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Protecting Beca (Special Forces: Operation Alpha)

Page 5

by Kate Kinsley

  “I dunno. Redheads are trouble,” Cookie mutters, shaking his head.

  “Stop it, Cookie,” Fiona scolds, giving him a playful shove. “Look how happy he is.”

  “I’ve got to agree with Cookie, man. She’s definitely hot, but you know how spiteful and irrational those gingers can be,” Dalton concurs. “I’m pretty sure they’re born without a soul.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” I mumble through a grin.

  Dalton’s sister is a redhead, and that chick is crazy. About a year ago, her boyfriend du jour was late picking her up. When he finally showed twenty minutes late, she strolled out to his car with a Louisville slugger and smashed his windshield.

  And the passenger side window.

  And the side mirror.

  Poor bastard didn’t see it coming.

  I’m a handful myself, so we should balance each other out. At least it sounds good in theory.

  Within a few minutes, Beca scampers back and takes the empty seat she vacated next to me. “They all agree it’ll be fun, so I’m in.” A deep curve on her lips makes the world stop around her. She looks so happy – there’s a sparkle in her eyes that warms my soul.

  “Perfect,” I mutter almost to myself. “Are we still on for dinner tonight?”

  She exhales with the cutest growl. “As much as I would love to, I’ll be spending all my time with you today when it’s supposed to be a girl’s trip. I should spend some time with them.”

  “I guess I can be the gentleman and share,” I pout.

  She smiles. “Don’t be like that. You’re going to see me all day tomorrow.”

  “You better believe I will.”

  As the boat sails toward the reef, Beca places her hand on my thigh. Without thinking, I reach out and cover her fingers with mine. She sighs, then places her head on my shoulder. I could sit all day like this and be perfectly content.


  The last few hours have been amazing. I’ve never snorkeled before, and the vibrant colors on the fish and coral are to die for. The water temperature couldn’t have been more perfect as we swam effortlessly through the calm sea. Jason would dive down and bring me shells and other items from the bottom. The captain informed us that touching the coral will kill it, so we were super careful. He also told us that sunscreen kills coral, so we were given sunblock shirts and swim caps.

  The hours fly by and before we know it, it’s time to go. The trip back consists of rum punches with cheese and crackers. I sip on my tropical concoction as the boat moves through the crystal-clear waters as we head back. Jason’s arm is around me, and it’s the most natural feeling in the world.

  If I could bottle this sensation and sell it, I’d be a millionaire.

  The boat coasts back into the marina and the deckhands scurry around us to tie it off. We exit single file and stroll toward the villa shuttles. I stop in front of our car and Jason pulls me close. “Dalton said the boat leaves the marina at ten,” he whispers next to my ear. “I’ll be counting the minutes until then.” His breath on the back of my neck gives me a chill. Placing a kiss on the sweet spot where my neck meets my shoulder, he backs up and walks to his shuttle.

  Holy. Shit.

  I’ll be counting the seconds until tomorrow morning.


  It’s a fantastic morning. As I go out for my early morning run along the beach, I inhale the crisp air. Darkness had not quite surrendered to the light, but I can catch wisps of clouds that are cast over the sky. The ocean is tainted – looking a metallic grey, but glistening as the occasional spear of light pierces through the clouds and dances over the surface. There had been a storm overnight, and the last of the dark clouds were disappearing into the horizon.

  Picking up the pace, I daydream as I run. I picture Beca and I back home with kids running around. Her looking into my eyes with nothing but love and adoration. Me feeling like the luckiest man in the world.

  I don’t know what’s gotten into me these past couple of days. I’ve never in my life had feelings for any other woman like I have for Beca. Love at first sight was a fairy tale – saved for those sappy romance novels and Hallmark movies.

  But here I am…living it.

  Living a life I never thought I’d have a chance to have.

  Never did I envision myself settling down with anyone. Being a Navy SEAL, you learn to live alone – afraid to get close to anyone. The last thing I’d ever want to do, is hurt someone I love by not coming home from a deployment. One of the worst things to witness is the notification team walking up the driveway of an unknowing wife or mother.

  I’ve had to do it once – make the long walk from the car to the front door of a former Navy SEAL’s mother. It was heartbreaking to watch. A woman struck by grief so severe, she couldn’t stand. The wailing that never seemed to end.

  That is something I was unwilling to make anyone go through – until now.

  Now, I can picture myself standing at the altar waiting for her to walk down.

  Now, I can picture kids – lots of kids – running around the backyard.

  Now, I can see myself getting old with someone…that someone being Beca.

  I snap out of my thoughts to find myself at least three miles down the beach. While I catch my breath, I’m able to witness one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve ever seen. Bright streaks of red, pink, and orange overtake the dark blue and purple twilight. The sky resembles a prism; all the colors blending perfectly into each other. The day has just started and already it’s perfect.


  The morning light trickles in through the curtains and rouses me from my slumber. My disheveled, auburn waves are scattered across my pillow as I stare up at the teakwood ceiling fan spinning round and round.

  I’m excited, yet nervous.

  I’ve never been on a large ship before, let alone a yacht. The biggest boat I’ve been on is the ferry, and I was in my car so I don’t think that counts. I know I don’t get seasick – or at least I never have before.

  I glance over at the clock.

  Damn, I still have an hour before I need to be up.

  Using my elbows, I push myself up and swing my legs down onto the cool wood floor, then tiptoe into the kitchen. As I suspected, I’m the only one awake at this indecent hour. I could dial the concierge to bring me a pot of coffee, but I opt to walk down the beach to Dune and get it myself.

  I creep back to my bedroom and throw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, then open the sliding doors out to the pool deck.

  It’s a beautiful morning – a light breeze blows off the water as the clouds from last night’s storm seem to be moving out to sea. The cool sand swishes between my toes as I walk down toward the water. If I was an early bird, I might enjoy this more than I currently am.

  I value my sleep too much.

  Within a few minutes, I’m steps away from the restaurant. Even though it’s barely daybreak, people are crowding the outside terrace. I guess if you want to make the most out of a vacation, that’s what you need to do.

  Again…I love sleep.

  It does boast amazing views of the ocean, so I’m tempted to linger here a bit longer than I originally planned.

  I climb the steps from the beach up the white sand bluff and enter the modern chic restaurant. The whites and distressed beach grey interior mixed with black hanging light fixtures give the inside dining room that vacation feel but with an edgy twist. “Good morning,” one of the waiters greets me. “Would you like to sit?”

  “No, thank you. I just need a cup of coffee to go.”

  “Of course. Give me a minute. How do you want your coffee?”

  “Oh. Milk and a Splenda, please.”

  “I’ll be right out with it,” he says, then disappears into the back.

  I wander toward the window to look at the spectacular view of the aqua blue waters of the southern Atlantic Ocean. You can’t get this view of the same ocean in Connecticut – it’s so much clearer here. As much as I love my home state, I of
ten wonder what it would be like to live somewhere…warmer.

  “Your coffee,” a voice interrupts my thoughts.

  I turn away from the window and take my cup from the waiter. “Thank you so much.”

  “My pleasure. Now, go and enjoy this beautiful morning.” He smiles, then turns and walks away.

  I take my coffee and wander outside to one of the couches facing the water. Wrapping my fingers around the warm cup, I sigh and settle into the comfortable seat.

  “Good morning,” a deep voice sings from behind me.

  Turning my head, I find a very sweaty and very shirtless Jason. His lopsided smile has my heart doing backflips, but it’s his body that has me breathless. My eyes trail from the dimple in his chin down his semi-naked form. The strength of his neck shows in the twining cords of muscle that shape his entire body. I swallow, trying to keep my jaw from falling to the floor.

  “Good mo-morning,” I stutter, barely able to get the words out.

  “I thought I’d go for a quick run and a cup of coffee before breakfast. They have the best coffee here.”

  I nod, unable to complete a sentence.

  His mouth twitches, trying to fight back the urge to laugh at me, no doubt. “You here by yourself?”

  I nod again slowly, the words still not coming. My face burns – I hope he can’t see how flustered I am.

  His eyes twinkle with delight.

  Crap – he knows I’m in hell. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours?” he asks, his smile a mile wide.

  “Uh-huh,” I mutter, surprised any sound exited from my lips.

  “It’ll be fun. I promise,” he chuckles, then turns to go inside.

  I sink down into the plush couch.

  I’m not sure I could’ve embarrassed myself any more than I just did.

  Who was that person? I’m never at a loss for words. I’m the confident one – what the hell was that? He was shirtless at the pool the other day and I was fine. He wasn’t all sweaty and glistening, and his muscles weren’t flexing the way they just were, but still.

  I’ve never been affected by a man that way before.


  Taking a deep breath, I try and get my heart rate back to normal rhythm. I sip my now lukewarm coffee and attempt to relax. If seeing him in sweats and shirtless does this to me…

  Back at the villa, I shower and get ready for our cruise. Everyone was up when I got back, and the house is buzzing with activity. I come out of my bedroom for another cup of coffee that was brought over by one of the staff.

  “How much time do we have?” Jillian shouts from her bedroom.

  “Twenty minutes,” Shea answers from the kitchen. She’s always the first one ready and is sitting patiently waiting for the rest of us.

  “I can’t find my lip gloss,” Sierra says as she walks across the living room. “Has anyone seen it?”

  “Do you mean Chapstick? ‘Cause I don’t know why you’d need lip gloss for a cruise,” Shea mutters under her breath, but we all heard her.

  “No. I mean lip gloss,” Sierra answers, her hand on her hip. “Just because we’ll be on a boat, doesn’t mean I can’t look good.” Sierra could be going outside to get the mail – she’d still be done up like she was about to attend the Emmy Awards.

  “I haven’t seen it,” I confess.

  “It has to be here somewhere,” she huffs, then walks back to her room.

  “Why are we friends with her?” Shea teases, and we both laugh.

  “I need to do something with my hair. I’ll be ten minutes,” I tell Shea, then shuffle back to my bathroom.

  As I try to figure out what to do with this wet, disheveled mess, I reminisce back to Jason at Dune this morning. The more I think about him, the stronger my feelings become. Problem is – I can’t stop thinking about him. Ever since I saw him at the pool, he’s been at the forefront of my mind.

  He looks my way and I blush.

  He speaks to me and I splutter something incoherent in return.

  He sits next to me and I feel my skin begin to sweat.

  But the reality is, he’s in California and I’m in Connecticut.

  I’m not going to dwell on that – I’m going to have fun and see where this leads.

  After putting my hair up several different ways, I opt for a messy bun. We’re going to be on a moving boat, and my hair being down with just a slight breeze is dangerous to anyone standing in close proximity. I’ve been known to almost blind people when my hair whips around.

  No. No accidents today.

  I decide on one of the only dresses I packed: a white backless halter dress with pastel flowers. It’s a little longer than I would have liked, but it has a slit up the front that will keep me cool. I match it with a pair of white sandals and I’m ready to go.

  “Everyone ready?” I call out as I exit my room.

  “Waiting on you,” Jillian teases.

  All three of them are standing at the kitchen island, each one looking more stunning than the next. “You guys do realize we’re going on a cruise, right?” I ask. They’re all dressed to the nines, like they’re going clubbing – but beach edition.

  “Yes, Beca. This is tame compared to the rest of my wardrobe,” Shea answers with a wink.

  “I think we look fine,” Jillian mutters confused, looking at her dress and shoes. “It’s not like we’re going swimming. It’s a tour.”

  “True,” I shrug. “Alright. Let’s go, then.”

  We exit the villa into an awaiting car that I had called earlier this morning. I give the driver the address as we get in, and we’re on our way.

  The drive takes less than five minutes – we could have walked there had we not been all dolled up.

  We pull up to a massive boat – or rather a yacht. It has to be a hundred and fifty feet at least. It’s sleek and sexy – but what’s more sexy, is the man walking down the ramp. Jason steps off the dock and strides toward the car, opening my door.

  As I step out, he turns to face me. “Beca,” he whispers, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. I smile, my heart fluttering at his voice as I clasp my hands on either side of his face. Never before has my name ever sounded so wonderful. “Are you ready to have an amazing day?”

  “As long as I’m with you,” I answer, my voice hoarse.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his warm breath against my ear.

  Looking down at his chest, I wrinkle my nose in protest.

  He takes his finger and lifts up my chin, so I meet his eyes. I gaze back at him, and there’s a softness in his eyes. They glisten in the light.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake,” Sierra mutters as she walks past.

  “C’mon!” Jillian shouts as she scurries past with Shea in tow.

  “Jase, are you coming aboard, or what?” I turn toward the familiar male voice. Dalton and Ava are standing on the top deck of the boat. “I want to cast off,” he growls.

  “Yeah, yeah. We’re comin’,” Jason shouts back, waving him off. “Keep your pants on.”

  “Guess we should board?” I giggle, looking back at Jason.

  “He can wait a minute,” he mutters, glancing upward.

  Jason puts his arm around my waist and we move toward the ramp. “Is Dalton always this—”

  “Pushy?” he cuts me off with a chuckle. “Yeah.”

  Jason and I stroll up the ramp, and I’m handed some kind of fruity tropical drink as I board the gorgeous yacht. My jaw just about hits the floor as I get a good look at the first deck. The main salon is large and luxurious with a bar made of white onyx, underlit in blue located at the back area of the salon. There are several comfortable couches, and seats in the main salon and farther forward is a dining table made of ebony that sits in front of a lit up Venetian glass wall sculpture. It doesn’t look like a boat, but more like a fancy hotel.

  “This is beautiful,” I mutter under my breath.

  “Let’s go to the top deck.” I follow Jason past the bar and out a set of sliding door
s to an outside area of the boat. There’s a table large enough to seat sixteen comfortably, covered with champagne in ice buckets and glasses.

  Just to the left of the sliding doors, is a curved staircase. He leads me up to the top deck where everyone is waiting. The girls all have the same drink as I do, and are sitting on a white lounge couch complete with turquoise throw pillows.

  “This. Is. Amazing!” Jillian squeals.

  “I’ve got to admit, even on my salary I couldn’t afford this,” Sierra divulges. “This is gorgeous.” Smiling, she sips her cocktail.

  “I’ll be right back,” Jason whispers in my ear, then kisses my temple.

  Bringing my glass to my lips, I take in my surroundings.

  If I had to guess – there were about thirty or so other people on board, all in awe of the sheer extravagance of the ship. I’m positive the awed expressions on their faces mirrors mine.

  The exterior decks are just as impressive as the main cabin, but with less dramatic flair. There’s a huge back deck with a covered al fresco dining table, oversized sunbeds with large umbrellas lining the deck and a large flat TV screen.

  There’s also outside dining available on the sun deck as well as a tiger's eye stone bar with seating for four. What’s really nice, is the sun deck has a huge spa pool big enough for at least ten people – although I only know one person I’d want to spend time with in the spa.

  The forward deck has a seating area with a retractable canopy as well, but the back deck is much bigger

  Jason sidles up beside me, placing his arm around my waist. “So, what do you think?”

  “I think,” I say as I snuggle in closer to him, “that anywhere we went would have been fantastic.”

  “Low maintenance. That’s what I like to hear,” he teases.

  “I aim to please,” I quip back.

  “C’mon. Let’s sit down and get comfortable. They’re getting ready to cast off.” Jason guides me to one of the many couches on the main deck. This already has to be one of the best days of my life.


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