The Eternal Kingdoms

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The Eternal Kingdoms Page 9

by Alice Knight

  “You will have time for that later, right now things need to be discussed and we have a very upset witch who needs her friend.” Aireme explains. Freya! I am now the one dragging Air around, “How is she doing? - “ We exit the living room and enter a wide hallway with what looks like the kitchen at the end, “Um,” I look around, two doors on each side so I have a 1 in 4 chance of guessing the right one.

  The first door on the left Sky. I give Air a smile and continue to drag us towards the correct door. Pushing it open slowly, I go into the room and I’m greeted with the most heart broken image I’ve ever seen.

  The dim light from the bedside table has Freya’s face illuminated in the dark. Her hair is like a halo above her face,a white bandage wrapped over the wound on her head.

  “Thorn said she was okay now? Why does she not look it?”I whisper to Air.

  “She’s out of the woods, but still needs to rest, her concussion is making her quite sick so we thought it would be better for her to sleep through the worst of it.” She informs me.

  Nodding at her logic, I let go of her arm and move to sit in the chair next to my unconscious best friend, reaching out I stroke her hair.

  “I gave her some herbal remedies so she will be out for the count, they will wear off in a few hours. I’ll leave you two alone for a moment” I hear the faint click of the bedroom door closing.

  “Witchy if you told me a few months ago all this shit would hit the fan I would of called you a crazy bitch and got you sectioned.” Speaking my mind out loud I’m hoping she can hear me and knows she is not alone.

  An hour later, I whisper good night to my healing witch, kiss her forehead and exit the room. I wander towards the kitchen, embracing my inner canine I sniff out the coffee beans. On the kitchen counter I notice three white porcelain jars, reaching for the one labeled coffee I scoop a cupful of the most delicious smelling grounded coffee in the world and pour it into the top of the machine. Hitting the on button, I lay my hands on the kitchen counter and rest my chin on them. Watching the slow drip as the magic begins to happen. Humming a happy tune to myself I start rocking from side to side.

  “You and Aireme both do that.” I jump up and turn on the spot, hand on my chest, I can feel my heart going a mile a minute. “Jesus Lucien! Are you trying to kill me!” Shouting at him just has him laughing at me, which pisses me off. “My apologies Skylar I didn't mean to frighten you”. I try taking some deep breaths, managing to get my heart rate under control. Reaching for one of the cups hanging under the kitchen cupboard, I open the sugar jar and carefully pour a small amount into my cup.

  “Did your parents just not teach you and Aireme about the invention called a spoon?” Though I hear the laughter in his voice.

  I still mumble “I think I preferred it when you hardly spoke”under my breath.

  Pulling himself together he informs me “When you're ready we are all in the living room. We would like to discuss somethings with you.” I wave him off and give the coffee machine my full attention, it beeps at me three times and I pour out my hot drink in to the cup I set aside earlier.

  I head to the living room, wondering what it is they want to talk to me about. I peak in on Freya, just like Air said she would be earlier, she is still sound asleep.

  Aireme and Lucien's living room rivals my own. It is gorgeous in here! Grey toned walls with a featured royal purple painted back wall that has a large silver mirror hanging over a lite fireplace. Two light grey cotton sofas on either side of the glass coffee table parallel to the wall with the mounted TV, that currently has a music channel playing on it.

  The two love birds are settled into one of the plush sofas, Drake is standing by the fireplace looking into the flames and Thorn is riding the remaining sofa in a relaxed manner.

  Air notices me first nursing my coffee by the open door. “How are you doing Sky?”

  I sip on my drink contemplating my answer. Well I’ve never been one to beat around the bush, why start now?. “Dandy, so what's this intervention about?” I notice Thorn narrow his eyes on Drake, almost daring him to comment.

  Air sits closer to Lucien and pats the space next to her for me to sit.

  Why would I not go to Drake? Come to think of it, his back is still turned away from the rest of the room, he is normally by my side as soon as he sees me.

  Shaking off my darkening inner thoughts I head over to the space Air made for me and settle down.

  “So Sky, the reason we wanted to talk to you is-” Aireme stops mid sentence and places her hand on my leg squeezing it gently. This kind of comfort puts me on edge. What now?

  “Well you see-” She struggles getting her words out and I’m becoming more on edge each second she can't finish her sentence.

  “Okay stop and find your words” I tell her. She looks towards Lucien, almost pleading him with her eyes to take over.

  “We received word from the King and Queen, we are all to return home.” He says smoothly. I choke as I try swallowing the mouthful of coffee, it goes everywhere Air lightly slaps my back.

  Not my most graceful moment, my chest is burning in need of air. Taking a deep breath as soon as I can, my eyes watering as they dart straight to Drake, he is still not looking at the rest of the room. The fire seems far more interesting to him at the moment.

  “I thought we went though this already” I say to Air.

  “I know sister and I'm sorry, I can't give you more time, but our parents miss you and want you home.” She reasons with me.

  “Hypothetically if I was to go back, what would that mean for me and -” I look towards Drake again not being able to finish my question.

  “As far as I know, in the eyes of the family and the citizens you're still betrothed to Thorn. I’m sorry Sky”. Another gentle squeeze on my leg.

  “Mate” I growl towards Drake who has been far to quite for my liking. His shoulders tense at the sound of my voice, he turns towards us slowly and finally meets my eyes.

  “You promised me Drake” His eyes hardened at the reminder of the promise he made to me in the rose garden all those years ago.

  “When do we have to go?” I say without breaking eye contact with my mate. “Tomorrow morning.” This time its Thorns turn to speak.

  Why is Drake going along with this bullshit! He knows what will happen if we go back. He has turned into a closed book, My markings are no longer pulsing, or giving me any insight to what he is feeling. What the hell changed? Why is he being a dick all of a sudden.

  “Fine, but if Freya wants to join us then she does, I won't abandon her.” Lucien agrees to my one request, I down the rest of my coffee and phase the used cup to the dishwasher.

  Can you show me to my room? I mentally ask my sister. Of course.

  I follow Aireme out of the living room and we enter the bedroom next to Freya’s. “ I thought you would like to stick close to your friend.” So thoughtful, I smile and wish her a goodnight and get ready for bed.

  Tossing and turning, I’m not able to turn my inner thoughts off. I kick off the covers and look up at the ceiling.

  “Can't sleep either?” I scream and launch my pillow in the direction of Drake's voice. Peering into the darkness of the room, I notice my mate.

  “What the fuck Drake!” Reaching over I turn on the bedside light and see him standing at the end of the bed… Well that’s not creepy.

  “What are you doing in here!” I demand, I’m still pissed off at him for being such a dick earlier.

  “Skylar, if there was something I could do, please trust me when I say I would have done it.” He pleads with me as he takes a seat next to me on the bed.

  “Such pretty words, but your full of-” He kisses me effectively cutting off my words. No no no, he is not getting the goods if he is just going to throw me at Thorn like I’m nothing to him!. I shove his chest knocking him away from me, jumping off the otherside of the bed. I begin to wear a hole in the carpet as I pace backwards and forwards.

  “ I don't want your word
s or promises if you have no intention of keeping them, you most definitely have no right to touch me!” I spit my words at him.

  “You want to take me away from the only home I remember, then you all expect to marry a man I dislike on a good day.” I seeth at him.

  “DO YOU THINK I WANT THIS!-” He yells at me, “You are my mate! Mine! And nothing, no marriage, magic or fae law will change that!” He starts to come at me and I immediately raise my hands as if to fend him off.

  “That makes this whole mess worse! I feel like I’ve already lost my mate! I can't feel you anymore, I can tell your keeping shit from me, my chest feels hollow knowing I wont be able to be with you when we return.” my voice cracks as the realisation of our situation begins to sink in.

  I try to blink away the tears that are trying to escape, but nothing gets past Drake, he tries to come and comfort me. I shake my head and beg him to leave me be “Just go” I turn my back to him. “Love please, just let me be with you now while we still have time” He tries to plead with me but my mind is to much of a mess at the moment.

  I lash out as the pain in my chest begins to take over my thoughts.

  “No! You gave up fighting for us so you don't get to hold me anymore! If I am to marry Thorn then so be it! Now get out and leave me alone!” I want him to hold me more then anything but if he does I feel it will just break me more in the end.

  When he realises there is nothing he can say, I feel him phase out of the room and I’m left alone with my thoughts of despair.

  I drop onto the bed and for the first time since I can remember, I cry and sob, allowing myself time to nurse my fractured heart.

  At some point in the night I wake up as I feel someone get into the bed and cuddle me, stroking my head while humming softly. Sleep Sister I manage a small smile and begin to settle once more so sleep can take me.

  I wake up feeling like a toasted sandwich, Freya seems to have join me and Aireme at some point during the night. I reach around and give her a hug, “Hey hey, this rides not free” I hear her mumble as she begins to stir. Smiling into her hair “How much would a coffee get me?”I joke.

  “You two are far to chatty” Aireme grumbles behind me and I feel her roll over. Both me and Freya giggle, looks like Air isn't a big morning person either. A gentle knock at the door get my attention, “ Enter at your own risk” I call out.

  Thorn pokes his head around the now open door and smiles at the three of us.

  “As tempting as it is to join this little threesome, I’ve come to inform you that breakfast is served ladies.” He announces.

  Suddenly all three of us are up and rushing for the kitchen. Me and Air arrive before Freya, apparently Air has nothing against cheating as we both phased here at the same time. By the time Freya gets here we both have our faces drowning in our coffee cups. I laugh at my witches grumpy face, I pour her a cup and hand it over. We all take a seat at the table.

  Damn are all these guys good in a kitchen? Eggs, Bacon, Beans, Waffles, Mushrooms, Maple syrup any and all breakfast foods are in front of my greedy eyes. I swear I’m putting on weight just looking at it. Well can't let all this food go to waste, we three girls dig in, we are all far too impatient to wait for the guys to join us.

  5 Minutes later Lucien has taken the spot on the other side of his bride and starts eating some berries while reading the news paper. Thorn sits in front of me and begins eating some bacon after drinking his coffee. Looking around the rest of the room I notice someone missing,

  “Where is Drake?”

  Raising my eyebrow I look towards the rest of the table. The guys share a look before they answer me.

  “He will meet up with us later, He went on ahead last night.” Thorn answers. The fuck? When I said “leave me be” I didn't mean leave the fucking planet! Scowling at the food on my plate, I begin to eat more harshly, in my minds eye the bacon is currently Drake and I’m ripping it apart with my teeth.

  Stupid bloody males. I begin to lose steam after the 3 strip of bacon and start to eat like a normal person once again. “So when are we going to Oz?” Freya says out of the blue, She hates silence just as much as I do.

  “Your coming?” I ask her excitedly, “Of course, I can't go letting you course havok and having all the fun by yourself.” She smiles brightly. Thank God, I doubt I could have done this without my best friend watching my back. “Well then Toto, we will head off after breakfast.” I say sounding a lot more confident then I feel.

  “Well I’m done, can we stop off at my place so I can pack a bag?” She requests.

  “Frey there will be things there ready for you, no need to bring anything.” Aireme says not understanding what Freya is asking.

  “Thorn can take you Frey, just don't pack the whole garden.” I warn her with a smirk on my lips. Witches need natural ingredients for their positions and certain spells, like the whole man to toad thing, which will come in very handy.

  Once we have cleared the table of food and dirty dishes, I head back to my room and mentally prepare myself for the trip. I make quick work of the hot shower and phase the water from my head, nothing I hate more than standing like a weirdo holding up a hair dryer.

  Now what does one wear to a magical kingdom, where mummy and daddy dearest are the monarchs?

  I got you covered sis, I tilt my head wondering what Air has in store for me. Then I see it, an elegant forest green cloak with golden embroidery running along the edges and up the hood. Under that lays a simple ebony corset with a lace up the front,a pair of jeans and some knee high boots to complete the look. I thank my lucky stars I have a sister with a fashion sense and finish getting ready.

  An hour later we are all standing in the entryway waiting for Aireme to open a portal that can take us home, apparently phasing straight there isn't an option because our destination is a different realm. I’m a little nervous as this will be the first time I use a portal, I’m hoping it will feel like phasing.

  The anticipation in the air thickens, we are all staring at the same place. I tip my head to one side and regard the wall with interest.

  “Do we have to cartoon it, making us shaped holes in the wall?” I ask with only mild sarcasm.

  “Watch and learn smartie pants” Aireme responds.

  I watch as she raises her hands in front of her bringing the insides of her wrists together. Palms facing outwards a purple fog begins to emerge in front of her.

  “Is that-” Thorn interrupts my question, “It's our magic I believe you call it the phase, it allows us to teleport, summon objects and so much more. This is what it looks like outside of our bodies fortunately only the royal families are able to manifest it in this way. It stops our kind from over running this realm and the others, being able to do this allows us to travel a lot further than our bodies would be able to handle.” He explains, huh guess you do learn something new every day.

  After a few seconds Air begins to turn her hands so the top one is now the bottom, as she is doing this a round simmering type portal appears, on the other side I can just about make out a forest landscape.

  Dropping her hands and turning towards me she smiles asking “Ready?”

  Mentally I put on my big girl pants, Freya grabs ahold of my hand, smiling at me.

  “Lets cause hell” She vows, we raise our heads high and follow the others though to the otherside.

  Well apart from taking longer and not being able to stop the travel that felt exactly like phasing. My mouth falls to the floor as soon as we exit the portal, we appear to be in a cosplayers went dream.

  Goodbye to the modern sleek towers of London, hello to the lush green forests of nature. Plants seem to come alive as we make our way through the trees, brightening up and illuminating our way.

  Breaking out from the tree lining, I am once again thrown down the rabbit hole. I see what appears to be a city with farmland surrounding it and a castle equipped with large windows and towers in the north east corner, looking like something right out of a fairy tail. Ai
reme releases Lucien's hand and turns to me and Frey, “Welcome home Sister, Welcome to The Immortal Empire.” Aireme announces.

  Home the word no longer makes me think of my London apartment. Just looking over the rooftops, seeing people tending the farms on the outskirts of the city has me feeling more at ease and complete.

  Now if only I had my mate by my side, guiding me home I might be abit more cheery.

  “This place looks awesome! No, beautiful! No, Enchanting!” I smile to myself as Freya experiences her brain to mouth malfunction.

  “We will announce ourselves to the King and Queen, settle in, then if your up for it maybe a little exploring later?” Freya is now squealing and jumping up and down in front of Thorn at his offer. I pull her towards the city and follow Air’s lead.

  Everyone here seems friendly enough, as we get closer to the castle, I notice crowds of people seem to be gathering around us, and more people are falling in behind.

  Air stops every now and then to offer greetings, this kind of thing comes naturally to her. A small girl comes up to me and reaches out her hand, I look to Air for help and guidance she only smiles at me and nods towards the small fae child. God help me, I’m shit with children. I grasp her small outstretched hand and hold it loosely by my side praying I don't break it off or hold to hard and cause the girl to cry.

  We begin to walk towards the castle once more, I glance down and make sure the little girl is okay and catch her grinning like the cheshire cat, waving to all the people we pass. Seeing the innocence of youth on her face has me smiling with her which causes my nerves to settle some what.

  Finally we are walking up the main steps to the castle, the crowd following us stays standing at the bottom of the stairs, I watch and make sure the fae child walking with me makes it safely back to her parents.

  As the main doors open in front of us and butterflies seem to move in to my stomach. The crowd cheers behind us as their heirs return to the kingdom.

  Walking along the wide hallway, taking in all the amazing works of art lining the walls. They seem like windows, the light from the candle chandeliers bringing life to the paintings. Absolutely breathtaking.


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