out as I lick the palm of his hand expecting him to pull anyway and call out gross. Instead he chuckles at me “I didn't take you for a tease minx, now where were we.

  Freya is alive and safe, Lucien is good in an emergency but she will need to take it easy for awhile. I think Lucien called it a concussion, he has also removed the pipe and closed the wound.

  After Drake and Freya got to us we realise you had jumped off the ride so me and Drake split up to look for you. Seems fate wanted me to be your knight in shining armor -” He gives me a cheeky wink that has my mouth in the sand.

  “Also I believe this place is called Brighton. This is where we teleported in from when we first arrived, with the speed you were falling at I thought you would rather land in water than a pavement. Your welcome for that by the way.”

  Now I don't know if its the fact he saved me, or the relaxed smile he is currently owning, hell it could be the sunset the sandy beach talk about a romantic setting, but Thorn isnt as big of an ass I originally thought the was.

  I watch Thorn start to lean towards me, I’m slightly shell shocked at what is about to happen.

  “Well aren't we cosy” The cold comment comes from behind me, I crane my neck slightly to see Drake standing a few meters from us with Lucien by his side. Well I feel like I’m up shit creek without a paddle.

  I went after Carter alone, almost got myself killed and now I’m soaked to the bone on a beach practically on my mates brothers lap. I really need a private priest or to go to church once in a while, hold the holy phone, did I honestly just admit to Drake being my mate?! Apparently I now have more air in my head then brains.

  I stand up and wipe the sand off my bum and legs,

  “Don't be an ass, he just saved my life and it's not like we were doing the no pants dance out here.” I respond a bit to defensively.

  I hear Thorn mumble what sounded like “The days still young”. I roll my eyes and head towards Drake, who has his arms folded while he stares daggers at his brother.

  I rest my hand on his arm “Can we please go caveman? I want to check on Frey and shower.

  ”I can't believe I’m asking nicely and not just taking, but I really don't want to fight with him. After thinking I was going to play pancake with the ground I really just want him to hold me.

  Drake finally seems to relax a bit and stares down at me, I know he can sense my current vulnerable mood. Bending down a little Drake scoops me up, one arm under my knees and the other supporting my back. This position has me wiggling and squealing to be put back down.

  “Let me go I’m all wet and I hate heights!” I almost scream at him. This just has him tightening his hold on me.

  “I’d never drop you, and I do not mind when or where you get wet as long as it’s for me, my fiery mate” Just like that I relax and turn beetroot red from head to toe.

  Coming though the phase, we enter a living room I don't recognise, looking up to Drake I cock my head to the side , “This is where Aireme lives.” He informs me, Drake slowly sets me on the ground and plants a kiss on my forehead, This makes me smile like a damn chester cat. I stand on my tip toes and land a smacker on him, I feel his hands grip my hips as he pulls me closer to him.

  Lord have mercy, a girl c
ould lose her mind over a man like this. Pulling away from his lips our eyes meet, the silver universe in his eyes have the rest of the world disappearing until there is only us. Unable to help ourselves after the day we have had, we clash against one another the kiss is brutal and passionate. His hands travel down the backs of my thighs before he lifts me into the air and I clamp my legs around his waist. My fingers dig into his hair and I pull it harshly causing him to growl into my mouth, I suck on his tongue and cause him to growl more as he slams me up against the nearest wall.

  “Please don't go destroying my home with your activities.” Aireme has laughter in her voice.

  I slide down my mates body, pulling away from a very frustrated Drake has me smiling. “I really need to get you a watch as once again your timing sucks the big one sis.” I brate her with a smile. Drake grumbles next to me as he pulls out his phone and starts tapping the screen.

  “What are you doing now?” I ask while trying to lean over and get a better view of the screen.

  “Ordering a watch for next day delivery, Then I’m getting us a hotel room for the next week.” His reply has me and Aireme in complete stitches, I’m laughing so hard tears have sprung up in my eyes. Drake stops what he is doing and stares at me with wide eyes. Wiping my cheeks, “What?” I ask breathlessly. “I've missed that sound so much” Drake admits as he starts to come down to my level again, desire taking over his eyes and heat taking over my body.

  “That's enough of that.” Tuting at us, Aireme pulls me away by my arm. I full on pout at her, which just causes her to throw her head back and laugh.


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