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All His Secrets (Manhattan Misters Book 1)

Page 11

by Maya Hughes

  I jerked him back by the shoulder and his eyes went wide as I let loose on him. The satisfying crunch of my fists connecting with his jaw thudded on the balcony, filling the winter air with the sounds of rage. My breath came out in heavy pants as I grabbed Melanie by the arm and swung her behind me. Kill stumbled back, toppling over, wiping the blood off his lip.

  “And there’s that Thayer control I’ve heard so much about. I knew you couldn’t have changed that much since school. Nice of you to join the party, Rhys. I was having such a lovely conversation with Mel,” he said, sitting up on the ground and spitting a mouthful of blood onto the granite. And then he did the one thing that made me want to wrap my hands around his throat. He smirked at me, his teeth a bloody mess. I wished I’d knocked a few out. I must be losing my touch. I stepped toward him and Melanie held me back. She grabbed my arm as I pulled it back to deliver another set of blows.

  “Rhys, don’t,” she said, holding on to my arm. She gestured with her chin toward the doors to the balcony. Other people from the gala stood at the doors, watching our display out here. Cage it. Push it down. Breathe. My normal mantra wasn’t working.

  “I’ll be sure to let you know how those donations you’ve so generously made are spent once I have your seats,” Killian said, dusting himself off and standing to face me. I lunged for him again, but Melanie held tight to my arm.

  I glared at her over my shoulder. What the hell was she out here talking to him about? I’d deal with him first and then we’d be having a long conversation, which may or may not end with me fucking her so hard that she never thought of speaking to another man again. I glanced down at her and saw what was wrapped around her.

  “Are you wearing his fucking jacket?” I seethed. Her eyes widened and she quickly threw it to the ground like a poisonous snake, wrapping her arms around herself. “Don’t you come near her again. Do you hear me?” I roared at Killian. My control was gone. I grabbed her arm and stormed back into the gala. I didn’t care who wanted to talk to me. I didn’t have time for fake smiles and glad-handing.

  The car pulled up in front of the museum and I pushed her head down to help her into the car. I tried to calm myself the best I could. The mask was almost gone now. She’d peeled it back and cracked it wide-open speaking to Killian out on that balcony alone. And now that I’d shown my true colors, she’d be sure to run. Knowing that, I wanted Derek to turn the car around, so I could deliver another round of punishment to Killian.

  If he’d screwed up what simmered between me and Mel, I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from killing him. Nothing for me. Never anything for me. Everything was for everyone else. My money, my reputation, my work, even my daughter. Mel was meant to be here for Esme, but she’d turned into the one thing just for me and now that was in jeopardy. I was tired of waiting. Tired of keeping the reins on tight. I had one goal. Exploring her body, spreading her out in front of me, and finally being able to feast on her.



  I had no idea what had just happened. One minute I was out on the balcony talking to the guy who obviously had a history with Rhys and the next Rhys was dragging me out of the gala, fuming. Does he think I wanted to be out there with Killian? Couldn’t he see the relief on my face when he got there? Probably not since he was in blind rage mode. I hadn’t seen him like that before in public. He’d never let the dark side of himself out when other people were around. He’d saved that for me, in private heated moments where I forgot how to speak and breathe.

  “What were you talking to him about, Melanie?” he growled, his hand gripping my knee.

  “Nothing. I was out there on the balcony. Then I got cold. When I was going back in he came out and asked me to stay. To keep him company. He offered me his jacket and we barely finished introductions when you came out.” It was no use letting him know everything Killian had said to me. With the way Rhys acted, he’d have Derek turning the car around and try to go after him again.

  “I didn’t know who he was and I didn’t want to embarrass you by blowing off someone you might have done business with. I’m not a liar, Rhys,” I said, his suspicions agitating me. That he thought I was out there doing something wrong made me want to show him how wrong he was. Teach him a lesson about doubting me. But with his next words everything outside of the car ceased to exist.

  “I will never do business with Killian Thorne and the only blowing you’ll be doing is of me,” he said, his grip tightening on my knee. His fingers made small circles on my skin. They traveled higher up my thighs as he gathered my dress and pushed it up higher. The look in his eyes dared me to stop him. Dared me to use the words, but I was at a loss. It was like the air had been sucked out of the car and the only things I could feel were his fingers and I squeezed my thighs together.

  His warm hands slid between my knees, running the length of my thighs. Tingling pleasure flowed over me and my breath caught in my chest as he kept his eyes trained on me while his hands roamed. He got closer and closer to my panties. Each stroke up and down my legs increased the desire I had for him to move a little higher. The adrenaline from the end of our evening was still high and had me thrumming with energy. His fingers grazed my panties, drawing a gasp from me in anticipation of what was to come.

  I didn’t know exactly what he had in mind, but I knew I wanted it. The raw power from his fight with Killian still flowed through him. He was practically vibrating, though his hands were firm and measured along my skin. These past few weeks, ever glance, every brush had set a simmer I thought I could ignore, but here in the car with him I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

  He tilted my head and ran his fingers along my neck.

  “What were you talking about, Melanie?”

  “I told you. Nothing,” I said breathlessly as his lips gently ran across my neck, his lips making of hyperaware of every inch of flesh between my shoulder and my ear. This wasn’t the sort of reaction I expected when we left the gala. He’d been so angry, but this wasn’t what I was used to when a man was angry. This wasn’t scary, not in a way that made me want to run and hide, but in a way that made me afraid of what things would be like after he was done with me. What I’d be like after he was done with me.

  “Killian doesn’t partake in idle conversation, Melanie. Everything he does has a purpose,” he said, his hands running higher, just skimming my panties. The red flush from my cheeks burned all over as he sank his fingers lower, rubbing against the crotch of my panties. I knew they were soaked through. I could feel it.

  “I told you exactly what we talked about. I think he was trying to figure out why I was there. I’m sure I looked out of place.” My voice quivered as his hand dipped inside the waistband of my panties. His lips trailed along my jaw and just a hairbreadth away from my lips. I turned to him and his eyes burned into mine. I was lost, spiraling out of control as his fingers grazed my clit. I jumped and gasped as he massaged me, strumming my clit. My legs parted, giving him easier access, but I maintained eye contact. It was what he wanted, what he needed, and who was I to deny him.

  “You are never to speak to him again, Melanie. Do you understand? He’s not someone I want you entangled with and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  I bit back my retort that he was someone I probably should have stayed away from, but with his fingers parting my lips the words died in my throat. Then he threaded his hand through my hair. And his lips were so close to mine. His ever-present minty scent filled my nose along with the smell of my own arousal as his fingers continued their ministrations. My breath came out in small gasps. His full pink lips were so close to mine. This almost felt more personal than what went on under my dress, inside my panties.

  He tightened his grip in my hair, the roots screaming for relief, but not me. I relished the edge of pain, better to keep me in the moment, not get lost and forget a single detail. And then his lips weren’t just close, they were on mine, crushing my lips in a punishing kiss that was more like a marauding conqueror than the sw
eet and gentle ones people who saw him on TV would imagine he gave.

  The heat in the car was almost unbearable on the freezing winter’s night. The windows steamed from the intense heat. He pulled back from the kiss, his lips lingering on mine. I panted, eyes wide at what just happened. My lips ached and his were twisted up in a satisfied smirk. He kept his hand in my hair, more gentle now, running his thumb along my cheek. My thighs trembled as his fingers continued their slow torment that made me shudder in anticipation of him possessing me, like he’d just done with my mouth.

  “I didn’t get my answer, Melanie. Do you understand?” he said, punctuating each word with a tap of his finger against my clit, making me jump each time.

  “I wasn’t doing anything. And where do you get off telling me who I can speak to? There was nothing going on out there other than me trying to be polite to someone at an event you brought me to.” I might be someone under his control right now, unable to break away from the gravitational pull he had on me, but I wasn’t going to let him rule my life. He couldn’t tell me who I could talk to. It wasn’t going to happen. Plus, I liked the little game we were playing.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself,” he said, pulling back and tracing the seam of my pussy. I shuddered and a small moan caught in my throat. He was my weakness. I thought I’d had more than one over the years, but those paled in comparison to him. I wanted to rage against him, punch him in the mouth, and tell him to fuck off, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t stop myself around him. He was too much for me to resist and I hated him for that. For allowing me to give over so much of myself to him.

  “You will not speak to him again,” he said, nipping my neck. I closed my eyes and rested my cheek against his head all while his fingers stroked my clit before plunging inside me. I cried out then and gripped the seat beneath me. The slow build was suddenly completely out of control and I couldn’t contain it anymore. My orgasm ripped through me, shooting through my clit, racing up my spine, and catching me off guard. Every part of me tingled, from the roots of my hair to the tips of my toes. I felt my pussy squeezing his fingers, not wanting him to let go. He gave me a few last pumps of his fingers, sliding in and out of my slickness as I shuddered, closing my eyes and moaning. He slid his hand out of my panties and brought his fingers to his lips. He sucked them in and another shudder coursed through me.

  “Delicious,” he said, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. When he opened his eyes, I knew I’d do anything for him. I wanted to return the favor. Needed to return the favor and I sank to my knees in front of him. Why am I doing this? He was insane. I was insane. I didn’t care that he bossed me around, trying to control me. Hell, that was probably what got me hot in the first place. I’d never been one to give over my power to someone else, to let them lead, but with him, he made it easy. He made it so easy I was drunk on the freedom not to think for a little while, even if I knew it would come back and bite me in the ass. Maybe with him, it would be literally.

  “No,” he said, pulling me from my knees and to his side, his arm around my waist. “We’re home.”

  I glanced up and realized the car wasn’t moving and Derek stood outside ready to open the door. Oh my God. I’d completely lost my mind, not even aware of what went on outside of us. I hastily shoved my dress down over my knees and tried to compose myself. I was sure I looked exactly like I felt, like a woman pushed to the sexual edge by a man who could make a woman faint with just a smile.

  He hurried me into the elevator and up to the apartment, my heels in his hand. His fingers once again gravitated to the small of my back, as he led me into the foyer. His heated stare skimmed across my skin as I glanced over my shoulder at him. He pressed his body against mine and our lips were once again inches from one another when a scream and cry ripped through the air.

  Esme came barreling down the hallway, Rachel hot on her heels. We immediately broke apart and both crouched as Esme launched herself into our arms.

  “I’m so sorry,” Rachel said, pushing her glasses back up her nose, wringing her hands.

  “It’s okay, Rachel. Don’t worry. We’ve got it from here. What happened?” Rhys said, glancing over at me. The simmer was still there, but the worry for Esme pushed that to the backburner—for now.

  “I don’t know. She was asleep. She went down really easily. Are you sure I can’t help?”

  “No, it’s fine, we’ve got it,” I said, rubbing Esme’s back.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  Esme’s little arms tightened around both our necks and she shook her head. Rhys untangled them from my neck and picked her up, cradling her against his chest.

  “It’s okay. I’m here. We’re here.”

  Rachel hesitated before grabbing her bag and heading out.

  “Esme, tell us what’s wrong. We can’t help if you don’t tell us,” I said, as Rhys walked with her and laid her back in her bed.

  “I had a bad dream about Mommy,” Esme said, her face shining with tears. Rhys’s back straightened and he froze with Esme’s hand gripped in his. The whoosh of the air leaving the room was palpable. Esme might have spoken to me, but she never talked about her mom. Never. I’d begun to wonder, but didn’t want to pry and definitely didn’t want to ask Rhys about it. The little searching I’d done said she had an accident involving sleeping pills and died tragically. That was the extent of what I’d been able to find.

  “Maybe I should go,” I said, unsure which would make things worse, me staying or going. I stood and Rhys wrapped his hand around my wrist and shook his head.

  “Stay,” Rhys said, at the same time Esme shouted, “No!” Well, I guess that settled that. I sat on the bed and grabbed her other hand.

  “I had a dream about the bad man coming to take me,” Esme said in little shuddering breaths. She squeezed my hand tighter. Something got to her and sent her into a panic. I looked at Rhys, who had his eyes closed, face tilted up toward the ceiling.

  “Esme, the bad man is never coming for you. Never. I will protect you forever. You know that, don’t you? I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” he said, so fiercely it raised goose bumps on my arms. Something had happened, maybe what had led Esme to stop talking. He held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. Esme nodded, gripping onto our hands until her breathing settled and she yawned. We sat there in silence, holding on to her hands, until her blinks got longer and her breathing evened out.

  Once she was asleep, Rhys tucked her hands under the blanket and left the room. I stood in the doorway looking after him, unsure of if I should follow or not. Did I even want to have this conversation? Talk about what had happened with Esme and what had happened back at the gala. My toes sank into the carpet, each step like my legs were being weighed down with more lead.

  I knocked on the cracked office door and peeked my head in. Rhys stood in front of the large windows, gazing out over the city, a tumbler in his hand.

  “Rhys,” I said.

  “Mel,” he replied, his back still to me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, I don’t.” He sat the glass down on his desk. He looked up at me, his eyes radiating the pain behind them. “I don’t want to talk about it because it’s something I can’t fix. It’s something I’ll never be able to fix.”

  “I’m sorry.” I was at a loss for words. I didn’t know what to do. I stood in the office doorway with the half opened door behind me. “Do you want me to go?” My hand rested on the knob, ready to make a hasty retreat. He glanced up and the fire was back and my stomach clenched.

  “No.” He strode across the room and stood in front of me. His hand came out and pushed against the door, closing it behind me. With his body, he pressed me up against it, breathing me in. My nose pressed against his shoulder. I inhaled his cologne, his musk. He reached behind my neck and undid the hook and eye at the top of my dress. His hand came up to my waist, sliding along my ass, reaching for the zipper of my dress. I sucked in a shuddering breath. He unzipped
it and his hand traveled along my hip, every inch of me set ablaze by his hands gripping me, squeezing me.

  He stared into my eyes as he pulled the top of my dress down. I broke out in goose bumps as the cool air hit my skin as he peeled it lower and lower. With a final push over my hips, the dress pooled at my feet. I’d have to thank Rachel for the swanky panties. His nostrils flared as he glanced down at me. I struggled not to cross my arms over my chest. I held them at my side, willing myself to relax, but it was impossible.

  He growled at my exposed nipples, pebbled from the cool air and my arousal. He dipped down, taking one of my nipples in his mouth, and I moaned, leaning my head against the door. I threaded my fingers through his hair as his ministrations pushed me to the edge of a cliff I hadn’t seen coming. Switching from one to the other, he sucked, bit, and tweaked my nipples before sinking to his knees.

  He looked up at me, his fingers hooked around the waistband of my panties, daring me to say no. I didn’t think I would have been able to even if I wanted and I definitely didn’t want to. He slid them down over my ass. The scent of my arousal hit me, so I knew he had a front row seat. I stepped out of my panties and he lifted my leg over his shoulder, parting my lips for him. I was completely exposed now. Completely open for him. He breathed in deeply before leaning forward, his tongue grazing my clit. I held my breath, afraid to breathe the spell woven over us, and then he dove in, feasting on my pussy. I nearly toppled over, holding on to his shoulders to steady myself as he delved into me like a man starved.

  My fingers dug into his shoulders and leaned against the door, writhing in seconds as his tongue laved my clit, my opening, everywhere all at once. He pushed one finger into my pussy, pumping it in and out as I cried out. Then he added two more, sinking them into my pussy, and I was gone. Set off like a rocket, everything went bright white for a second and I stopped breathing.


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